CROAT RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs) | FED TV (19,30 hrs) | RT RS (19,30) |
Was no 1800 bulletin | CoM on agreem. with US | HN Canton government | Bank robbers identified |
| Pope arrived in Croatia | EU peace | RS Assembly on defence |
| Bush in Katar | Customs frauds | BiH-US agreement |
| Internat. environment day | Pope’s visit to Croatia | 18 Russian soldiers killed |
Oslobodjenje | Single Customs in BiH as of July 1?; Ashdown in Mostar – Wednesday deadline for HNC Government formation |
Dnevni Avaz | Strom over the Foundations for Loans: Veterans more and more embittered; Ashdown’s Mostar ultimatum |
Dnevni List | Holy Father supports Croatia entering EU; High Representative Paddy Ashdown again visits Mostar: I will be forced to make life of officials of parties in power difficult |
Vecernji List | Pope: I want Croatia in EU; Merging of customs administrations |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Pope John Paul II in Croatia; Covic and Soljic damaged HPT for seven million KMs |
Glas Srpske | Bank robbery in Derventa clearing up: accomplice behind bars; in Doboj downtown: A young man throws a bomb |
Nezavisne Novine | Report of the Task Force of Republika Srpska Elektroprivreda on work of Mine and Thermal Power Plant “Gacko”: Private firms destroyed RiTE “Gacko”; Indirect Tax Commission prepares transitional law: Tax Administration commences work on 1 July |
Blic | Workers drove away the director of ‘Kurjak’; Unification of customs in BiH starts as of July; Dragan Cavic: compromise in defense reform; Perica Koljanin: evictions this summer in Banja Luka; Djeric: the police know the identity of robbers |
BH Dani | New American plan for Bosnia – all according to the list |
Slobodna Bosna | Borislav Paravac: a criminal, not a president |
Ljiljan | Senad Saja Sahinpasic: I know who suggested my putting on Bush’s list |
BiH-international community relations | |
List of BiH citizens banned from EU still not announced
| BHTV 1 By Gvozden Sarac – While US and BiH have decided to confiscate assets of all those who support war criminals, European Union can only recommend that to their member countries. But what EU can do is to ban those persons and other criminals from entering the EU countries – there are 25 such persons from BiH. Until the EU officially announces the names of those persons, international officials in BiH do not want to speculate as to who those persons might be. BiH has not asked the EU to be forwarded this list. Mladen Ivanic, BiH Foreign Minister, said: “I think we will receive the list through the regular procedure when and if it is adopted. Comments regarding the names and other are more up to other institutions and not the Foreign Ministry.” Commenting on who is not welcome in Europe, Frane Maroevic, Spokesperson of the European Commission, said: “ People who support war criminals or committed war crimes, all people involved in that can expect their names to be on such a list.” |
US blacklist | BH DANI pg. 1, 18, 19 and 20 by Esad Hecimovic – on the list of 150 people banned from entering the US due to participation in war crimes and organized crime in several countries of western Balkans. The magazine’s angle on the story is basically that a large number of people from the list are BiH citizens, yet there has been no reaction from the local authorities. No one ordered any sort of an investigation lreated to the list, while the RS NA and the FBih HoR kept silent about it as if it was a grocery-shopping list. The magazine asks why all BiH state bodies are keeping quite and who is afraid of the ‘biggest Bosniak fish’ from the list – Hasan Cengic. |
BiH CoM supported ratification of agreement with US | BHTV 1, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg. 3 ‘BiH will not have problems due to the agreement with US’ – BiH Council of Ministers accepted on Thursday draft decision on ratification of an agreement with US about immunity of soldiers before the International Criminal Court. It was said that the ratification will not cause problems with EU, considering diplomatic efforts of BiH authorities detailing specific position of BiH in relation to US and EU. Dnevni List page 3, by M. R., “Ratification of agreement with US after today’s discussion” also reports on the session. According to the newspaper, BiH Treasury MnisterLjerka Maric, responding to a question whether the EU will create problems to BiH because of the ratification, says: “We believe there should not be problems because BiH is explaining its specific position related to accession to the EU and position towards the USA. After all, it’s about very complicated relations and diplomatic activities that has been intensively ongoing with both. Eventually, I think it should be all right.” SB pg. 18, 19 and 20 ‘Agreement with America will not cost us and it ensured the stay of the US forces’ by Danka Savic – on the US – BiH bilateral Agreement. The author of the text is basically attempting to prove that recent assessments that the ratification of the Agreement is ‘immoral and dangerous’ move by the BiH authorities that will be sanctioned by the EU. “The road to BiH joining the EU is still so difficult and long that the signing of the Agreement with the US, at present, could not represent a major obstacle,” claims the magazine. |
