
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 11/9/2003



FED TV (19,30 hrs)

RT RS  (19,30)

Mesic visits SCG

Pension increase in FBiH

Mesic visits SCG

HR addresses Parliament

Vuksic pleaded not guilty

BH Presidency

Ivanov in BiH

Heavy metals from SFOR

RS and SCG MoIs

BH Presidency session

Ivanov visits BiH

Middle East



RS camp inmates announcing a mass gathering/rally in Sarajevo

Dnevni Avaz

Ashdown addressed BiH Parliament: the most difficult part is yet to come

Dnevni List

“Paddy Ashdown in his address to representatives of state Parliament: BiH cannot go to Europe through OHR’; “OHR places Mostar on agenda again”; “Party for BiH Mostar stands for early elections”

Vecernji List

“Serb rebellion against change of Dayton”; “Elektroprivreda of Herceg Bosna is being abolished”

Slobodna Dalmacija

“President of SCiG apologized for all evils inflicted to citizens of Republic of Croatia”; “Gotovina is hiding either in Croatia or Herzegovina”

Glas Srpske

Republika Srpska Education Inspection: Unseen exams!; Banjaluka: Policemen tied up; Sarajevo: Alija Izetbegovic broke ribs

Nezavisne Novine

Croatian President visited Belgrade: Marovic and Mesic exchanged apologies; One-day visit of Russian Foreign Minister to BiH: Ivanov promised swift solution of BiH problem related to gas debt; Paddy Ashdown addressed BiH Parliament: BiH is losing over KM 100 million without the Law on Taxes; Removed director of FOSS interrogated: Vuksic stated he is not guilty for taking of hostages; the Republika Srpska Government  disobeys decisions of Ombudsman: Milorad Balaban was appointed illegally; Sarajevo: BiH Prosecutor’s Office ordered arrest of Momcilo Mandic


Paddy Ashdown: ‘BiH too slow on its path to Europe’; Radioactive package stolen; Electricity cut-offs in Banja Luka: police, RS Army, intelligence and Court did not pay the bills

Vecernje Novosti

First visit of the Croatian President to Serbia and Montenegro


Political developments

Ashdown addresses BiH Parliament on indirect taxation bill, defence reforms





























Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz front page, pg 4 ‘The most difficult part is yet to come’, Oslobodjenje pg. 8 ‘Reforms – key for Europe’, Nezavisne Novine, cover and pg. 2, ‘BiH is losing over KM 100 million without the Law on Taxes’; Glas Srpske, pg. 3, ‘Many troubles on the path towards Europe’, Blic, p 7, ‘Slow pace on the path to Europe’,ONASA – High Representative Paddy Ashdown on Wednesday called delegates of both houses of the BiH parliament to pass the law on indirect taxation and implement defence reforms. “It’s up to you what will happen in the future. You must decide. The role of the international community in the process now ends. If you vote for the law, it will be your merit. If you fail, you will bear the responsibility. The same case is with the reforms in defence and intelligence service,” Ashdown said, addressing the parliament. The High Representative reiterated the Commission for Indirect Taxation has created a tax system that meets the European standards and that functions in the citizens’ interest and not criminals’. “The agreement was made by your representatives in the Commission and not the international community. These compromise solutions are yours and not mine,” he added. The draft law is a result of intensive four-months negotiations of officials from the Council of Ministers, entity governments and the Brcko District government and it meets conditions posted by EU Commissioner for External Affairs Chris Patten for further progress of BiH, Ashdown said. The EU will secure 20m KM for restructuring of the custom and tax system as well as 90m KM as aid to BiH if the law on indirect taxation is passed by January next year. Ashdown stressed that by passing the law on intelligence service, the BiH politics will not be destroyed by scandals such as those happening lately. “If you fail to vote this law, travelling without visas will remain only a dream. All prospects for a non-visa regime for BiH citizens can be made only after restructuring of security structures and this is a key step in the process. Therefore, in next two to three months each of you will have to decide whether to keep open or slam the door to Europe,” he said. “In the past eight months, the number of laws I was obliged to pass has lowered and thus the tempo of reforms did not slow down. This is a good news. But, here is a bad news. The bad news is that we further work slow. If we fail to accelerate the tempo of reforms, we’ll not succeed and the hardest part of this process is still in front of us.”

