
Transcript of TV Hayat “Korak” programme featuring High Representative

Good evening! Guest in our first Korak edition in this year is the High Representative in BiH, Mr. Paddy Ashdown. Good evening and welcome! As in previous programs, our public can participate in this program with questions through e-mail and phone. Our tele-voting question tonight is: Can we, alone, without help from international community, implem [...]

Interview: Paddy Ashdown, High Representative in BiH: “I will punish leaders from RS if there are further obstructions to the Report on Srebrenica”

Contrary to my previous trips to Western capitals, this time I did not have to explain and convince some interlocutors that Bosnia and Herzegovina was not a black hole and that changes for better were obvious. It shows that this country has made great progress, and the majority of Foreign Affairs ministers and the majority of the people in the mini [...]

Interview: Paddy Ashdown, High Representative for BiH: “Economic Reform in BiH”

At the end of 2002 I made it clear that the economic situation in BiH was simply untenable. I pointed out that we were spending three times more on imports than we were earning from exports; I drew attention to the appallingly low rate of foreign direct investment – per capita, BiH attracts one tenth of the FDI attracted by Croatia; with unemployme [...]

Interview: Werner Wnendt, Senior Deputy High Representative for Dnevni List

Main problems are in the areas of economy and the rule of law. BiH must undergo serious reforms in the fields of fight against the crime and corruption. A lot of funds go into hands of criminals instead teachers, pensioners, health workers and other vulnerable social groups. In order to combat this you need a reform of judiciary which is able to su [...]

Interview: Paddy Ashdown, the High Representative for BiH: “I am impressed by the good work that the Commission chaired by Jolly Dixon did”

After somewhat more than three hours of discussions with the Prime Ministers of both Entities and the State, Paddy Ashdown was satisfied with what he heard from his collocutors when it comes to efforts to bridge the differences over the decision-making mechanisms, headquarters of the ITA and its mode of operation at the state level.
- If we [...]

Interview: Paddy Ashdown, the High Representative for BiH

The European Stability Institute (ESI) Report on the work of the Office of the High Representative is intellectually and factually unsustainable, says the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown. What is said in the report, says Ashdown, OHR is already implementing in BiH.