
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 12/10/2005


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 12 October


BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs)

RTRS (12,00 hrs)

Nicholas Burns visits BiH

One killed by bomb in Prnjavor

Life cost in RS increase

E. Llewellin on OHR’s future

World news

Burns inSarajevo

Mesic on trials agst Jelavic and Covic

SCG vs. BiH football match

Gotovina issue

TV news broadcast on 11 October


TV PINK  (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

Covic case update

EUFOR, RS Police raid in Kotor Varos

Low risk for bird flu spreading in BiH

FBIH HoR adopted police reform

OHR on police reform

‘Covic and others’ before BiH Court

FBIH HoP session for Thursday

Trial in “Lijanovici” case started

‘Covic and others’ under control

Carty on police reform

FBiH HoR on civil victims of war

Extradition deal urgently needed


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

No bird flue in BiH so far

Sarajevo damaged for millions KM

BIH/US Foreign Ministers negotiation

Feature on cancer diseases in BiH

‘Covic and others’ before BiH Court

Zupljanin search update

FBiH HoR on civil victims of war

FBiH HoR in favour of police reform

Lukic refuses to resign

Vignjevic on labour disabled

FBiH HoR adopts budget rebalance

DPA discussion in Brussels



There will be no census before 2010

Dnevni Avaz

Ismet Celo Bajramovic interrogated (on wartime murder of Bosniak intelligence officer)

Dnevni List

Are indictees facing detention? (Covic and others case)

Vecernji List

Experts witnesses: Covic is innocent

Slobodna Dalmacija

Workers want INA-MOL, lobbies crushing tender

Glas Srpske

Speech of evil will (on claims about collective guiltiness of Serbs for Srebrenica)

Nezavisne Novine

They read the indictment in five hours (Covic trial)


Features Serbia related headlines

Vecernje Novosti

Features Serbia related headlines

Srpski Nacional

Features Serbia related headlines



US’ Burns meets BiH presidency today






BH Radio 1 Mirela Hukovic – Hodzic – US Under Secretary for Political Affairs, Nicholas Burns is in two-days long visit to BiH. Today, he will meet with the representatives of the youth population and the members of the BiH Presidency. With regard to later, Burns is expected to talk about the importance of the police reform especially in the light of upcoming anniversary of the Dayton Peace Agreement. US Embassy reiterated the United States would be actively involved in the police reform together with the OHR and EU, and that all technical details of the agreement must be specified as soon as possible. Prior to the Balkans tour, Burns stated that US would invite the Balkans leaders to visit Washington next month on the occasion of the DPA 10th anniversary. One of the aim of this gathering, explained Burns, would be to see whether the leaders are ready to leave behind the legacy of the past by arresting Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic. Burns will also visit Croatia and SCG .

RS Radio, RHB also covered the issue.

OHR might be closed down by end of 2006 – senior OHR official

RHB – Head of the OHR Political Department Edward Llewllin stated that BiH will not need a presence of the High Representative if its signs the SAA with the EU soon. He added that in that case the OHR might be closed down by the end of 2006.

Croatian President Mesic on trials of Jelavic, Covic


RHB – Commenting on the trials against former BiH Presidency members, Ante Jelavic and Dragan Covic, Croatian President Stjepan Mesic stated last night at the HRT (Croatian TV) news that all those who had large amounts of money at their disposal and who were dealing with this money in a way that resulted in illegal getting rich of some persons over night should be held accountable. He also said that he is surprised that none of those from Croatia , who were giving aforementioned money without any control, has been held accountable for such practice. He added that this is a sort of an appeal to the Croatian institutions to deal with sanctioning of the persons from the Croatian authority bodies who made possible such behaviour.