Dnevni List (front and page 3, “BiH cannot go to Europe through OHR”, by Renata Radic), Slobodna Dalmacija (page 17, “Only 1% of work for joining Europe has been done”, by B. Magas, D. Pasic) and Vecernji List (page 2, “Croats compensate disappearing by enterprising spirit”, by eme) also carry that High Representative Paddy Ashdown addressed representative of both Houses of the state Parliament yesterday. Among the other things, the HR stated that in the coming period the domestic authority has to reduce costs of the state institutions, resolve the issue of the Mostar Municipality, adopt the revision of the budget, complete the reform of the Radio-Television system, implement the reform of the Intelligence Services and establish rule of law. DL says that representative in the state Parliament Zlatko Lagumdzija reacted to Ashdown’s claims, asking the HR as to what the HR would be doing if the domestic authority were doing more than him. Lagumdzija added: “Unfortunately, you are doing more and we are doing less. We are pushing you so that you do not fall into a trap and think that everything is fine. We all agree that it is necessary to reach a consensus with regard to joining the EU.” VL carries that asked by HDZ representatives about the physical disappearance of Croats, the HR stated that thanks to their enterprising spirit Croats have a chance to compensate their decreasing in number by an increased economic influence in the country.

Responding to question raised by MP Miolorad Zivkovic, seeking HiRep’s view on early elections, Ashdown said that opposition should make a call, adding that it would not be good now to waste time on something else apart from implementation of reforms.

Dnevni Avaz pg. 4 ‘Everyone is jeopardised in BiH if the state is jeopardised’ also carried HR’s answers to the deputies’ questions.

Ivanov visits BiH

RTRS, Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg. 6 ‘Withdrawal of our troops does not mean our leaving the Balkans’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 2 ‘Respeting borders represents a pre-condition for the stability in the Balkans’ – Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov stated on Wednesday following the meeting with the senior BiH officials in Sarajevo that the main principles of Dayton Peace Agreement must stay unchanged as well as the borders of countries in the region. He also stressed that Russia will stay present in the Balkans, despite withdrawal of its soldiers form peacekeeping mission. He said that Russia will develop relations with the countries in the region based on the new principle of mutual interests and added that there was nothing to prevent good relations between BiH and Russia. Ivanov repeatedly stressed the importance of holding the regional conference on the security and borders of Balkans’ states. BH Foreign Minister Mladen Ivanic announced steps to be taken to develop economic relations and finding the solution towards pay out of the BiH gas debt. ‘I hope that by signing another two or three agreements, refereeing to the regulation of the economic relations, we would create conditions for companies to mutually cooperate.’ – added Ivanic. During his visit, Ivanov also met with the members of BiH Presidency and Chairman of the BH Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic.

Nezavisne Novine, cover and pg. 2, ‘Ivanov promised swift solution of BiH problem related to gas debt’; Glas Srpske, pg. 3, ‘Dayton is a sacred thing’, Blic, p 7, ‘Ivanov: Russia for the Dayton principles’, Vecernji List pg. 2 also reported on the visit. Slobodna Dalmacija pg. 22 ‘Covic invited Russians to Mostar’ reports that BiH Presidency Chairman Dragan Covic invited Ivanov to participate in the Conference on Investments in BiH due next February in Mostar and attend Old Bridge opening ceremony in the town. Vecerni List editorial on Ivanov’s visit (pg. 2 ‘Russian come back to the Balkans’ By Dejan Jazvic) reads that the visit confirmed Russia’s readiness to regain at least part of the influence the country once had in the region but lost its in the meantime by playing on a wrong card.

Ashdown meets Ivanov

FENA, ONASA – The High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, met on Wednesdaywith the Russian Foreign Minister, Igor Ivanov, was announced by OHR. The High Representative said that visits like this were very important for BiH, and underlined how much he appreciated the support and close co-operation with the Embassy and the Russian Federation. Ashdown then briefed Ivanov on the situation in BiH, stating that BiH was moving out of post-conflict to transition, and that the issues BiH was dealing with were now to do with strengthening BiH’s statehood and integration with the European Union. He added that the international community was moving away from doing to monitoring and enabling. The next three months were crucial, because of the three great reforms in Customs/VAT, Defence and Intelligence. The message that the OHR was sending was that BiH had to do these reforms for itself. 

Dodik letter to Ashdown

Oslobodjenje pg. 3, mentioned on the front page ‘Paddy, switch of the light before you leave’ – SNSD leader Milorad Dodik has sent an open letter to High Representative Paddy Ashdown in which he emphasises that the international community is a sponsor of a difficult economic, security and political situation in the country. The entire letter will be published on Friday in Slobodna Bosna and Nezavisne Novine.

