Summaries of TV coverage
OBN News Review, 17 November 2000
Headlines "FRY accepts to participate in succession of the property of former Yugoslavia with other republics", was concluded in today's meeting at the B&H Central Bank 97% of ballots from B&H General Election have been counted so far A two-day summit on the 5th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Accords started in the Wright Peterson base, n [...]
OHR RTRS News Summary, 16 Novembe 2000
RT RS News Headlines: RS Government comments on General Elections in BiH, says they were carried out in accordance with democratic standards and OSCE Rules and Regulations, and were best technically organised elections to-date - RS Government Deputy Premier Ostoja Kremenovic; he thanks all participants, voters and parties, in elections (02:28) OSC [...]
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 16 November 2000
16 November 2000, 19:30 TV BiH News Headlines: High Representative to BiH Wolfgang Petritsch suspends BiH Federation Government's decision to remove Chief BiH Federation Financial Police Inspector Zufer Dervisevic and his Deputy Miroslav Vidovic from office OHR will deem SDS candidate for RS presidency Mirko Sarovic unacceptable for office if he r [...]
OBN News Review, 16 November 2000
Headlines OSCE announced new preliminary election results The Election Appeal Commission removed several candidates from voting lists The B&H Pensioners' Association demanded that the High Representative cancels the new Law on Pension and Insurance Scandal in Turkey: citizens have unknowingly eaten pork for a long time Sarajevo More than 90% [...]
OHR RTRS News Summary, 15 Novembe 2000
RT RS News Headlines: OSCE announces preliminary results with 86% of ballots counted in BiH Wednesday in Sarajevo; RS presidential race: SDS presidential candidates 51.3%, SNSD 27.8% and PDP 9.1%; RS National Assembly: SDS 38%, SNSD 14.7%, PDP 13.1%; BiH House of Representatives from RS: SDS 41.8%, PDP 16.4%, SNSD-DSP Coalition 12.2%; BiH House of [...]
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 15 November 2000
15 November 2000, 19:30 TV BiH News Headlines: OSCE announces that with 86% of votes counted SDS leads in RS with more than 50 % support; SDA and SDP neck and neck in race for BiH Federation House of Representatives BiH Federation Interior Ministry says Jadranko Lucic's surrender a direct consequence of interview granted by his lawyer, Josip Musel [...]
OBN News Review, 15 November 2000
Headlines About 65% of voters participated in the B&H General Election The Spanish Prime Minister, Josep Pique visited B&H Yugoslav and Croatian economists met in Belgrade Official results of the US presidential election will be announced on Saturday 8 Bosniacs, indicted war criminals surrendered to the Canton Court in Mostar Sarajevo The [...]
OHR RTRS News Summary, 14 November 2000
RT RS News Headlines: RS pensioners to receive first part of May pensions on 16 November SDS presidential candidates win 49.1% of the vote, SNSD 30.1%, PDP 9.9%; in race for RS National Assembly SDS wins 37.5%, SNSD 16.2%, PDP 13.2%; in race for BiH House of Representatives SDS wins 41.7%, PDP 16.8%, SNSD-DSP 13%; in BiH House of Representatives f [...]
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 14 November 2000
14 November 2000, 19:30 TV BiH News Headlines: According to OSCE, with 80% of votes counted, SDS and SDP lead in race for BiH House of Representatives SDA holds special press conference to confirm that vote count places them ahead of all other parties in BiH Federation According to SNSD, no RS presidential candidate has received sufficient support [...]
OBN News Review, 14 November 2000
Headlines OSCE Mission announced further election results Theme of TV INFO: How to solve the problem of illegal construction in Mostar? Hand counting of votes in Palm Beach, Florida has been cancelled An agreement on German delivery of electric power for Serbia has been signed in Belgrade Sarajevo OSCE announced further election results.