
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 3/2/2003



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(19,30 hrs)



Ploce port issue

FRY’s appeal to The Hague

Indictment against Seselj

WW II victims homage

Indictment against Seselj

Explosion of the US shuttle

Earnings in BiH

FRY appeal

Comp. literacy in BiH

Havel leaving

NASA to stop future flights

Kalinic – US officials

War against Iraq

RS NGO sector





Value 645,000 KM, paid 25,000 KM!; Bodies of astronauts found; In HoR at least 33 professionals; Centre for education of judges and prosecutors; Theme of the Day – the rationalising of health obstructed by politicians!?;

Dnevni Avaz

Clarke – NATO has to arrest Karadzic; Body remains of astronauts found in parts of the shuttle; Kusljugic – a $100,000 debt for parking tickets; Demobilized withdrawing from the Foundation; A policeman shot a colleague

Dnevni List

Municipal Board of HDZ Tomislavgrad criticizes HDZ HQ – HDZ BiH facing break-up; OHR’s reaction to the Independent writing – Ashdown did not criticize SFOR in Brussels

Vecernji List

Scandals: the state gives money only to Bosniak film projects – Croat films do not get a mark; Forged diplomas of Federation customs employees

Slobodna Dalmacija

Dr. Josip Jurcevic, Professor of contemporary history – The Hague Tribunal is political court

Glas Srpski

Fight against terrorism – illegal expenditures amount one million; The RS Tax Administration – double checking of incomes

Nezavisne Novine

MoI interrupts a rock concert in Banja Luka – R-n-r singer claims he was beaten up by the police; Prnjavor – a house of RS National Assembly delegate robbed: a gun and jewellery stolen; After the crash of the US Shuttle ‘Columbia’ – mortal remaining of astronauts located

FRY Nacional

Plavsic – Milosevic bears the greatest responsibility for crimes, Karadzic was only his yes-man


The West threatens to the SDS due to Karadzic; Jaundice in Trebinje – five persons ill; Politicians did not attend memorial service for Ustasha’s victims

LJILJAN magazine

Amer Bahtijar, the student leader – FTV has transformed into a courtroom


Economic Affairs






Avaz pg. 2 ‘The talks on joint customs continuing’ – that PDHR Donald Hays will be in Banja Luka on Tuesday and Wednesday to continue the series of talks with RS leaders on principles that will guide the Expert Working Group for the introduction of VAT and single customs. OHR Spokesperson Kevin Sullivan yesterday presented the information.  PDHR Hays will discuss the current efforts to privatise electro-energetic sector with representatives of the World Bank and RS. Oslobodjenje pg. 32 ‘Hays continues negotiation on customs’ – also Sullivan’s statement regarding the continuing talks on the joint customs and VAT introduction. Dnevni List pg. 4 ‘Continuation of talks on unified customs and VAT’ – a report taken from FENA agency quoting Sullivan. Nezavisne Novine pg. 6 ‘Hays to visit Banja Luka on Tuesday and Wednesday’.

PDHR on privatisation

Nezavisne Novine pg. 6 ‘With a minimum investment to higher prices of companies’- the daily reports that representatives of the Privatisation Agency, trade unions and international community agree that the results of the privatisation are not as good as they should be. NN quotes PDHR Donald Hays as saying that many companies were sold to people who had no knowledge when it came to the management, but who had connections with the authorities. According to Hays, there are even some cases when companies were intentionally ruined in order to downsize the price in the course of the privatisation process. The international community welcomed the initiative of the Steering Board of FBiH Privatisation Agency for new approach in privatisation. The plan of the Agency is to offer to the FBiH government, once it is established, a list of companies offered in privatisation process, which would be made according to their financial situation. According to the Agency, such list would make it more clear which companies could be sold immediately, which should proceed with the bankruptcy and which companies needed minimum investment, only to reach satisfactory price in the privatisation.

