
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 27/9/2004


BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs)

FED TV (19,30 hrs)

RT RS (19,30)

Car accident in Kakanj

Organ transplantation

Car accident in Kakanj

Mass in renewed Church

Paravac on Tihic’s speech

Car accident in Kakanj

Return to Zepa

Religious anniversary

Ceric on Sacirbegovic

Domestic violence in rise

Police-citizens cooperation

Protests of RS pensioners

Colak on terrorism in BIH

Foca plaque to war victims

Paravac on Tihic’s speech

Cavic on Dayton changes



Izetbegovic said: Muhamed, return the money ; Support to Witner Olympic Games inSarajevo  

Dnevni Avaz

Hartmann: Someone’s goal is to discraouge the witnesses; Ivanic : BiH became the EU’s internal affair

Dnevni List

Cardinal Puljic: Legalized injustice makes peace in BiH insecure

Vecernji List

Croatian Viagara in BiH illegally

Slobodna Dalmacija

Features Croatia related headlines

Glas Srpske

What does Head of Islamic Religious Community wish: Shehidds on Drina

Nezavisne Novine

Investigation against leadership of “Banjalucka pivara”: Lajsic and Cubrilo suspected of having embezzled BAM 6.3 million; Another hurricane in Florida ; Pre-election poll: Banja Luka trust Milorad Dodik most


Protest of RS pensioners today


Political issues

Paravac announces extraordinary BiH Presidency’s session to discuss Tihic’s recent speeches




RHB, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Paravac: Tihic spoke on his behalf’ by Fena, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Standing for Brussels’ BiH caused new crises’, mentioned on cover, Tihic is pulling Dayton down’, by D. Jazvic, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Tihic in his name’ by N. Z. – The press release issued by the Cabinet of the BiH Presidency member, Borislav Paravac, reads that the chairman of the BiH Presidency, Sulejman Tihic, attending the conference “The Future of SEE: BiH, Croati and SCG” again addressed the attendees expressing the stances not agreed in the BiH Presidency. In this way, reads the release, Tihic violates the constitution of his country and ignores the fact that BiH Presidency is in charge of the foreign affairs. Paravac adds that Tihic obviously stresses the transition from ‘Dayton’ to ‘Brussels’ BiH without previously having such talk in any of the BiH institutions. “Therefore it is obvious that Mr. Tihic uses high ranking and important gatherings for election campaign,” release reads adding that Paravac will demand the extraordinary session of the BiH Presidency to be held in order to seek an explanation from Tihic regarding his address to UN General Assembly. Paravac also announced he will seek an explanation from the Croatian Embassy in BiH regarding the statement by the President Stipe Mesic.

Cavic: There cannot be BiH without RS

Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Cavic: There is no BiH without RS’ by Tanjug – At the SDS pre-election rally held in Banja Luka, RS President Dragan Cavic stated that there is no BiH without the RS. He also said that the RS will know as to how to reply to political initiatives for the change of the BiH constitutional organization by using political means.

Nezavisne Novine pg 14 ‘Cavic: There can be no BiH without RS’ by N.N. – Commenting to the address of Sulejman Tihic at the conference in Zagreb where he announced the possibility of changing the Dayton as of next year, Cavic stated that RS does not want the change of the Dayton Peace Agreement, noting that if political pressures and demands from F BiH regarding constitutional re-composition of BiH continued, SDS would demand from the international community that Serbs in BiH are given the same rights as Albanians in Kosovo and Metojija and Montenegrins in SiCG, referring to the right of self-determination if necessary. He noted: “RS has not resulted from a will of Alija Izetbegovic and his political followers, but instead the will and desire of the Serb people. It should be stated clearly there can be no BiH without RS.” According to him, SDS is the “the founder of RS in the ideological and political meaning”. He furthered stressed that SDS wants to have a partnership-like relations with the international community, as well as to have dialogue with their opponents, but also to reject majoritarianism. He sent a message to the Bosnian politicians, saying that “persistent insistence on the change of BiH Constitution, without entities, represents a call for backtracking time to beginning of 90’s.”

Cavic, Lagumdzija, Ivanic on possible constitutional changes


RTRS – RS President Dragan Cavic estimated the political stances of Sulejman Tihic, Haris Silajdzic and Zlatko Lagumdzija in which they advocate the BiH without entities are utopian and they bring BiH back in time which lead to conflict at the first place. Lagumdzija responds saying that the constitutional changes would bring BiH closer to the Partnership for Peace and EU and at the same time reduce the costs of administrative bodies. “Today, BiH spends over 50% of national income more then some other countries we can compare to for administration.” Lagumdzija said.  BiH Foreign Affairs MInister Mladen Ivanic feels that change of the Constitution would not gain support of Serbs, Croats or the International Community. “Few days ago, Mr [Reinhard] Pribe,a key person for association to EU, clearly said that it is necessary to live with Dayton’s Agreement, that this is the reality, which can’t be changed” Ivanic stated. 

