Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 10 December
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (12,00 hrs) | RTRS (12,00 hrs) |
International Day of Human Rights | Tirana summit continues |
Tirana summit continues | Mikerevic meets |
Coric temporary released by ICTY | International Day of Human Rights |
TV news broadcast on 9 December
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs) | FED TV (19,30 hrs) | RT RS (19,30) |
Journalist attacked | NATO summit | SDA barred 2 members | Reactions to NATO summit |
Charges vs. Jelavic expand | Number of war victims | Mostar still without mayor | Reactions: NN on Mladic |
Mostar still without mayor | Paravac in Tirana | Charges vs. Jelavic expand | Trebinje Assembly session |
NATO criticises BIH, SCG | BiH HoP Comm. on VAT | Vitezit workers protest | Halilovic refuses 750 KM |
Oslobodjenje | BiH loses 1.5 billion KM annually because of corruption; Single VAT rate without benefits; Privatization audit to follow evidences on irregularities |
Dnevni Avaz | [Seven years old son of former football player Varesanovic kidnapped]: Kidnapers ask for a million Euros?!; SDA supports privatization; FBiH Govt: Transport of guns weaponry to |
Dnevni List | Dnevni List carries list of beneficiaries of financial aid |
Vecernji List | Tycoons’ machinery on graves |
Slobodna Dalmacija | SDA undermines election of Mayor |
Nezavisne Novine | NATO session in |
Glas Srpske | Huge salaries of the international officials in BiH: One pocket – 100 salaries |
EuroBlic | Mladen Ivanic warns: Paddy Ashdown cannot change institutions without the assent of all the peoples |
Vecernje novosti | Features Serbian related stories |
Nacional | Features Serbian related stories |
Dani | In fight for Oslobodjenje |
Slobodna Bosna | Before leaving BiH, British (soldiers) stole KM 2.5 million from Austrians?! |
Ljiljan | Hadzipasic – Those who performed legally have no reason to be afraid of privatization |
Serbian official on cooperation with ICTY | RHB at 12.00 – Former senior official of Democratic party, Cedomir Jovanovic, believes Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic are hiding in |
Mikerevic meets | RS Radio at 12.00 – During his visit to London, Dragan Mikerevic, RS Prime Minister, will today meet British Foreign Office officials and discuss issue of political interest. He is also to meet representatives of several naphtha companies. |
Tirana conference | RHB, RS Radio at 12.00 – Tirana session today has reiterated the participant-states of this session should improve their cooperation in order to prevent the repetition of ethnic violence in the region. Borislav Paravac, heads BiH delegation. |
RS cooperation with ICTY | |
NATO stresses concern over RS failure to cooperate with ICTY
| RHB, FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Cooperation with the ICTY and than PfP admission’ by S.N., Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 3 ‘NATO concerned over RS non-cooperation with the ICTY’ by Agencies; Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Via The Hague to Partnership’, EuroBlic cover ‘Paddy Ashdown cannot change institutions without the assent of all the peoples’ and RSpg 1 ‘A step away from sanctions’ by Rajna Radosavljevic-Nedeljka Breberina, Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘Ministers send public appeal to BiH authorities’, by NINA, Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Ashdown prepares sanctions against RS’, mentioned on front ‘Ashdown will punish RS’, by Dejan Jazvic – At Thursday’s session in Brussels, the NATO Foreign Ministers have highlighted their concern over the RS failure to cooperate with the ICTY. The conclusions adopted after the meeting read that BiH and SiCG, following the Istanbul Summit in June, have “made a certain progress” in the field of defence, but none of these two states has not as yet accomplished a full cooperation with the ICTY. Conclusion read: “We share concern of the High Representative over the RS failure to cooperate with ICTY.” Foreign Ministers have also appealed to BiH and SICG to move forward in the fulfilment of pre-requisites necessary for admission into PfP, and they supported the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all Western Balkans states and their full integration into Euro-Atlantic structures. The session has emphasised the urgency for the arrest of war crime suspects, including Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic and Ante Gotovina. BHT 1 by Elvir Bucalo – According to journalist, it was noted at the NATO’s meeting on Wednesday that the atmosphere regarding BiH membership in the Partnership for Peace was much better last summer year in comparison to this summit. It was noted that the internal climate in BiH was good at the time, mostly thanks to the High Representative Paddy Ashdown, and international community was responding to that. RTRS by Sinisa Mihailovic– RTRS reporter comments that nothing new was stated at the NATO summit with the regard to BiH. |
