
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 4/10/2004



BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs)

FED TV (19,30 hrs)

RT RS (19,30)

Preliminary election results

Elections results

Elections results

Police’s search in Bijeljina

HDZ press conference

Elections inSlovenia

Elections in Slovenia

Elections- Banja Luka

OHR on elections

Elections in Serbia

Elections in Serbia

Elections- S. Sarajevo

Elections in Slovenia

Iraqi issues

Del Ponte in Belgrade




Majority of the heads of municipalities known elected

Dnevni Avaz

Ashdown: Though job awaits victor!

Dnevni List

Colak and Tihic worried, Dodik and Lagumdzija satisfied

Vecernji List

Winners: HDZ keeps Mostar, Dodik wins Trebinje, SDA stronger in Sarajevo, SDP keeps Tuzla

Slobodna Dalmacija

Features Croatia related headlines

Nezavisne Novine

Triumph of SNSD in RS, SDA and HDZ are the strongest in the Federation of BiH; The police searched for documents for the Hague in Mauzer’s house; Zoran Kezunovic and Dragan Divljan were killed in an explosion

Glas Srpske

He took a secret to grave


SNSD won in Banja Luka ; SDS won in 40 municipalities


Municipal elections 2004

UPDATE to preliminary results



























Oslobodjenje cover splash, pg 3 ‘Majority of mayors elected’ by A. Terzic, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘SDA won majority in most of Sarajevo municipalities’ by L. Sinanovic, pg 4 ‘In FBiH, 27 municipalities already have a mayor’ by E. Barimac, pg 4 ‘To the winner through preferential system’ by E.B.  – Late Sunday night, the BiH Election Commission published the preliminary results of the municipal elections in BiH.  SDA is the leading party in Municipal Councils of the following municipalities: Novi Grad in Sarajevo, Vogosca, Stari Grad Sarajevo, Hadzici, Ilidza, Pale FBiH, Foca FBiH, Gorazde. SDP won municipal assemblies in Centre Sarajevo, and Novo Sarajevo. PDP holds Srpski Stari Grad Sarajevo, while SDS is the leading party in Srpsko Novo Sarajevo, Srpska Ilidza, Trnovo, Pale, Rogatica, Visegrad, Gacko, Foca, Srpsko Sarajevo,Cajnice, Rudo, and Bileca. HDZ won in Grude, Siroki Brijeg, Ljubuski, Capljina, and Ravno. SNSD won in Trebinje, Kostajnica, SBiH in Trnovo FBiH and NHI in Usora. In the City of Mostar, majority of the votes was won by Coalition HDZ-HSP-HKDU-HNZ-UHSP. In Brcko District, SDS won 17,82% and SDP – 17,79% of the votes. HDZ has won municipal official functions in 12 municipalities (Ravno, Stolac, Neum, Capljina, Citluk, Grude, Kresevo, Vitez, Kupres, Zepce, Dobratici and Domaljevac Samac). In ten municipalities, HDZ is entering the second round of counting the ballots. SDA has won municipal official functions in 11 municipalities – Buzim, Sanski Most, Tesanj, Teocak, Banovici, Sapna, Zenica, Bugojno, Ilijas, Jablanica and Pale. It is entering the second round in 19 municipalities. RS Socialist Party has won municipal official functions in four municipalities – Foca/Srbinje, Teslic, Srpski Drvar and Kozarska Dubica. SDS has won 37 municipal official posts – Prnjavor, Orasje, Trnovo, Mostar-srpski Mostar, Gorazde-srpsko Gorazde, Stolac, Berkovici, Ljubinje, Kostajnica, Bileca, Cajnice, Gacko, Kalinovik, Nevesinje, Visegrad, Rogatica, Pale, Srpsko Novo Sarajevo, Srpska Ilidza, Han Pijesak, Srebrenica, Bratunac, Sekovici, Sokolac, Glamoc, Jajce Jezero, Ugljevik, Lopare, Doboj, Celinac, Bijeljina, Pelagicevo, Bosanski Samac, Srpski Samac and Derventa. SNSD has won 14 municipal official posts, which include the municipalities of Rudo, Milici, Vlasenica, Trebinje, Skender Vakuf, Knezevo, Bos. Petrovac, Srbac and Laktasi. The final results of the Municipal Elections in BiH will be announced in thirty days. Davidovic Dragoljub, the SNSD candidate has won the majority of votes for Banja Luka