Political Developments/Reforms

FBiH HoR adopts police reform accord












RHB , BHT, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Agreement on police reform in BiH adopted’ by S. Sehercehajic, Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘Agreement on police reform adopted with a large criticism’, Dnevni List, pg 3 ‘Government in panic because of funds for invalids’, by Mensud Zorlak, Nezavisne novine pg 9, announced on cover ‘The Agreement on police reform was adopted’ by Agencies, SRNA – The Federation of BiH House of Representatives adopted on Tuesday the agreement on police restructuring in BiH, along with the three conclusions of the parliamentary defence and security committee. Sixty-five deputies voted in favour of the agreement, four voted against and there were nine abstentions. The conclusions obligate the members of the Federation’s office for the implementation of the agreement to specify the exact time and manner of implementation, to inform the House of Representatives on the implementation process, while the EU and OHR are called on to monitor the implementation of the police restructuring agreement. The adopted document contains the three fundamental European principles for the restructuring of police forces in BiH, which are a condition for the start of Bosnia-Hercegovina’s negotiations with the EU on the Stabilization and Association Agreement. The head of the European Commission delegation in BiH, Michael Humphreys, expressed satisfaction with the achievements so far and voiced hope that BiH will soon become an EU member. The agreement has previously been adopted by the RS National Assembly, the BiH Council of Ministers and the Federation Government, while the BiH Federation House of Peoples should declare itself on this on Thursday.

FBiH HoR adopts resolution condemning RS Parties for BiH’s halt on path to EU


Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Main obstructionists are parties from RS’ by Se. S. – At the session on Tuesday, the FBiH House of Representatives set a resolution reading that the main obstructionists in the process of reaching an agreement [on police reform] were RS parties. FBiH HoR also expressed its great disappointment with the fact that BiH has halted in its path to Europe, condemning parties from RS for obstructions and calling on the international community to sanction such behavior.

RS PM Bukejlovic: Adopted agreement on police is a danger


Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Police would be crossing entity line where it was necessary’ by E. Sarac – OHR spokesperson Oleg Milisic stated that the agreement on the police restructuring will secure to BiH citizens the police based on the three EC principles. Explaining what this means, Milisic, among the other things, stated that the police would be able to cross an inter-entity line where it was necessary. DA says that on the other hand RS Prime Minister Pero Bukejlovic has expressed in his statements a fear over the danger that the aforementioned agreement brings and because of which they will not be able ‘to cope with the OHR efforts about crossing the inter-entity lines and introduction of the unified police structures at the BiH level’. He also said that the RS Government was not informed that the negotiations on the police reform were taking place with RS President Dragan Cavic and SNSD President Milorad Dodik and added that the RS Government would have tried to take part in these negotiations if it had been aware of them. According to Bukejlovic it would be much harder to return in the game now since all other institutions (prosecution, judiciary, local administration) are connected to the police and centralization of all these competences does not lead towards democratization of the society but just creates ground for further tensions.    

RS President Cavic: I saved Srpska!


Vecernje Novosti pg 2, announced on cover ‘I saved Srpska!’ by Dubravka Vujanovic – In an interview to daily, Dragan Cavic, RS President, responds to accusations he had secret talks in Sarajevo at the detriment of RS, saying he has saved Srpska and noting: “Milorad Dodik and myself did not do anything in secrecy. MP’s made their voices clear on what we proposed and anything beyond that is pure speculation that have nothing to do with the truth.” He says he ahs chosen Dodik as his partner since Dodik is the leader of the biggest opposition party, which is conjunction with SDS has the authority of finding a solution that RS NA will accept. He notes that if police reform concept had not been adopted, RS would have been qualified as threat to the region on 10th anniversary of Dayton , which would provide arguments for fundamental changes of DA. He notes that the majority of Government members, bar Pero Bukejlovic and Svetlana Cenic, support his concept of police reform. Responding to question related to Bukejlovic and one of them “has to leave”, Cavic says: “I see no reason why I should leave, since both RS NA, EC and BiH COM support my stances.” He reiterates there is no political nor any other sort of possibility to see RS abolished, noting the crucial issue is: what is realistic instead of what is ideal. He confirms he had talks with both, Vojislav Kostunica and Boris Tadic, who supported his proposal on police reform, stressing it is important that RS takes an active role.

SRS ‘Dr. Vojislav Seselj”: Sale of RS


Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Sale of the Republic’ by D. Mo. – Referring to defense and police reforms, Predrag Markocevic from SRS “Dr. Vojislav Seselj” warned that certain political parties at RS NA are repeatedly reaching decisions in violation of the Dayton Agreement and Constitutions of RS and BiH.