Ashdown visits Mostar | BHTV 1 By Angela Cvitanovic, FTV By Meri Musa, Oslobodjenje pg. 6, mentioned on the front page ‘Wednesday – the deadline for the HNC Government formation’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 3, mentioned on the front page ‘Six-day ultimatum for HNC Government establishment’, Nezavisne Novine, page 3, ‘Wednesday is deadline for establishment of the Cantonal Government’ – High Representative Paddy Ashdown visited Mostar on Thursday. Reason for visit was non-establishment of the HN Cantonal Government. Even 8 months after elections, main political parties in BiH, SDA, HDZ and Party for BiH failed to establish the HN Canton Government and, therefore high Representative gave them an ultimatum to resolve this issue by Wednesday noon. Ashdown claims politicians spent almost half a budget and did literarily nothing and Ashdown said he “will be forced to make life of those political parties difficult.” “Let me be clear. Parallel structures that should’ve been abolished eight months ago will no longer be tolerated. Those days are over and let no one have illusions about this,” Ashdowvn said. Dnevni List (front and page 12, by V. Soldo, “Ashdown: I will be forced to make life of officials of parties in power difficult”) – the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, yesterday visited, namely the Children with Special Needs Center and Old People’s Home after which he gave a press conference at premises of the OHR South. Saying that he visited very important institutions in which people and children suffer because those who were supposed to form a Cantonal Government in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton did not do it, HR Ashdown noted that every citizen of the HNC is paying the price because the Government has not been formed yet. Moreover, HR Ashdown stressed the citizens of Mostar paid politicians 2,8 million KMs, the money which was used for funding of the cantonal administration saying the teachers and doctors did not get the money for the jobs they were doing whilst the politicians were paid for doing nothing. Furthermore, HR Ashdown noted that a whole future of BiH has been undermined because of these failures and irresponsibility of the elected leaders because of the fact that the EC is doing the feasibility study for BiH whose main issue is whether BiH is able to function at all levels of authority. In light of this, the HR stated he could not permit that the future of BiH citizens be jeopardized giving the politicians in the HNC an ultimatum. The ultimatum says the that the OHR should get a list of all nominated ministers for the HNC Government by noon on Wednesday, June 11, the ministers who would be supported by presidents of the parties involved. If the deadline were not to be observed, HR Ashdown stressed: “I will be forced to make life of political parties and people who lead them difficult.” |
Tihic on HNC Government formation | Dnevni Avaz pg. 3 ‘Only one ministerial post disputable’ – “There is an objective responsibility of the leaderships of the political parties in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, which have not established good relations and mutual trust, so that the OHR deadline for the establishment of the Government is justified,” SDA President Sulejman Tihic told the newspaper. Her added that the only remaining problem was related to the appointment of a Serb minister. In another article on the issue on the same page ‘Coric Premier, Boric Finance Minister?’, Dnevni Avaz says that the process of reaching the full agreement between HDZ and SDA leaders, Barisa Colak and Sulejman Tihic, on the formation on the HNC Government has been stopped on the question which party will nominate candidate for the health and social welfare minister. When its is about the rest of eight ministerial post, according to the agreement reached, HDZ should get three ministerial posts and the post of the prime minister, as the SDA should get four ministerial posts. The concrete names of the candidates include: Miroslav Coric – prime minister, Semin Boric – finance minister, Kemal Isakovic – justice minister, Samir Sunagic – Minister of Economy, Goran Bilic – interior minister, Zeljko Raguz – education, science, culture minister, Stjepan Krasic – minister of traffic and communication. Tarik Djulic was being mentioned as a candidate for the Urban Planning Minister but this is still not the final nomination. |
US’ Bond on need for SFOR to keep its presence in BiH | FTV By Spomenka Ljubic – At the NATO meeting in Madrid, member states agreed it is early for EU to take over the peacekeeping mission in BiH. US Ambassador in BiH Clifford Bond says main reason for that is complexity of mission. He added that very important issues related to implementation of the Dayton Agreement are not finished. Reporter brings unofficial information that US administration has no confidence into EU over arrest of war criminals. |