RTRS, Dnevni List, front ‘Colak and Tihic worried, Dodik and Lagumdzija satisfied’ and pgs 4-5 ‘SDP, NSRZB, SNSD, SDA, HSS satisfied, HDZ concerned, SBiH and NHI biggest losers’, by Zvonimir Jukic Vecernji List, front ‘Winners: HDZ keeps Mostar, Dodik wins Trebinje, SDA stronger in Sarajevo, SDP keeps Tuzla’ and pgs 2-3 ‘HDZ gets biggest support of Croats in BiH’, by Miso Relota – The BiH Election Commission confirmed that 45,52% of registered voters turned out in the local elections on Saturday, namely 42,31% in the FBiH, 49,64% in the RS and 64,39% in the Brcko District

RHB, BHT 1, FTV, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 5 ‘Everyone claims to be election winners’, by H, Nezavisne Novine, cover and pg. 3 ‘Triumph of SNSD in RS, SDA and HDZ are the strongest in the Federation of BiH’ by V. Popovic, R. Cengic, EuroBlic, cover ‘SNSD won in Banja Luka’ and ‘SDS won in 40 municipalities’ and pg. RS1 ‘SNSD won in Banja Luka’, pgs. RS2 – RS3 ‘Majority of municipalities to SDS, rise of Dodik’s party’ by EuroBlic team, Vecernje Novosti, pgs. 18-19 carries separate articles on elections in various municipalities in RS – all carried very detailed reports on the preliminary results and election process in different municipalities in BiH. 

HDZ says it will have 22 heads of municipalities


RHB, BHT 1, RTRS, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Again the winning party’ by Onasa, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘This is the victory for SDA, and a loss for SDP’ by E. Sarac, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 5 ‘HDZ will have a new Mayor of Mostar’ by V. C.– HDZ President, Barisa Colak, held a press conference on Sunday, and stated that on basis of preliminary results one can say that the HDZ was again victorious and true representative of the Croat people in BiH. Colak explained that according to preliminary results, the HDZ will be having 22 heads of municipalities, however he also complained about the issue of incomplete list of voters, announcing an appeal with the BiH Election Commission.

Vecernji List, front ‘Winners: HDZ keeps Mostar, Dodik wins Trebinje, SDA stronger in Sarajevo, SDP keeps Tuzla’ and pgs 2-3 ‘HDZ gets biggest support of Croats in BiH’, by Miso Relota, Dnevni List, pg 3 ‘HDZ’s heads of municipalities in 22 municipalities’, by NINA – President of HDZ in Canton 7, Josip Merdzo, stressed that according to incomplete results for Mostar, the HDZ-led coalition will win most seats in the City Council of Mostar, 18 of them. He further stated that there needed to be a consensus on appointment of the Mayor of Mostar, believing that a Croat would be the Mayor.

Tihic: Elections are victory for SDA, and a loss for SDP


BHT 1, RTRS, FTV, RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Position of the strongest political party in BiH confirmed by L. Sinanovic, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 5 ‘SDA is satisfied with elections’ by N. Krsman– SDA Chairman Sulejman Tihic stated at the press conference that the municipal elections confirmed that the SDA is the strongest party in FBiH and the strongest non-Serb party in RS. Tihic added that the party has improved its results in comparison with the 2002 elections.

Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘Elections confirmed we are the strongest party’ by A. B., – Tihic stressed that the party was not satisfied with the voters turnout, but acknowledged that it was at the European level. “Mass voting usually occurs in crisis, so these elections confirm the politic stability in the country,” Tihic explained. Asked about possible Coalitions that SDA may create in RS, Tihic answered: “If we have a chance in RS to be in coalition with other parties, that will certainly not be SDS. The results for SNSD were expected. They are stronger and stronger with every elections. We are glad that voters in RS turned towards SNSD.