NN op-ed on police reform: partial amnesia


Nezvaisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Partial amnesia’ by Natasa Krsman – Writing about police reform, the author says that it is most likely that 90% of BiH population is not aware of possible results of police reform implementation. She is critical of the fact not a single BiH politician did not even deign to explain provisions of police reform, what its benefits might be for population or policemen, etc. she claims that police reform success, as represented these days, is only a proof of destructive progress of BiH towards European integration, of which BiH people know nothing.

Komljenovic: SDS needs new leadership


Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘ SDS needs new leadership’ by V.Popovic – In a brief interview to daily, Milan Komljenovic, member of democratic fraction within SDS, says that undemocratic and insufficiently democratic parties cannot create democratic and civic society. He says that Dragan Cacvic has demonstrated responsibility, maturity and courage in proposing police concept, stressing that such a challenge should have involved preparation of public instead of seeing stances change within 24 hours. On SDS, he says: “The strategic mistake of SDS is take over of entire responsibility for RS…A large dissatisfaction is felt at SDS, some people at SDS are already wasted through reforms, while fraction would profile new leadership of the party, which would take distance from some old policies.”

OHR: Police reform agreement must be approved by all parliaments in BiH this week in order for SAA talks to start by the end of 2005


Pink, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Agreement must be adopted this week’, EuroBlic pg RS2 ‘Three EU principles remain’ by D. S. – OHR Spokesman Mario Brkic stated at a press conference in Sarajevo on Tuesday that FBiH Parliament is going to discuss the agreement on police reform that was accepted last week by the RSNA on Wednesday, and BiH Parliament Assembly will discuss it on Friday.  “This means that by the end of this week parliamentarians can have cleared the way for BiH to begin moving down the path to EU membership”, said Brkic. He added that the parliaments must adopt the text of the agreement as it stands, without any amendments, and they must do this without delay. Procedurally, the European Commission will require a certain amount of time to prepare a positive recommendation to the European Council, so if BiH wants to begin SAA negotiations by the end of this year, the parliamentarians must approve the agreement this week.

EUPM Commissioner Carty: Police will cross IEBL


RHB , Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Police will cross IEBL’, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Regions must be established on base of professional criteria, not politics’, Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Police regions will have to pass inter-entity line’ by NINA, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 9 ‘Inter-entity lines must be ‘softer’ for police’ by F, Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘Police regions will be crossing inter-entity boundaries’ by N. N.,FENA – The EUPM Commissioner, Kevin Carty, addressed on Tuesday the responsibilities facing the (police reform implementation) Directorate and its members, who would have responsibility for putting in place the new structure of policing for BiH based upon the Agreement on Police Reform, EUPM said in a press release. Looking to the effort that lies ahead, Commissioner Carty stated that it will be for the Directorate to conduct the work that will establish a police force that is professional and efficient and one that that will serve all the people of BiH.  He emphasised, however, that if the future police force of BiH was truly going to be effective then this would not be possible unless the Inter-Entity Boundary Line (IEBL) was crossed, where it was necessary. Commissioner Carty stated that the Directorate would have to establish policing regions that are determined by professional police criteria and not by politics. ‘‘If the Directorate establishes regions where police officers are able to work professionally and efficiently then, where technically necessary, some of those policing regions will have to cross the IEBL’’, he said.  

US welcomes progress in police reform; Under Secretary Burns visits BiH


RHB , RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘US encouraged with progress with police reform in BiH’, Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Police reform a focus of Burns’ visit’, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 18 ‘Step towards Europe has been made’ by M.L., FENA – The United States is encouraged by the progress made thus far on obtaining agreement to police restructuring in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) in line with EU requirements.  “We are pleased that the EU foresees the initiation of negotiations for a Stabilization and Association agreement with BiH by year’s end if the police reform condition is fulfilled,” US Embassy said. Passage of the European Commission-endorsed text is still required by the Federation and state Parliaments, and we urge all parties to demonstrate their commitment to this reform through speedy approval of the draft agreement without changes, the press release read. “The issue of police reform in the context of the tenth anniversary of the Dayton accords will be a major issue of discussion during the October 12 visit of U.S. Under Secretary for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns,” the Embassy said.