Blic, p 7, ‘Dodik: Persistently to early elections’ – During the SNSD press conference on Wednesday, Milorad Dodik explained the idea of his party on organizing early elections in BiH next year “at all levels, including the local level”. He also said “the House of Peoples of the Federation of BiH is functioning without Serb councilors’ caucus, yet this does not bother at all the International Community, while OHR too is silent”. Dodik thinks the International Community has done lot of work in BiH and he resents High Representative Paddy Ashdown for “affirming nationalistic structure under the cover of democracy in BiH”.

RS President on the initiative for changing BiH Constitution

Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, FENA – The RS President, Dragan Cavic, said Wednesday that any idea of changing the BiH Constitution represented a violation of the Dayton Peace Agreement and just another attempt of one people’s domination over the others “that would mean returning to causes of the war conflict in BiH.” “One idea is the establishment of a Republic of BiH, and the other idea is federalization. If people engage in such stories then they must know that there are people on the other side who would in case of such a constitutional change say why would we live in a country that we do not want”, said Cavic for Radio Free Europe. “I will never accept to live in a country in which rearrangement of the state system is carried out without Republika Srpska”, added the RS President. Dnevni Avaz pg. 11 also carried the FENA report.

BiH Presidency agrees on distribution of ambassadorial posts

Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg. 3, Dnevni Avaz pg. 2, FENA – At its session in Sarajevo on Wednesday, the BiH Presidency agreed on the distribution of ambassadorial posts in 55 embassies and diplomatic missions of BiH throughout the world. BiH Presidency member Borislav Paravac stated after the session that the rotation principle would only be applied in the most significant world centres and neighbouring countries. According to Paravac, these are the embassies in the United States, France, Germany, Russia, China, Japan, Great Britain, Italy and Austria, and in Croatia and Serbia and Montenegro. The rotation principle will also be in effect for the standing missions of BiH to certain international organisations, as well as in the consulates in Istanbul, Munich, Frankfurt, Chicago and Milan. This process goes on and with adopting the Law on Foreign Policy this field will be fully regulated, said Paravac. Dnevni List front and pg. 5 ‘Names of new ambassadors state secret’, Vecernji List pg. 2 ‘National rotation of ambassadors’ also covered the issue.

BiH HoR confirms appointment of new foreign trade minister

Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, Oslobodjenje pg. 8, FENA – The BiH House of Representatives on Wednesday confirmed the appointment of Dragan Doko as BiH Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations. The chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers made the decision after the resignation of Minister Mila Gadzic had been accepted. DL (page 3, “Nevertheless, Doko is new BiH minister of foreign trade and economic relations”, by Miso Relota) and Vecernji List (page 4, “Confirmation of appointment of minister Doko”, by Fena) also carry that the HoR confirmed the appointment of Doko. DL says that HDZ BiH refused the OHR’s recommendation to propose a new candidate instead of Doko because the OHR believes that Doko does not have necessary qualifications to perform this duty. DL also says that according to unofficial information, nevertheless, HDZ gave support to their candidate Doko and thus all that the OHR could do was to give a green light for Doko. Dnevni List (page 3, “Law on immunity adopted”, by M.R.) carries that during its yesterday’s session the House of Representatives of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly adopted Law on immunity, Law on registration of legal entities who establish BiH institutions, Law on ministerial appointments, appointments of the BiH Council of Ministers and other appointments in BiH, as well as, Law on changes and amendments of Law on Civil Service in the BiH institutions.

DL: “OHR puts Mostar on agenda again”

Dnevni List (front & p 5, by Zvonimir Jukic) reports that International Community sources reveal that the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, is to arrive to Mostar next week in order to discuss further process of the city re-organisation and making of the city Statute with political parties’ representatives. He might then make public the new directions in the process of Mostar re-organisation that were announced in August. DL carries the statement given to Onasa by Avis Benes, the OHR (South) Spokesperson, which reads that the OHR does not want to speculate on further steps on the issue as the final decision has not been made yet. “The OHR can confirm that, during the second round of consultations, SDHR Wnendt last week met representatives of political parties represented in the Mostar City Council”, Benes said adding the HR would announce further steps for Mostar at the end of this month. The statement is also carried by Slobodna Dalmacija (p 17, “OHR on Mostar soon”, by Miroslav Landeka), Oslobodjenje pg. 4 ‘New decisions to be made at the end of this week’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 9.