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘This is the victory for SDA, and a loss for SDP’ by E. Sarac – In a statement to DA, Tihic said that elections results, especially in Sarajevo, were a victory for SDA and a loss for SDP.

Cavic surprised with SNSD’s victory in Trebinje and Banja Luka


RTRS, Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘Voters are turning to social-democracy’ by Orijana VukovicActing SDS President, Dragan Cavic said that SDS has won in 42 Municipalities, but they were surprised by results in Banja Luka and in Trebinje. “It is obvious that complete change of political ambient has happened in Trebinje, that is clear at this moment SNSD and other Parties have taken the primate over SDS there”- said Cavic

FTV – SDS President Dragan Cavic admitted that this party did worse then on previous elections.

BHT 1 – SDS said it is satisfied with first election results, sad Cavic, especially since the party went into the election handicapped by the the High representative Paddy Ashdown’s decisions to remove 59 of its officials two months ago.

Nezavisne Novine, pg. 5 ‘I am not responsible for election result of SDS’ by P. Klincov, Glas Srpske, pg. 5 ‘We are still the strongest’ by M. Dzepina – Cavic stated on Sunday he could not accept personal responsibility for election results of SDS nor he thinks one could hold him responsible. He also claims SDS would ‘remain the strongest in RS, but also in BiH’.

Dodik: SNSD is the only party with a reason to be satisfied


FTV, RTRS, Glas Srpske, pg. 6 ‘New votes of voters’ by N. Diklic– SNSD General Secretary, Igor Radojcic said that SNSD will be the strongest party in RS and that they are satisfied with the results. “It will be very difficult to explain how the party with 5% [support] has a Prime Minister and majority in RS Government, has good part of the CoM” Radojcic commented. 

BHT 1, Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘Voters are turning to social-democracy’ by Orijana Vukovic – SNSD believes that they strongly defeated SDS in most of the RS Municipalities.

Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Questionable power of the ruling parties in RS’ by Fena – Radojcic added that SNSD holds victory in municipalities with much larger population than SDS.

Nezavisne Novine, pg. 2 ‘RS authority has lost legitimacy’ by V. Popovic – SNSD leader Milorad Dodik assessed that the RS political scene, after the victory of SNSD in Banja Luka and majority of municipalities in RS, looks completely different. He expressed his satisfaction that the possibility for SDS to have an absolute majority was reduced in a large number of municipalities. ‘Poor election result of SDS is a personal defeat of Dragan Cavic’, Dodik said.

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘SNSD is the only one in BiH with a reason to be satisfied’ – Dodik stated for DA that SNSD is the only party in BiH with a reason to be satisfied.

SDP says it reached election goals

RTRS, FTV, BHT 1, RHB, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘All goals reached’ by A.B., Dnevni List, pg 3, ‘Election goals fulfilled’, by E. Mackic – Damir Masic, SDP BiH representative, is quoted as saying that the party is encouraged by the results it achieved at the local elections as in over 100 municipalities the results this year are far better compared to the ones in 2002. “Thus we have once again confirmed that not only is the SDP active throughout BiH territory but it also achieves good results. GrudeMunicipality is an example of this: we have so far never had our representative there, whereas after these elections we will have two municipal councilors“, Masic said.

Ivanic says PDP satisfied with results, expect in BL and Brcko


BHT1, RTRS, Glas srpske, pg. 5 ‘They remained on their own’ by P. Pecanac – PDP President Mladen Ivanic said that the party is satisfied with the election results, especially if having in mind that there were predictions about PDP vanishing from the political scene. “The characteristic is that Party has grown in many Municipalities, but in certain sense it has fallen in Banja Luka and instead of 11% it moves in about 7% in Banja Luka, which we consider as really week election result” Ivanic comments. 

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘This is the victory for SDA, and a loss for SDP’ by E. Sarac – Ivanic stated that PDP was only dissatisfied with the results of elections in Banja Luka and Brcko.