Terzic on economic reforms

Avaz pg. 2 ‘Terzic: energy should be saved for the project of reforms’ – a speech by Com Chair Adnan Terzic at yesterday’s session of the Association of Independent Intellectuals ‘Krug 99’. “The existence of BiH could be brought in question unless we take the right path this year. That path leads us to the EU,” said Terzic. He expressed his concern regarding the relationship between the current authorities and opposition. He said if it was persisted with the old practice and opposition continues refusing all suggesting by the current authorities then the country would ‘fall into the black and white perspective’. He announced that a joint Law on Taxing should be done by the end of this month. Oslobodjenje pg. 3 ‘Create better business ambient’ – “The key task for BiH authorities is to introduce European standards in all segments of BiH society, and it’s a project that’s worth advocating for,” the daily quoted Terzic. He refused to comment Sarovic’s statement that he did not accept the new HQ of the BiH Court. Nezavisne Novine pg. 2 ‘The Law on VAT by the end of the month’- quoted Terzic as saying yesterday that there were still many different views on the VAT. ‘I however expect that, with the international community’s assistance we would reach an agreement and the Law which would enable collection of VAT at the state level by the end of February.”

Amb. Bond on VAT and customs

Dnevni List pg. 6 ‘Bond: VAT and customs at state level pre-requisite for BiH joining the WTO’ – the US Ambassador to BiH, Clifford Bond, said that the US help to BiH authorities would depend on the implementation of reforms in the areas of customs, taxation system and the strengthening of civil control of the military at the state level. Bond also warned BiH could not join the World Trade Organization if it had two customs administration in the entities and a customs administration in the Brcko district. “The EU was clear that VAT at state level needs to be introduced, that there has to be a reform of the taxation system, and the NATO was clear when it said, if you wanted to join the Partnership for peace, there has to be a stronger civil control of the army at the state level”, said US Ambassador Bond.

Privatisation of ‘Bosnaplod’

Oslobodjenje front-page story – taken from ONASA news agency. New owners of 67% of ‘Bosnaplod’ food company from Brcko are Matijas Medved from Ljubljana and Nedzad Levic Director of the Agricultural Union ‘Maoca’ from Maoca near Brcko. The two paid 25,000 KM for the company which values has been estimated in books to 645,000 KM. This is so far the fourth company in Brcko that has been privatised in accordance with Order by Brcko Supervisor from last year since Brcko does not have the Law on privatisation of the state capital. 

Mikerevic-Doyle meeting

FENA – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) supports intention of the RS government to implement the Bankruptcy Law and it views it as one of the principle instruments for promoting the revitalization of companies in the RS, it was stated on Friday after talks between RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic and IMF Mission in BiH Head Peter Doyle. The RS Government is prepared to remove shortcomings highlighted by the IMF delegation Friday and announced that talks on reaching an agreement on the RS economic policy for this year would continue over the next two weeks. The IMF delegations praised positive macroeconomic results in the RS last year, reform in the tax policy area and full harmonization of oil taxes with the Federation and Brcko District, as well as increased transparency in budget implementation.


“The major part of the project (Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency – SERDA), which is being managed by Omer Vatric with support of Beriz Belkic, is based on the amounts of money that are supposed to be paid by the members in the next three years. Those from the Sarajevo Canton, who are every day addressed by dissatisfied workers, probably have no clue that they will have to pay, already this year, a total of 1,275,900 KM, which is an amount they will be paying the next years as well, all until 2005,” Sead Arslanagic wrote in this week’s Ljiljan article on the issue entitled ‘How the Sarajevo Economic Region project has made us happy: I call you SERDA, you call me duke!’ 

Krizan on VAT

Dnevni List pg. 4 by M.S., ‘BiH has no alternative for VAT’ – the Deputy Director of the Federation Tax Administration, Vinko Krizan, as saying about the issue of introduction of VAT. “I am of an opinion that we have no alternative to VAT and I think a consensus should be reached as soon as possible to go into the project. I believe if it started now it would require between a year and a half and two years to introduce VAT. The problem is of technical nature, because we have to be organised, then we have to equip the Tax Administration with computers with trained people. We have a lot of problems on the ground because the equipment is out-of-date even insufficient to be worked on,” says Krizan.


Political Affairs

OHR reaction to Independent




Dnevni List pg. 1 and 4 by D.L. – the OHR Chief Spokesperson, Julian Braithwaite, reacted to writing of the London-based Independent, which published that the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, criticized NATO over the failure to arrest Radovan Karadzic. Braithwaite claims it is a case of misinterpretation. “Far from criticizing NATO and SFOR over the failure to arrest Karadzic, which was misinterpreted in the British papers, Ashdown commended SFOR for completely fulfilling its role within its mandate,” reads Braithwaite’s reaction.

