RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs) | FED TV (19,30 hrs) | RT RS (19,30) |
HR imposed the Statute | SFOR action in Bijeljina | HR imposed new Statute | Arrest of Jankovic |
Jankovic arrested | HR’s decision on Mostar | SFOR action in Bijeljina | 16 priorities for BiH |
Jelavic appeal rejected | Criticisms of HR decision | HoP session | BiH Presidency Session |
BiH Parliament Session | HoP in session | Changes of FBiH Gov. | Mostar Unified City |
Oslobodjenje | Ashdown unified Mostar |
Dnevni Avaz | Not a single people will dominate |
Dnevni List | “Ashdown: Mostar becomes single city!”; “Interview with Special Envoy for implementation of Mostar Statute Werner Wnendt: Only single Mostar can be target of investors” |
Vecernji List | “Ashdown imposed new Statute for Mostar”; Protected witness betrayed Jelavic, Prce and Rupcic” |
Slobodna Dalmacija | “Ashdown abolished Municipalities and imposed City Administration of Mostar”; “Defenders demand release for ‘Mostar 4’ ” |
Glas Srpske | Yesterday morning in Bijeljina: Zeljko Jankovic arrested |
Nezavisne Novine | Paddy Ashdown announced decision on Mostar: Mostar – unified city; Bijeljina: SFOR arrested Zeljko Jankovic Luna; Dragan Mikerevic: I will not remove Minister Djeric; Ljiljana Mijovic: Muratovic and Avdic ran campaign against me |
Blic | Ashdown: Mostar is unified town; SFOR action in Bijeljina: Former commando arrested |
Mostar restructuring | |
Mostar – one municipality with six electoral units
| Herceg Bosna Radio, BHTV, FTV, RTRS, ONASA – High Representative Paddy Ashdown announced on Wednesday the long-awaited decision for Mostar, according to which the city will be organized as one municipality with six election units. The decision abolishes the former six city municipalities while areas they included will be presented in the future organization by city regions and elections units, with each of them delegating three councillors. The City Council will be composed of 35 councillors – 18 elected from election units areas and 17 from the city list. Regulations of the new Statute guarantee protection of vital national interests. “All will not be pleased with the decision, but every one will find something for themselves,” he said. He stressed the Statute is permanent and that local politicians and leaderships of parties represented in Mostar will be considered responsible for its implementation. Oslobodjenje front page, pgs. 4-5 ‘Ashdown unified Mostar’ – Mostar has finally been unifies thanks to a decision imposed on Wednesday by HR Paddy Ashdown. “Not a single people in Mostar will have majority and absolute power,” said Ashdown at a press conference in the town. Dnevni Avaz front page ‘Not a single people will dominate’, pg. 4 ‘Paddy Ashdown abolished municipalities in Mostar’ – “This historic act means salvation of Mostar citizens from pressures of this nightmare,” the newspaper quotes Ashdown as saying. Dnevni List (front and pages 4 and 5 “Mostar becomes single city”, by M. Batarelo) also covered the issue. Furthermore, DL reports that the HR announced that he would appoint Senior Deputy High Representative, Werner Wnendt, as his special envoy, who will together with Richard Williams, be on board of an expert team that will provide help to politicians in Mostar during the implementation of the decision. In the context of the implementation, HR notes that all those who could be obstructing it, would be held to account. Vecernji List (front “Ashdown imposes new statute for Mostar” and page 3 “Mostar an exception again”, by Zoran Kresic) – apart from actual reporting from yesterday press conference of the HR, the report stresses that the solution to Mostar is an exception that will not be applied in other municipalities in BiH. (the issue was also covered in Slobodna Dalmacija, front page “Ashdown abolishes municipalities, imposes city administration of Mostar”, Jutarnji List, page 8 “Ashdown threatens with sanctions against those who oppose unification of Mostar”, by S. Pavic, Vjesnik, front “Ashdown takes decision on unification of Mostar” and page 11 “Mostar a unified city with share of power”, by Alenko Zornija Nezavisne Novine, cover and pg. 2, ‘Mostar – unified city’; Glas Srpske, pg. 3, ‘Mostar one city’, Blic front page and p 13 ‘Mostar unified’, Vecernje Novosti p 3 ‘Mostar whole again’ also reported on the issue. |
