
Interview: Jacques Klein, Deputy HR in BiH”I Will Believe Jelavic That He Cares About the Croats in Bosnia When He Displays It”

Jutarnji list, 15 March 1999 By Sanja Despot I Will Believe Jelavic That He Cares About the Croats in Bosnia When He Displays It We talked to the Deputy HR, Jacques Klein, on Saturday afternoon in his Sarajevo office. He announced to us that he would meet the Croat Presidency member, Ante Jelavic, the following day and that he hoped that on that oc [...]

Entrevista: Carlos Westendorp Alto Representante en Bosnia-Herzegovina”Me pregunto si alguien tiene de verdad una política sobre los Balcanes”

jueves, 11 March 1999 «Me pregunto si alguien tiene de verdad una política sobre los Balcanes» Ramiro Villapadierna De Carlos Westendorp, ex ministro de Exteriores y Alto Representante Internacional para Bosnia desde hace 20 meses, se ha dicho que tiene maneras diplomáticas pero convicciones políticas; que sonríe afablemente cuando aprieta la mano; [...]

Interview Part One: Carlos Westendorp, High Representative in BiH”Federal Television Will Have Two Channels of the Western Type”

Federal Television Will Have Two Channels of the Western Type Slobodna BiH, 16 February 1999 By Snjezana Setka "I treat all the peoples in BiH equally, and that not because I like it or have some sadistic instincts, but because it is my job," claims the HR of the IC in BiH, Carlos Westendorp, in an exclusive interview for Slobodna BiH, explaining t [...]

Interview: Carlos Westendorp, High Representatitve in BiH”C’est peut-ętre trop tard”

« C'est peut-etre trop tard » Le Figaro, 29 janvier 1999 Haut représentant de la communauté internationale en Bosnie, Carlos Westendorp, ancien ministre espagnol des Affaires étrangcres, est l'un des principaux candidats déclarés au poste de «Monsieur PESC», l'homme qui sera chargé de donner une plus grande visibilité r la « politique étrangcre et [...]

Interview: Carlos Westendorp, High Representatitve in BiH”If Croatia wants its products freed of custom duties in the BiH Federation, it will have to sign a similar agreement with the RS”

If Croatia wants its products freed of custom duties in the BiH Federation, it will have to sign a similar agreement with the RS. Jutarnji List, 2 January 1999 By Antun Masle Carlos Westendorp, the High Representative of the IC in BiH, in the past few days, with his decisions on sending SFOR to Martin Brod and the introduction of customs duties to [...]

Interview: Carlos Westendorp, the High Representative”Sur l’application des accords de Dayton en Bosnie et sur les effets de la crise au Kosovo”

Sur l'application des accords de Dayton en Bosnie et sur les effets de la crise au Kosovo. La troisicme année des accords de Dayton s'achcve sur un bilan mitigé: le verdict des élections de septembre n'a pas répondu r l'attente internationale et les partis nationalistes ont relevé la tete... C'est l'impression dominante de la presse internationale. [...]

Interview: Hanns H. Schumacher, Senior Deputy HR “The winner does not take it all”

The winner does not take it all By Amra Kebo Mr. Schumacher, how do you assess the general elections in BiH? I think we can say they were positive. There is a clear erosion of support for the strong mono-ethnic parties. The SDS lost five seats in the National Assembly, and a similar thing happened in the Federation to the SDA and the HDZ.