
POZIV NA DOSTAVU PONUDA: Za dodjelu ugovora za čišćenje prostorija

1.1 Ured Visokog predstavnika poziva kompanije da dostave ponude za dodjelu jednogodišnjeg ugovora za čišćenje prostorija OHR-a lociranih u Brčko Distriktu, Bosna i Hercegovina.
1.2 Osnovni opis prostora
U OHR uredu u Brčko Distriktu, u bilo koje vrijeme, boravi između 70 i 100 stalnog osoblja. Oko 8,000 posjetilaca posjeti ovaj [...]

IZRAŽAVANJE INTERESA, proces pred-kvalifikacije

Ured Visokog predstavnika poziva kvalificirane građevinske kompanije da pošalju dokument sa “izražavanjem interesa” za:
a)Rekonstrukciju poslovne zgrade locirane u Sarajevu, u sklopu Suda BiH (bivša kasarna “Ramiz Salčin”), veličina objekta je cca 5,500 m2 (radovi će biti izvršeni u fazama)
b)Izgradnju nove zgrade koja će biti vezana [...]

PUBLIC TENDER: For the best IT equipment procurement bid

The subject of this tender is the selection of best bidders for the delivery of IT equipment for the needs of the War Crimes Court, by particular LOTs as follows:
LOT 1 – PC desktops and laptops (procurement)
LOT 2 – Servers (procurement and installation)
LOT 3 – Network equipment (procurement and installation)
The ten [...]

Request For Proposals For Auditing Services

Office of the High Representative is requesting proposals from qualified independent auditing firms to perform a professional audit of the Office of the High Representative’s financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2004 in accordance with International Standards of Auditing and render an opinion as to whether the financial statements ar [...]

Zakup medijskog prostora

Ured visokog predstavnika poziva marketing agencije da dostavite ponude za sljedece:
Emitovanje dva TV spota koji promovisu dolazak EUFOR snaga, u trajanju od 30 sec. u udarnim terminima na:
1. BHT,
2. FTV,
3. RT RS i
4. Mreza +

Izražavanje interesa: Usluge putnih agencija

Ured visokog predstavnika (OHR) poziva sve kvalifikovane kompanije koje su u mogućnosti da ponude usluge koje se odnose na poslovna putovanja klijenata iz OHR-a da pošalju pismo o zainteresovanosti. Ove usluge obuhvataju, ali nisu ograničene na nabavku avionskih karata i rezervaciju hotela.

Sale of Armoured Vehicle

Office of the High representative invites bids for the sale of the following armored vehicle:
Make: BMW
Type: 750 iAL
Year of production: 1992

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: Catering and Cafeteria Services in OHR Building, Sarajevo, BiH

OHR is seeking proposal from qualified suppliers/companies for full catering and cafeteria service to OHR Sarajevo, which will include:
a) Provision of tea and coffee at kitchen counter for staff or their guests as a self service.
b) Hospitality services for all internal meetings and events, maintaining the current standard and quali [...]

Obavijest o prodaji vozila

Ured Viskog predstavnika (OHR) Sarajevo izvršit će prodaju sljedećih vozila putem ponuda u zatvorenim kovertama, broj WO/04/2004.