PIC Steering Board: Mostar Statute a sound base for future | Oslobodjenje pg. 5, Dnevni Avaz pg. 4 ‘Bypassing of divisions lasting too long’, FENA – As the PIC Steering Board stated at its December 2003 meeting in Brussels, it “will give its full support to the implementation of a solution to the issue of Mostar based on a single coherent city administration with effective guaranteed power-sharing mechanisms which prevent any one people having majority control of the City Council.” With this in mind, the Ambassadors of the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council fully support the decision taken by the High Representative to enact a new Statute of the city of Mostar. This represents the culmination of a nearly year long effort by the local authorities, with the assistance of the international community, to develop a new organisation for the City of Mostar that will unite its people and end their administrative partition. |
BoP: Mostar Statute provides foundation for normality
| FENA – The citizens of Mostar have waited too long for an end to partition and parallel institutions. Leading international organizations represented in BiH – OSCE, OHR, EUPM, World Bank, European Commission, UNHCR, UN and IMF – fully support the newly enacted Statute of the City of Mostar, considering it a good basis for reuniting the city in a manner that prevents any one constituent people from dominating the others while enhancing all citizens’ chances of enjoying a more prosperous future. As Mostar overcomes its reputation for discord, it will also begin to attract an ever-larger volume of foreign and domestic investment and recover its status as a major tourist attraction in BiH. |
EC: Implementation of the new statute in the interest of Mostar citizens
| FENA – The decision by the High Representative to unite Mostar as a single city follows exhaustive efforts by the Office of the High Representative to find a negotiated solution. Failure to reach a consensus between all parties left the High Representative with no other option but to impose a solution in the interest of all Mostar citizens. Use of the High Representative’s powers to resolve this issue is disappointing as it clearly signals the lack of will the BiH political leadership to reach a compromise on a difficult issue. |
EU Ambassadors on Mostar | BHTV, FENA – The Ambassadors of the participating states, the acceding countries and the candidate countries of the European Union sincerely regret that the parties involved have not been willing to serve the interests of the citizens of Mostar by reaching consensus on the unification of the city, was announced by the Embassy of Netherlands to BiH. They are of the opinion that a unified, transparent, and financially affordable administration is a prerequisite for a better future for all the citizens of the city. Only then the investors will find their way to Mostar and contribute to the economic development of the city and its surroundings. Only then the official inauguration of the Old Bridge will have a true meaning. They strongly support the High Representative in his decision, based on two principles: no parallelism and no domination by any of the people over the other, to impose the new Statute for the city and consider the contents of this Statute a fair compromise between the interests of the various constituent peoples. They urge the local authorities to give their full co-operation to the implementation of the Statute and clear the way for regaining mutual trust and understanding amongst the citizens. |
Covic concerned about solution for reorganization of Mostar | BHTV, Oslobodjenje pg. 4 ‘Covic concerned’, Dnevni Avaz ‘Basic principles not respected’, FENA – Chairman of the BiH Presidency Dragan Covic expressed his concern in Sarajevo on Wednesday about the High Representative’s decision on the reorganization of Mostar, and added that the solution according to which the town has six electoral units should have been avoided. “Unfortunately I have not seen the decision yet, but if it is as described by the High Representative in our recent talks, then I am concerned. I think there is a substantial departure from the basic principles for the town of Mostar, the principles we have all supported. We just kept one principle – to have Mostar as a united town. Why have more electoral units if we want a united town? Are we not leaving space for manoeuvre for those who want divisions?” Covic said. Vecernji List (page 2, “Mostar an exception again”) reports that the Chairman of BiH Presidency, Dragan Covic, is discouraged by the HR’s decision on future organization of Mostar. Covic says an opportunity to organize Mostar as a truly single city was missed. “I believe there should have been a step further and avoid having seven electoral units in Mostar”, says Covic. |