VL: Ashdown prepares sanctions against RS
| Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Ashdown prepares sanctions against RS’, mentioned on front ‘Ashdown will punish RS’, by Dejan Jazvic – VL comments that one can expect that “Lord Paddy Ashdown fulfils his promise and ‘award’ with sanctions the RS institutions and politicians”. The author goes on to say it is highly likely that there will be new “purges” in the Police and military structures of the RS, including some senior political officials. VL concludes that the greatest impact will suffered by the RS’ institutions, namely the RS Defence and Interior ministries because their authorities will be reduced and transferred onto the State level. Still, VL reckons it is unlikely HR Ashdown will completely abolish the said ministries. Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘BiH put on hold until further notice’, by Danijela Kozina – The author notes the ball is now in the IC’s court i.e. in the High Representative’s court, saying that unlike on the last occasion, this time it is expected that institutions that did not do their job will be punished – foremost the RS Interior Ministry. |
Reactions to NATO summit [Ivanic, Tihic, Radivojac] | Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 3 ‘NATO concerned over RS non-cooperation with the ICTY’ by Agencies -OHR did not want to make any comment on possible sanctions following NATO Summit and the final outcome for RS, since no official report from the NATO Summit in Brussels has been received as yet. According to NN inset ‘Ivanic: Conclusions were expected’, Mladen Ivanic, BiH Foreign Minister, said that the conclusions of the NATO Foreign Ministers could have been expected, adding: “The report Carla del Ponte submitted to UN SC made clear her dissatisfaction with the level of cooperation, and NATO Ministers have reiterated this.” He added it was necessary “that BiH, and especially RS fulfil all conditions for the admission into PfP”. EuroBlic cover ‘Paddy Ashdown cannot change institutions without the assent of all the peoples’ and RSpg 1 ‘A step away from sanctions’ by Rajna Radosavljevic-Nedeljka Breberina – Ivanic added: “Sanctions against RS are most likely to follow, but we should not discuss this issue since it is in the hands of the High Rep. I doubt HR’s measures would encroach the institutional organisation of BiH, since the status of institutions can only be changed through Constitution. The assent of all three peoples in BiH is necessary for the change of Constitution.” Sulejman Tihic, the member of the BiH Presidency, said that: “The sanctions against RS are logical thing to expect.” According to EuroBlic inset ‘Radovan will not surrender’, Luka Karadzic, the brother of Radovan Karadzic, reiterated once more his brother would not turn in voluntarily. RTRS by Sinisa Mihailovic– Spokesman of RS PM Goran Radivojac stated that things that could happen to RS are hypothetical at the moment. Political analyst Tanja Topic feels that the report given by NATO has been in fact prepared by the HR himself. RTRS reporter concludes that the next move is up to HR. |
Tomljenovic says if Cavic removed, he would accept the RS Presidency Office
| Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 8, mentioned on front ‘I would accept office of head of Republika Srpska’, by A. Macanovic – Carries the RS Vice President from the line of the Croat people, Ivan Tomljenovic, as saying that he does not believe that the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, would remove the RS President, Dragan Cavic. However, in case HR Ashdown decides to do so, Tomljenovic says he would accept to take over the presidency in the RS. Furthermore, Tomljenovic says he proposes an establishment of a 3-member RS Presidency, with representatives of all three constituent peoples. Finally, Tomljenovic believes the RS Interior Ministry will not be abolished, however the Police matters will be more centralized at the State level. |
Osmanovic expects Matijasevic to be the last RS MoI
| Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Matijasevic will have the honor to lock up the RS Interior Ministry’ by E. Sarac – Commenting on the Thursday’s NATO ministerial meeting conclusions, RS Vice-president Adil Osmanovic he expected Darko Matijasevic to be the last RS Interior Minister. Osmanovic expressed his hope that this time HR Paddy Ashdown’s sanctions against RS over a lack of cooperation with ICTY would not be directed towards individuals but towards the institutions. “I really expect that the RS Interior Ministry will be abolished,” said Osmanovic. |
