OHR related Interviews
Interview: Wolfgang Petritsch, the High Representative”Without Change Of Power, BiH May Become Europe’s Pauper”
WITHOUT CHANGE OF POWER, BiH MAY BECOME EUROPE'S PAUPER 11 November 2000 Like never before, in a very short period of only several months, numerous events took place in BiH and its surroundings, of which each one can individually claim the attribute "crucial".
Interview: Wolfgang Petritsch, the High Representative”Portrait Wolfgang Petritsch”
8 November 2000 Interviewer: Sabine Rumpf Ein typischer Tag beginnt bei mir in der Frühe. Da lese ich einmal die zwei großen Tageszeitungen, die es hier in Sarajevo gibt: Oslobodjenje und Dnevni Avaz. Schau mir an, was da drinnen steht, komm dann ins Büro, da gibt`s dann eine erste große Besprechung mit allen Abteilungsleitern und mit der Presse un [...]
Interview: Wolfgang Petritsch, the High Representative”Nationalists Incite Fear Again”
NATIONALISTS INCITE FEAR AGAIN 20 October 2000 If it does not wish to be an absurd, backward little state, BiH must go forward, like Croatia and FRY. The trend must be moving away from nationalism and going towards moderate politics and prosperity. I think that BiH citizens, that is, the whole electorate, are fed up with unproductive, irresponsible [...]
Interview: Wolfgang Petritsch, the High Representative”The Governing Parties Have Shown That They Do Not Need Donations”
THE GOVERNING PARTIES HAVE SHOWN THAT THEY DO NOT NEED DONATIONS 10 October 2000 -It is a sad fact that all too often the Presidency of BiH seems to act in a way that is not in the best interests of the very people who elected them. - The fact that five years after Dayton was signed only 15% of people have actually been able to repossess their home [...]
Interview: Wolfgang Petritsch, the High Representative”Those Who Are Not Doing Their Job Well Should be Afraid of the International Community”
"Those Who Are Not Doing Their Job Well Should be Afraid of the International Community" 19 september 2000 Mr. High Representative, your mission has finally moved to an adequate working space. Earlier this is where the front line between those who defended and those who attacked the city was.
Interview: Wolfgang Petritsch, the High Representative”I will not leave BiH until Ferhadija is rebuilt”
The tragedy of Serbs in the RS is that their politicians are under Milosevic's influence I will not leave BiH until Ferhadija is rebuilt 14 september 2000 Interviewer: Danka Savic Interview: Wolfgang Petritsch Wolfgang Petritsch, High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, spoke in his exclusive interview for the jubilee issue of Slobodna Bosna [...]
Interview: Wolfgang Petritsch, the High Representative”The International Community Will Leave When Bosnia Enters Europe”
The International Community Will Leave When Bosnia Enters Europe OSLOBODJENJE, Saturday June 22, 2000 The leading politicians in this country believe that they can go on with their ethnic games * This is the last chance for Bosnia to receive sufficient support, not only for the return of refugees but also for the overall reconstruction and all the [...]
Interview: Wolfgang Petritsch, the High Representative”Multi-ethnicity is the Solution”
Multi-ethnicity is the Solution Publico, 8 May 2000 By: Pedro Caldeira Rodrigues The re-establishment of multi-ethnicity and the success of the privatization process are the two great challenges facing Bosnia-Herzegovina.Wolfgang Petritsch, the International Community's High Representative for civilian implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement, [...]
Interview: Wolfgang Petritsch, the High Representative”Dayton is not the New Testament”
22 April 2000 by Ivan Lovrenovic Wolfgang Petritsch, the High Representative of the International Community in B&H, explains why the country has reached a critical moment in its development: Dayton is not the New Testament Two or three months ago, the four editors of the Sarajevo magazine Dani (Senad Pecanin, Mile Stojic, Nerzuk Curak and the autho [...]
Interview: Wolfgang Petritsch, the High Representative”Il n’y avait pas eu de mystčre ŕ Rambouillet”
Il n'y avait pas eu de mystcre r Rambouillet 9 February 2000 Entretien par Christophe Lamfalussy Wolfgang Petritsch, aujourd'hui Haut représentant en Bosnie, fut également le négociateur européen aux pourparlers de Rambouillet, qui débutcrent il y a un an, le 6 février 1999, échoucrent en mars et débouchcrent finalement sur le bombardement de la Yo [...]