OHR related Interviews
Interview: Hanns H. Schumacher, Senior Deputy HR “We will break the hardliners of the HDZ!”
By Emir Suljagic Hanns Schumacher, the Second Deputy of the High Representative, joined the First Deputy, an American, Jacques Klein, in judging those BiH political structures who are undermining the Peace Agreement. This means the hard-working German diplomat abandoned the stuffy language of diplomacy and began to call things their real names.
Interview: Carlos Westendorp, High Representative in BiH
De passage r Bruxelles, ou il venait de Bonn pour une réunion du Groupe de contact, le Haut représentant civil en Bosnie, l'Espagnol Carlos Westendorp, a donné une brcve interview r "La Libre Belgique" jeudi soir. Carlos Westendorp, est-ce que la communauté internationale doit intervenir de manicre active au Kosovo ? Carlos Westendorp: Il faut inte [...]
Interview: Hanns H. Schumacher, Senior Deputy HR”Unreal Dreams Of Separation Of The HDZ Hard-liners”
UNREAL DREAMS OF SEPARATION OF THE HDZ HARD-LINERS HR deputy Schumacher won the sympathies of at least one part of the BiH population after his visits to Stolac and Drvar. However, just after his visit to Stolac, speculation has arisen that Ambassador Schumacher has exceeded his authorisation, come into conflict with HR Principal Deputy Jacques Pau [...]
Interview: Jacques Paul Klein, Principal Deputy HR “I don’t care about the ethnic picture”
Jacques Paul Klein, American General and former UN Administrator in Eastern Slavonia, was appointed Deputy High Representative to BiH a few months ago. With several very sharp, not exactly diplomatic media appearances, he gained the reputation of someone who is not satisfied with the role of an observer only of the political events around here. REP [...]
Interview: Carlos Westendorp, High Representative
Vous venez d'imposer une monnaie commune aux trois communautés bosniaques. Vous aviez auparavant déjr tapé du poing sur la table pour exiger que les Bosniaques, qu'ils soient musulmans, serbes ou croates, aient un meme passeport. En prenant autoritairement toutes ces décisions, ne donnez-vous pas l'impression que c'est vous qui, d'une certaine faco [...]
Interview: Carlos Westendorp, the High Reperesentative”Corruption is Normal Practice”
Interview: Carlos Westendorp, the High Reperesentative”Corruption is Normal Practice"
Interview: Hanns H. Schumacher, Senior Deputy HR “The RS Must Respect the Decisions from Bonn”
Interview: Hanns H. Schumacher, Senior Deputy HR "The RS Must Respect the Decisions from Bonn”
Interview: Carlos Westendorp, the High Representative in BiH
by Mirko Klarin The Bonn meeting was a turning point in the attitude of the IC towards the peace process in Bosnia - I do not think that a protectorate is necessary - I believe that anything agreed between all sides is better than anything imposed from the outside, says Carlos Westendorp, optimistically predicting that according to the 'Bosnian Ca [...]
Interview: Hanns H. Schumacher, Senior Deputy HR”Westendorp is Pushing a Heavy Rock”
Interview: Hanns H. Schumacher, Senior Deputy HR "Westendorp is Pushing a Heavy Rock”
Interview: Carlos Westendorp, High Representative in BiH”Carlos Westendorp reveals his opinion about the Bosnian politicians”
Krajisnik works against his people, Izetbegovic is a good politician, and my favourite is SELIM BESLAGIC! I will not ask for the authority of a protectorate at the meeting in Bonn, but I will ask, and surely get, an extended mandate - I guaranteed Izetbegovic that the Law on Apartments would not leave anyone on the streets - Why I cannot agree with [...]