EC officials:Recommendation for beginning of negotiations on SAA with BiH is almost ready


Oslobodjenje pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Recommendation for beginning of negotiations is almost ready’ from Osl. special correspondent – EC officials in Brussels announce that the EU Foreign Ministers might discuss the EC recommendation for beginning of the negotiations on the Stabilization and Association Agreement with BiH at the meeting that is to take place on November 6 and 7 or at the meeting on December 21. The recommendation will be discussed if BiH completes the procedure with regard to adoption of the police reform agreement and the Law on Public RTV service. A source from the EC stated that unlike the last month now there is a reason to hope that BiH will start negotiations by the end of this year.  Osl. inset ‘Same logic for Mladic and Karadzic’ says that commenting on the EU stand that negotiations with SCiG will not be completed until Ratko Mladic is extradited to The Hague, the EC official said that the same logic might be applied in BiH as well when Radovan Karadzic is in question.   

SDP leader Lagumdzija: Best BiH experts should negotiate with EU


Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Negotiations with EU demand the best experts’, Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Plan activities for negotiations with EU’, by NINA, FENA – Talks with the EU are not a political but above all a patriotic duty, which calls for the best experts to negotiate on behalf of our country, Social-Democratic Party ( SDP) President Zlatko Lagumdzija stated in a letter to BiH House of Representatives Speaker Nikola Spiric. The same letter was sent to BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic and BiH Presidency Chair Ivo Miro Jovic. The leading people of this country, both in power and opposition, all of us together and individually need to rise above our petty political differences, party dispute and personal interests, Lagumdzija said in the letter. He added that the political leaders need to ensure a negotiating platform that will be implemented by our best experts with the necessary diplomatic and political experience. The role of the Parliament and the Council of Ministers is unquestionable, but it cannot be performed well if a political and expert consensus is not reached that is above party interests. “I therefore call on you to organise a meeting of leaders of parliamentary parties and leaders of executive authorities to start the process of defining an action plan, an organisational structure and criteria for negotiations with the EU that would bring together the best team of experts for this job”, Lagumdzija stated. SDP is prepared to take part in a joint approach towards the international community, as well as an inter-party democratic confrontation of programs and ideas that would lead towards more jobs and justice in BiH, Lagumdzija stated.

British diplomats Rycroft, Lawson meet with Paravac


Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘EU now has clear vision for future of RS and BiH’, Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘Ready for start of talks’, not signed – BiH Presidency member Borislav Paravac met with the UK Ambassador to BiH Matthew Rycroft and Head of the UK Embassy’s Office in Banja Luka Matthew Lawson in Sarajevo on Tuesday, the BiH Presidency stated. The British diplomats expressed satisfaction with the reached Agreement on Police Reform. At the end of the meeting they all concluded that all conditions have now been met for signing the agreement on starting SAA talks with the EU.

European parliament holds conference on BiH entitled “Dayton Peace Agreement, ten years after”


RHB, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘BiH delegation without a single stance!’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘New BiH Constitution should be adopted’ by L. Sinanovic, Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Raguz: BiH has no future without new constitution’, by Ivica Glibusic, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘BiH needs a new Constitution’ by Sandra Josovic – Martin Raguz, Deputy Chairman of BiH House of Representatives, Seada Palavric, delegate at the BIH HoR, and Branko Dokic, BIH Minister of Communication and Transport addressed the conference on “Dayton Peace Agreement, ten years after” in Brussels. While addressing the attendants at the conference, Dokic raised the issue of real necessity for changing the DPA. He said that BIH citizens adopted it and that every change must be reached by consensus of all three constitutional peoples. Dokic added that DPA, instead, should be upgraded. Palavric stated that the current BIH Constitution is an obstacle on BIH’s way of progress. Raguz said that BIH constitution needs its thorough revision emphasizing that the role of OHR is not important anymore. Chairman of European Stability Initiative Gerald Knaus stated, analyzing the High representative’s decision to remove from the office 59 BIH officials, that IC has no power to decrease HR’s authority. Chairwomen of EU Parliament Board for South-East European countries Doris Pack severely criticized the current situation in BIH adding that enormous administration, with more than 200 ministers, is slowing down the progress in BIH.