General Clarke on Karadzic’s arrest

Avaz pg. 1 and 3 – an interview with General Wesly Clarke. “The armed NATO forces should not conclude their mandate in BiH before they arrest all indictees who are still at large, most of all Radovan Karadzic, and the local authorities have to help them in the process,” said general Clarke. He stated he would think about sending large military formations, but also small, well-trained groups. He thinks that local authorities can help in locating, and SFOR can do the rest of the work. Asked whether he knew about CIA special forces being involved in the arrest of Karadzic and Mladic, he said he could not talk about it. As for claims that there was no political will to arrest the war criminals, Clarke disagreed strongly.

Commentary in Avaz

Avaz pg. 3 Commentary of the Day by Faruk Cardzic ‘messages from Washington’ – on the letter that US State Secretary Collin Powell sent to Mladen Ivanic following his appointment as the new BiH Foreign Minister. “Ivanic was probably indirectly told that America would not tolerate him not being informed fully of all important things – like the ‘Orao’ affair and the non-arresting of Karadzic or anyone else from the Hague indictment list from the smaller entity – which was happening in the RS while he was the PM. On the other hand, his predecessor Lagumdzija is clearly being told that neither he nor his party or any other political option in BiH have exclusive rights to good relationship with Washington.” Cardzic thinks the message clearly shows that the quality of relations between Washington and BiH depends solely on actions by the legally chosen BiH authorities.

Commentary in Oslobodjenje

Oslobodjenje pg. 2 commentary by Ramo Kolar ‘Ups and downs’ – on international officials being just as confused as local officials. As the latest example, Kolar gives a statement HR Ashdown gave to the British Independent and a reaction that followed by a man that Kolar described as ‘being more in the media then all local clerks’. “I do not believe at all, because I have the right, to all-present and all-knowing Braithwaite, the Spokesperson, because he, while trying to explain how his boss did not even think of it let alone said it, only tried to fabricate one of rare truths.” Kolar goes on to say that the only thing that was more successful then the mentioned statement was the sea of positive stories from Brussels. There, the PIC adopted the Declaration on our future lives. “They decorated it like a Xmas tree. The best proof that there’s no chance anything will come out of it is the abolishing of the OHR department that deals with the return. By transferring authorities to local authorities.”


Statements of the Day column in Oslobodjenje pg. 2 ‘Discouraging Ploce port’ – “The things related to an agreement on the Ploce port are not in the least encouraging. Also, the Ploce port is not the only thing, which has not been resolved with Croatia. There are a number of open issues and they were differently understood two or three years ago. Now, due to behaviour of the Croatian authorities towards Croatian people in BiH, the relationship cold off or, which would probably be closer to the truth, it has been set on a completely different platform.” Dnevni list pg. 3 ‘Talks on status of Ploce port to be held again by end of February’, Slobodna Dalmacija pg. 2 ‘Talks on status of Ploce port to be held again by end of February, Vjesnik pg. 2 ‘Covic: Talks on Ploce port by end of February and Jutarnji List pg. 4 ‘Croatia and BiH to talk on status of Ploce Port again – all dailies took a report from HINA agency.  Quoted the Croat member of BiH Presidency, Dragan Covic, as saying in an interview for Dnevni Avaz that the BiH side would again initiate the issue of the ratification of the Agreement on Ploce Port at the meeting of the Inter-State Council for Cooperation of Croatia and BiH, which was due the end of February. Covic has stated that the position that the mentioned Agreement violates the sovereignty of the Republic of Croatia is unacceptable since, in that case, one can also raise the question of the violation of the BiH sovereignty on the basis of the Agreement on Free Passage through Neum. Covic has reportedly assessed this was not the only problem BiH has with Croatia, but was ‘convinced all issues could be resolved without raising the issue of sovereignty’. Covic is also carried as saying that the relations between BiH and Croatia are ‘colder’ now than they were before due to the ‘behavior of the executive authority in Croatia towards the Croat people in BiH’. 

Vetting procedure

Vecernji List pg. 2 by Dejan Jazvic ‘Two ministers that would suit Ashdown being looked for’ – claims there will be problems with the appointments for the Federation Ministers of Defence and Education. VL says after the OHR rejected Dragan Curcic’s candidacy for the office of the Federation Defence Minister due to his role in the ‘Croat self-rule’ project, the HDZ nominated a new candidate, namely Slavko Marin. The daily says Marin will most likely be rejected because of the same reason and goes on to report that a new candidate is most likely to become Miroslav Nikolic. According to VL’s knowledge, the SDA has similar problems with the appointment of the Federation Minister of Education. VL learns from sources close to SDA, that the OHR gave a clear signal to the SDA that Emir Hadzihafizbegovic would not be accepted as the Education Minister. “They did not give us any explanation, they just noted it would be most harmless to withdraw his candidacy,” says VL’s source from the SDA.