Colak: Very bad solution that will have to be changed | Vecernji List (page 3 “Very bad solution that will have to be changed”, by zk) – carries the president of HDZ BiH, Barisa Colak, as assessing the Statute as very bad solution. Colak is foremost unhappy with six electoral units. “If we have minimum and maximum quotas, which are exceptions to other units, then I really do not see a reason to have ethnic electoral units”, says Colak adding that “the current solution is not for the future of city of Mostar and it has to be changed”. Colak also announces that the Presidency of HDZ BiH will be analyzing the HR’s decision. |
Orucevic, Party for BiH satisfied with Mostar decision | Oslobodjenje pg. 4 ‘Implement OHR solution as soon as possible’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 4 ‘Agony in Mostar is being stopped’, ONASA – Former Mostar mayor Safet Orucevic said on Wednesday that decision of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) on Mostar was a good decision and that he hoped that all politicians would gather around it and implement the decision as soon as possible. “It is true that Mostar is a special case now, but this is also an open invitation to top politicians in the country to transfer such solution to other multi-ethnic cities and protect the rights of all peoples,” Orucevic said. He added that this decision would not satisfy “only those who wanted to divide Mostar and those who manipulated with the national and religious feelings of Mostarians.” Oslobodjenje pg. 4 ‘In the interest of the citizens’ – “The decision is in the interest of Mostar citizens since it prevents anyone’s domination,” said Orucevic on Wednesday on behalf of the Mostar Party for BiH branch. |
SDA’s Hadziomerovic: Suicidal solution | Oslobodjenje pg. 5 ‘Suicidal solution’ – Mayor of the former Mostar Old Town Municipality and member of the SDA BiH Presidency Zijo Hadziomerovic described Ashdown’s decision on Mostar as a suicidal solution. “Ashdown and HDZ have reasons to celebrate since, according to my assessment, HDZ will always have 21 out of 35 Mostar City councilors and the Mostar Mayor will always be a HDZ member, meaning of the Croat nationality,” he said. |
Terzic regrets HR was forced to make the decision on Mostar | BHTV – “I have to say I am sorry that High Representative has brought that decision. I think this is a really bad for BiH, for our European way, European integrations must be our main priority and BiH authorities have to show readiness to take over the procedures. If we are waiting for HR to make our decisions, than our European way will be over before it has begun”, said Chairman of Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic commenting on the HR’s decision on Mostar. |
SD: Reaction by local Mostar politicians to HR decision
| Slobodna Dalmacija (back page “Not many happy with Paddy Ashdown’s decision”, by Miroslav Landeka) – carries reactions of local Mostar politicians. Safet Omerovic (SBiH) says: “The proposed electoral system after all satisfies citizens of Mostar and does not favour any ethnic group. It is a mechanism by which both the national and civic interests can be protected”. Sead Djulic (SDP) – is not happy with the decision saying that an imposed solution is not good in any case. “We believe the High Representative adopted the national concept of the HDZ and SDA and in line with that, he took a decision which is half way between their desires and ambitions”, says Djulic. Pavo Saravanja (Radom za Boljitak) says: “Statute enacted by the High Representative for BiH, Paddy Ashdown, is discriminatory for citizens of Mostar and city of Mostar. Let the gentlemen from the EU ask themselves who they send to BiH and whose money they spend here. It was a remembrance Day of holocaust yesterday, and today they already take discriminatory laws”. Slobodna Dalmacija (back page, “Statute puts out the bigger number of Croat votes”, by Zoran Zekic) – carries the President of Cantonal Board of HDZ in Canton 7 and member of both Mostar Commissions, Josip Merdzo, as saying: “I think this is a non-democratic version of the Statute of City of Mostar which determines in advance, in the national sense, the composition of councilors in the City Council. This proposal basically right from the start reduces some 60% of the Croat electorate down to some 42% of the City Council. That is the basic objection to this concept, which has very few corrections to Norbert Winterstein’s proposal”. Regarding the election of the future Mayor of Mostar, who is to be elected by a two-third majority vote in the City Council, Merdzo notes: “It is debatable whether the solution will remain, because there is a big campaign to have direct election of mayors”. |
