
OBN News Review, 20 November 2000



  • Another murder in Sarajevo
  • New arrests of prostitutes in Prijedor
  • The EU granted EURO 4,65 billion of aid for countries of the West Balkans
  • Results of the US Presidential Election are still uncertain


Another murder took place in Sarajevo. 60-year-old Becir Dzankovic shot his son-in-law, Osman Dautovic. He was immediately arrested. Reported by Svjetlana Celic.


Although prostitution is illegal, there is a large number of facilities in B&H where prostitution is the basic source of income. Owner of two facilities in Prijedor, closed due to alleged prostitution, accused IPTF officers of organising prostitution. According to the facility owner, IPTF officers want to hide their involvement by closing such facilities. Tatjana Lajsic produced the report.

Banja Luka

The Association of Private Businessmen organised a press conference in Banja Luka. According to owners of closed night clubs, IPTF officers forced female dancers to prostitution. The Association Chairman, Milorad Milakovic claims that an IPTF Commander in Prijedor, as well as some employees of the RS Internal Ministry were involved in the whole affair. According to Mr. Milakovic, he shall press charges against the IPTF Commander in Prijedor, Nedeljka Breberina reported.


OSCE will announce final election results tomorrow. 98% of ballots have been counted so far.


After the Peruvian President, Alberto Fujimori announced resignation, situation in this country has been very tense.

EU foreign ministers discussed reconstruction of the Balkans in Brussels.

At least 11 Palestinians were injured in new clashes in Gaza.

Gordana Frimel reported on world events.


The B&H Syndicate issued an announcement, warning that 200 000 people would lose their jobs after dissolving of ZPP in the end of the year. “People will be forced to start a social uprising, if federal and canton governments fail to deal with this problem in time”, was written in the announcement.

Banja Luka

6 schools have been included in the experimental project in the RS. The RS Government signed a contract with the Japanese Government on construction of 5 schools in the RS. According to the RS Minister of Education, Nenad Suzic, 40 books have been produced in co-operation with the FRY. “All possibly insulting contents have been removed”, Mr. Suzic added. Reported by Nedeljka Breberina.

Banja Luka

According to the Deputy Chairman of the RS Privatisation Agency, Radovan Rodic 91 companies have been privatised so far, and the RS gained KM 13 700 000. According to Rodic, list of enterprises for voucher privatisation will be announced on 23rd November. Suzana Vukcevic produced the report.


The large shopping centre, “Mercator” will be opened on 1st December in Sarajevo. 20 shops will be within the centre, Anes Alic reported.


Situation in the RS veterinary medicine should improve after privatisation of veterinary service. The RS Ministry started initiative for establishment of the B&H Veterinary Commission. Reported by Vesna Mladenovic.


A large aid manifestation will take place on 23rd November 2000 in the Skenderija Sports Centre in Sarajevo. All revenue will be spent for aid to refugees who currently live in tents, Meliha Hasanbegovic reported.


Reports on international tennis and football, and NBA league were presented.