DL op-ed: Abolishment of FBiH would be suitable for Croats


Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Extinguishing of Federation of BiH?’, by Ivana Rozic – Commenting on the course/talks regarding constitutional changes in BiH, Rozic says that, when it comes to the BiH Croats, the best solution for them would be to abolish the FBiH so the Croats could exercise their right through cantons. To back her claim up, Rozic argues that the Croats are often outvoted in the FBiH Parliament, which prevents them from enjoying rights of a constituent people.

Oslobodjenje: There will be no census before 2010


Oslobodjenje cover pg splash, pgs 4-5 ‘There will be no census before 2010’ by Alda Omeragic – Raising the issue of whether the time has come for BiH to face with reality and finally resolve dilemmas regarding census, author says that there will be no new census before 2010. daily carries statements of Krstan Simic from SNSD and Mladen Bosic from SDS , sharing the view it is high time census was carried out. However, Safet Halilovic, BiH Minister of Civil Affairs, is of the view there should be no census before the process of refugee return completes, noting that census is not delayed solely out of political reasons. Daily reminds of the message Helsinki Committee addressed to BiH authorities in October 2004, urging for census. Zdenko Malinovic, Director of the BiH Statistics Agency, is of the view that “if census is to take place solely because of ethnic picture, then we do not need it.”, adding that census requires certain conditions be met and preparations take three to four years.He claims that he has received a letter from the EC and UN DP, asking from him to voice out on implementation of census in 2010.

Party for BiH on census initiatives: They advocate legalization of ethnic cleansing


Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘They advocate legalization of ethnic cleansing’ by H.Orahovac – Reacting on demand of RS parties regarding census, Sefik Dzaferovic, SDA Vice President and BiH HoR CO-Chairman, says that census is necessary, but certain technical pre-requisites need to be met in order to implement it (including full implementation of return process). He notes that conditioning of budget adoption with census implementation represents a politically irresponsible and incorrect act. Safet Halilovic from Party for BiH shares his view, adding that if RS parties persisted on census at the time when return process is not completed equals with advocating of legalization of ethnic cleansing. According to inset “OHR: To resolve urgent matters’, OHR is of the view that the issue of census is to be dealt with by appropriate BiH institutions in charge. Oleg Milisic, OHR Spokesperson, stated that in order to resolve the issue of census, authorities should resolve some more urgent matters, including more adequate collection of statistics’ data, which is one of demands from Feasibility Study.


Organised Crime/Legal Proceedings/War Crimes

BiH Court commences trail in ‘Lijanovici’ case





RHB , Pink, BHT, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 2’Rattel: This is about corruption and criminal of high positioned officials’, mentioned on cover ‘Indictment: Dragan Covic received 1 million KM bribe’, by S. Turcalo, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Covic, Tadic and Lucic demanded separation of their proceedings’, mentioned on cover, by A.N., Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash and pg 2 ‘They read the indictment in five hours’ by A. Durmo, EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘Defense demands for separation’ by D. Stanisic – BiH Court started the trial against ex-Member of the BiH Presidency, Dragan Covic; BiH Constitutional Court President, Mate Tadic; four of Ivankovic-Lijanovic brothers and Sarajevo University Professor, Zdravko Lucic. They are accused of embezzlement, tax evasion, corruption and office abuse. Attorneys of Tadic, Lucic and Covic requested separate trials for each accused person. BiH Court Council will consider this request upon receipt of request in written form.

CRO press on start of trials of ‘Covic and others’: Expert witnesses clear Covic


Dnevni List, front pg splash and pg 5 ‘Are indictees facing detention?’, by Erna Mackic, Vecernji List, front pg splash ‘Experts witnesses: Covic is innocent’ and pg 5 ‘Experts witnesses accuse, Lijanovici deny’, by Zoran Kresic, and pg 7 ‘Covic and Lijanovics defending themselves from outside’, by Dejan Jazvic, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 19 ‘Expert witnesses defend Covic’, by Zlatko Tulic – All report on the start of trials to Dragan Covic and others. They all also note that the expert witnesses’ findings show, as pointed out by Covic’s lawyer Josip Muselimovic, that Covic is not responsible for any possible damages to the budget because he was acting within the law. In addition, DL notes that prosecutor Jonathan Rattel will submit a request asking for some sort of guarantees for the indictees (that they would not flee the country). He will present his request at the continuation of trials scheduled for October 27. In this context, DL reckons it could only mean that Rattel will ask that the indictees be put in custody, following events regarding the Jelavic case.