Radivojac: all those who were in RS Govt in past 9 years should be held responsible
| Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Radivojac: All those who ruled in RS Government in the past nine years should be held responsible’ by Fena, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘RS Government is ready to take its part of the responsibility’ by V. Popovic – Spokesperson for the RS Prime Minister Goran Radivojac said in Banja Luka that the RS Government is prepared to accept its share of responsibility of the lack of cooperation with the ICTY, but that others who held power during the previous nine years should do this as well. Commenting on requests of the SNSD for the resignation of the RS Government, Radivojac said that it is true that RS authorities have not arrested a single indicted war criminal during the past nine years, during which Milorad Dodik also served as RS Prime Minister. He reminded that cooperation with the ICTY has been intensified under this Government. Asked if any of the indicted war criminals have responded to the offer of 50.000 KM for voluntary surrender Radivojac said that the RS Ministry of Interior has such operation information and that he unable to comment. He expressed hope that this offer would have a positive effect. |
NGOs from RS announce protests, disobedience if RS in jeopardy
| RTRS by Vesna Cibic– Several NGO’s from the RS addressed an open letter to High Representative Paddy Ashdown and RS authorities, warning that if RS were placed in any sort of jeopardy, they would organise protests and other sorts of citizens’ disobedience. This was stated by Branislav Dukic, President of the RS Association of PoW. He stressed that the responsibility for the current status of RS rested with the RS Government. Accordingly, they demand from RS Government to resign.Dukic says that HR cannot penalise theRS over the failures of RS authorities, but instead the individuals, who failed to act properly, noting: “we expect that if HR reached decisions reflecting RS, we would reach for means of citizens’ disobedience and democracy IC they are introducing.” Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Removal of Ashdown and Government requested’, by Arijana Beus, Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘OHR cannot endanger RS’, by ds, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 25 ‘We shall lead people to the streets’, by A. Macanovic, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘They demand removal of RS Government’ by V. Popovic; Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘On the streets, if necessary’ by G. Klepic; EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘Ashdown blackmails, authority obeys silently’ by Miran Soja – also reported. |
Dani interview with SNSD leader Dodik: Karadzic is obviously guilty
| Dani pgs 36-38 ‘Radovan Karadzic is obviously guilty’ – Asked did he believe in RS government’s intentions to bring Radovan Karadzic to justice, SNSD President Milorad Dodik said he did not trust in their capability to do that. “A mechanism has been created within SDS, which neglects promises of the party leaders, and it is about a skillful and persistent mechanism that something must be say so but that it does not have to been done so,” said Dodik. |
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MMC fails to elect Mostar Mayor
| Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Still without mayor’, Slobodna Dalmacija, front pg splash and pg 19 ‘SDA undermines election of Mayor’, by Zoran Zekic, Dnevni List, pgs 12-13 ‘SDA councillors obstruct appointment of Mayor’, by Vera Soldo, Vecernji List, pg 4 ‘Mostar did not get Mayor yesterday’, by vr – Mostar Mayor wasn’t elected at the resumed session of the Mostar City Council (MCC) on Thursday. None of the candidates got the support from the councillors after two rounds of voting. As a result, the Serb and Croat caucuses requested postponing of session for seven days. Coalition led by HDZ was surprised when their candidate, Ljubo Beslic, wasn’t elected the Mayor of Mostar. Dailies report that an agreement was made between HDZ and SDA at the highest level that the SDA would support Beslic, but the SDA of Mostar didn’t support this agreement. On the other side, SDA candidate Murat Coric was elected the President of the City Council, while his Deputies will be Ivan Beus (HDZ)from the Croat people and Obren Lozo (SDA) from the Serb people. RHB – Chairman of Croat caucus in MCC, Mladen Margeta stated for FENA that SDA and HDZ could create strong government and ensure smooth running of the City Council. Margeta stated that the 2 parties agreed that the mayor will be a Croat and Council Speaker a Bosniak, and added that Croat caucus is surprised with the action of Bosniak caucus since it hasn’t respected their agreement. BHT 1 – reported on the session. Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘OHR imposes the Mayor?’ by F. Vele – The Chair of the Bosnian caucus, Suad Hasanefendic, said for Avaz that there is a possibility of OHR reacting by appointing the mayor. |
