Kampanje informisanja javnosti
“How much further – Three Years On” – Documentary TV series story summary
The elementary school in Novo Selo, close to Kupres, has been rebuilt. The teacher hopes that in the coming years there will be more pupils. At the moment there are only five. Many pre-war inhabitants have returned but the problem is that out of around 50 young people there are only a few girls, as Goran Zubić says.
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Yesterday I took the decision to complete the work of the Commission for Reforming the City of Mostar, and give legal force to a new Statute that will reunify the City and establish a single administration that serves the citizens. 90% of this new Statute was agreed by the political parties in the Commission. I have completed their work by taking [...]
Televizijsko obraćanje visokog predstavnika
Dobra večer.
Večeras se posebno obraćam građanima Mostara.
Ali moja poruka je također namijenjena svim građanima ove zemlje. Svima onima koji trpe zbog neodgovornih političara, zbog nefunkcionalnih vlasti, loših javnih usluga, visokih poreza.
High Representative’s Letter to the Citizens of Mostar
We are at the opening of a new year, and, I hope, a new moment of opportunity for Mostar and its citizens.
We now have the chance to move decisively beyond the troubles of the past and to build a better future for all the people of your historic city.
Mostar will now have a new government structure. It will get rid of the duplicatory institutio [...]
This week, the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, issued a legally binding decision enacting a new Statute for your City. What will this mean for you, as citizen of Mostar?
JMDP Elektroprivreda RS leaflet
The leaflet hereto encompasses instructions and procedures with regard to electricity connection procedure not only for returnees but also for the first-time power consumers.
The leaflet assumes that there is a functional electro distribution network in the area you live in.
JP Elektrodistribucija HZHB leaflet
This leaflet lists the procedures for households’ electricity reconnections. While the leaflet is written for returnees, most of the procedures apply to anybody else as well.
The leaflet assumes that there is a functioning electricity network in your area. If that is not the case, your connection depends on the investment choices of the Elektrodi [...]
JP Elektroprivreda BiH leaflet
This leaflet lists the procedures for electricity connection of households. While the leaflet is written for returnees, most of the procedures apply to anybody else as well.
The leaflet assumes that there is a functioning electro-distribution network in your area. Reconstruction of networks does not fall within the scope of this leaflet.