RS Socialists satisfied with elections


RTRS– The president of the RS Socialist Party Petar Djokic said that the party is satisfied with victories of the five candidates for mayors. “SPRS doesn’t hide the satisfaction with the achieved result,” said Djokic.  Djokic also said that these elections have proved their predictions that current leading parties SDS, SDA and PDP, will be defeated.

Parties demand repeated elections in 20 polling stations


RTRS, Glas Srpske, pg. 5 ‘To repeat elections’ by S. S. – DNS, DF, “Radom za Boljitak” party, SDP and Pensioners’ Party will forward a request to BiH Election Commission, Municipal Election Commission, OHR and OSCE for re-counting and checking voters that have voted on 20 out of 54 polling stations. The parties will object to the manner of the way and results of voting at 10 polling stations in Zvornik, two in Kozluk, two in Karakaj, two in Trsic, two in Divic and two polling stations in Pilica. They also requested for a repeated elections at these 20 polling stations.

Update to Kragulj case

Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Kragulj did not talk in capacity of the candidate’ by Fena, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 5 ‘I am not responsible for election result of SDS’ by P. Klincov, inset ‘Cavic does not want to distance himself from statements of SDS candidate’ – Dragan Caivc did not distance himself from a statement of SDS candidate for Banja Luka Mayor Ljubisa – Buco Kragulj, who has stated that Nezavisne Novine, RTRS and ATV were ‘a part of Mafia of Milorad Dodik’. He refused to comment on the statement. ‘Every person is entitled to his views’, Cavic said.

RHB, BHT 1 – Cavic also said that SDS is to appeal to the BiH Court Appeal Chamber regardless to the elections results. “In all other cases in entire BiH, the Election Appeals Council answered to appeals from political parties or others within 48 hours. Still, [they] …needed 20 days to react to events form September 13,” Cavic stated.

RTRS –Member of BiH Election Commission, Lidija Korac said that Kragulj has harshly violated the regulations of BiH Electoral Law using the language provoking the violence. Tanja Topic, Political Analyst said that the question here is why he was permitted to use that language during the campaign. Kragulj didn’t want to speak with the Reporter, asking him to be patient and saying that he will soon announce his following moves. SNSD stated that they don’t care about this decision and that their candidate won fairly. PDP President Mladen Ivanic said that this is very difficult decision and he wonders why it wasn’t it published sooner. “Regardless to election result, the qualifications are very difficult and being that Mr. Kragulj has participated in a show as the owner of private media, owner of “Big”- radio, according to our knowledge the conversation was only about the media”- said Dragan Cavic, Acting President of SDS. 

Ashdown on elections: Though job awaits victors


RHB, Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Though job awaits victors’, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Though job awaits victors’ by Fena, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 2 ‘Success of elections is confirmation of maturity of BiH authority’ by Onasa, Glas Srpske, pg. 5 ‘Confirmation of maturity’ by Srna, EuroBlic, pg. RS3 ‘Focus on reforms’ not signed, Dnevni List, pg 3 ‘OHR congratulates BiH Election Commission’, by NINA, Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Elections went well’, by em – The High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, commented to the municipal elections in BiH saying that the BiH Election Commission, all the Municipal Election Commissions and those others involved in preparing and conducting the elections should be congratulated. “The fact that these successful elections were organised, funded and conducted in entirely peaceful basis by the BiH authorities is a testament to the maturity of those institutions responsible. What awaits the victors is a tough job. For the first time all municipal mayors have been directly elected across BiH. This direct mandate carry’s with it a direct responsibility. Municipalities have one characteristic that distinguishes them from other layers of government: they are closer to the people. Therefore, it is here that the politicians serving citizens rather then politicians serving politicians must start in BiH,” Ashdown said.

Sehic comments elections


BHT 1 – The Chair of the BiH Election Commission Vehid Sehic, commented for BHT 1 the announcements by leading political parties’ of winning the elections. “Maybe there is a positive atmosphere where they feel as winners, and that is good. Political parties probable had results they expected. It’s possible that political parties knew the results before the Election Commission did,” stated Sehic. He added that final counting of votes will be conducted by 12 October. Than Election Commission will first deal with potential objections and appeals of the political parties, and subsequently publish the final results. Around 60 objections have already been filed, mostly referring to the violation of media blackout. 

