
Article by Paddy Ashdown, High Representative for BiH: “RS Leaders Must Not Fail”

A woman from Pale asked me recently why I assume that most people in this country want to join the European Union – she was inferring, I think, that some citizens might prefer not to integrate with the rest of Europe.
It’s not a question that’s hard to answer. The vast majority of people in this country want to join the European Union becaus [...]

Otvoreno pismo Visokog predstavnika građanima BiH

Povodom Dana državnosti Bosne i Hercegovine, u tjednu u kojem narodi BiH obilježavaju devet godina nakon preliminarnog potpisivanja Daytonskog mirovnog sporazuma, Visoki predstavnik Paddy Ashdown uputio je sljedeće otvoreno pismo građanima Bosne i Hercegovine.
Obilježavanje godišnjica često može biti predmet sporenja – ali ipak u obilježava [...]

Article by Donald Hays, Principal Deputy High Representative: “For Internal Debt there is no better solution then the Law before Parliament”

The Federation House of Peoples will finally take up the legislation on Domestic Debt that has been mired in debate in the House of Representatives for months. The fact is that while they debated the issue the economy did not improve and neither did the chances for a better arrangement. The RS, Brcko District and the State agreed to the package o [...]