EC – BiH talks | FTV By Rasim Borcak, Oslobodjenje pg. 4 ‘Second round of talks completed’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 8 – Second round of talks between representatives of BiH and European Commission finished on Thursday. Talks are dedicated to creation of the feasibility study for BiH’s association with EU. Mainly, economical issues, such as economical analysis, protection of customers and establishment of technical standards, have been discussed in last two days |
Busek on number of international troops in Balkans | Dnevni List (page 8, unsigned, “Soon reduction of number of troops in Balkans”) – Coordinator of the Stability Pact for Southeast Europe, Erhard Busek, assessed that nothing was standing in the way of reduction of number of peace troops in the Balkans and that now the focus must be placed on prevention of crime and corruption. In an interview for the “Tagesspiegel”, Busek says there is no military danger in the Balkans. “Soldiers cannot do everything, and in Kosovo and BiH they have assumed duties for which they were neither sent there or trained”, says Busek. |
Editorial: “America is making BiH and Palestine” | Dnevni List (page 6, by Pejo Gasparevic) carries an editorial saying that on the same day the first meeting of the Commission that is in charge of the BiH military structure reform, chaired by American expert James Locher, took place and American President George W. Bush was placing grounds for a new Palestinian state. The author also mentions the list that American President Bush presented last week which contains names of the persons whose property in the USA was blocked, as well as, their entrance to this country because they committed war crimes or helped the war criminals. The editorial says: “In this way the official Washington stated that it will root out extremism. The American ‘black list’ is even more important because, for instance, all the punished persons from BiH were or they are still connected to the national parties. In the BiH political arena both right wing and left wing milieus are disqualifying each others to the detriment of both. It seems that the one can conclude that the time is coming for the left and right wing forces in BiH to become capable for mutual co-existence. In this way the quality of civilized society is being acquired.” |
Dani on IC and 19 Sarajevo policemen case | BH DANI pg. 26 and 27 ‘New York Charter to Nijaz Karkelj’ by Vildana Selimbegovic – on the case of the dismissed 19 Sarajevo special police forces member following the recent letter from the UN HQ, which confirmed that ‘de-certification was final’. The magazine thinks that HR Paddy Ashdown must be celebrating following his latest maneuver – he packed the case of the 19 Sarajevo special police forces members with the rest of the cases of de-certification and requested an official position from the UN. Of course, Ashdown could have not received any different answer to such unspecified inquiry. Next to Ashdown, celebrating parties are also Frederiksen and Nisko Karkelja, currently the highest in position amongst reps of organized crime in BiH. The article touches upon the issue of double standards by the IC where cases of international officials breaching the police code were solved by sending them back to their countries. The conclusion of the article is that Ashdown did everything to protect Sven Fredriksen. Who will protect the police officers, asks the magazine. Also, the article carries two insets with statements by journalist Gojko Beric and policemen’s lawyer Asim Kadribasic. “Instead of being in favor of implementing force, Ashdown opted for the implementation of some strange tenderness towards the law violators. Vanity won. Because only vanity can explain this ‘verdict’ that arrived from the UN.” According to Kadribasic, this has long ago become the issue concerning all BiH citizens and not just 19 police officers. “In this case the HR and Fredriksen directly attacked all principles on the basis of which they earned their mandates in this country.” |
Ljiljan on Ashdown/Mostar | Ljiljan (pages 36 and 37, by Enes Ratkusic, “Tudjman’s napkins in Ashdown’s pocket”) – an editorial which suggests that everything that’s going down in Mostar and Herzegovina-Neretva Canton has a sole purpose of creating the “capitol city of the Croats” out of Mostar. “The High Representative does not hesitate too much to show what his plans for Mostar are, and he does it in a peculiar way, from the imposed solution (abolishment of special regime of two cantons) until present day. It’s obvious that the napkin, which he has kept for a while, on which a former Croatian President Franjo Tudjman drew maps, enriched his set of political instruments. This time around he sent his deputy Schroembgens to Mostar with a similar napkin, suggesting the Commission (NB: Mostar Commission) principles that were unequivocally interpreted by Bosniak and Serb members of this body as a model for final realization of the idea of Mostar as ‘Croat capitol city'”, says Ratkusic. Talking about the work of the Commission, Ratkusic says its members are losing the initial optimism and the majority of them now feels their task is to agree upon as much issues as possible and the rest will be decided by the High Representative. The author goes on to say if the IC’s intentions are really going into direction of turning Mostar into the “Croat capitol city”, anything but withdrawal from the work of the Commission by its members would be immoral and historically irresponsible. Finally, Ratkusic claims that reliable information say the HR Ashdown is going down hard on Sulejman Tihic whom he has requested to concede in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton and give advantage to the Croats. |
