06 October 97, 19:30
Split – Ten war crimes indicted Bosnian Croats known as the Knight Group left Split airport in a Netherlands Royal Aircraft, just after 1000hrs. Besides Hague Tribunal representative, BiH Federation President Vladimir Soljic, HDZ President Bozo Rajic, President Tudjman’s Advisor for the Internal politics Ivic Pasalic and US Special Envoy for BiH Robert Gelbard, were present . Just before stepping on a board, Dario Kordic addressed the journalists saying that the group is voluntarily going to Hague having pure conscience before the God and Croatian people and aiming to prove that they are innocent in the interest of all Croatian people and the Croatian state which is exposed to heavy pressure from the IC.
Talking of today’s surrender of the ten BiH Croats to the Hague Tribunal, Robert Gelbard praised Zagreb saying that this was a significant step forward for the DPA. He pointed out that the Serb war crimes indicted headed by Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic, Milan Martic and Veselin Sljivancanin are still at large. This is not acceptable and we will not tolerate it, he concluded. Follows the names and description of the crimes the Knight Group committed in Central Bosnia: Prosecution of the Bosniak civilians on a political, racial and religious basis in the Lasva Valley in the year 1993, gruesome massacre at the village Ahmici where no Bosniak has survived.
Mostar – Ivan Bender, Neretva-Hercegovina Parliament President explained that a replacement of the former Cantonal Prime Minister, Mijo Brajkovic and Deputy Governor Pero Markovic was not done under any pressure of the IC but at their own request and decision of the HDZ. Commenting on the replacement in the high ranking BiH Croats officials, Sir Martin Garrod said, that the changes are a normal thing in every democratic society.
Sarajevo – as well as the denial by BiH Presidency President, the representatives of the IC also denied the New York Times article concerning the alleged secret arming of the BiH army and its training outside the control of the peace powers. Spokesman for SFOR, Major Riley told media today that such assertion borders with imagination.
Sarajevo – The recent local elections in BiH have an extraordinary significance in the implementation of the DPA, Kresimir Zubak, Presidency member and Ambassador Robert Frowick, OSCE Chief of the Mission in BiH stated in their talks. Special attention will now be paid to the implementation of the election results.
Sarajevo – Economic development: – The recently signed Memorandum of Understanding between UNIS Holding and 12 Malaysian firms resulted in a concrete agreement. Malaysia and BiH can no longer be a donator and beneficiary of donations, Haris Silajdzic told media.
During a meeting between gen.director of the Kuwait Fund for the Arabian Development, Mohamed Jusi ef Fawsi with Federation Prime Minister Edhem Bicakcic and Foreign Trade Minister Hasan Muratovic, the last phase of the negotiations ended with a signed agreement for 46 million dollar loan for the projects relating to the small and middle sized enterprises, reconstruction of four roads, water supply and a bridge in Mostar.