
Pisana zapažanja Odjela za pravne poslove Ureda visokog predstavnika u vezi sa zahtjevom strane u postupku br. S1 3 P016159 14 P

Dana 30. maja 2014. godine, Pravobranilaštvo Bosne i Hercegovine, kao nadležni zakonski zastupnik, podnijelo je u ime Bosne i Hercegovine – Ministarstva odbrane (u daljem tekstu: tužitelj), tužbu protiv Republike Srpske i ostalih (u daljem tekstu: tuženi) u predmetu utvrđivanja prava vlasništva i vraćanja u posjed perspektivne vojne lokacije označe [...]

OHR Legal Department’s written observations concerning ongoing litigation procedure before the Court of BiH between the BiH MoD, as the plaintiff, and RS and others, as the defendant, in the matter of determination of ownership right and return to possession

On 30 May 2014 the Office of the Public Attorney of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as the competent legal representative, submitted on behalf of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Ministry of Defence (hereinafter: the plaintiff) a lawsuit against Republika Srpska and others (hereinafter: the defendant) in the matter of the determination of ownership rights and the [...]

Pisana zapažanja Odjela za pravne poslove Ureda visokog predstavnika u vezi sa zahtjevom podnosilaca zahtjeva u predmetima br. U 10/14 i br. U 12/14

Dana 9. maja 2014. godine, g. Bakir Izetbegović, predsjedavajući Predsjedništva Bosne i Hercegovine, podnio je zahtjev Ustavnom sudu Bosne i Hercegovine (u daljem tekstu: Ustavni sud) za rješavanje spora i ocjenu ustavnosti Odluke o vršenju provjere tačnosti i istinitosti podataka prilikom prijave prebivališta na teritoriji Republike Srpske. G. Iz [...]

Third-Party Submission Of the Office of the High Representative for BiH In the Joined Cases Maktouf and Damjanović v. BiH Pursuant to the Applications Nos. 2312/08 and 34179/08

This submission seeks to provide the Grand Chamber with a review of the historical facts and context surrounding the adoption of the 2003 Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the establishment of the War Crimes Chamber of the state-level Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as the role of the High Representative and the International Comm [...]