Mladen Ivankovic Lijanovic says indictment is politically motivated


Vecernji List, pg 7 ‘Mladen Lijanovic” I will not run away’, not signed, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 19 ‘Attack on party’, by D. I. – According to Mladen Ivankovic Lijanovic, an indictee in the ‘Covic and others’ case, the indictment is just another political game against him and the party (Radom za Boljitak) he is leading. He underlines that he will not flee from BiH despite having the double citizenship (Croatian citizenship) because he believes in the BiH judiciary.

VL on trials against Croat officials: Croatia should make sure trials are fair


Vecernji List, pgs 6-7 ‘Justice above nationality’, by Petar Grubisic – Commenting on processes conducted against Ante Jelavic, Dragan Covic and other Croat officials in BiH and the role Croatia should play in it, Grubisic argues that Croatia should at least help its citizens in BiH, as described in the Croatian constitution. Grubisic notes that Croatia should not be interfering into the work of the BiH judiciary and politics, instead it should make sure that trials against Croat officials are fair i.e. that trials should  show that Jelavic and others are either corrupted or the trials are politically motivated.

VL: Legal explanation what could happen with regards to Jelavic case


Vecernji List, pgs 6-7 ‘If Jelavic is validly sentenced, he will go to Croatian prison’, by Silvana Perica – Carries a legal explanation of what might happen with regards to the Jelavic case, namely the article argues that the most likely scenario is that Ante Jelavic serves the sentence in a Croatian prison. VL argues that according to the Croatian legislation, Croatia is obliged to execute a fully valid verdict if asked by another state. VL also carries a professor of criminal code law from Zagreb Law School, Davor Krapaci, who explains that in case Croatia does execute the verdict (passed by a foreign court), there needs to be a conversion of the verdict i.e. Croatian judges have to pass a verdict that is in line with Croatian judiciary, not to detriment of the indictee. VL notes that the practice has shown that a sentence is usually confirmed or slightly decreased.

SD: McNair wants to secretly arrest Jelavic, everything done under watchful eye of OHR


Slobodna Dalmacija, pgs 4-5 ‘Jelavic in fear of arrest and extradition’, by S. D. – SD reads that according to well informed sources, prosecutor John McNair is prepared to ask from the FBIH MoI, SIPA and other security/police agencies to forcibly bring Ante Jelavic to BiH, and this would apparently happen with knowledge and in agreement with Croatian authorities. In addition, SD says McNair’s plan will be done under watchful eye of the OHR. SD also reads that the BiH Prosecution had a similar plan in late 2004 when it wanted to secretly arrest Ivan Medic (charged in ‘Hercegovacka bank’ case), however the Croatian authorities disapproved the plan.

ICTY President addresses UN Security Council


RHB , FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Creators of genocide still avoiding justice’, Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘It is unacceptable Karadzic and Mladic are still at large’ by Agencies – ICTY President Theodor Meron, addressing the UN General Conference, expressed gratitude to all state members for supporting the ICTY institution. Meron added, regarding the cooperation of former Yugoslavian countries, that ICTY managed to persuade them in importance of arresting and extraditing the ICY indictees. He emphasised that three most wanted indictees Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic and Ante Gotovina are still at large.

Ljajic: ‘ SCG public supports Mladic extradition for the first time’

Vecernji List pg 2 ‘SCiG supports Mladic’s extradition for first time’ by F – Serbia and Montenegro Minister for Human Rights and President of the Commission for Cooperation with the ICTY, Rasim Ljajic, stated that for the first time most of the SCiG public supported extradition of Ratko Mladic to the ICTY since they see that practically the whole country is his hostage.