DL speculates on reasons for SDA lack for support for Beslic
| Dnevni List, pg 13, mentioned on front ‘SDA got ‘scared’ of his Mayor’, by Nermin Bise – The author notes that the crisis within the SDA of Mostar culminated on Thursday at the session of the MCC, which could lead to dissolving of the Main Board of SDA of Mostar. DL explains that the SDA councillors in the MCC refused to comply with instructions coming from the SDA President, Sulejman Tihic, who earlier agreed with the HDZ President, Barisa Colak, that Ljubo Beslic was to be supported as the Mayor of Mostar. Noting that Murat Coric was elected the President of MCC owing to votes of the HDZ councillors, DL says that Zijad Hadziomerovic, a member of SDA Presidency and Zijad Music, the President of Bosniak war veterans in Mostar, were instrumental in influencing SDA councillors not to support Beslic. FTV – FTV comments that it seems that there is new disagreement between SDA seat in |
NN op-ed on Mostar
| Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ’35 little pharaohs’ by Josip Blazevic – The author notes that all events related to the election of the Mostar Mayor have showed that Paddy Ashdown has imposed extremely bad solution for the city of Mostar. He notes that this solution might have succeeded if it had been applied to other cities across BiH, stressing that a better solution would be the one resembling the organisation and process in Italian cities, where the election of the Mayor is supported by 60% of councillors. He concludes by saying: “This solution for Mostar has to some extent protect the national interests, but the principles of responsibility towards citizens do not exist at all. Mostar Mayor is held responsible before only 35 little male and female Pharaohs.” |
SDA dismisses two its officials in Brcko after they voted against coalition with SDS
| FTV – Day after they refused to vote in favour of the SDA – SDS Coalition in the Brcko District Assembly, delegates Hasim Kujundzic and Halil Ljuca were barred from SDA. SDA Executive Board of the Brcko District made such decision, which Kujundzic and Ljuca don’t accept as legitimate. “I am surprised with that decision since it is adopted in illegal way. I assume that only one part of the Executive Board voted, because many members weren’t even invited to this session. So, these were not democratic methods,” said Kujundzic. He added that Executive Board, according to SDA Statute, couldn’t bring such decision. Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘Hasim Kujundzic and Halil Ljuca barred from the party’ by E. Razanica – “The reason they were barred is because they have acted in contradiction to the established party’s politics. They cannot their own politics within the party,” commented SDA Chair in Brcko, Ahmet Dervisevic. |
Paravac in Tirana: There is no future without reconciliation and tolerance
| RHB, BHT 1, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Without reconciliation and tolerance there is no future’ by Onasa, Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘No reconciliation without dialogue’, by A. B., Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Paravac at summit on cooperation’, by ds, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Paravac: No reconciliation without an open dialogue’ by Agencies; Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Dialogue is a key to reconciliation’ – BiH Presidency Chair Borislav Paravac participates the “Development of ethnic and religious dialogue – important factor of stability and progress in Southeast Europe” summit in Tirana which will discuss the issue of ethnic and religious tolerance in the region. “I am confident that dialogue between peoples and religions in these areas is the key factor for the establishment of lasting peace, stability and progress. Tragic experiences of BiH during the past decade prove this,” said Paravac and added that people in BiH are deeply aware that without true reconciliation, tolerance and mutual respected that can be no prosperous future. |