DL: Interview with Special Envoy for Implementation of Mostar Statute Werner Wnendt | Dnevni List (front and page 7, “Only single Mostar can be target of investors”, by V. Soldo) carries an interview with Special Envoy for Implementation of the Mostar Statute Werner Wnendt. Asked about his first moves at a new position, Wnendt says that he is going to meet Mostar Mayor and Deputy Mayor as early as this afternoon and then he will also meet with Heads of Mostar Municipalities. Wnendt added: “The High Representative Paddy Ashdown stressed that it is not up to the International Community to implement a new Statute but it should be implemented under leadership of local, domestic administration run by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor.“ According to Wnendt the Municipalities in Mostar will exist by March 15, and then administrative units will exist in the current Municipalities. Asked whether there is a possibility that Aluminij will not have problems with electricity delivery any longer, Wnendt says: “I believe that a signal that the HR sent by passing the decision on the Mostar Statute was a signal of hope. You are aware that the whole International Community shows interest for the future of Aluminij. I hope that the unified city can contribute to the future of Aluminij because it is really important for all citizens in Mostar and not for one part of population only.” |
DA: HDZ dissatisfied, SDA restrained, Party for BiH delighted | Dnevni Avaz pg. 4 ‘HDZ dissatisfied, SDA restrained, Party for BiH delighted’ also carried reactions to the HR decision on Mostar by HDZ’s Barisa Colak, SDA’s Seada Palavric and Party for BiH’s Safet Omerovic. |
War crimes | |
SFOR confirms arrest of Zeljko Jankovic
| Herceg Bosna Radio, BHTV, FTV RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg. 9, mentioned on the front page ‘Zeljko Luna Jankovic arrested’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 2, front page, Glas Srpske, cover page story, ‘Zeljko Jankovic arrested’; Nezavisne Novine, cover and pg. 3, ‘SFOR arrested Zeljko Jankovic Luna’, Blic front page and p 13 ‘Luna arrested while escorting his daughter to school’, Vecernje Novosti p 15 ‘He had guarded Karadzic’,FENA – Based on information gained during the operation in Pale earlier this month and as part of a wider operation, SFOR has arrested a person suspected of supporting war crimes suspects, SFOR spokesman Dave Sullivan has told FENA. Sullivan did not name the arrested person but the Bijeljina police have said that his name is Zeljko Jankovic Luna, a former member of the RS special police. Sullivan said that the goal of the operation in Bijeljina was to search for those who provide support to war crimes indictees and to gather information, which could lead to the arrest of the war crimes indictees. Vecernji List (front page, “Former member of RS Special Police Unit arrested”, and page 2, “SFOR arrested member of RS Special Police Unit”, by D. Jazvic), Dnevni List (page 12, “SFOR arrested Radovan Karadzic’s bodyguard”, by De.L), Slobodna Dalmacija (front and page 22, “Personal Karadzic’s bodyguard arrested”, by B. Kristo) and Vjesnik (page 2, “SFOR arrested Karadzic’s bodyguard”, by Hina and page 10, “Member of Karadzic’s personal security arrested”, by A. Zornija) also carried this information. |
US Ambassador Bond meets with SDU youth delegation
| Oslobodjenje p[g. 6, mentioned on the front page ‘The young people requests apprehension of war criminals’, Dnevni Avaz pg.3, mentioned on the front page ‘Bond support young SDU members’, FENA – The Social-Democratic Union (SDU) Youth held a thirty-minute protest rally in front of the US Embassy in Sarajevo on Wednesday demanding the arrest of indicted war criminals Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic. US Ambassador to BiH Clifford Bond received representatives of the SDU Youth. He supported their initiative and stressed that this is the year during which Karadzic and Mladic should be brought to the Hague Tribunal. Bond said that he shares their frustration over the lack of arrest of Karadzic and Mladic and reminded that their arrest is a precondition for BiH accession to Euro-Atlantic structures. He also said that he appreciates when young people are politically active and when they work on introducing certain changes. |
Organised crime/security | |
BiH Court rejects appeal by Jelavic, Prce, Rupcic
| Herceg Bosna Radio, BHTV, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg. 4, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 9, ‘Jelavic, Prce and Rupcic remain in detention’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 2, FENA – The BiH Court Council rejected appeals by former BiH Presidency member Ante Jelavic, former FBiH Defence Minister Miroslav Prce and former “Herzegovina Insurance” manager Miroslav Rupcic against a one-month detention. The Court decided that they would remain in detention for 30 days and that further procedure would depend on the assessment the BiH Prosecution provides in regard to this case. Jelavic, Prce and Rupcic were arrested in a joint operation by SFOR and the FBiH Ministry of Interior on January 23 and are now in custody in “Kula” prison near Sarajevo. |