Ashdown lobbying that BiH be represented by Pajic who is British citizens
| SB pg. 33 ‘Ashdown lobbying that BiH be represented by Pajic who is British citizens’ – poses a question of whether Zoran Pajic, one of the candidates for the BiH Judge at the European Court for Human Rights in Strasbourg, is a British of BiH citizens and whether he meets necessary requirements for the job. Carries excerpts from an interview Pajic had to attend with members of the BiH Parliamentary Commission where he was asked questions about his professional history that goes in favor of his nomination for the mentioned post. According to the magazine, questionable whether Pajic really holds necessary qualification for the post, while HR Ashdown openly lobbied for Pajic with 35 key reps of the CoE Parliamentary Assembly. |
Defence reform | |
RSNA supports defence reform, Cavic meets with Locher
| BHTV 1 By Boris Gagic, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg. 7 ‘Support to the process of armed forces reform’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 4 ‘Accepted four out of seven conclusions’, Glas Srpske, page 2, ‘Vote for reforms’; Nezavisne Novine, page 7, ‘MP’s first reject, then adopt’, Blic, p 7, ‘Four out of seven conclusions adopted’ – RS National Assembly has supported establishment of the Commission for defence system reform. After second vote, the Assembly adopted four out of seven conclusions related to the defence system – the opposition parties left the session. Milorad Dodik, SNSD deputy, comments: “They have already taken certain decisions and we don’t want to be a part of that farce nothing else.” RS President, Dragan Cavic, said: “My personal impression about discussion of this issue was that, in a way, some tried creating political theatre out of such an important issue.” After talks with Commission Chairman, James Locher, RS President Dragan Cavic also supported the reform and the work of the Commission. Cavic said all preconditions for Partnership for Peace were met and the Commission would find solution respecting Entities and 3 people. Locher expressed satisfaction with all what RS achieved and promised the Commission would very soon present its proposals to the Parliaments. (Dnevni Avaz pg. 4 ‘Locher meets with Cavic – Commission to offer ideas for defence reform’, Glas Srpske, page 2, ‘Defence according to Constitution’, Blic, p 7, ‘Compromise solutions possible’, Vecernje Novosti, p 4, ‘Two armies’, Vecernji List page 6, by bs) |
FBiH Army Commander on defence reform | Dnevni Avaz pg. 5 ‘Demilitarisation would mean de-armouring of Bosniaks’ – General Atif Dudakovic, the Commander of the Federation Army, sees the defence reform as a part of the comprehensive reforms of the society and as the creation of a safe environment in BiH. |
Economic/social issues | |
Draft Indirect Taxation Law
| BHTV 1, FTV, Oslobodjenje front page, pages 4-5 ‘Single Customs as of July 1?’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 4 ‘Provisional law on merging customs administrations prepared’, Nezavisne Novine, pages 1 & 4, ‘Tax Administration to commence work on 1 July’; Glas Srpske, page 3, ‘Law weighs money’, Blic, p 7, ‘Unification of customs in July’- New provisional law on merging Custom Administrations in BiH was forwarded to BiH Council of Ministers by Indirect Taxation Commission. This law would establish new Administration for indirect tax policy. If ratified by both Houses of BiH Parliament, it will create conditions for appointing a new Director to whom entity customs administration directors would be subordinate. Implementation of single customs is a condition for 60 million Euros of macro financial assistance to BiH this year. Chairman of the commission Joly Dixon: “Purpose of this approach is insurance of continuous system that can allow collection of taxes through implementation of huge reforms.” Vecernji List page 8, by E. Medunjanin, “Dixon: We abolish unhealthy competition between entities” also reports on the issue. The newspaper quotes Dixon as saying:“Three months after the appointment of director, The Administration for indirect taxation, which will by then have a central office and official seal, takes over the responsibility for execution of the main tasks related to collections and distribution.”Dnevni List, page 6, by FENA, “Law on merging of customs administrations prepared” covered the issue as well. |