Oslobodjenje op-ed on BiH/SCG relations | Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Manipulators’ In Focus column by Zija Dizdarevic – According to Dizdarevic, Serbia and Montenegro authorities are conditioning resolution of the disputed border issues with withdrawal of the BiH’s lawsuit against SCG for aggression and genocide. |
SDHR Wnendt in Foca
| RTRS – The Senior Deputy to HR Werner Wnendt visited Foca municipality on Thursday. On the occasion, he stated that the local authorities have to be at disposal of all citizens rather than political parties. He stated that the closest contact between citizens and the authorities is at the municipal level, thus it is necessary to have strong and efficient municipality. Zdravko Krsmanovic head of Foca municipality says that he introduced Wnendt to the current situation in the municipality. Wnendt also visited Cajnice and Gorazde. |
Slobodna Bosna on draft Law on Auditing BiH state institutions
| Slobodna Bosna pgs 6-7 ‘BiH Presidency members assisted by OHR preparing a comprehensive revenge against auditors Musovic and Kulin who caught them in stealing’ by A. Buturovic – According to unofficial information from the OHR Legal Department, final text of the draft Law on Auditing BiH state institutions will be forwarded to the BiH Parliament in 15 days. The magazine learns that the law is designed as a revenge of the ruling politicians and the international community against the top BiH Audit Office officials. These officials, according to the magazine, include Dragan Kulin and Samir Musovic, who were main authors of the most recent reports on irregularities at the state institutions including the BiH Presidency. |
Economic issues | |
Conference on corruption: BiH loses 1.5 bn KM per annum due to corruption
| Oslobodjenje cover splash story, pgs 4-5 ‘BiH loses 1.5 billion KM per annum due to corruption’ by Senita Sehercehajic – The Principal Deputy High Representative, Donald Hays, stated that BiH loses 1.5 billion KM per annum due to the corruption and that if this trend continues the state will bankrupt by 2006. TI BiH Chair Boris Divjak was also speaking at the Conference on the UN Convention, organized by Transparency International on Thursday in Sarajevo on the occasion of December 9 the International Day of the Battle against Corruption. Divjak said that the “situation in BiH is unfortunately such that instead of having mafia in the country, the country is in the hands of the mafia.” He noted that the corruption in BiH is in increase. “The incoming reports of citizens indicate that they are losing trust in their authorities, and that hundreds of millions of KM are being embezzled, where the people in power are covering up money laundering through the public institutions in the entire country and that we have institutions that are functioning by the partisan model or through bribery”, said Divjak. “Acts, not words, give results. The only efficient way is to change the behavior of those in position to manipulate,” stressed Hays. A number of representatives of the authorities were invited, however only a few showed up. RHB, FTV, BHT 1, Dnevni List, back pg ‘BiH in hands of Mafia’, not signed, Vecernji List, pg 4 ‘When it comes to corruption, BiH in group together with Pakistan’, by f , Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Mafia is pulling strings’ not signed, EuroBlic RSpg 3 ‘Divjak: BiH in hands of Mafia’ by D. S.– also reported. |
BiH HoP’s Comm. on financial and administrative affairs accepts 17% VAT
| RHB – The BiH House of Peoples’ Commission for Financial and Administrative Affairs accepted the proposal of the single rated [17%] VAT Law on Thursday, as was recommended by the BiH Council of Ministers. Commission Chair Nade Radovic told FENA after that the Commission also tasked the CoM and entity governments to develop a program of taking care of social categories by February 2005. It also adopted the conclusion tasking CoM to prepare a report for the public on the importance and role of VAT, together with its consequences, and the Indirect Taxation Administration was said to immediately start with technical preparations for introducing VAT. BHT1, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Unanimously in favor of the single VAT rate without benefits’, mentioned on cover, by A. Omeragic, Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘Single 17% VAT rate adopted’ by H. Orahovac, Dnevni List, pg 8 ‘Single 17% VAT rate supported’, by D. Polovina-Mandic, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘One rate adopted’ by D.V.M.; Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Tax on poverty’ by M.C. – also reported. |