DL: “Party for BiH Mostar for early elections”

Dnevni list (front & p 6, by Z. Jukic) reports that the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC) Board of Party for BiH (SBiH) has addressed a letter to the HR Ashdown and presidents of all the parliamentary parties warning them that, unless the principles that truly restore BiH’s multi-ethnic character are taken into consideration, SBiH Mostar would request its HQ to reconsider participation in such authority on all the levels and to support demands for early elections. The cause for the letter was rejection of demand by Croats to have equal number of MPs from all the constituent peoples in the Brcko District Assembly and SBiH in Herzegovina fully shares justified Brcko Croats’ fears of jeopardising vital national interests. “By supporting demands for equality by Croat MPs in Brcko, we point to the fact that vital national interest of any people in Mostar should not be threatened. Turning Croats in Brcko into a constituent minority is a process identical to the one that took place in the HNC some months ago when Bosniaks and Serbs found themselves in the same situation thanks to pressures from the OHR and the sad fact that all SDA party levels accepted such authority”, the letter concludes. DL adds that SBiH has abandoned the coalition with SDA in Mostar and HNC and has move to opposition.  

Initiatives for change of BiH Constitution

Dnevni List (page 4, “Internal organization of BiH hinders joining Euro-Atlantic integration”, by Fena) carries that the round table discussion during which the draft Declaration on necessity of change of the BiH Constitution and organization of the Federal Republic of BiH was discussed took place in Sarajevo yesterday.  DL says that the explanation of the reasons for the change of the BiH Constitution says that the BiH Constitution are chains which does not make possible any kind of human and social emancipation. The article also says that all discussion from the yesterday’s round table discussion will be summed up and the draft of the Declaration, as a working material, will be forwarded to a normal parliamentary procedure soon.

Vecernji List (front and page 3, “Serb rebellion against change of Dayton Peace Agreement”by B. Stevandic) carries on the same issue that Serb politicians harshly oppose the demands for the change of the BiH Constitution. VL carries SDS President Dragan Kalinic as saying: “We do not dispute BiH, however, we do not accept its strengthening at the cost of the Republika Srpska.” PDP Secretary Nevenka Trifkovic believes that the changes of the BiH Constitution are not possible without a consent of all three peoples in BiH. Sarajevo dailies also covered the issue.  

Nezavisne Novine, pg. 4, ‘Dayton prevents BiH from moving towards Europe’ – Professor Mesud Sabitovic, claims that the Dayton BiH represents a precedent in the international law. He is the member of the group in charge of preparation of the Declaration on necessity to change BiH Constitution. This group pledges for organisation of BiH as federal republic organised in four regions.

Professor Cazim Sadikovic is of the opinion that the Dayton Peace Agreement does not comply with the European Convention on Human Rights to a great extent.

Ljubomir Berberovic, Vice President of BiH Academy for Science and Arts, explained that the Declaration resulted from month-long talks with the representatives of local and international officials, as well as with citizens of BiH.

Blic p 4, ‘Everything reminds of March 1992’ – Regarding the Declaration on necessity to amend BiH Constitution, Milorad Dodik stated during the SNSD press conference that if there were no political consensus then a referendum should be held. He warned that this would remind of March 1992, and would imply a possibility of outvoting. According to Dodik, such scientific names and scientific theory could be of no use both for BiH and mentors that support such ideas.

Blic, p 4, ‘Declaration invokes unifying of BiH’ – Professor of Constitution Law Rajko Kuzmanovic assessed that the true purpose of the Declaration on necessity to amend BiH Constitution was to centralize and unite BiH, which would lead BiH to a situation such as it was 10 years ago. He thinks that the employees of the BiH Science Academy had been paid to develop this Declaration, which is a part of “BiH: Possibilities and Perspectives” project, financed by Soros and other organizations. At the end, he assessed that it was not the Constitution that should be blamed for the existing economic situation in BiH, but lack of political will to resolve issues.

Marovic-Mesic meeting


Nezavisne Novine, cover and pg. 3, ‘Marovic and Mesic exchanged apologies’ – President of Serbia and Montenegro, Svetozar Marovic, and Croatian President, Stjepan Mesic, yesterday exchanged apologies for all the sufferings of their citizens over the past period. Marovic said he wanted to apologise for all the evil any citizen of Serbia and Montenegro caused to any citizen of Croatia. Mesic accepted Marovic’ “symbolic apology”, as he said, and apologised to all those, whom Croatian citizens caused pain. Mesic and Marovic expressed great satisfaction over their talks and assessed that yesterday’s meeting should represent a stimulus for further improvement of relations between two states. Sarajevo media, Blic, p 2, ‘Excuses for future’, Vecernje Novosti, p 4, ‘The first visit of the Croatian President to Serbia and Montenegro’ and of course CRO Press also reported on the meeting.