HDZ facing break-up?

Dnevni List pg. 1 and 3 by S. Kuzman – the HDZ BiH is in a big crisis because the Municipal Board of the HDZ Tomislavgrad believes it has been tricked by the party’s Presidency, which did not nominate one of their cadres for the Federation executive authority. Namely, the HDZ of Tomislavgrad believed that their candidate for the Federation Minister of Finances, Filip Andric, would be nominated for the office only to be told at the last session of the HDZ Presidency that Andric was not a candidate. A press release by Tomislavgrad HDZ reads that the policy of HDZ is all about how to install ‘their people’ to important positions. DL also claims that the recent sessions of the HDZ Main Board were marked with conflicts between the ‘reformers’ and ‘self-rulers’. Prior to the October elections, the latter had been in favour of not participating in the elections and now the former want to assume positions they believe they have deserved.

Federation customs employees forging diplomas

Vecernji List pg. 1 and 5 – Director of the Federation Customs, Zelimir Rebac, said that controls that had been so far conducted on half the employees of the Federation Customs showed that more than 50 of them had forged diplomas. Rebac says only a superficial control has been carried out, which leads him to assume the number will go beyond 100. According to VL, the courage of the persons who forged their diplomas goes to the extent that there are cases of forgery among members of the Sector for Customs Frauds.

Sanski Most

Nezavisne Novine pg. 10 ‘Serbs request OHR’s intervention over the construction of a mosque in Zdena’- the daily reports that some 1000 Bosniaks from the Sanski Most settlement of Zdena signed a petition requesting the approval for the continuation of construction of a mosque in the settlement.  The petition is addressed to OHR Sarajevo. Eight months ago, upon the request of the Returnees Association, the OHR decided to put a temporary ban on the construction. The association believes that construction of a mosque would prevent Serbs from returning to the area. So far, some 800 Serbs returned to Zdena.

Fight against terrorism

Glas Srpski, cover page – the daily reports that the Islamic humanitarian organisations activities, which were investigated by FBiH institutions, had illegally spent at least one million KM. The above was stated in the report on the activities of the actions of Coordination Team for Fight Against Terrorism, which should be forwarded to the Council of Europe by the BiH Presidency.

New appointments in the BiH Presidency

Nezavisne Novine pg. 7 ‘Zuza – the Spokesperson of the Presidency, Ninkovic Secretary’ – the daily has learnt from sources close to the BiH Presidency that journalist Zoran Zuza is to be the new Spokesperson of the Presidency. The same source claims that Ranko Ninkovic is to be the new Secretary General of the Presidency. At the moment, Ninkovic is an Advisor in the Cabinet of Mirko Sarovic and according to the daily he was the Chief of Cabinet to Momcilo Krajisnik when he was a BiH Presidency member.

Vucurevic on Karadzic’s arrest

Nezavisne Novine pg. 7 ‘RS authorities cannot arrest Karadzic’- senior SDS official and war time Mayor of Trebinje, Bozidar Vucurevic, stated that Dragan Mikerevic’s call on Karadzic to surrender only represented the ‘one-sided’ will of the government to fulfil requests of the Hague Tribunal. According to NN, Vucurevic who is known as one of the closest Karadzic’s associates during the war says he has no information on Karadzic’s and Mladic’s whereabouts. He also claims that the RS authorities cannot arrest Karadzic, as they simply do not know where he is.

US on Karadzic’s arrest

Blic pg. 7 ‘Karadzic’s apprehension or consequences’ – US officials will request from Dragan Kalinic, SDS President and only Serb representative from BiH invited to annual peace breakfast in Washington, greater engagement in Radovan Karadzic’s apprehension, or the SDS will bear consequences. As Deutsche Welle Radio reports, during the visit to Washington, Karadzic’s apprehension will be put before Kalinic as a conditional issue, especially now after RS Interior Minister Zoran Djeric’s statement that Karadzic is not in the entity. Kalinic will be told that the entire SDS might suffer serious consequences if it is not proactively (favourite Bush’s Administration word used in connection to Iraq) engaged in hunt for Karadzic. Sulejman Tihic and Dragan Covic who are also invited to Washington have politely refused the invitation.    