BiH, FBiH HoPs accepted initiative to investigate into arrest of Jelavic, Prce
| BHTV, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg. 3 ‘SDA protects Jelavic, Prce’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 8, FENA – The FBiH House of Peoples adopted on Wednesday an initiative of the Croat Caucus requesting the establishment of a joint commission that would investigate circumstance under which Ante Jelavic and Miroslav Prce were arrested. According to the proposal made by the Croat Caucus the commission should establish whether human rights and liberties were violated during the arrest, whether legal procedure was respected during the delivery of warrants and the arrest and the commission should report to the FBiH Parliament within 30 days. The House of Peoples nominated Ivan Vrankic, Amor Masovic, Drago Puzigaca and Zenja Ljubuskic to this commission. BHTV, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg. 3, Dnevni Avaz pg. 8 – BiH Parliament’s House of People has formed a investigation Commission, which should investigate the circumstances of arrests of Ante Jelavic, Miroslav Prce and Miroslav Rupcic. The Commission should submit a report to HoP within thirty days. |
CRO Press on Jelavic arrest/following developments | Dnevni List (front and page 9, “Muselimovic: Jelavic is willing to account for every Kuna from Zagreb”, by N. Dedic) carries that according to the sources close to the BiH Prosecution, the Republic of Croatia and the Federation of BiH stand behind the arrest of Ante Jelavic, Miroslav Prce and Miroslav Rupcic due to the Hercegovacka Banka case. Namely, DL learns that over 100 million KM that Croatia was sending to HVO members disappeared from the Hercegovacka Banka account and the three of them are suspected of seizing this money for themselves and some people close to their circles. DL also says that Jelavic’s lawyer Josip Muselimovic confirmed yesterday that the appeal lodged because of holding Jelavic in 30-day custody was rejected. Muslimovic stated that in his opinion another staged political process just like in case of late FBiH Deputy Minister of Interior Jozo Leutar is at sight. Muslimovic added that Jelavic believes that the whole case is related to his engagement on the establishment of the third entity in 2001. According to Muselimovic, Jelavic is willing to account for every Kuna that arrived as assistance form Zagreb, however, according to Muselimovic it will be interesting to investigate influx of money that was coming from Belgrade to Banja Luka and money that was coming to Sarajevo from some other countries. Slobodna Dalmacija (page 7, “Procedure of non-competent court on ground of unconstitutional decision”, by M. Sivric) carries a similar statement given by Muselimovic. DL (page 5, “Three-member Investigative Commission formed”, not signed) carries that at the request of the Croat Caucus, the information of the BiH Council of Ministers on circumstances of arrest of Jelavic, Prce and Rupcic was placed on the agenda of the yesterday’s session of the House of Peoples of the BiH Parliament. Vice President of the HoP of the BiH Parliament Velimir Jukic stated that the proposal of the Croat Caucus was adopted and then the conclusion on the establishment of the Investigative Commission of the BiH Parliament that is to determine circumstances of their arrest was passed. Slobodna Dalmacija (page 6, “Constitutionality of Jelavic’s arrest questionable”, by Z. Rerig, M. Drnda) also covered this session. Vecernji List (front and page 5, “Protected witness ‘betrayed’ Jelavic, Prce and Rupcic”, by Z. Jurilj) carries that according to their information the main cause for the aforementioned arrests were testimonies given by a few persons who used to be close to Prce, Jelavic and Rupcic. VL says it has been speculated that these persons used to work for former Croat Intelligence Service (SIS) and FOSS. VL also says that when the arrest of Jelavic and Prce is in question it is possible that the arrest warrant was issued on the ground of testimonies given by associates in the FBiH Ministry of Defense and documents that were found there. |
