
Petersberg Declaration – Bonn, 25/04/96

1996 We, the undersigned, met at Bonn-Petersberg on 25 April 1996 to decide among other issues the restructuring of the police in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and to agree upon concrete measures to implement that restructuring with respect to Cantonal police in accordance with the Federation Constitution and the General Framework Agreem [...]

Petersberg Declaration – Bonn, 25/04/96

1996 Upon the invitation and under the chairmanship of German Foreign Minister Dr. Klaus Kinkel, High Officials from the Federation and the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, High Officials from the Governments of Germany, the United States of America and Croatia, from the Office of the High Representative, from the United Nations and from the [...]

Agreement – Sarajevo, 30/03/96

1996 We, the undersigned, met in Sarajevo on 29 March 1996 at the invitation of the Principal Deputy High Representative Ambassador Michael Steiner to evaluate the present state of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and to decide upon concrete measures to implement the Federation. What is needed now are concrete implementation steps.

Statement On Bosnia and Herzegovina – Geneva, 18/3/96

18/3/96 Statement on the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Geneva, 18 March 1996 The Federation President, the Vice-President and the Prime Minister expressed their deep concern about the state of the Federation, especially the lack of implementation of the commitments undertaken at the meeting in Rome on 18 February, 1996.

Agreed measures – Geneva, 18/3/96

18/3/96 Agreed Measures Geneva, 18 March 1996 The Parties to the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina express their determination to provide the political leadership necessary to ensure the complete fulfilment of the spirit and the letter of the Agreement, which provides a comprehensive framework within which to build pea [...]

Agreed measures – Rome, 18/2/96

18/2/96 Agreed measures Rome, 18 February 1996 President Izetbegovic, President Tudjman and President Milosevic agreed today in Rome on the following actions to strengthen and advance the peace process. Full Cooperation on Implementation: The Parties will resume all civilian and military contacts immediately. The next meeting on the Joint Interim [...]

Agreement on Mostar – 18 February 1996

18 February 1996 Agreement on Mostar 18 February 1996 The E.U. Presidency in consultation with the Administrator of Mostar has provided the Parties with a comprehensive solution for the integration of Mostar as a unified city, including the delimitation of the Central Zone.

Joint Statement on the Federation – Rome, 18/2/96

18/2/96 Joint Statement on the Federation Rome, 18 February 1996 On February 18 in Rome, President Izetbegovic, President Tudjman, President Zubak and Vice President Ganic discussed the present status of the implementation of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and of the Dayton Federation Agreement at the invitation of the Italian EU Presiden [...]

Statement on Sarajevo – Rome, 18/2/96

18/2/96 Statement on Sarajevo Rome, 18 February 1996 Reflecting the Work of the Joint Civilian Commission Sarajevo Supported by President Izetbegovic President Milosevic Prime Minister Muratovic President Zubak Prime Minister Kasagic Sarajevo will be a united city in accordance with the Peace Agreement.

Annex to Agreement – Dayton, 10/11/95

10/11/95 Annex To The Dayton Agreement On Implementing The Federation Of Bosnia And Herzegovina Agreed Principles for the Interim Statute for the City of Mostar The legal and functional unity of the City of Mostar shall be preserved. The territory of the City of Mostar shall comprise the whole area of the municipality of Mostar as it existed on 1 [...]