“The High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, announced his plan of six tasks at the recent session of the PIC Steering Board in Brussels. The plan contains: entrenching the Rule of Law, ensuring that extreme nationalists, indicted war criminals and organised criminal networks cannot reverse peace implementation, reforming the economy, strengthening the capacity of BiH’s governing institutions, especially at the state-level, establishing state-level civilian command and control over the armed forces, reforming the security sector, and paving the way for integration into the Euro-Atlantic framework, and promoting the sustainable return of refugees and displaced persons,” Mugdim Hasanovic wrote in this week’s Ljiljan ‘Ashdown announced a plan for BiH’. “All six points of Ashdown’s plan are all extraordinary (exceptional) solutions. The High Representative surely knows that all these tasks are actually forming a firm, single problem. The resolution of each of these particular issues eases further actions and transforms this state into a normal place for a decent life. If Ashdown implements even one of these tasks, the other ones will be put on the agenda automatically. The most important things are that he wants to do that and that he knows how to do that,” Hasanovic wrote.  

Media war against HDZ

Slobodna Dalmacija pg. 15 by Marijan Sivric – a press release by the HDZ BiH in which the party says media war is being conducted against HDZ and its senior officials. HDZ claims the constant attacks on HDZ Vice President, Dragan Covic, are targeted to discredit him and that ‘activities aimed at contesting ownership structure in ERONET has an aim to prevent issuance of the third GSM licence and shutting down of the company’.

FT criticizes Ashdown

Feral Tribune pg. 34 and 35 ‘Hypocrisy of the Year’ by Ivan Lovrenovic – a very critical article on the High Representative in which the author assesses that the relation between Paddy Ashdown and a part of the public is getting more and more tense daily and that the most intriguing thing about it is that the High Representative seems not only not to be bothered by that but also to be inciting the tension by his acts and style. Lovrenovic has in mind the part of the public which, “despite all the relativity and limitations of the word in BiH, can be called the critical and independent public”. Listing all the High Representative’s moves that have been perceived as the negative ones (the removals of Nikola Grabovac and Munir Alibabic, the statement that nationalism is less dangerous than crime and corruption, giving the green light to nationalists, refusal to participate on a TV show together with the Head of ICG in BiH, slang-like disqualification of Gojko Beric, praising Dnevni Avaz etc.), Lovrenovic says that, in the short history of post-Dayton BiH and international envoys in it, “there have been various sorts of clashes with journalists but it never occurred to any of those envoys or their assistants to so arrogantly and ignorantly communicate with media representatives as Paddy Ashdown and his alter ego, Julian Braithwaite (a British diplomat who made his career in Milosevic’s Belgrade) do. What is striking in the behavior of these two is the habit of the Balkans power-wielders – ruthlessly trampling on those who criticize them”. Lovrenovic says it would be silly to assume that Ashdown does not have enough knowledge on the role and importance of media, as well as on the BiH circumstances.

NN on Ashdown

Nezavisne Novine pg. 2  ‘Fools and clowns’ – an editorial in today’s issue of Nezavisne Novine is written by Miro Mladjenovic in a form of an open letter to the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown. At the beginning of his letter, Mladjenovic admits that the motive, outline and the content of his letter is tendentious, as he believes there is no other way to draw Ashdown’s attention to quite a few serious facts. With no hesitation I claim, Mladjenovic writes, that all officials in executive, political and judicial authorities are a creation of local criminalised options, in cooperation with the international ones. Mladjenovic writes: “I have to ask you a question which you will not answer as you don’t know how: are you planning some time in future to offer a dramatic explanation for the failure of the mission of those whom you represent in the following way: ‘It was impossible, this people on Balkans cannot be taken out of the darkness. As masochists, they only select fools and clowns to represent them.” And we all know that fools and clowns have a job description, which says their task is to entertain the Master, on whose attitude their destiny depends upon. And at the end, do you really believe that this people want to share their destiny with you and them. It is obvious now where you want to take us, with them the darkness is even more dark.”


Judiciary Affairs

Education centre





Avaz pg. 3 ‘Continuing education of appointed judges and prosecutors, Oslobodjenje pg. 1 and 6 – both dailies took a report from FENA agency. The Centre for education of Federation judges and Prosecutors will start in a month and its work will contribute to further personnel strengthening of judiciary institutions, the rule of law and generally to the credibility of the legal reform that is in the process. A statement by the federation Justice Minister, Zvonko Mijan, that the Centre will have the capacity of a public institution and for the education of all appointed judges and prosecutors, as well as for those who intend to apply for the positions.