GS interview with Dragan Cavic


Glas Srpske, pg. 2 ‘Alija provoked the war’ by R. Kupresak – RS President Dragan Cavic said in an interview to GSthat the Constitutional Court’s decision on names of towns requires expertise, even political analyses. He claims RS NA has changed the Law, part of regulations of which were disputable. Nevertheless, Bosniak delegates at RS NA have brought the issue of protection of vital national interest. Cavic claims this issue could have been resolved if the Council for Protection of Vital National Interests had been established at the Constitutional Court and he says that such a situation might lead to a complete blockade of all decisions of RS NA. As a comment on Sulejman Tihic’s speech at UN assembly in New York, Cavic says it is ridiculous that Tihic had complained before UN General assembly that there is a need to change BiH Constitution and had asked for the support of the assembly. Cavic says BiH does not need to have UN support to change the constitution and he added: ‘In this way, Sulejman Tihic has once again invoked the situation from 1992 – Give us support from abroad, regardless of whether we have support in the country or not, to change the Constitution against will of one of the peoples. I think this is very dangerous message to RS and Serbs in BiH’. Cavic was also asked to comment as to why everyone is talking about the aggression of Serbs against BiH even nine years after the war ended. As a response,Cavic claims that this and similar perceptions are results of a media campaign and said that the war in BiH could have been avoided.

Participants of regional conference conclude cooperation with ICTY a priority


Dnevni List pg 11 ‘Cooperation with The Hague most important for region’, mentioned on cover, not signed, Vecernji List pg 12 ‘Cooperation with The Hague for renewal of trust’ by V. Moskaljov,Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘No change of borders’ by R. Cengic; Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Dayton as thorn in somebody’s side’- In its statement adopted in Zagreb on Sunday participants of the Conference ‘Future of Southeast Europe – BiH, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro and perspective of EU integration’ stressed that in order to speed up renewal of trust and understanding among peoples of these three countries and their admission to Euro-Atlantic integration it is necessary to have full cooperation with the ICTY, to create material, institutional and political conditions for the return of displaced persons and refugees etc.

FTV – The conference participants also concluded that BiH, Croat and SCG achieved the significant progress in normalisation of their relations, but added that a plenty things were left to be done in order to ensure coexistence among the states. The two-day conference took place on 25-26 September in Zagreb.

Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Support to candidacy of Sarajevo for Winter Olympic Games’ by D. Zadravec – The next regional conference shall be held in the beginning of 2005, and the focus of the discussion will be issues of interstate cooperation in field of culture.

Head of OSCE Mission to BiH urges reforms to be accelerated


Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘There is a road for BiH’s progress if promises made become concrete achievements’ by Onasa – Talking about the implementation of reforms in BiH in the area of education, public administration and defense, Ambassador Douglas Davidson, Head of the OSCE Mission to BiH, emphasized in his address to the participants of the aforementioned conference, that even though these reforms have already had some significant results, the pace of change has often been slow. Ambassador Davidson stressed the importance of civil society organizations and active citizens’ participation, stating that effective and accountable government required active and engaged citizens and that addressing the needs of the citizen is one of the most fundamental criteria for any European nation. “Much still remains to be done before Bosnia and Herzegovina is ready for the integration it seeks,” said Ambassador Davidson adding that the BiH’s commitment to strengthen and improve local democracy represented one of the country’s most important undertakings. Ambassador Davidson concluded his remarks by saying that the way forward for BiH is if “commitments made become commitments fulfilled, and promises made become concrete achievements”.

DL int with Ian Cliff: ‘BiH cannot go to Europe with national parties in power’ 


Dnevni List pg 3 ‘BiH cannot go to Europe with national parties in power’, mentioned on cover, by D. Polovina-Mandic – In an interview given to DL British Ambassador to BiH Ian Cliff says that it will not be easy for BiH to join Europe with three national parties in power since these parties are not natural partners of the EU. According to Cliff, the biggest problem for BiH at the moment is the fact that there is no a political party accepted by all.  Cliff also said: “However, as I said after the elections held in 2002, the EU will be working with th+ose parties that BiH citizens elect as long as these parties work on reforms and approaching the European integration.” 

