
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 8/1/2006


TV news broadcast on January 7


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

Oil prices won’t go down

Christmas celebration inBanja Luka

A bank robbed in Sarajevo

A bank robbed in Sarajevo

Christmas celebration in Sarajevo

Orthodox Christmas in Sarajevo

SNSD to launch its initiative

Christmas customs and traditions

Orthodox Christmas in BiH

Tadic visits Bratunac

Abazovic’s health is stabile

Feature story on Christmas


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Orthodox Christmas celebrated

A bank robbed in Sarajevo

Christmas celebration in Banja Luka

Bank robbery in Sarajevo

A person killed in Cazin

Christmas celebration in Trebinje

D. Abazovic in stabile condition

Two persons injured in Drvar

Christmas celebration in Semberija

SNSD to launch its initiative

A FBiH Ministry moved to Mostar

Christmas celebration in family Pazin



One man cannot write Constitution

Dnevni Avaz

Can Dodik secure support?

Dnevni List

There is no investigation on Leutar’s murder

Vecernji List

Bloody showdown on Orthodox Christmas 

Nezavisne Novine

Orthodox believers celebrated Christmas


Political issues

Hayat CD interview with S. Tihic on Reis Ceric’ statement that Silajdzic should write BiH Constitution, constitutional changes etc.
















Hayat – A guest in Hayat’s CD was member of BiH Presidency and SDA Chairman Sulejman Tihic. Asked about his reckless statements, which are causing fuss in the public, such as ‘the RS’ name is unconstitutional’ or ‘We should abolish both entities’- Tihic said that this is just continuation of his work, since he was raising the same issue when he was a representative in the RSNA. Tihic believes that his position carries burden of these statements and raises passions among politicians. Asked about his statement (Dnevni Avaz, Saturday) that the coalition with SDP is possible, Tihic said that it is possible, being that SDP is a pro- Bosnian party. However, Tihic stressed that coalitions are determined by results of the elections, where parties are sometimes forced to enter the coalition with the parties whose views are completely different. Asked about the statement by Reis Muhamed Effendi Ceric (given on Friday at the ceremony marking the anniversary of Gazu Husrev-Beg Moslem Secondary School), where he told Haris Silajdzic, founder of SBiH, that he will be remembered as Sultan Fatih, Gazi Husref-beg and Alija Izetbegovic, if he makes the Constitution without entities and what does this statement means, Tihic said that Ceric’s words were put out of the context, being that he also mentioned him, stressing that this does not mean that Ceric decided to support SBiH instead of SDA. Tihic also said that he wanted to meet with Silajdzic, but despite his initiative there was no desire from the other side for this. Asked as to why BiH politicians do not sit down with clever people from the BiH public life (Zdravko Grebo, Bogic Bogicevic, Cardinal Puljic etc.) and discuss issues with them, Tihic said that he would like that, but it is lot easier to discuss these issues with other politicians, being that they are those who will carry them out or not and they are those who have political support in the Parliament and among the people. Asked to explain the course of the negotiations on constitutional changes, Tihic explained that US Ambassador to BiH Douglas McElhaney is a mediator and he chairs the meeting and gives word to certain politicians. He explained that they have a draft for every single issue and possible solution and they discuss on that. Asked if he as the Chairman of SDA, the strongest party in BiH, would ever sign a solution that is not established with quality and that would leave situation as it is, Tihic stressed: “Be certain that SDA and Tihic will never sign something that would be legalization of the current two-entities solution, we will not accept solutions that would present some cosmetic changes.’ He elaborates that some parties are trying to be pragmatic in a sense “better something then nothing”, while he believes that nothing is better then anything, “This is a unique opportunity. We have waited for this for 10 years and now we should accept some cosmetic changes. Tihic will not accept that, I assure you’,  stressed Tihic.

H. Silajdzic, S. Tihic, S. Avdic on on Reis Ceric’ statement that Silajdzic should write BiH Constitution


Oslobodjenje cover pg splash and pgs 4 and 5 ‘One man cannot write Constitution’ by M. Kavaz-Sirucic – Asked to comment on the statement by Reis Muhamed Effendi Ceric (given on Friday at the ceremony marking the anniversary of Gazu Husrev-Beg Moslem Secondary School), where he told Haris Silajdzic, founder of SBiH, that he will be remembered as Sultan Fatih, Gazi Husref-beg and Alija Izetbegovic, if he makes the Constitution without entities, Silajdzic said that the BiH Constitution depends on its citizens, who should decided on this issue at the referendum. Asked as to why he was singled out by Reis Ceric Silajdzic said that though him a call had been sent to all those who support BiH without the entities. On the same issue S. Tihic stated that the Constitution cannot be written by one man. Senad Avdic from Slobodna Bosna said that tis invitation is petty political since it gives preferenace to Silajdzic as the last one in te line of famous persons and it is well known that an individual cannot make the Constitution without citizens.   