Vecernji List pg. 3 by Zdenko Jurilj ‘The Hague transfers cases to BiH because of ‘clogging’ – the continuation of talks on the establishment of a special Department for war crimes with the BiH Court between the OHR and ICTY has been scheduled for February 20, a meeting that should see participation of ICTY President, Claude Jorda, ICTY Chief Prosecutor, Carla del Ponte, and the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown. VL unofficially learns that representatives of the recently established BiH Court will also take part in the talks. The daily carries Claude Jorda as saying that himself and Del Ponte were in Sarajevo in order to establish a special Chamber with the BiH Court that would deal with the war crimes in BiH. “We were in Sarajevo simply to start the process as soon as possible because due to processing of cases at high commanding level and long stay of indictees in The Hague there has been a blockage”. 

Lawsuit against FRY

Vecernje Novosti pg. 4 ‘Decision today’ – that the ICTY will make decision today on Yugoslavia’s request for the revision of the decision, under which this court has the jurisdiction over the BiH lawsuit against FRY. Advisor of Yugoslav Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vladimir Djeric, said he did not know what the decision would be. Avaz pg. 4 ‘Today a decision by the International Court in the Hague’ – informing The Hague would announce their decision on FRY’s appeal today.

Reactions to new BiH Court HQ

Nacional pg. 11 ‘Why is the BiH Court located in former death camp?’ – the Association of Families of Missing Persons from Visegrad has sent an open letter to IC representatives in which they condemn the opening of the BiH Court in former ‘Viktor Bubanj’ barracks. The letter reads that the army barracks used to be ‘the death factory that several thousand Serb, arrested on the streets and in apartments, went through’. The Association in its letter asks the newly appointed judges whether they can calmly go to work knowing that the area is soaked in blood. The letter signed by the Association’s President, Miljana Bojic, asks the High Representative Paddy Ashdown to stop the Court’s work ‘that humiliates and insults Serbs and Serb victims’.


Civil Affairs

CIPS project

Avaz pg. 4 ‘Games with IDs for Strom’s robbery of BiH telecom system’ – the daily claims that the game with the prices of the new ID is only a cover up for a far bigger robbery of BiH state, claims the daily. The information was taken from the daily’s anonymous source – an expert for information and telecommunication and indirectly involved in the CIPS project. He interpreted the CIPS affair as an attempt of gaining time and diverting attention of the public for carefully prepared ‘frauds of the century’. According to the source, the final robberies should take place beginning of 2005 when the liberalisation of the telecommunication market is planned.


Police Affairs


FENA – EU Police Mission Acting Commissioner Philip Mieilhes visited Srebrenica on Friday and held talks with Mayor Abdurahman Malkic and local police officials about the security situation in this municipality. They also discussed the return of refugees and DPs, battle against organized crime and exchange of information with police in other parts of BiH. Mieilhes praised the discovery and arrest of men responsible for incidents in Potocari when windows on two Bosniak houses were shattered.


Media Affairs

LJILJAN on 60 Minutes



“The creator of the cult ‘60 Minutes’ show, Don Hewitt, the CBS executive producer, is retiring. Hewitt is 80 years old and that is why he had to go. We have Bakir Hadziomerovic and ‘60 Minutes’. How things are going now, this one will entertain us another half of a century with his accusations, persecutions of the people and fabrications of the untrue facts…Bakir will continue apprehending under this model, but judges are not so keen to trust him. For example, according to what he has been talking about Ashdown, the English lord should at least end up as Edhem Bicakcic,” said Ljiljan in the ‘SAUNA’ column.

Battle for TV

“The heads of the most powerful BiH media (FTV) should not express anger at each critical remark and describe it as the strike on media freedoms, but they should try instead to overcome a gap between the media house and its viewers ASAP. So far each time, apart from the Bahtijar case, they have reacted in a prompt and panic manner confronting themselves even with the Federation Parliament, which is their founder and a law-maker, which made it possible for them to collect millions of KM from the citizens,” wrote Mustafa Borovic in this week’s Ljiljan. “In media reports, all our objections were brought down to the question whether the students will hold street protests or not. And exactly because of such the media manipulations, the students raised their voice,“ Amer Bahtijar, the leader of the Student Association for Normal BiH, told Ljiljan (‘Federation TV has transformed into a courtroom’).