Bosniak war veteran chief says international community “terrorizing” Bosnians | Oslobodjenje pg. 8 ‘We cannot any more live surrounded by terrorism’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 11 ‘Stop mafia account-settling in Sarajevo’, FENA – The Bosniak war veteran association “Bosna – zelene beretke” (Bosnia – Green Berets) of the Sarajevo Canton will organize a walk on 30 January to protest against the deteriorating security situation in the city. The protest will begin at 1300 at Bascarsija, moving towards the Suada Dilberovic bridge and the buildings of Bosnia-Hercegovina joint institutions in Marijin dvor, via Ferhadija and Titova streets. The head of the association, Muhamed Svrakic, told a news conference that the protest was aimed against crime, terrorism, drugs and insecurity. This will also be the first peaceful warning by the people of Sarajevo to all institutions, informing them that “the extreme deterioration of the security situation in the city will no longer be tolerated”. He pointed out that this was not a party protest and that the walk would be peaceful, without flags or political messages. “The protest is particularly directed towards the international community which has been terrorizing the people of this country since the Dayton agreement was signed,” Svrakic said |
“State Coup” affair
| BHTV, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg. 5, mentioned on the front page ‘State Coup fabricated by Dnevni Avaz’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 10 ‘The report to be completed by mid February’, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 6, ‘It is possible FOSS rigged tapped calls’, FENA – The BiH House of Representatives’ Commission for investigating the so-called case “coup d’etat” could complete its work by mid-February and forward its report to the House of Representatives, said on Wednesday the Commission’s Chairman, Tihomir Gligoric. Gligoric said that the Commission held talks in the course of the day with the people from FOSS, who had worked on concrete affairs such as analysis and documentation and special processing within FOSS. “Today we held talks with persons who were able to provide us with valid information, so that we could be able to design correct conclusions for the report and reach the objective truth. Now we shall work on the report in order to propose conclusions or measures to the House of Representatives in regard to the so-called case ‘coup d’etat’”, said Gligoric. I hope, he added, that the Commission will be able to reach the objective truth, and that afterwards the House of Representatives will adopt the report with the relevant measures. “I think it is in the best interest of all political parties, regardless of position or opposition, that we protect any citizen of BiH in order to disable jeopardising of his human rights or basic freedoms”, said Gligoric. |
Mikerevic on Djeric | Nezavisne Novine, cover and pg. 4, ‘I will not remove Minister Djeric’ – RS Prime Minister, Dragan Mikerevic, last night stated that he would not succumb to the request of opposition and non-governmental organisations and remove Zoran Djeric from the position of the Republika Srpska Interior Minister. He assessed that it si a democratic right of opposition and public to demand resignation of any minister, even the entire Government, but it is also legitimate that Prime Minister refuses to implement such requests. According to NN inset, OHR yesterday reacted on statement by Minister Djeric, saying that: “Freedom of the expression is guaranteed by the Constitution of this country and should be respected.” |
NN editorial on entities’ interior ministers | Nezavisne Novine editorial, pg. 7, by Almedin Sisic, ‘Night-stick revolution’ – The author is writing about the Interior Ministers of Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina respectively, Zoran Djeric and Mevludin Halilovic. He is critical of their work, saying that Halilovic used much of this working time for his verbal and written confrontations with Zlatko Miletic and media, whilst explosions and criminal acts were taking place in Sarajevo. On Djeric, he says that he is hyperactive, but in making threats to MP’s and media. The author concludes by saying that: “Sad is the state which has ministers of this kind! However, even sadder is the authority which appoints such people. Maybe after all early election will take place, in order to prevent us from becoming the state of miserable and sad people.” |
Globus on Islamic terrorist organizations in Croatia and BiH | Globus (pages 26 – 29, “Osama’s couriers in Zagreb”, by G. Malic) carries an article saying that this weekly has come into possession of information coming from Croatian, BiH and some other intelligence services that show that Croatia is again used as a route by Islamic terrorist organizations. Globus also carries a list of companies and organizations in Croatia and BiH that are allegedly related with Islamic fundamentalists. According to Globus these companies and organizations in BiH are: Iranian News Agency, Institute Ibn Sina Sarajevo, Persian-Bosnian College, Iranian Cultural Center in Sarajevo, Humanitarian Organization “Obnova”, Humanitarian Organization “Hasib”, Humanitarian Organization “Kosar”, Transportation Company “Duga d.o.o.”, “Heyva d.o.o.” Sarajevo, and Transportation Company “Vala – Trans d.o.o.” Sarajevo. |