International observers on electios


RHB, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘IC still rules in BiH’ by M.K.S., Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Ethnicity is still basis for election campaigns’, by Erna Mackic, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 6 ‘Local elections in accordance with international standards’ by N. K. The administration of the October 2 Municipal Elections in BiH was in accordance with international standards, taking into consideration the unique post-war political structure, was announced on Sunday by the International Election Monitoring Mission. The Head of the Mission, Peter Eicher, stated at the press conference these elections are significant particularly because they were fully funded from BiH sources, officials were elected directly for the first time, the first elections under an election regime that unites the City of Mostar and the first elections for the Brcko District Assembly. Still, he added, these are the transition elections, in spite of the progress, the ultimate power still lies with the international community.  Eicher regarded the pre-election campaign as “calm and peaceful”, with very few reports on intimidation. The Election Commission was commended for maintaining the great trust of the political parties. Eicher also said that several omissions have been observed in the elections, among them the constant presence of ethnic divisions in the election campaign, critics against the integrity of the election system by the main political parties, which was expressed through their constant worries about election frauds. International observers were also dissatisfied with the very complicated system that a very small number of voters understand.

BHT1, FTV – The observers also believe that international participation in the elections was needed, since the election process included some questionable methods. “For example, there were removals of elected officials and candidacy suspensions without proper system of protection,” said Peter Eicher.

Brcko Supervisor on elections


Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Elections are important progress’ by Fena, Glas Srpske, pg. 5  ‘Susan Johnson’ not signed, (EuroBlic, pg. RS2 carries a part of the statement as a part of an article under the title ‘SDS won in Brcko’ not signed)  – Brcko Supervisor Susan R. Johnson commented to the first elections of the Brcko District authorities welcoming the high turnout: ” We have been encouraged that… these elections took place in a calm atmosphere and were in accordance with the election laws of Brcko District and BiH. These elections mark another important step forward for Brcko District and a new level of citizen participation in Government. Brcko District citizens now expect the future authorities to address their needs and expectations. We would like to extend our congratulations to citizens, political parties and candidates who participated in these elections and to the BD Election Commission and its staff who worked hard to provide the technical support necessary for these well conducted elections.”

DL commentary on elections


Dnevni List, front ‘Colak and Tihic worried, Dodik and Lagumdzija satisfied’ and pgs 4-5 ‘SDP, NSRZB, SNSD, SDA, HSS satisfied, HDZ concerned, SBiH and NHI biggest losers’, by Zvonimir Jukic – According to a commentary in DL, the local elections point out to new trends in political life of BiH. The first message is the poorest turnout ever, which means the authorities will have the legality, but not the legitimacy in the next 4 years. DL argues that the HDZ’s position has been shaken because preliminary results show the party scored the poorest results ever, despite staying the strongest party amongst the Croats. When it comes to the Croats, DL notes that the second strongest party in the HSS, which dethroned NHI from the second place. DL goes on to say that Lagumdzija’s SDP has many reasons to be happy, given the election results in Sarajevo , Tuzla and Bihac, and in Grude and Neum. Moreover, DL notes that the SNSD is amongst the winners, since the party has won as many votes in Trebinje as the SDS. Finally, DL argues that the biggest losers are the SBiH.

VL blames HR Ashdown, imposed Statute for poor turnout in Mostar


Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Ashdown’s experiment chases away voters from polling stations in Mostar, by Miroslav Vasilj – Noting that only 37,53% of registered voters turned out in Mostar, the author argues that the reason behind the poor turnout in the imposed Mostar Statute and complicated election rules, since Mostarians are the only ones in BiH that cannot elect their mayor directly and because of the fact that the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, introduced the so-called national quota, the result of which that no constituent people can have more than 15 councillors in the Mostar City Council irrespective of results.