NN interview wit Z. Lagumdzija: Through constitutional changes BiH citizens would get more efficient state’


Nezavisne Novine pgs 8 and 9, mentioned on cover ‘Through constitutional changes BiH citizens would get more efficient state’ by N. Hasic carries an interview with SDP President Zlatko Lagumdzija who says that by the end of the current phase of the constitutional changes talks BiH citizens would get a more efficient state that would take care of the individuals’ rights and not of the rights of 3 peoples only. He admitted that he is positively surprised by the things that 8 political leaders have done with regard to this issue but he also said that approaching of the elections make the negotiations harder. He added: ‘I have a feeling that some negotiators demand much more from what is realistic in order to provoke the others so that the provoked ones leave the negotiations.’ He believes that the started phase of the constitutional changes negotiations would be completed by January 16.

Update on possible removal of Bukejlovic’s Government


RHB – SNSD has support of most members of the RSNA to launch the initiative for vote of non-confidence to the RS Government. 46 parliament members promised to give their support to the initiative of SNSD, including the representatives of SNSD, PDP, SDP, SDA, Party for BiH, Socialist Party, Serb Radical Party and New Croat Initiative. SNSD will launch the initiative on January 10th. SDS leader Dragan Cavic said that the initiative of the opposition parties is legitimate.  However, Cavic invited SNSD to appoint the mandatory for new Government at the same time. Also reported by Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Voting of non-confidence to Government at next session’.

DA on possible development of situation with regard to voting of non-confidence to RS Government


Dnevni Avaz cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘Can Dodik secure support for his mandate?’ by N. Diklic carries that political analysts and RSNA representatives believe that the removal of the RS Government is not questionable and this means that the aforementioned initiative can get the support. DA goes on to say that Milorad Dodik would be faced with the problem when he starts to form a new Assembly’s majority if he accepts the mandate for forming the Government. DA says that even if he secures enough representatives’ votes it is questionable whether ‘sly and experienced’ Dodik would start the adventure to form the Government only a few months before the general elections and probably weakens his position in the run for power in this way. DA concludes that for this reason one of possible outcomes might be the Bukejlovic’s Government in the technical mandate by the elections and according to the daily this option suits all political protagonists in the RS.    

On B. Tadic’s mtg with RS officials after commemoration in Kravice


RTRS – Serbian President Boris Tadic met with the RS officials in Bratunac to discuss the current crisis of the RS Government, constitutional changes in BiH and cooperation with ICTY.  After the meeting, RS President Dragan Cavic said that RS institutions have the obligation to collect all relevant documents and process the war crimes. He gave his credit to the efforts of the RS Ministry of Interior in the work on processing of the war crimes. BiH Minister of Foreign Affairs Mladen Ivanic stated that his meeting with Tadic was focused on improvement of cooperation with the ICTY. According to Ivanic, it is clear that the cooperation with ICTY must be significantly improved. RHB, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Tadic met with Cavic, Matijasevic and Ivanic’ carry similar reports.

HDZ Spokesperson denied that Sanader demanded from Covic to step down


Oslobodjenje pg 2, mentioned on cover ‘Sanader did not demand that Covic steps down’ by R.I. – HDZ Spokesperson Miso Relota denied the article published in Dnevni List on Saturday in which it was stated that that HDZ Croatia President Ivo Sanader demanded from HDZ President Dragan Covic to leave his current position. Relota believes that all speculations with regard to Covic’s removal or stepping down ended up at the alst HDZ Central Board session when he received 131 votes of the support.

D. Tomic: ‘There is no investigation on Leutar case’

Dnevni List cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘Investigation on Leutar’s murder does not exist’ by E. Mackic carries Dusko Tomic who is a lawyer to protected witness in the Leutar case, Merim Galiajtovic, as saying that his client sued the FBiH since he did not receive a full amount of the award that he was supposed to receive for the information that he gave with regard to this case. Tomic says that currently there is no investigation on the Leutar case. Tomic believes that this is about an HDZ-SDA agreement in which they promised each others that they would not sentence protagonists of the Pogorelica and Leutar cases.  


War crimes

B. Tadic, D. Cavic, D. Matijasevic attended commemoration marking 13th anniversary of war crime committed over Serbs in Kravice








BHT 1 – The 13th anniversary of the war crime committed over Serbs in Kravice inhabitants was marked on Saturday. The RS and Serbian Presidents, Dragan Cavic and Boris Tadic, attended the commemoration. Even though said that he was going to attend the commemoration, BiH Presidency member Borislav Paravac did not appear. On this occasion, Cavic said that those who destroyed over 100 villages in Bratunac and Srebrenica had to be punished. “It is sad that there are no International Community or Croat or Bosniak representatives present at the occasion, especially Bosniak ones since the ones who committed the crime come from their side’. He added that this confirmed the fact that the crimes were not treated equally in BiH.