Charges pressed against former leadership of HPT Mostar | FTV By Ivan Pavkovic, Oslobodjenje pg. 4 ‘Request for launching investigation in HPT Mostar’ – Cantonal Court in Mostar received request from the prosecutor to prosecute the former leadership of HPT Mostar. Case is related to Eronet shares and former leadership of HPT is under suspicion for abuse of powers and authorities. It is all about disputable transfer of shares of Eronet to Alpina Komerc, Croherc and Hercegovina Osiguranje companies which damaged HPT for 4,5 million KM. Member of the BiH Presidency Dragan Covic is on the list of suspects. Slobodna Dalmacija (front and page 22, by M. Landeka, “Covic and Soljic damaged HPT Mostar for seven million KMs”) – SD learns from sources close to the Cantonal Court in Mostar that the Cantonal Prosecution in Mostar requested the Court to start an investigation against a former Steering Board of HPT Mostar over abuse of office and authority. It is about the disputable transfer of “Eronet” stocks that were transferred to three private companies, namely the “Hercegovina osiguranje”, “Croherc” and “Alpina Komerc”, by the HPT Steering Board at a session held on August 2, 1999, thus damaging the HPT Mostar for seven million KMs. The Prosecution wants that the investigation be conducted against the then members of the Steering Board, Dragan Covic, Vladimir Soljic, Matan Zaric, Slavica Josipovic, Ivan Bacak, Nevenko Djukic, Ivan Medic and Marinko Gilja. Its worth noting that the current Croat member of BiH Presidency, Dragan Covic, who is included in the list, was at the time also the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister. (Dnevni List, front and page 5, by De. L., “Soon trials to suspects in Eronet case”, Vecernji List, page 8, by rs, “New investigation to follow”) |
Losses of Gacko Power Plant | Nezavisne Novine, pages 1 & 3, ‘Private firms destroyed Mine and Thermal Power Plant Gacko’ – The report of the Republika Srpska Elektorprivreda Task Force, which was delivered to Pantelija Dakic, Acting Director of Republika Srpska EP, reads that: “The total of the entire short-term debt of Mine and Thermal Power Plant (RiTE) “Gacko” amounts KM 79.2 million as at 31 March. The debt related to third persons engaged in the firm amounts KM 45.3 million.” The basic reason for the enormous losses of the RiTE “Gacko” is the engagement of “third persons and firms dealing with digging the coil and barren soil and maintenance of RiTE. A source close to the international community claims that payments to private firms required a prior assent by political structures of Republika Srpska. |
Housing loans for veterans | Dnevni Avaz front page, pg. 9 ‘Veterans more and more embittered’ – Although the officials of the Foundation for Provision of Housing Loans to Veterans in the BiH Federation claim they are respecting the opinion of the veteran’s representatives, the veterans have been becoming more and more embittered. The war invalids from the Tuzla Canton are requesting a renewed loan application process in order that the loans are provided just for those who deserve that. Una-Sana Canton veterans are proposing that the BiH Federation Government returns the entire process to its start and re-consider the entire issue. |
Hays letter to Mikerevic | Nezavisne Novine, page 2, ‘OHR dissatisfied with the Republika Srpska Government investigation into Republika Srpska EP’ – In a letter recently addressed to the Republika Srpska Prime Minister, Dragan Mikerevic, PDHR Donald Hays warned that the investigation into the work of the Republika Srpska Elektroprivreda, conducted by the Ministries of Internal affairs and Finance, is superficial and inappropriate. Accordingly, Hays demanded that urgent measures should be undertaken, in order to improve the current situation without further delays. In the letter, Hays claims that the situation at Republika Srpska EP has further deteriorated following the publication of the Special Auditor Report on Republika Srpska EP. |
Update to Eldar Malinic case | Nezavisne Novine, page 5, ‘Prosecutor’s Office is awaiting for investigation findings’ – Banjaluka police has not still acted upon the request made by the Banjaluka District Prosecutor’s Office for additional investigation into the criminal report against Eldar Malinic, owner of firm “Grand Export Import” from Banjaluka. This firm, through business collaboration with the fictitious firms “Mag” and “Vendo” from BiH Federation, evaded the tax payment of KM 1.2 million. |
“Aleks petrol” dealings analysed | Nezavisne Novine, page 5, ‘Republika Srpska Tax Administration analysing contracts of “Aleks Petrol”” – Republika Srpska Tax Administration has sought from the top officials of the firm “Terpentin” from Visegrad to deliver them copies of the contracts this firm made with the firm “Aleks Petrol” from Bijeljina. Acting Director of Terpentin, Dragana Djeric Cerovic, said that the contracts sets that Terpentin will be renting a reservoir of 100 tones to “Aleks Petrol” firm. |
UNDP: More money needed for economic recovery of Srebrenica area | Blic, p 6, ‘Even 200 million not enough for economy’ – The Head of UNDP Srebrenica, Yves Van Frausum, had stated that the funds raised at the donors’ conference held in New York were only a part of money needed for recovery of Bratunac, Srebrenica and Milici. He said that additional 200 million $ are needed in order to modernize economy in this area. |
