02/08/2023 PIC SBA

PIC SBA reaffirms consistent support for the High Representative

In light of recent threats, including threats of violence, against High Representative Christian Schmidt, the Ambassadors of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) Steering Board (SB) reiterate their firm and consistent support for the High Representative and his role in Bosnia and Herzegovina overseeing the civilian implementation of the General Framework Agreement for Peace.

Attempts to undermine the High Representative fuel divisions in society and divert attention from critical reforms that BiH needs. The PIC SBA urges stakeholders throughout the country to focus their energy on tackling BiH’s most pressing challenges: economic development, the fight against corruption, strengthening the rule of law, and advancing BiH on its Euro-Atlantic path.

The PIC SBA commends High Representative Christian Schmidt for his commitment to engage with all stakeholders in BiH to achieve the stable and lasting solutions required to address the outstanding elements of the 5+2 Agenda and bring international supervision to a successful conclusion. The PIC SBA stands ready to assist and support domestic stakeholders in their efforts to ensure a prosperous future for all citizens in BiH.