
Interview: Hanns H. Schumacher, Senior Deputy HR”I am absolutely against protectorate”

By Sead Numanovic We have to do everything we can in order to avoid any situation that might put us in the role of protectors - We expect instructions from the Bonn conference on how to implement Dayton from now on - It might happen that the International Community declares the design of BiH passport by decree - My job will be to monitor the work o [...]

Interview: Jacques Paul Klein, Principal Deputy High Representative”Tudjman helped us a lot when he disempowered the hard-liners in Mostar”

by Zdravka Soldic Tudjman helped us a lot when he disempowered the hard-liners in Mostar In my recent discussion with President Tudjman, I informed him of the International Community's standpoint on the Croatian proposal regarding special relations between Republic of Croatia and the BiH Federation, and he explained to me the reasons for such an in [...]

Interview: Carlos Westendorp, High Representative in BiH

Q: Vous avez récemment parlé de "phase critique" pour l'application des accords de paix en Bosnie. La nouvelle détermination de l'Otan, notamment la prise de contrôle de la radio-télévision serbe bosniaque, vous paraît-elle suffisante pour relancer le processus ? Sans la présence de la SFOR, il serait impossible d'exécuter le plan de paix, c'est cl [...]

Interview: Gerd Wagner, Senior Deputy High Representative”I have already asked for cancelling of suspensions of BiH ambassadorial offices”

by Sead Numanovic 'I have already sent a letter to country members of the IC in which I demanded cancelling of the suspension of BiH ambassadorial offices. The letter was sent today and I expect that, at the very beginning of the next week, some of the ambassadors have pleasure to enjoy contacts which will be re-establish after, for them, rather qu [...]

Interview: Gerd Wagner, Senior Deputy High Representative

Oslobodjenje, August 7, 1997 by Amra Kebo He is married, has three children, a daughter born in Belgrade 1973, and two sons (one 17 and the other 20). About his present job he says: 'I feel that we are needed here. The OHR is accepted well and I have the feeling that we can do a useful job here.

Interview: Carl Bildt, High Representative in BiH

For the past 17 months, former Swedish prime minister Carl Bildt has served as point man in Bosnia for the Dayton peace accords, the U.S.- brokered agreement designed to end ethnic warfare among Serbs, Croats and Muslims in the former Yugoslavia. His daunting task has been the implementation of the Dayton's hopeful objective - the restoration of no [...]