Ivanic: BiH became EU’s internal affair 


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘BiH became a part of EU’s internal affairs’, mentioned on cover, by M. Kukan – In a statement for DA, BiH Foreign Affairs Minister Mladen Ivanic says that all of the New York’s meetings, especially the talks with the EU representatives, were very successful. “Very positive message has emerged form the meeting of political dialogue between EU and BiH, and that is that BiH will not longer talk to with the Foreign Affairs Commissioner, but with the Expansion Commissioner,” Ivanic says  adding that this means that BiH will cease to be a matter of the foreign, and became an internal affairs issue. He further adds that there have been a number of indicators that EU countries are ready to assist BiH on its path to the Partnership for Peace, however that it is also clear that BiH cannot join PfP without solving the issues around the cooperation with the ICTY. “As long as ICTY doesn’t say that BiH cooperation with the ICTY, it will be very difficult to join the PfP. The issue of Karadzic and Mladic are the issues of the institutions working on that, meaning RS Interior Ministry and state institutions such as SIPA and OSA. I know that there is political readiness, and it is up to those institutions to see whether there is a realistic possibility for something like that to done on the field,” concludes Ivanic.     

EC’s Justice and Peace conference


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘85% of citizens want to join EU’ by Fena, Dnevni List front and pg 6 ‘Cardinal Puljic: Legalized injustice makes peace in BiH insecure’ by NINA, Vecernji List pg 6 ‘Peace in BiH fragile, insecure and tiring’ by D.J. – An Annual Assembly of the Conference of European Commissions Justitia et Pax (Justice and Peace) on the topic ‘Peace in BiH – Europe on its way’ started in Sarajevo yesterday. Talking on this issue, Vrhbosna Archbishop Cardinal Vinko Puljic stressed that legalisation of injustice and a very small possibility to change this situation make peace in BiH fragile, insecure and tiring. Puljic added that it has been expected from the representatives of the International Community to deal with the human rights issues the same way they do in their countries. He also said that there is a need for more responsibility at all levels, more serious approach in implementation of law and equality for each person and each identity. 

HR Ashdown to visit Livno, Siroki Brijeg


RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Talks on municipal reforms’, Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Ashdown in Livno and Siroki Brijeg’ by f , Dnevni List pg 2 ‘HR pays visit to Livno and Siroki Brijeg’ by NINA  – The High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, will visit Livno on today, where he will meet with municipal officials to discuss the municipal reform and explore the challenges and opportunities facing municipalities in BiH. Ashdown will later visit the “Koraci” NGO, which provides care for children with special needs. On Tuesday, HR will visit Siroki Brijeg, where he will also meet municipal officials. 

Lagumdzija on Muhamed Sacirbegovic


FTV, Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘Izetbegovic said: Muhamed, return the money’ not signed – The leader of SDP, Zlatko Lagumdzija, accuses former chief of BiH diplomatic core, Muhamed Sacirbegovic that he waited for the death of late Alija Izetbegovic to be able to falsely call on him. Lagumdzija added that Izetbegovic stated publicly that Sacirbegovic is “his big disappointment”. Lagumdzija’s press release reminds that Sacirbegovic is a fugitive before the justice, reminding that Izetbegovic has also asked Sacirbegovic years ago to come and surrender in BiH.  

Lazovic critics Cavic’s statements on BiH Constitutional Court ruling


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Cavic in his statements goes above the BiH Constitutional Court’, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Cavic would like to be above the Constitutional Court’ – The president of the SDU, Miro Lazovic, issued a press release on the commentary of the RS President Dragan Cavic following the decision of the BiH Constitutional Court with regard the names of cities and municipalities in RS carrying prefix ‘Serb’. The release reads: “Dragan Cavic with his statement that the decision of the BiH Constitutional Court is out of mind and made under the pressures obviously tries to elevate above the Constitutional Court, which shows that RS authorities still have not acknowledged that RS is not an independent state territory but a part of BiH territory.”

Poll: Dodik to win elections in Banja Luka


RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Banja Luka trusts Dodik’ by D. Risojevic- Prime- Communication Agency seated in Banja Luka, in collaboration with the Belgrade Agency “Medium Gallup” and its Professor Srbobran Brankovic, has conducted a survey using a sample of 600 citizens of Banja Luka (grading of 1 to 4 marks was used). According to the poll SNSD leader, Milorad Dodik, enjoys trust of Banja Luka citizens (70.4%), while Ognjen Tadic follows him with 44.6%.