Three-day search for war crimes indictee Zupljanin ends without arrest


Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 20 ‘Still without results’, by A. Macanovic, Sarajevo media, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Not a trace from Stojan Zupljanin’ by R. Segrt – Three-days long joint search action for Stojan Zupljanin by RS police and EUFOR ended on Tuesday. RS police spokesperson Radovan Pejic says there were no incidents and also says seized computers and documents will be used in purpose of cooperation with the Hague Tribunal.

Kunic, Popovic and Radojicic respond to demand of Club of Intellectuals from Srebrenica


Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Speech of evil will’ by S.Milakovic – Responding to demand of Club of Intellectuals from Srebrenica (that advocates collective responsibility of Serbs), daily carries comments of Banjaluka Law Faculty Professors Petar Kunic and Vitomir Popovic, Igor Radojicic SNSD Secretary General. Kunic denies claims responsibility is collective, adding that accusations against one people do not lead anywhere and that responsibility is everywhere on individual basis. Radojicic says that raising the issue of collective responsibility is “extremely hostile and chauvinist act”. Popovic is of the view it is a great problem that 10 years after Dayton , F BiH is still trying to raise the issue of collective responsibility of RS and people living in it. 

Ismet Bajramovic Celo interrogated on Bosniak intelligence officer Nedzad Ugljen’s murder

Dnevni Avaz cover splash, pg 3 ‘Ismet Bajramovic Celo suddenly interrogated’ by B.C. – DA writes that Ismet Bajramovic Celo has been taken to the Sarajevo Cantonal Prosecution for the interrogation in case of a murder of Nedzad Ugljen, former head of AID [ex/wartime Bosniak Intelligence Agency]. 

RS and Cantonal MoIs agree joint activities to fight crime


RHB, BHT, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Coordinated action in tackling serious crime’ by Fena, Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Four MoI cantons and RS agreed on cooperation’ by F. Vele, Dnevni List pg 49, Vecernji List pg 5 ‘Meeting of police officials’ by F, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 18 ‘Police officials from RS and FBiH signed joint statement’ by F, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Criminals, beware’ by Srna, Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘Cooperation of polices was agreed upon’ by J. B.- High-ranked police officials from the RS (RS Minister of Interior Darko Matijasevic, RS Police Director Dragomir Andan) and Ministers of Interior from the Canton 10, West Herzegovina, Central Bosnia and Herzegovina-Neretva Cantons signed in Mostar on Tuesday the joint statement on carrying out intensified activities in order to resolve serious crimes. It was agreed that they would be providing each other with the logistic, operative and technical assistance, that they would form a joint headquarters etc. Implementation of the commitments from the joint statement would start immediately and it would last 6 months.


Economic/Social Issues

Int. Conference on poverty in BiH: VAT might cause crisis







BHT, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje back page ‘VAT will cause a difficult crisis’ by S. Rozajac, Vecernji List pg 8 ‘Poverty in BiH’ by E. Medunjanin, Dnevni Avaz pg 11, Nezavisne Novine pg 5, announced on cover ‘Every fifth citizen of BiH is poor’ by A. Susnjar – Four religious humanitarian organizations from BiH – Caritas, Merhamet, Dobrotvor and La Benevolencija – held an international conference in Sarajevo on Tuesday. The organizations concluded every fifth citizen of BiH is poor and, should VAT on food and clothes be introduced, BiH will face a chaotic situation. The organizations signed a document with recommendations for prevention of poverty in BiH. Inset ‘Terzic: BiH is not poor’ – CoM Chairman Adnan Terzic assessed BiH is not a poor country, yet it has a great problem regarding the poverty considering the fact every fifth citizen is poor. Terzic addressed the symposium “Social security systems” in Sarajevo and said: ‘An adequate social care of all BiH citizens is an obligation of the state, although the Dayton Agreement does not mention this segment’.

EuroBlic pg RS3, announced on cover ‘Terzic: BiH is not poor, but every fifth citizen is’ by Srna also carries Terzic’s statement.