DL, VL op-eds on elections

Dnevni List, pg 2, ‘Local elections a warning to parties’, by Ivica Glibusic – the author says that the low turnout of voters for the local elections in BiH indicates that majority of citizens is not satisfied with the work of political parties to which they gave votes at the last elections, i.e. citizens are dissatisfied with given but unfulfilled promises. Their mistrust is understandable if they have to elect candidates who are not familiar with and involved enough in local problems but who do want to participate in the authority. Therefore these elections indicate to parties that results at next elections will be even worse unless young and expert cadre is represented more than it is now and unless parties clean themselves from crime and nepotism. The author in the end wonders if politicians will understand the indications.

Vecernji List, pg 2, ‘Elections – confirmation of democratization of BiH’, not signed – the editorial reads that the weekend local elections in BiH were fair and democratic for a number of reasons: there were only a few minor incidents during the elections, in some mono-ethnic environments alternative to populist and national parties appeared for the first time…Although it is true that mass-scale turn-out of voters is characteristic of crisis situation, one could not really say that this time the low turnout was the indication of stabilization of inner circumstances in BiH. Yet, the author says that BiH did pass the test of political maturity and has once more sent a positive signal to those who are observing from Brussels, Washington , New York . The commentary ends with hope that after these elections, BiH voters will nevertheless realize that majority of existential problems in Europe are solved on municipal level and that these elections do matter.

NN on elections

Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘A released fall of SDS and PDP’ by Dragan Jerinic – The author raises the question as to whether Dragan Cavic, RS President, would file resignation to the position of the SDS Acting President, following publication of first unofficial election results, since the result SDS achieved during these elections is the worst of all. The author further notes that the election loss in Trebinje marks re-composition of public and political scene in RS, where people, especially those in eastern part of RS, have deviated from the SDS policy. The author also notes that PDP has also gone through a true election debacle. The author further opens the issue of scheduling extraordinary parliamentary elections at BiH level, since two parties from RS, currently representing RS people at BiH level, have lost almost half of their electorate and can no longer represent the people.


War crimes

Update to search of Mauzer’s house







Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘Documentation from Pale searched for at Mauzer’s house’ by Z. Kusmuk – According to NN inset, the non-governmental organisation “People’s Front” expressed concern and astonishment over the search of the family house of the former deputy head of the RS Interior Minister, Ljubisa Savic Mauzer, who had been murdered. The house was searched in an effort to recover the war archive of the RS Supreme Command. The NGOP is of the view that: “RS public is well aware of the fact that Mauzer was Commander of para-military formation “Panthers”, which had nothing to do with the RS Supreme Command.” The NGO further noted that Mauzer was murdered over the conflict he had with and war-time and post-war criminals in RS, noting that this murder has not been resolved as yet.

RTRS – Spokesperson of RS MoI, Zoran Glusac state that the similar actions will be carried out in the future too.

Grubesic on establishment of War Crimes Department, Registry Office


Dnevni List, pg 8 ‘Indistinctness on establishment of war crimes department’, mentioned on front, by Danka Polovina-Mandic – According to DL’s unofficial information, one of reasons that the BiH Presidency returned the agreement on establishment of the Registry Office for Department for war crimes, organized crime, economic crime and corruption to the BiH Council of Ministers is the broad authorities the Registry Office will be having, most importantly the issue who gets to control the work of the Registry Office. According to BiH Deputy Justice Minister, Niko Grubesic, it is impossible to arrange everything with one agreement because the system needs to be upgraded through laws and by-laws after the signing of the agreement. In that context, Grubesic says the agreement has been returned to the BiH CoM in order to get some additional explanations i.e. whether the agreement is an international agreement that needs to the ratified by the Parliament. Grubesic also notes that the establishment of the war crimes department with the BiH Court is not disputable, however it is disputable that the war crimes department is to be merged with the department for organized crime and corruption, which already exists with the BiH Court.

