
Address by the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch at the First anniversary of the establishment of the Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Brcko, 08 March 2001 Mayor Kisic; President Djapo; Ambassador Matthews; Ladies and Gentlemen; The Brcko District's first year has flown by and you have passed many testing times with flying colours. It is a very great pleasure to be here today to congratulate all of you on your dedication and pioneering work in creating what I personally hope is th [...]

The High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ambassador Wolfgang Petritsch, addresses the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) at Foreign Ministers level at NATO HQ, Brussels

Brussels, 15 December 2000 Mister President, Secretary General, Excellencies, It is a great honor and a timely opportunity for me to address you this morning – five years and one day after the Dayton Accords, ending the war in BiH, were signed in Paris. There is a quickening of the tempo of affairs in Bosnia which we must respond to together [...]

“Bosnien und Herzegowina – Stärkung des Staates als Basis wirtschaftlichen Fortschritts” 5. Jahreskonferenz Focus Osteuropa

Bern, 7. November 2000 Anrede, Bosnien und Herzegowina wird oft nur als Quelle schlechter Nachrichten, als hoffnungsloser Fall ohne Aussicht auf rasche Besserung, gesehen. Um so mehr freut es mich, daß die Schweizerische Politik und Wirtschaft diesem Land eine ganze Konferenz widmet. Es ist mir klar, daß sich Bosnien und Herzegowina spätestens seit [...]

Speech by the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, to “Circle 99”

Sarajevo, 02 November 2000 At the weekend, a British national newspaper complained in an editorial entitled "A passport to our own destruction", that an attempt by Brussels to introduce a "Euro" passport was an "assault on the nation's identity". It went on that British citizens had already lost a one thousand year-old right to use pounds and ounce [...]