
Article by Stefan Feller, Head of the Police Unit in Brussels in Nezavisne novine

Brussels is following the BiH Police restructuring process very closely -- not just as a box that must be ticked before BiH can move on to the next state of association, but because crime on the streets of Banja Luka, Sarajevo or Mostar directly impacts crime on the streets of our capitals. While BiH’s balance of trade in general may be negative, w [...]

OHR’s Statement at the International Agency’s Joint Press Conference

The High Representative will visit Banja Luka tomorrow where he will meet senior RS political leaders. One of the main topics of discussion will be Police restructuring.
The remaining legislative and administrative task which must be implemented before BiH can move forward along the path to Europe - is police reform.

Komunike Upravnog odbora Vijeća za provedbu mira

Politički direktori Upravnog odbora Vijeća za provedbu mira sastali su se 3. veljače u Bruxellesu pod predsjedanjem Visokog predstavnika Paddyja Ashdowna.

Glavna tužiteljica Međunarodnog kaznenog suda u Hagu Carla del Ponte podnijela je političkim direktorima izvještaj o statusu suradnje vlasti Bosne i Herce [...]

OHR’s Statement at the International Agency’s Joint Press Conference in Banja Luka

The Chair of the BiH Police Restructuring Commission, Wilfred Martens, will tomorrow formally present the Commission's final report to BiH Prime Minister Adnan Terzic and High Representative Paddy Ashdown. The Commission completed its work in December 2004. The report will be presented at the offices of the Council of Ministers, the Joint Instituti [...]