Packett says there is ‘new coalition’ looking for Karadzic


Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘“New Coalition” hunting Karadzic!’, mentioned on cover, by Antonio Prlenda – SFOR Commander Virgil Packett stated for daily that authorized institutions recently established the “new coalition” which will make pressures needed to arrest Radovan Karadzic stronger than ever. He rejected to say who compromises the coalition, but added that he was certain that Karadzic will soon understand that his freedom was limited. Packett is leaving his position on Tuesday, and will be replaced by Steven Schook.   

Bacon on Srebrenica Commission report


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘List of war criminals must not be publicly published’ by S. Skuletic – The mandate of the Srebrenica Commission will expire on 16 October, and that further investigations will be in jurisdiction of the BiH institutions, as the commission is not a legal institution with powers to bring perpetrators to the justice. This was stated by the member of the Srebrenica Commission, Gordon Bacon, who added he was optimistic when it comes to the final Commission’s report, which is basically amended June report. It will also carry the list of the victims, which is considered the most comprehensive list to be published. The list of the persons suspected of carrying out war crimes will be submitted to the authorized institutions.

Stankovic, Radivojac on handover of wartime documentation to ICTY


Dnevni List, pg 8 ‘Deadline for handover of documentation on October 6’, by De. L. – According to the RS Defence Minister, Milovan Stankovic, the final deadline by which the RS Government is to hand over the wartime documentation of the RS Army’s HQ to the ICTY is October 6. Minister Stankovic notes that he is not familiar whether the RS MoD has the documentation at all, underlining that one cannot expect that the documents in question are in possession of the RS MoD or RS Army. On the other hand, the RS Prime Minister’s spokesman, Goran Radivojac, says all the available documentation will be submitted to the Tribunal in The Hague.


Economic issues

VL: ‘Hays supports extinction of Elektroprivreda of Croat Community of Herceg Bosna’




Vecernji List, pg 5 ‘Hays supports extinction of Elektroprivreda of Croat Community of Herceg Bosna’, by Zoran Kresic – The daily claims that the FBiH Ministry of Energy, led by Minister Izet Zigic, and supported by the Bosniak Ministers in the FBiH Government and Principal Deputy High Representative, Donald Hays, is trying to initiate a discussion the aim of which is adoption of an action plan of restructuring of the energy sector in the FBiH, according to which the Elektroprivreda of Croat Community of Herceg Bosna (EP HZ HB) with the seat in Mostar would be abolished and all the money and influence transferred to Sarajevo. VL notes that PDHR Hays insists that such action plan should be made by the FBiH Government, which is opposed by the Croat representatives, who think that such important issues cannot be decided by a Government dominated by the Bosniaks. VL carries the Deputy Speaker in the FBiH House of Representatives, Josip Merdzo, as saying that such an important issue cannot be decided upon by the FBiH Government, arguing it is a matter for the Parliament.

Union of EP HZ HB against privatization on company


FTV, Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘State wealth in private capital’, by NINA – Union of Employees of the Elektroprivreda of Croat Community of Herceg Bosna (EP HZ HB) sent all State institutions in BiH a letter, complaining that there are efforts to implement the already abolished Action plan, which was earlier deemed anti-constitutional. The Unions fear that the IC and domestic authorities are trying to abolish this profitable company, which would be cheaply privatized subsequently. The Union notes it will never agree to such Action plan.

Hadzipasic on 3rd GSM licence, HT, Aluminij


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘On the way to find solution for Aluminij’, mentioned on cover, by Adi Hadziarapovic – In an interview to DA, the FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic says that the FBiH Government will bring decision on HT Telekom on the next session, and that it would make a respond to the offer of Austrian telecom provider Mobilkom. Hadzipasic also confirmed that there was no chance for Eronet to be awarded with the 3rd GSM licence. Asked about Aluminij, Hadzipasic said that the Government will not give up on the international arbitration to establish the state capital in Aluminij. “Intensifying the process other possibilities are being opened. It is true that lately there ware talks about finding the quality solution even out of arbitration. I don’t want to talk about details before having a political consensus. I think we are getting there,” Hadzipasic said.