Hayat carries Cavic as saying: ‘I am glad that Tadic was here today. That shows that this, what happened here can’t be erased in people’s consciences, especially of Serbs from both sides of Drina..’  RHB, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Tadic alos attended commemoration in Kravice’ by I.N., Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Monument to victims in Kravice’ mentioned on cover ‘Wreaths on monument in honor of Kravica victims laid’ by Z. Kusmuk, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘We have right on truth’ by A. Avdic carry similar reports. Osl. inset ‘None invited us’ carries President of the Bratunac Assembly Refik Begic who says that none informed him about the commemoration in Kravice. He added that he would have attended the commemoration if he had been invited.

M. Tokaca on number of victims in Bratunac area


FTV – With regard to the 13th anniversary of the war crime committed over Serbs in Kravice, Director of the Research and Documentation Centre Mirsad Tokaca made a statement. Due to the fact that the number of victims has often being manipulated with, Tokaca presented the data the Centre has. According to the data, in the period of 1992-1995, 2,856 Bosniaks (out of what 2,057 civilians and 799 soldiers) and 564 Serbs (116 civilians and 430 soldiers) were killed in Bratunac. Tokaca says that BiH politicians are obliged to explain all the manipulations related with the number of victims. He added that there are speculations going on that 3,500 Serbs were killed in Bratunac. He says that there was a cemetery in Bratunac and that bodies of Serbs from all parts of BiH were taken to the cemetery to be buried, in order to make it look like they were killed there.

D. Abazovic’s health condition stabile


Pink, BHT 1, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Abazovic’s condition stabile’ by R.I. – According to medical reports, the health condition of Dragomir Abazovic,who was injured on Thursday when EUFOR attempted to arrest him, is stabile. Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Abazovic conscious but still in life danger’ by T.L. carries doctor Faris Gvrankapetanovic as saying that Abazovic is conscious but he is still in life  danger.

D. Andan: ’ I have more important things to do from arrest of war criminals’


Oslobodjenje pg 2, mentioned on cover ‘I have more important things to do from arrest of war criminals’ – Asked to give some additional explanation of the statement given by RS MoI Spokesperson Radovan Pejic who said that the activities with regard to the arrest of Ratko Mladic are in the final phase, RS Police Director Dragomir Andan said: ‘As the Police Director I have been totally excluded, for the last 2 or 3 months, from the operations with regard to the arrests of Radovan Karadzic and Mladic.’ He stressed that lately he has had some other preoccupations. He also said that he cannot deny words of his Spokesman and say that Pejic lied.



Hayat CD harsh commentary on OBN


Hayat CD – OBN television and its Director Ivan Caleta were the main topic of tonight’s news, where the reporter emphasised the “dark past” of Caleta and inappropriate program that this TV station broadcasts, which is an insult for all BiH citizens. In the first part of the report, an accent was put on a new show of this TV “Niko Kao Ja”, hosted by Dragan Marinkovic Maca, which insulted BiH women and presented them as “piece of meet”. Due to this show, the CRA has received many complaints from BiH citizens and Amela Odobasic Spokesperson of the CRA confirmed that they will investigate this issue. Odobasic explained that complaints refer to insult of females and inappropriate composition of the show. Further on the reporter comments on the same show, which made a parody of the BiH news and he broadcasted his conversation with Caleta, from a month ago. The reporter said that he has heard that this parody was ordered by INA/MOL Consortium, due to CD’s reports on “Energopetrol”, which Caleta did not deny, but invited the reporter for a cup of coffee to discuss this. In continuance, journalist of “BH Dani” Emir Imamovic brings insight into Caleta’s persona, stressing that he once owned Croatian Nova TV, as well as TV in Slovenia and that he owns several marketing agencies, which perform their business trough Zagreb, which means that they are not paying tax in BiH. Sending a public appeal to tax and finance inspectors to enter and investigate OBN, the reporter brings speculation that BiH Telecom has decided to pardon debts to this TV, in amount of 1 million KM of state’s money. This information was denied by Telecom’s General Director, Hamdo Katica, who said that noone’s debt can be suspended. Referring to the damage that OBN caused for other TV stations in BiH, including public broadcasters, General Director of FTV Jasmin Durakovic stated that Council of Ministers, CRA and FBiH Ministry of Transport and Communications should get involved into this issue, being that OBN is creating unfair market and is destroying domestic production. At the end, the reporter stressed that quality of OBN can be proven by the fact that journalist such as Zekerijah Smajic and Vlastimir Mijovic have left OBN, refusing to obey their policy for any amount for money.



Branch office of HVB Central Profit Bank in Sarajevo robbed

Pink, BHT 1, RTRS, all printed media – The branch office of HVB Central Profit Bank in Sarajevo has been robbed in the night of January 6th. 180.000 KM were stolen. Police investigation is ongoing.

VL on shooting in Drvar


Vecernji List cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘Bloody showdown on Orthodox Christmas’ by D. Mamic, R. Soldo reports on shooting in Drvar on Friday night when two persons were injured. VL says that this is not about an inter-ethnic conflict.