
OHR RTRS News Summary, 21 November 2000

RT RS News Headlines: OSCE publishes final preliminary results of BiH general election; in RS presidential race, SDS candidates have 49.8%, SNSD 25.8% and PDP 8.6%; candidates go to preferential run off; In election race for RS National Assembly, SDS has 36%, SNSD 13%, PDP 12.2%, SDA 7.6%, Party for BiH 5.2%, SDP BiH 5.1%, SPRS 4.9%, DSP 4.2%, DNS [...]

OHR BiH TV News Summary, 21 November 2000

21 November 2000, 19:30 TV BiH News Headlines: According to final, preliminary and unofficial BiH general election results announced on Tuesday by OSCE Mission to BiH, SDP won elections for BiH House of Representatives from BiH Federation, and SDS won in same electoral race for RS delegates SDA, followed by SDP and Party for BiH, won most votes in [...]

OHR BiH TV News Summary, 20 November 2000

20 November 2000, 19:30 TV BiH News Headlines: EU foreign ministers officially adopt Cart program to replace current Phare reconstruction scheme; 4.6 billion Euro to be made available for entire Balkan region through 2006; allocation formula still not agreed upon Canadian SFOR and IPTF seal off telecommunications centre in Livno Monday and search [...]

OBN News Review, 20 November 2000

Headlines Another murder in Sarajevo New arrests of prostitutes in Prijedor The EU granted EURO 4,65 billion of aid for countries of the West Balkans Results of the US Presidential Election are still uncertain Sarajevo Another murder took place in Sarajevo.

OHR RTRS News Summary, 20 November 2000

RT RS News Headlines: OSCE announces it will release final election results Tuesday 21 November SDS Presidency carries out analysis of preliminary election results in closed-door meeting in Bijeljina Monday (00:12) All-Croat National Congress during Monday meeting in Mostar says it is ready for dialogue with IC on concept of complete, constitution [...]

OHR RTRS News Summary, 19 Novembe 2000

RT RS News Headlines: OSCE publishes preliminary election results of 99% of ballots counted; in RS presidential race, SDS candidates have won 50.3% of the vote, SNSD 25.9% and PDP 8.7%; In race for RS National Assembly, SDS has 36.5% of the vote, SNSD 13.2% and PDP 12.4%; In race for BiH House of Representatives (from RS), SDS has 40.9% of the vot [...]

OHR BiH TV News Summary, 19 November 2000

19 November 2000, 19:30 TV BiH News Headlines: Implementation of BiH Peace Agreement must be more resolute - conclusion of two-day Dayton Conference; strengthening of BiH central institutions, refugee return and extradition of war criminals main issues on agenda OSCE announces preliminary results based on over 97% of counted ballots; SDP leads in [...]

OBN News Review, 19 November 2000

Headlines The Conference on the occasion of the 5th Anniversary of the Dayton Peace Accords ended in Dayton The International Conference on relations between B&H, Croatia and Yugoslavia ended in Zagreb The "Circle 99" organised a session today in Sarajevo Another accident in Austria: several people died in an avalanche near Innsbruck Dayton T [...]

OHR RTRS News Summary, 18 Novembe 2000

RT RS News Headlines: Official OSCE election results with 98% of ballots counted: in race for RS president and vice president, SDS candidates have 50.4%, SNSD 25.5% and PDP 8.7%; In race for RS National Assembly, SDS has 36.6%, SNSD 13.2% and PDP 12.4%; In race for BiH House of Representatives (from RS) SDS has 40.2%, PDP 15.6% and SNSD/DSP 10.8 [...]

OHR BiH TV News Summary, 18 November 2000

18 November 2000, 19:30 TV BiH News Headlines: International conference marking 5th anniversary of Dayton Peace Agreement continues in Dayton; officials discuss future of Balkans and implementation of agreement in BiH (01:00) BiH must become country with clear competencies and strong central institutions - European Stabilisation Institute Director [...]