SD: Workers want INA-MOL to take over ‘Energopetrol’, lobbies have their own agenda


Slobodna Dalmacija, front pg splash and pg 16 ‘Workers want INA-MOL, lobbies crushing tender’, by Dinko Pasic – SD learns from unofficial sources that despite the FBiH Government deciding at its last session that it would not prejudice the destiny of the tender on co-capitalization of ‘Energopetrol’, lobbies that are even active within the FBiH ministries are working on annulment of the tender in which the ‘INA-MOL’s’ bid was declared as the best one. On the other hand, reports SD, the Union of ‘Energopetrol’ employees argues that the ‘INA-MOL’s’ bid is the best one since the consortium promised it would keep all 1059 workers, which is something that other bidders are not prepared to do.



New EUFOR commander to take over in December


BHT, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘New EUFOR Commander, general Carini, served in Iraq’, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Leakey to handover the command to Chiarini’ by N. N., Vecernje Novosti pg 3 ‘Chiriani leads EUFOR’ by D. St. – Major General David Leaky is to hand over command over EUFOR troops at the beginning of December to Italian Major General Gian Marco Chiriani, who was earlier commander of SFOR multinational division South East, with HQ in Mostar and recently commanded Italian Army troops stationed in the Iraq.

Lukic refuses to resign; Cavic offered his help; Bukejlovic: laws must be respected; Students defend Lukic; Council still to discuss the removal


EuroBlic pg RS1 ‘I do not want pardon’ by Dusanka Stanisic and Mirna Soja – OHR on Tuesday again sent an appeal to RS Government and RS Ministry for Education to realize the decision of HR Paddy Ashdown and remove Dean Radomir Lukic from his position. ‘RS Government has various mechanisms to implement the HR’s decision and the main responsibility lies upon the Education Ministry, which must undertake specific actions’, OHR Spokesperson Mario Brkic said. Lukic, on the other hand, refuses to comment on OHR statements and refuses to resign until the Council of the Faculty of Laws presents its stance with regard to his removal. Lukic says he had no contacts with RS Education Minister Milovan Pecelj, however he did have a phone conversation with RS President Dragan Cavic at the end of last week. He says Cavic told him he had two options – either not to resign by October 10 and be put on the black list of HR together with Ratko Mladic or to resign by October 10 and be pardoned by HR on October 13 or October 20. He refused to resign because ‘he had done nothing to be pardoned by anyone’.

Glas Srpske pg 5, announced on cover ‘Neither resignation nor dismissal’ by S. Sekara – also carries Lukic’s refusal to resign.

Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Minister on the move’ by Srna – OHR’s statement.

EuroBlic pg RS1 ‘I do not want pardon’ by Dusanka Stanisic and Mirna Soja inset ‘Cavic: Friendly advice’ – Cavic’s Cabinet confirmed he did have a private phone conversation with Lukic and the conversation was motivated by their friendship. The Cabinet stated Cavic offered Lukic to intervene at international representatives in order to find a solution for him to stay at the position of the Dean.

EuroBlic pg RS1 ‘I do not want pardon’ by Dusanka Stanisic and Mirna Soja inset ‘Students support Lukic’, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Raise your voice – give resistance’ by M. Mi. – The Students’ Association of East Sarajevo University on Tuesday appealed to academic public, authorities in BiH, Association of European Faculties and all governmental and non-governmental organizations to raise their voice against HR’s decision to remove Lukic.

Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘The council of Faculty on removal of Radomir Lukic soon’ by G. Maunaga – carries OHR’s statement and announcement of Kosta Cavoski, the Chairman of the Council of the Faculty of Laws, saying that the Council will hold a session in four or five days and discuss Lukic’s removal. RS Minister of Labor Miodrag Deretic says the HR’s decision was an act above the Constitution and above the laws and it must be implemented.

Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘The council of Faculty on removal of Radomir Lukic soon’ by G. Maunaga inset ‘Cavoski defends Karadzic’ – notes that Cavoski is also the Chairman of the International Board for Truth on Radovan Karadzic.

Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘The Council will pay the bill’ by Sl. P. – RS PM Pero Bukejlovic stated on Tuesday in Doboje that, as far as he knows, the Council still had not held a session to discuss Lukic’s removal, although it should have and he noted everyone must respect BiH laws. He announced, as in accordance with RS Government’s conclusions, the Council members will be replaced in order to implement HR’s decision.

RTRS also covered the issue.