
Oslobođenje: Interview with HR Valentin Inzko

The authorities and institutions in BiH dealing with justice and security should get back to work. They should be doing more to address crime and corruption, in the relevant institutions, and to uphold the rule of law.

Nezavisne novine: Interview with PDHR Bruce G. Berton

The Croat proposal of the Election Law deepens divisions instead of leading towards a solution, said Bruce Berton, an American diplomat and the Principal Deputy High Representative, at the end of his mandate.

Oslobođenje: Interview with HR Valentin Inzko

It is a message to all those who support indicted and convicted war criminals, no matter who they are. Some also had in mind the student dormitory in Pale named after Radovan Karadžić, the decoration of war criminals, or the school in Sarajevo named after Mustafa Busuladžić.

EuroBlic: Interview with High Representative Valentin Inzko

Sometimes I feel like the criticism of my reports to the Security Council are written before my report is even published. I would encourage everyone to read my last report, which is available on the OHR web site. What you will find is that I have reported on problems throughout the country, and that I have had positive things to say about the autho [...]

Nin: Interview with HR Valentin Inzko

I am aware that my recent remark was misinterpreted, that it has offended some people, and for that I am sorry, especially since it was never my intention.

Nezavisne novine: Interview with HR Valentin Inzko

Valentin Inzko, the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, remarked that it seems those who are calling for the closure of the OHR are doing everything they can to extend the OHR's mandate. "I will consider it a great personal achievement if my presence and mandate become obsolete, and I am able to go home," Inzko said.

Nezavisne novine: Interview with HR Valentin Inzko

Questioning the constitutional order of BiH and the rule of law, as the RS authorities did by organizing a referendum in contravention with the BiH Constitutional Court decision, is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.