Political developments | |
Ruling Federation parties divided over demand for government reshuffle
| FTV, Oslobodjenje pg. 7, mentioned on the front page ‘SDA takes over Defence Ministry, HDZ takes offer Interior Ministry?, Dnevni Avaz pg. 8 ‘Request for FBiH Govt dismissal prepared’ – President of the FBiH Niko Lozancic has not yet officially received the SDA’s demand for the government reshuffle. In the meantime, the FTV journalists have learnt that the Party for BiH is not thinking about the reshuffle, that is the replacement of its own ministers. The HDZ is involved in the last-minute discussion on the issue, while, according to our information, there are problems within the SDA presidency – several party leaders are opposed to the reshuffle of the government led by Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic. The OHR has become involved at the last minute as well. Replacing Ahmet Hadzipasic does not suit it at the moment, according to FTV sources. Slowly but surely, the reshuffle of the Federation government is turning into a story the end of which cannot yet be seen. The SDA is categorical and the replacement of the Federation government is certain in its view, even though the Federation’s top officials have not yet received an official request for the reshuffle. It seems that at the moment there are considerable problems within the SDA, as well as among the ruling parties. According to FTV source, the Federation’s prime minister enjoys the support of Hasan Muratovic and SDA officials in Sarajevo gathered around him. Others, gathered around party leader Sulejman Tihic, insist on the reshuffle. Tihic is also the person who should submit to the Federation’s president an official request for the government reshuffle. “There is no antagonism, there are different opinions. But when the vote was taken on the conclusions, they were adopted unanimously. Our collegium was again unanimous last night (Tuesday), and it includes officials from Sarajevo,” SDA Vice-president Seada Palavric said. When it comes to the work of the government, many things can be questioned, or have been left unfinished. There is no programme for employees, social programmes, not to mention pensions. The criteria for the appointment of the new prime minister-designate have not yet been determined. He will be elected from among the three current prime ministers of Zenica-Doboj, Tuzla and Sarajevo Cantons. |
Election Commission points at lack of funds to begin preparations for local elections | BHTV, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg. 7 ‘Whether the elections will be brought into question?’, Dnevni Avaz pg. 10 ‘Local elections will cost much more than 3.5 million KM’, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 2, ‘Possible delay of local elections in BiH’ – The local elections in BiH will be held on 2 October. The state election commission warned on Wednesday that the funds for the organization of local elections had not yet been provided. At least KM 3.5m must be earmarked by the end of February if the preparations for the local elections are to begin in time. Additional funds are needed by the municipalities for the work of their election commissions. “If the funds are not available by the beginning of March, or the end of February, the beginning of the election process, if not the elections themselves, within the set deadlines, may come into question,” said Lidija Korac, the member of the BiH Election Commission. At a meeting with Nikola Spiric, Speaker of the BiH House of Representatives, on Wednesday. it was agreed that the funding of local elections from the state budget should be discussed with the entities’ finance ministries and the BiH Treasury. |
HR to participate in Civil Society Forum | FENA – The High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, will join Osman Topcagic, of the Council of Ministers’ Directorate for European Integration, and three recent university postgraduates on the panel of a civil society forum organized by the Alumni Association of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies (ACIPS), OHR announced on Wednesday. The forum will focus on the development of civil society in BiH as a core function of EU integration and will explore ways in which recent graduates can contribute to the strengthening of civil society. A sizeable segment of educated BiH citizens under the age of 30 actively consider developing their careers abroad; they routinely feel excluded from political and professional structures which have so far proved impermeable to new thinking and new ways of doing things. This is a potential catastrophe, which the High Representative will address in his remarks to the forum. The forum will take place on Thursday 29 January at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies, University of Sarajevo. |