Croatian Govt allocates around 6,5 million KMs for BiH Croats’ projects
| Dnevni List, front pg splash and pg 9 ‘Dnevni List carries list of beneficiaries of financial aid’, not signed – At its session held Thursday, the Croatian Government took a Decision on distribution of funds aimed at financing of educational, cultural, scientific and healthcare projects of the BiH Croats from the Croatian state budget for 2004. The amount allocated for these purposes is 25,4 million Croatian Kunas (around 6,5 million KMs). On top of this, the Croatian Government will invite another tender for the aid to the Croats in BiH at the end of February 2005. DL also carries the list of beneficiaries. Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 10 ‘More than 25 million Kunas for culture, healthcare and education’, by Olga Ramljak – also reported. |
SDA Presidency supports privatisation audit
| Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘SDA supports review, control of privatization’, mentioned on cover ‘SDA supports the review as well’, Oslobodjenje pg 2, mentioned on cover ‘Review of privatization with evidences on irregularities’ – At a session in Sarajevo on Thursday, the SDA Presidency decided to support review of the privatization process in all cases where the legally-relevant evidences on irregularities exist. According to SDA Vice-president Seada Palavric, the party will also support adoption of new laws, regulations if the existing ones are insufficient to conduct such a review. |
Hadzipasic: Those who performed legally have no reason to be afraid of privatization
| Ljiljan pgs 10-13 ‘Those who performed legally have no reason to be afraid of privatization’ – “If no one submits request for review of the privatization, the review will not be carried out, but if any of participants in the privatization including small shareholders, state/government, trade unions and workers expressed suspicion in regularity of individual process/case, the review will happen,” said FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic in an interview with the magazine. |
Trials/crime/intelligence/police issues | |
McNair announces extensions of Jelavic’s indictment
| Dnevni List, pg 3, mentioned on front ‘Prosecutor McNair extends indictment’, by Erna Mackic – Prosecutor John McNair of the BiH Prosecution’s Special Department for corruption and organized crime announced that he would extend the indictment against Ante Jelavic in the ‘Hercegovacka bank’ case. This is a result of situation that occurred yesterday (Thursday) during the trials before the BiH Court during which Prosecutor McNair was not able to question a former manager of ‘Mondo’ company, Branko Raic, who attended yesterday’s trial, because Jelavic’s lawyer objected that Raic’s testimony was not a subject of the indictment. As a response, Prosecutor McNair announced an extension of the indictment because of alleged illegalities the ‘Mondo’ company was involved in. ‘Mondo’ company was formed by the HDZ BiH. RHB, BHT1, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘McNair announced extension of indictment against Jelavic’, mentioned on cover, M. Kukan, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘McNair extends indictment against Jelavic’ by A.N. – also covers the announcement. |
FBiH postpones export of weapons to
| Dnevni Avaz pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Export of weapons from FBiH to |
Slobodna Bosna on alleged Matijasevic dictatorship in the RS police
| Slobodna Bosna pgs 14-15 ‘Police dictatorship’ by Senad Avdic – Three months ago RS Interior Minister Darko Matijasevic suspended law putting under his control all the police structure in the entity, according to the magazine’s Editor-in-Chief. This illegally-imposed sort of a state of emergency has however still not produced any results when it comes to the most important RS police task – the apprehension of war criminals, concludes Avdic. |
OSA to hire 30 former SNS and AID agents | Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘OSA hiring dismissed agents’, by Zdenko Jurilj – VL notes that some 30 intelligence officers, who used to work for SNS and AID (former Croat and Bosniak intelligence services respectively), will be hired by OSA (State intelligence agency) in the beginning of next year as a part of systematisation of jobs within the OSA. The 30 officers in question had been on “forcible leave” in past two years because the then FOSS (former FBiH intelligence service) leadership accused them of taking part in Croat self-rule and terrorist training camp at Pogorelica. |
Slobodna Bosna: Before leaving BiH, British (soldiers) stole KM 2.5 million from Austrians?!
