
R E Z I M E – Reorganizacija sudstva: Izvještaj i prijedlog

Upravni odbor Vijeća za implementaciju mira je, 28. februara 2002, odobrio strategiju za reformu sudstva u BiH, koja predviđa reorganizaciju sudstva u BiH, te postupak imenovanja sudija. Reorganizacija je inicirana činjenicom da postoji previše sudova i previše sudija u BiH, te da je to skup i neučinkovit sistem. U skl [...]

Final Report – Restructuring the Court System: Report and Proposal

On 28 February 2002 the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board endorsed the IJC’s reinvigorated strategy for judicial reform in BiH, which includes a restructuring of the court system of BiH followed by a selection process for judges. The restructuring is motivated by the concern that there are too many courts and too many judges in BiH [...]

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – Restructuring the Court System: Report and Proposal

On 28 February 2002 the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board endorsed the IJC’s reinvigorated strategy for judicial reform in BiH, which includes a restructuring of the court system of BiH followed by a selection process for judges. The restructuring is motivated by the concern that there are too many courts and too many judges in BiH [...]