SDS session postponed

Nezavisne Novine, pg. 2, ‘SDS session postponed’ – The session of the SDS assembly was postponed for the end of this month, and the session of the SDS Main Board will be held on 15 September in Banjaluka. According to unofficial information, the session of SDS assembly is to elect the new president and adopt Declaration, which should define relations within the party.

Tihic criticizes FTV


Oslobodjenje pg. 3, mentioned on the front page ‘FTV works against BiH’ – “The Federation TV is not at the adequate professional level. The attitude of some of its journalists particularly those creating the 60 Minutes magazine towards the current BiH authorities is inappropriate and vulgar,” said Bosniak member of the BiH Presidency and SDA leader Sulejman Tihic. Tihic added that by such the behaviour FTV was working directly against BiH and particularly against Bosniaks.  


Security issues

Vuksic appears before Sarajevo Canton Court, pleaded not guilty




Croat Radio Herceg Bosna, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg. 9, Nezavisne Novine, cover and pg. 4, ‘Vuksic stated he is not guilty for taking of hostages’, Dnevni List pg. 2, Vecernji List pg. 22 – Former director of FOSS Ivan Vuksic pleaded not guilty before the Canton Court in Sarajevo. He was accused of taking hostages during the raid into the Hercegovacka Bank in Grude two years ago. During takeover of documentation of the Bank several officers of international community, SFOR soldiers and two tax inspectors were captured inside the Bank building in Grude and Vuksic allegedly blackmailed them to sign prepared statements if they did not want to be delivered to a mob waiting outside. Sentence for this kind of crime is in range 1 to 10 years. First appearance in the court will be scheduled in next 60 days.

BiH Prosecutor’s Office issues arrest warrant for Momcilo Mandic


Nezavisne Novine, cover and pg. 3, ‘BiH Prosecutor’s Office ordered arrest of Momcilo Mandic’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 2 – BiH Prosecutor’s Office issued an arrest warrant for Momcilo Mandic, businessman close to war crime suspect Radovan Karadzic. Marinko Jurcevic, BiH Chief Prosecutor, yesterday confirmed that in June this year, Prosecutor’s Office has launched an investigation against Momcilo Mandic for money laundering and other criminal acts.

Brane Pecanac, Director of BiH Interpol, yesterday said that InterPol has not received the arrest warrant as of yesterday.

Incident near Banjaluka

Glas Srpske, cover page story, ‘Policemen tied up’ – After stopping a vehicle during routine traffic check on the road Banjaluka-Bronzani Majdan, two police officers from Banjaluka took vehicle documents and checked them with their base. In the meantime, two men, Drazenko Kovacevic (23) and Dragan Bojanic approached them carrying a gun, threatened them, ordered to lay down on the ground, when they tied them up and started beating on them. After this, they placed policemen in their vehicle “Golf 1”, took patrol car and run away.

Police is still searching for these two ruffians.


Economic/social affairs

VL: “Elektroprivreda Herzeg-Bosna to be abolished?”







Vecernji List (front & p 3, by Z. Kresic) reads that the new Law on Restructuring of Electric Power Sector foresees abolishment of Elektroprivreda of Croat Community of Herzeg-Bosna (EP HB), while at the same time there would be 2 companies seated in Banja Luka and Sarajevo as set by the entity division of the country. VL says the measure precedes the privatisation process that would be carried out under the watchful eye of the OHR. According to the daily, the final IC position will be known after the meeting with high-ranking OHR officials in Sarajevo this evening. The new proposed law foresees that EP HB merges with Elektroprivreda BiH and the new company, unlike in the RS, would not have the entity prefix in its name. The paper adds that a part of IC officials believe that, for as long as there is EP HB, there will be possibility of financing campaign for the “3rd entity” establishment. Croat officials are reported to have underlined that they would advocate survival of  EP HB which, over the last years, marked positive business operations unlike the other two electric power companies in BiH.  