Dani: Three stars for Potocari campaign | BH DANI pg. 6 in Bosanski Barometar column where the latest campaign to help raise money for the Srebrenica Potocari was marked with three stars, meaning an excellent move. |
Round table discussion on development of entrepreneurship held in Siroki Brijeg | Dnevni List (page 6, by S. Kuzman, “State has to secure conditions for business operation to businessmen”) and Vecernji List (page 6, by M.S., “Round table discussion on development of entrepreneurship in BiH”) carry that Foundation Konrad Adenauer and Direction for European Integration organised a round table discussion on issue “Economy between theory and practice: Development of business in BiH”. The round table was attended by economic experts, businessmen from the whole state, representatives of all authority levels and the International Community. Deputy High Representative and Head of the OHR Economy Department Patrice Dreiski stressed that many reforms, which are crucial for the development, should be implemented and some of them should have been implemented already. |
Dani on third GSM licence | BH DANI pg. 3 ‘Seventh Day’ column by Senad Pecanin. The topic is once again the third GSM license and the coming meeting organized by the US embassy on Tuesday next week were respectable local and international experts are to discuss the liberalization of he BiH telecommunication system. The author recalls that similar meeting was recently organized by the OHR, but they ‘forgot’ to invite local experts to attend. According to Pecanin’s info, the US embassy will once again using, what the author calls the method of ‘carrots, brutality and blackmail’, send a clear signal that BiH will be join the WTO if liberalizing the telecommunication system. |
Other political developments/affairs | |
SD on Miletic’s information about connections of Mafia and BiH politicians
| Slobodna Dalmacija (page 18, by Zlatko Tulic, “Minister ‘lost’ evidence in drawer”) carries that the information about relations of Mafia and high-ranked BiH politicians that the Director of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Police, Zlatko Miletic, sent to FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic is still in a drawer of the FBiH Minister of Interior Mevludin Halilovic. SD says that their source claims that Halilovic does not want to forward the complete information to Hadzipasic. The article also says that, by all accounts, Miletic had forwarded the same information to the OHR Sarajevo long time ago and after this move he received a full support from the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, in disclosing of connections between Mafia and domestic politicians. SB pg. 14 ‘Why Hadzipasic has not received Miletic’s report on organized crime’ in MINI MARKET column– on the issue of a report on organized crime and connection with local officials devised by the FBiH Police Director, Zlatko Miletic, which was done upon a request by FBiH PM Ahmet Hadzipasic. Even though media reported in the past days that the report has been sitting in a drawer of FBiH Minister of Interior, Mevludin Halilovic, the magazine has different info. Apparently, Halilovic forwarded the document to SDA leaders responsible of appointing both Halilovic and Hadzipasic. The magazine’s sources claim the first to get the hands on the document is Bakir Izetbegovic, but has been read by other SDA officials and maybe even corrected and published in one of the SDA- supporting dailies such as Avaz, Ljuljan or Jutarnje Novine. |
Session of FBiH Government
| Dnevni List (page 3, by Miso Relota, “Members of FBiH MIO/PIO Steering Board appointed”) carries that during its 14th session, among other things, the Federation of Bosna and Herzegovina (FBiH) Government passed a decision on temporary appointment of a Chairman and members of the FBiH Pension Insurance Fund. Also, the FBiH Government adopted the Action Plan for FBiH Inspectorate that the World Bank expert team made because of re-organization and rationalization of inspections at all levels. |
SD: “Pope’s visit to BiH: Croat flags will be flying freely over Banja Luka” | With regard to the Pope’s visit to Banja Luka that is to take place on June 22, 2003, Slobodna Dalmacija (front and page 17, by Zlatko Tulic) carries the Secretary of the Banja Luka Ordinariate Chancellor, Ivica Bozinovic, who says that the instruction to the believers that they do not come to see the Pope with national symbols is being wrongly interpreted in the public. Bozinovic explains that this is just a recommendation of the Board that is in charge of organization of the Pope’s visit and it does not mean that the one will not be able to come with a Croat flag or similar symbols. He added that the entrance would not be allowed only to the persons who wear provoking slogans and sketches on their clothes. |
