Dnevna medijska izvješća
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 21/7/2006
BHT1 by Zoran Sarenac – Funeral ceremony for 305 Croat and Bosniak victims from Prijedor was held on Thursday in village Rizvanovici. Most of the remains were found in Kevljani mass grave. None of the RS officials attended the ceremony. The religious ceremonies were held by head of Islamic Community, mufti Mustafa Effendi Ceric, and local Catholic [...]
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 20/7/2006
PINK by Dragica Tojagic – On Wednesday morning, the RS National Assembly has completed its 37th and immediately commenced the 38th regular session, whose agenda did include an initiative to remove the RSNA Deputy Speaker, Sefket Hafizovic, which however was not discussed.
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 19/7/2006
BHT1 By Vanja Furtula, Angela Cvitanovic – BiH Court has confirmed on Tuesday that it revoked a first-degree sentence to former BiH Presidency member and former HDZ leader Ante Jelavic. Jelavic was originally sentenced to ten years of prison, after the BiH Court found him guilty on the indictment for embezzlement of finances Croatian Government sen [...]
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 18/7/2006
RTRS By Zorica Rulj – The Cabinet of the BiH Presidency Chair, Sulejman Tihic, confirmed on Monday that an ICTY suspect and former Tihic’s adviser, General Rasim Delic, was receiving a salary from the budget of the BiH institutions.
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 17/7/2006
Dnevni List cover splash, pgs 18-19 ‘House of Edo Bajram blown up’ by N. Dedic – An explosive device was planted on the window of the café located in the private house owned by Edo Kahrimanovic (aka Edo Bajram) in Mostar on Saturday evening at about 23.00, reports DL. No people were injured and the damage is estimated at several thousand KM (window [...]
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 16/7/2006
Pink – For the first time in its history, ICTY published an appeal filed by ICTY Prosecution. Namely, Prosecution filed an appeal against the verdict in Tihomir Blaskic case, since the Tribunal reduced sentence to Blaskic from 45 to 9 years.
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 15/7/2006
FTV - By Adisa Dedic – Trial against seven RS Army officers, Vujadin Popovic, Ljubisa Beara, Drago Nikolic, Ljubomir Borovcanin, Vinko Pandurevic (charged with committing genocide in Srebrenica) Radivoje Miletic, Milan Gvero (charged with crimes against humanity committed in Srebrenica and Zepa), has been interrupted by interruption of Chief ICTY P [...]
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 14/7/2006
BHT1 by Marina Martinovic – On Thursday, the Sarajevo Cantonal Court sentenced Samir Bejtic, former member of the BiH Army's 10th Mountain Brigade, to 14.5 years of imprisonment finding him guilty of killing Serbs in Kazani near Sarajevo, 1992-93.
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 13/7/2006
BHT1 by Hatka Hamidovic – The 14th anniversary of sufferings of Serb soldiers and civilians from Central Podrinje region was marked in Bratunac on Wednesday. In 1992, 69 Serbs were killed in fight with RBiH Army, out of which 19 are still missing.
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 12/7/2006
BHT1 by Svjetlana Todorovic, Mirela Cosic – 11th anniversary of Srebrenica genocide was marked on Tuesday in a ceremony mainly of religious character. The remains of 505 identified Bosniaks killed in 1995 – including eight 15-year-old boys and five women – were buried in Memorial centre in Potocari.