
Obraćanje Visokog predstavnika Vijeću za euroatlantsko partnerstvo

Vijeće za euroatlantsko partnerstvo osnovano je u srpnju 1990.god. – prvobitno kao Vijeće za sjevernoatlantsku suradnju, u vremenu velikih i često dramatičnih promjena. Padom komunizma i završetkom hladnog rata, globalna diplomacija stupila je na “nepoznato tlo”. Jedno desteljeće ranije, Zapad je energično radio na stvaranju pozitivnog odgovora na [...]

Obraćanje Visokog predstavnika Sjeverno-atlanskom vijeću

Šest godina nakon potpisivanja Daytonskog mirovnog sporazuma Bosna i Hercegovina ostaje u svakom smislu u samom srcu regije u kojoj postiže spor, ali istinski napredak ka stabilnoj i prosperitetnoj budućnosti. Neki su uvjereni da je došlo vrijeme da međunarodna zajednica spakira kufere i ode.

Speech by the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch to a conference on the new positioning of the University of Sarajevo, held at the Marsal Hotel, mount Igman

Thank you for inviting me to join this discussion on the future of Sarajevo University. It is a centre of learning which can look back on a distinguished history, and with imagination and wise management, it can take its place again among the best European universities. However, instituting reform and sweeping away the unacceptable habits which hav [...]

Opening remarks by Wolfgang Petritsch at the Stability Pact Working Table meeting on Economic Reconstruction, Development and Cooperation

Bosnia and Herzegovina has had to overcome many obstacles before participating actively in the process of regional cooperation, yet it is now fully engaged at every level. It is a source of particular satisfaction to see that Sarajevo, the city that witnessed the birth of the Stability Pact in 1999, is now hosting a senior-level working meeting on [...]

Opening address by the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch at the conference “Economy of Peace” organised by the Peace and Crises Management Foundation

I am pleased and honoured to have been invited to address this conference. I have had the pleasure of working with some of you before. Zarko Papic, whom I believe is here this evening, is someone with whom I speak frequently and whose expertise I value – just yesterday he participated in the Civic Forum, a round-table discussion among intelle [...]