| Slobodna Bosna cover splash, pgs 28-30 ‘Did British members of SFOR participate in stealing KM 2.5 million?! By Suzana Mijatovic – Last week alleged members of SFOR robbed a vehicle transporting 2.5 million KM owned by Raiffeisen Bank BiH near the town of |
War crimes | |
NN says PIFWCs handed over to RS authorities by Serbian MoI
| Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 3 ‘Voluntary apprehension’ by S. Cavrag – NN source close to Serbian Government claims that the Serbian Interior Ministry on Thursday arrested one person charged with war crimes, who was immediately handed to the authorities of RS. The source claims that this person was last night handed to RS MoI in |
RS Army denies it provided Mladic with protection
| Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘RS Army doesn’t protect Mladic’, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘We do not hide Ratko Mladic’, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘RS Army is not guarding war crime suspects’ by S.K.; Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘We are not guarding Mladic’ by M.Dz.; EuroBlic RSpg 3 ‘RS Army: We did not hdie Mladic’ by BETA – The RS Army General Staff denied claims that “Ratko Mladic stayed in Han Pijesak in June and July” describing them as insinuations in the service of daily political purposes. “We state with full responsibility that the RS Army is not providing refuge nor is it protecting Mladic or any other indicted war criminal”, the RS Army General Staff stated. The RS Army stated that there are no indicted war criminals among its ranks nor are there any such individuals under its protection. [Reminder: Nezavisne Novine wrote on 9 December that Ratko Mladic visited Han Pijesak twice past summer and that he was under the protection of the RS Army.] RTRS by Branka Kusmuk – Branko Trkulja, spokesman of RS Defence Ministry, says that article in NN violates journalism ethnics. “RS Army hasn’t guarded such a person after the war nor did it have such person in its buildings, says Trkulja. ICTY spokesman Florence Hartman wouldn’t comment these allegations and the same position came from OHR. OHR spokesman Vedran Perisic stated that HR Paddy Ashdown will take a stance after situation has been analysed. |
Bijeljina PSC search houses of persons suspected of helping PIFWCs
| RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Apartment of Srdjan Davidovic was searched’ by Z. Kusmuk – Members of Bijeljina PSC on Thursday searched three housing facilities, including the apartment of S. D. (1972) from Bijeljina, on grounded suspicion that he is dealing with illegal trades of drugs and is helping Hague indictees. The article carries a statement of Srdjan Davidovic, a person whose apartment was searched, who said he was taken to an interview to the police station, where he was questioned for three hours. He denied having any contacts with any of Hague indictees. He said he is only in contact with Zeljko Jankovic and Dusan – Bato Tesic, since they are family friends. |
NN op-eds on RS Govt decision re: assistance to PIFWCs
| Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Law in the function of new destruction’ by Slavo Kukic – The author is critical of the RS Government decision to allocate material assistance to PIWC’s (who voluntarily surrender) and their families, doubting it is all about a complete turn-about in their heads, but instead the attempt to catch some more time in their constant failure to cooperate with the ICTY. He is also critical of decision of Islamic community to provide assistance to families of Bosniak PIWC’s detained in Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 8 ‘Encyclopaedia of cynicism’ by Branko Todorovic – The author also refers to abovementioned decision by the RS Government, raising the question as to why war criminals and their families worth double than ordinary people of RS, especially the families of the war victims. |