Ivanic in Serb Sarajevo | Nezavisne Novine, pg. 6, ‘Support to Serb Sarajevo as administrative centre of Republika Srpska’ – Mladen Ivanic, PDP President, last night in Serb Sarajevo supported the idea that this city should be a strong administrative centre of Republika Srpska and a seat of join institutions of BiH, which are to be seated in Republika Srpska. |
Covic on implementation of 16 conditions
| Vecernji List (page 2, “There is no will for implementation of reforms”, by dja) carries that during a joint meeting of the BiH Presidency, principals of the BiH Council of Ministers and entity Governments, serious concern that 16 basic conditions that the EC set for beginning of negotiations on stabilization and accession to EU will not be met was expressed for the first time. VL says that Chairman of the BiH Presidency, Dragan Covic, stated after this meeting that he was concerned since opposition to the implementation of some activities envisaged in the EC Feasibility Study frequently appears. Covic explains that he primarily refers to opposition to adopt crucial laws, to transfer of competence from entities to the state level and to build new institutions at the state level. |
Irish Ambassador Ansbro on BiH road to Europe | Dnevni List (page 11 “Completion of feasibility study a fundamental task for BiH”, by Nina) – carries the Irish Ambassador to Slovenia and BiH, Gary Ansbro, as saying: “Completion of feasibility study as well as planning of transition of forces from SFOR to EU represent fundamental tasks that are before BiH, and the EU and Ireland, as the current presiding country, are ready to help your country in getting closer to European processes”. Ambassador Ansbro yesterday met with members of the Joint committee for European integration of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly, and the talks were also attended by the Dutch Ambassador to BiH, Robert Bosscher, the Head of EC delegation to BiH, Michael Humphreys, and Director of BiH Direction for European integration, Osman Topcagic. Ambassador Ansbro is also carried as saying: “We are happy with the Programme of activities on realization of priorities in 2004, but what we want now is the implementation of the programme”. Sarajevo media also covered the issue. |
VL: Ivanic on organization of BiH | Vecernji List (page 6 “Abolishment of RS is out of question, Federation needs to be reconstructed”, by Zoran Kresic) – carries an interview with the BiH Foreign Minister and President of PDP, Mladen Ivanic, in which he, talking about recent initiative aimed at re-organization of BiH, says: “I am against those discussions. I believe they will, by their nature, divide us. They will return us to the starting positions on which we could hardly reach an agreement. That’s why I think it’s a new waste of time, and that we should be orientating on practical things the citizenry will benefit from (…) There is a fear in the Republika Srpska that the problems, which are obvious in the Federation (of BiH), get abused at the expense of the RS. There should be a step towards making the Federation (of BiH) more simple, because it has a complicated structure”. |
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Mijovic on her election as Judge at Strasbourg Court
| Nezavisne Novine, cover and pg. 6, ‘Muratovic and Avdic ran campaign against me’ – Ljiljana Mijovic, the Judge at the European Human Rights Court in Strasbourg, claims she has never worked for Ljiljana Zelen Karadzic, the wife of Radovan Karadzic. Mijovic warns that these accusations have been orchestrated by some politicians and federal media, in order to discredit her as the candidate. At the end, the word spread around was that the Russian radicals, led by Jirinovski, were supporting her candidature. She also says that she will be working in the interest of all citizens of BiH. |
DL: “Unconstitutional privatization of Elektroprivredas”
| Dnevni List (page 2, by M.R.) reports that the Constitutional Court of the FBiH yesterday took a decision according to which the article 85 of the FBiH Law on electricity was declared not to be in harmony with the Constitution of FBiH. On top of this, the FBiH Constitutional Court made a ruling that the Decision on giving of consent to the FBiH Action plan on restructuring and privatization of energy sector, which was adopted by the FBiH House of Representatives on June 16, 2003, was not in harmony with the FBiH Constitution.Sarajevo media also covered the issue. |