VL: “Ashdown moved in house on Jablanica Lake” | Vecernji List (page 7, by R.S.) carries that a few days ago the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, moved in a house at the Jablanica Lake that he bought from BiH Army General Kadir Jusic and for which he paid 150 000 KMs. For this occasion, the HR allegedly organized a small ceremony during which he promised local Police leaders a new patrol boat and the engine for the old patrol boat. Along with the Police, one guard would be watching the HR’s house 24 hours a day. VL says that now people in Konjic speculate that the recent SFOR’s operation at Falanovo Brdo was to check whether a mujahedeen camp is located there since it is also located by the lake. |
HJPC head on election of judges to Republika Srpska CC | Nezavisne Novine, page 7, ‘Judges to Constitutional Court of Republika Srpska should be appointed asap’ – Jan Erik Oja, President of High Judicial and Prosecutorial Councils, is of the view that the judges to the Republika Srpska Constitutional Court should be appointed as soon as possible. Otherwise, the work of the Republika Srpska Parliament may be blocked, if any MP’s raises an issue of the protection of the vital national interest. Following the meeting with the Republika Srpska President, Dragan Cavic, in Banjaluka, Oja told the press that it is not clear to him why the judges to Republika Srpska CC have not been elected as yet. Dnevni List page 3, not signed also reports on the issue. |
Mikerevic meets with Moscow delegation | Glas Srpske, page 3, ‘Moscow closer to Republika Srpska’ – Dragan Mikerevic, Republika Srpska Prime Minister, yesterday received the delegation of the Russian capital, Moscow. The meeting discussed the co-operation between Moscow and Republika Srpska in the fields of economy, education, culture, sports and accomplishment of some projects. Delegation was led by Deputy Mayor of Mscow, Vladimir Josifovich Resin. The meting was also attended by the Russian Ambassador to BiH, Alexander Grischenko. |
Brcko Election Law presented | Nezavisne Novine, page 4, ‘Draft election law of Brcko District presented’ – Henry Clarke, International Supervisor for Brcko, yesterday presented a draft election law for Brcko District to the MP’s at the Brcko Interim Parliament, members of Brcko Government, representatives of political parties, Syndicate and the press. |
People’s Party Working for Prosperity supports change of BiH Constitution | Slobodna Dalmacija (page 23, by M. Skobic) carries the People’s Party Working for Prosperity issued a press release saying that this party supports the initiative for the changes of the BiH Constitution. The press release also says that faced with constant discussions, during which the abolishment of the Republika Srpska is demanded, members of this party believe that, first of all, representatives of the Federation of BiH should abolish the FBiH in a way that they transfer the biggest part of the authorities to the state level and one part to the level of the Canton. They also believe that it is up to the RS authorities to transfer the part of the authorities to the state level so that BiH is ready for Euro-Atlantic Integration. |
VL: Interview with FBiH Minister of Finances Dragan Vrankic | Vecernji List (page 9, conducted by Eldina Medunjanin, “Operating through treasury saved 25 million Marks”) carries an interview with Federation of BiH Minister of Finances Dragan Vrankic. Asked whether the expenditures of the FBiH Government will increase or reduce if certain number of Ministries comes to Mostar, Vrankic says: “The issue of the Ministries’ seats is a constitutional category and with the coming of the Ministries to Mostar the Government’s expenditures will not increase.” Asked to comment on the information about irregularities in the work of his predecessors, Vrankic said: “I do not want to comment on alleged irregularities in the work of my predecessors.” |
RTV FBiH fined over libel | Slobodna Dalmacija (back page, by M. Landeka) – at its session held on May 22, the Enforcement Panel of the Communications Regulator Agency (CRA) decided to sanction the RTV FBiH by imposing maximum financial penalty of 5000 KMs following the RTV FBiH’s fifth breach of Broadcasting Code of Practice. The Republika Srpska (RS) Government filed a complaint over RTV FBiH’s “60 minutes’ show that was aired on January 20, 2003. The report that dealt with establishment of the RS Government and the Council of Ministers, RTV FBiH publicised unsubstantiated, generalist and defamatory claims against persons appointed to serve in the above mentioned institutions. It was concluded that the outlet violated Articles 1.4 “Fair and impartial programming” and 1.2 “Decency and civility” of the Code. Sarajevo dailies also reported on the issue. |
PBS restructuring | Vecernji List (page 8, by Ivica Pjanic, “Money determines programming”) – starting July 1 this year both channels of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Television will be airing the same programming. Such a proposal of the Programming Collegium was supported by the Council of RTV FBiH at a session held on Wednesday. The decision comes after the Council rendered the difficult financial situation the RTV FBiH is facing and obligations that are a result of the High Representative’s decision on launching of BHTV 1, reads the press release. Sarajevo dailies also covered the issue. BH DANI pg. 12 ‘The last Shearer’s failure’ in FOCUS column – on the process of reconstruction of the entity and state TV and the role of John Shearer in the process. The magazine claims Shearer did everything in his ‘powerlessness’ to leave nothing but naked walls from what used to be a media giant, with a bunch of amateurs, debts reaching millions of KM and no credibility. The key to the story, claims the magazines, is the strengthening of the entity TV stations, which is obvious from unequal treatment of the FTV and RTRS. “The BHTV 1 HQ will be in Sarajevo, and they will pretend to be the state television. The FTV, by handing over its frequency and assets will keep getting worse, while the RTRS, which has all the markings of the state TV but not of the BiH state, will keep working as usual in Banja Luka.” |
