
OHR’s Statement at the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference in Banja Luka

I'm sure you followed the RSNA closely last night. The OHR is still assessing the contents of the Recommendation adopted late yesterday evening. An initial review suggests that the RSNA has shown a willingness to make progress in the reform. The Directorate will continue to work and progress towards meeting their work plan.
It will be for th [...]

Direkcija za reformu policije mora nastaviti s radom

Posebni predstavnik Europske unije i Visoki predstavnik za BiH, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, danas je naglasio temeljnu ulogu Direkcije za reformu policije i ponovio da je ostvarivanje napretka u području policijske reforme prije svega važan za borbu BiH protiv kriminala, te samim tim ključni uvjet za integraciju BiH u Europsku uniju.

Communique by the PIC Steering Board

The Political Directors of the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board met inVienna on 15 March, the first such meeting under the chairmanship of the High Representative Dr Christian Schwarz-Schilling since taking office on 31 January 2006.

OHR’s Statement at the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference in Banja Luka

Let me remind you that the High Representative will today attend the first meeting of the BiH Directorate for Police Restructuring. The Directorate is a technical body made up of BiH police experts, who, under the terms of the political agreement adopted by Entity and State Parliaments, are due to produce an implementation plan by September this ye [...]

Izjava OHR-a na konferenciji za tisak međunarodnih organizacija u Mostaru

Kao što znate, pregovarači iy BiH će danas početi pregovore u Sarajevu s predstavnicima Europske komisije o Sporazumu o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju. Ukoliko BiH zaključi Sporazum – a to bi se moglo dogoditi još krajem ove godine – to će predstavljati ogroman korak naprijed na putu ove zemlje ka punim integracijama s ostat [...]