Dispute related to appointment of Balaban

Nezavisne Novine, cover and pg. 5, ‘Milorad Balaban was appointed illegally’ – The Republika Srpska Government  has not  so far respected decision by Ombudsman of Republika Srpska dated 10 July this year, which demands recall of Milorad Balaban from the position of the Director of Health Care Institute and appointment of new director. The Ombudsman decision is grounded in the claim that Balaban was not elected legally on this position. Namely, when Government appointed Balaban  on this position on 27 March this year, it ignored the new Law on Ministerial Appointment (LOMA), according to which Balaban could have been appointed on this position only one year after he had left the position of Minister of Health.

Sonja Pastuovic, Spokesperson of Regional OHR Banjaluka, yesterday stated that the Republika Srpska Government is obligated to follow recommendations by Ombudsman.

Mikerevic met with disabled persons

Blic, p 7, ‘Support promised to disabled persons’ – Republika Srpska Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic on Wednesday accepted an initiative of the Coordinating Board of the RS Association of Disabled Persons on the formation of a governmental inter-resource body that would deal with disability issues. Mikerevic promised short-term financial assistance to all organizations of disabled persons. Chairman of the Coordinating Board Branko Suzic said that he informed Mikerevic of the draft law on labor rehabilitation institutions and employment of disabled persons and draft law on professional rehabilitation. He added that he asked the Prime Minister to insure that the RS Government starts dealing more with drafting the necessary laws on disabled persons.


Other issues

RS Camp inmates announcing a mass gathering in Sarajevo



Oslobodjenje front page, pg. 7 ‘RS camp inmates announcing a mass gathering/rally in Sarajevo’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 13 ‘Dangerous provocation’ – The RS Association of Camp Inmates invited the BiH Presidency members to take part in the unveiling and consecration of a memorial plaque on September 19 for victims who died in the former Viktor Bubanj [army] barracks in Sarajevo. The invitation points out that the consecration of the memorial plaque will be performed in memory of, as the association said, the dozens of cruelly murdered Serbs in this Muslim camp. The rally is to take place a day before the opening of the Srebrenica Potocari Memorial.

Interview with Director of Republika Srpska Commission for search for missing persons

Nezavisne Novine, pg. 6, ‘Number of unlocated site of mass graves still large’ – Aleksandar Radeta, recently appointed as Director of Republika Srpska Commission for search for missing persons, said that the Day of Missing Persons is marked in Banjaluka on Monday. According to the register of the Commission, 30 to 40% of exhumed and identified persons were not included in any list of missing persons, which results from failure of their families to register them. The total of 2500 bodies has been exhumed so far, out of which 1400 were identified. Radeta further claims that many locations of mass graves, where Serb population were killed, have not been located as yet. 

New discoveries of American analyst Gregory Kopley

Vecernje Novosti, p 5, ‘RS Government had been black-mailed’, carries a lengthy article – a summary of “Defense and Foreign Affairs” Washington daily article written by its editor Gregory Kopley. The title of the article is ‘American official together with High Representative Ashdown involved in the attempt of extortion of forfeit report on Srebrenica’. The article claims that the report on Srebrenica had been extorted under OHR threat on dismissing RS Government. The editor mentions OHR sources, Banja Luka sources and other reliable sources from Sarajevo. Kopley claims that SDHR Donald Hays had actively participated in extorting the forfeit report on Srebrenica by imposing a document containing three demands to the RS Government. Firstly, the RS Government should admit there was nothing disputable regarding Srebrenica, except for the number of victims. In such way, the RS Government should admit guilt for uncommitted crimes as well as to accept “Islamic propaganda, supported by Ashdown, as a fact”. Secondly, the RS should apologize to Muslims for previous statements that were disproving Islamic propaganda. Thirdly, a new commission should be established to investigate what had happened in Srebrenica, and the RS should finance the commission. Kopley also claims that terrorists in BiH, Serbia and Montenegro had increased their activities in 2003 in order to diverse USA attention away from the activities of Iran and Al-Q’aida in other parts of the world. Unnamed Muslim source from Sarajevo claims that “if Bush’s Administration fails to react soon, there would be an eruption of terrorism acts against American and western interests throughout the Balkans and world”.

Exam taking at Banjaluka Faculty of Medicine

Glas Srpske, cover page story, ‘Unseen exams!’ – Inspectors from the Republika Srpska Education Inspection established that six Greek students from Med School in Nis falsified and obtained certificate on passed exams at Banjaluka Med School. Judging from all facts available at the moment, the six students have never enrolled the Banjaluka Med School.