Dani on newly-adopted criminal legislation | BH DANI pg. 16 ‘Ashdown’s laws: computer more worthy than human life’ (no name of the author) – on the latest set of criminal laws. The magazine argues that three years after the war the federation adopted a set of criminal laws, and with a few changes they could have served the country in the next 100 years. However, the HR ordered the writing of the new laws. “And soon from the OHR industry of stupidities two more arrived – the Law on Criminal Procedure and the FBiH Criminal Law.” The article then looks at certain Articles of the mentioned laws, more precisely Article 394 on ‘computer sabotage’ and Article no. 164 on ‘manslaughter’. The violation of the first, meaning any computer related damage over 500 KM can result in a prison sentence from one to eight years. The later article on manslaughter also results in the prison sentence from one to 10 years. The point being – a human life is less worthy then a life of a computer, hence the article title. |
Slobodna Bosna: Borislav Paravac: a criminal, not a president
| SB pgs. 1 and 5 – 10 by Suzana Andjelic – an investigation started this week at the Zenica cantonal Court against several people from Doboj charged with war crimes committed in that city and in the area of Bosanska Posavina. The Hague gave green light for processing the case, which was first open by the Zenica cantonal court back in 1997. The magazine is basically wondering how is it possible that if the case, which includes people who were heading the army and police in Doboj at the time, as well as the SDS president and a member of the Doboj HQ, does not include also the current BiH Presidency Chair Borislav Paravac. The magazine publishes parts of a Radio Doboj show from May 1997 when the fifth anniversary of ‘Doboj’s Freedom’ was marked. For the occasion, Paravac spoke of his role and credits in the establishment of the Serb authorities in Doboj and expelling of 10,000 of Bosniaks and Croats. |
Slobodna Bosna on Covic | SB pg. 20 and 21 ‘Covic moved Mila Gadzic to the Central Bank, and Vlado Culjak will become SBS Director instead of Mihalj’ – the article claims that a Croat BiH Presidency member and the most influential member of the HDZ, Dragan Covic, has kept awarding people who helped him destroy and rob the ‘Soko’ Institute. The magazine lists some of the people that Covic has awarded so far. Vlado Culjak is apparently supposed to take over from Tomislav Mihalj as the SBS Director. Culjak is most responsible for Covic’s appointment as the SG in ‘Soko’ and is a relative of Covic’s wife. Mila Gadzic, current Minister for Foreign Trade and Economic Relations, will soon have to resign on the post, as charges will be brought against her and her Deputy Maid Ljubovic, will be offered by Covic to be appointed as a member of the Central Bank Steering Board. Her position will be offered to Ankica Kolobaric, whose husband is one of the ‘Soko’ co-owners. |
Crime; incidents | |
Bank robbers identified
| Glas Srpske, cover page story, ‘Accomplice behind bars’ – Police apprehended a man, suspected of having been an accomplice in the robbery of Kristal Banka in Derventa. Furthermore, two more robbers were identified and police has issued wanted warrants for them. GS learnt from unofficial sources that one of them is residing in Brcko, while the second one is from Serbia. According to accomplice, who started to talk and revealed some pieces of information to police, the robbers rented an apartment at Starcevica settlement in Banjaluka. However, they have not appeared at that apartment after the robbery in Derventa, maybe because they felt police placed a trap. It is suspected that this group of three men robbed the branch bank offices in Celinac, Laktasi and some other places. As for robbery of Nova Banjalucka Banka, this group has not been linked to it as yet. GS learnt from police sources that police made an e-fit of one of robbers of NBB. Blic, p 7, ‘Robbers known’ also covered the issue. The Blic article carries an inset ‘Dodik suspects in Vracar’, which reads that the SNSD leader, Milorad Dodik, yesterday said he suspected that Milenko Vracar, the President of Nova Banjalucka Bank, had participated in the robbery of the bank. |
Bomb explosion in Doboj | Glas Srpske, cover page story, ‘A young man throws a bomb’ – A bomb exploded in Doboj centre yesterday afternoon. A 19-year old S.V. from Doboj threw a bomb after a small quarrel with N.N. luckily, no bled was shed. |