VL on BiH-Croatia property issues


Vecernji List, pg 13 ‘BiH wants from Croatia property worth 200 million Euros’, mentioned on front, by Zdenko Jurilj – Notes that the sale of 2000 square metres of land near Cavtat (Croatia), which is apparently owned by the Sarajevo Clinic, triggered the Chairman of BiH Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic, to send the Croatian Prime Minister, Ivo Sanader, a letter in which he asked him to use his authority and powers to annul the sale. VL notes that the ‘Cavtat case’ is one in series of ‘painful’ property-related issues between BiH and Croatia, since estimates are that BiH’s real estate in Croatia is valued at some 200 million Euros.

GS int with ITA Director for tax sector

Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘0 rate – help for the rich’ by D. Vrhovac Mihajlovic – GS carries a brief interview with Dinko Corluka, assistant to ITA Director for tax sector, who says that the application of several-rate system of VAT opens the door of corruption and lobbying, because many people would attempt to “classify” their product as lower-rated. This manner also opens the door for entrance of strong lobbyists into the tax system, warns Corluka. He stresses that 0 rate of VAT brings twice as much deductions for the rich than as for the poor.


Security and military issues

Two killed in bomb explosion in discothèque








RHB, RTRS, FTV, Oslobodjenje cover, pg 2 ‘Two killed by bomb explosion’ by A. Nezirovic, Dnevni Avaz cover, pg 23 ‘Two dead in discotheque’, Nezavisne Novine, cover and pg. 9 ‘Zoran Kezunovic and Dragan Divljan were killed in an explosion’ by A. Durmo, Glas Srpske, cover page story ‘He took a secret to grave’ by N. Z.  – Two persons, Dragan Divljan and Zoran Kezunovic, were killed on Sunday early morning after sustaining fatal injuries at discotheque “Gitros” in municipality Srpsko Novo Sarajevo. The prosecutor on duty of Srpsko Sarajevo County Prosecution, Adnan Galumovic, confirmed this at a press conference. On basis of statements given by witnesses, the persons working in the establishment, Divljan, obviously drunk, left the facility after a verbal conflict and returned after an hour with an automatic rifle, which was discovered in the facility with 27 rounds. As Srna reported, one person from the security than took the rifle, and Divljan went to the second floor where he had a quarrel started with Kezunovic, who managed to state that Divljan has a hand grenade.  The activated grenade killed Divljan on spot, whereas Kezunovic passed away at the Clinical Centre Kasindol.

EU and NATO representatives in BiH


Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘EU and NATO’s representatives in BiH’ by Fena, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 8 ‘Representatives of EU and NATO in BiH today’ by Beta, Glas Srpske, pg. 3 ‘SFOR lowers a flag’ by N. Z. – Pieter Feith, representative of EU High Representative/Secretary-General Javier Solana, and Robert Serry, representative of NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, will visit Bosnia and Herzegovina on 4 and 5 October. On Monday, Feith and Serry hold talks with BiH leaders in Sarajevo and Banja Luka, and on Tuesday they will attend the COMSFOR handover, from Major General Virgil L Packett II to Brigadier General Steven Schook. During their visit, Feith and Serry will also meet with the European Commission, EU Heads of Mission , the EUPM, and the EUMM. Their visit comes as preparations for the new EU Force to take over from SFOR, in December 2004, move into the final stages, was announced by the EC Delegation in BiH.

NN on appointments in OSA


Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Appointment at OSA under vetting procedure’ by M. Cubro – NN source close to Parliamentary Board for monitoring of work of BiH OSA (Intelligence and security agency) claims that the Parliamentary Board would review all decisions passed by the OSA management. Source notes that: “It has been four months since OSA started operating. It is high time Parliamentary Board reviewed into legality of decisions passed and sub-legal acts passed in this period.” Tomislav Limov, President of the Parliamentary Board, stresses that the task of this Board is to conduct controls into the legality of work of this Agency, adding: “We expect to see controls regarding members of the Parliamentary Board are completed soon, after which we will examine each decision we find necessary. For example, the Rule Book on internal organisation was adopted, and myself, as President of the Board, have not seen it.”