Reis Ceric’s latest pre-election statements


RHB, Dnevni list, back page, ‘Reis Ceric against debauchery and pornography’, not signed Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 4, ‘Ceric: Sacirbegovic is not a thief but a patriot’, by H – The dailies carry that, in his latest public statement just prior to local elections, Reis Ceric fiercely defended the character of Muhamed Sacirbegovic, the former BiH Foreign Minister indicted of embezzlements, and at the same time he attacked BiH media which criticized Sulejman Tihic, the Chairman of BiH Presidency, for having recently met Sacirbegovic in New York. Ceric is also quoted as saying that “we and our generals did not commit crimes“, saying that “one should vote for those for whom it is established that they worked and will work for our good. They scare the world and Europe because some of us met with the man who defended Bosnia and our dignity in front of entire world but “they” must know that he who will ban Muslims from meeting who they like does not exist any longer“. Ceric went on to say that, apart from independent media, the biggest problems in BiH are drugs, alcohol, free propaganda of sex and tolerance of homosexuality. [Please see Weekend Media Brief Sept 25n26]  

Herzegovinian Franciscans Provincial call people to vote

Vecernji List, pg 2, ‘Future of our people depends on us’, by mv, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 12, ‘Do not let yourself become low-spirited’, by M. Sivric, mentioned on cover – Friar Slavko Soldo, the Provincial of Herzegovinian Franciscans, has called upon people to vote saying: “We should get to vote and vote for those we find to be able to change our situation despite pressures and threats that are coming from all sides“, Soldo says. SD adds that Soldo has stated the equality of Croats is more declarative than real. Soldo sees that changes can be made in the fields of returns, just political organization, right to Croat language on all the levels, right to just trials and organization of Mostar, adding that the future of Croats depends on Croats themselves. 


Economic and social isses

RS pensioners to hold protests today














FTV, BHT 1, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Pensioners to go out on the streets of Banja Luka’ by V.I.– Unsatisfied with their status, RS Pensioners have announced a protest for 11:00 hrs today (Monday) at main squares of all the cities across RS, Banja Luka’s Square of Krajina. Association notes it will take more radical measures if the Government chooses to ignore them once more. Pensioners ask for increase of September pensions, change of Laws on incomes and taxes and the redistribution of rates in favour of Pension Disability Insurance Fund. According to Nenad Ratkovic, President of Associations’ Banja Luka Board, around 15 thousand pensioners are expected to attend the protest in Banja Luka .

EuroBlic RSpg 1 ‘Empty pockets as pre-election warning’ mentioned on cover ‘Protest of RS pensioners today’ – Rade Rakulj, President of RS Association of Pensioners said that protests do not represent a sort of pre-election trick, denying speculations it is politically motivated. He stressed: “Could you please explain it to me how protests can be pre-election trick of people, who are hungry and do not have money to buy food, not to mention something else.” He noted that speculations of this kind are disseminated by RS Government officials, who have been turning a deaf ear to pensioners for three months now.

RTRS Goran Radivojac, Spokesperson of RS Prime Minister, said that the Government didn’t make any illogical promises with regard to the pensions. RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic asked High Representative Paddy Ashdown to use his influence in the FBiH Government, and ensure the start the payment of pensions in accordance to the decision of BiH Human Rights Chamber [please see Weekend Media Brief Sept 25n26]. Rakulj said that he also wrote several times to HR and that a year ago PDHR Donald Hays has promised him that the issue will be solved within two months, but nothing happened. OHR didn’t want to comment these letters, whilst the pensioners and the RS Government agree in one thing: that there are obstacles regarding this issue within OHR as well.

Lagumdzija on VAT


Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘After the elections, one rate of VAT’ by Fena, Dnevni List pg 8 ‘ CoM will return VAT on 17 % after elections’ not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Secret job for more expensive food’ by D.R.– The president of the SDP, Zlatko Lagumdzija stated on Sunday in Banja Luka that the Council of Minister will immediately after the elections take place return the Law on VAT into the parliamentary procedure according to which there will be one, 17%, rate of VAT. He added that SDP will fight for the possibility of introducing three rates of VAT in every mean possible in order to ensure protection for the most vulnerable categories of the population.

NN on investigations of embezzlements in BL Brewery DL


Nezavisne Novine cover and pgs 4-5 ‘Lajsic and Cubrilo suspected of having embezzled BAM 6.3 million’ by A. Sekulic – NN claims that Banja Luka Prosecutor’s Office has been engaged in criminal investigation for four and a half years now against Dusan Lajsic, Slobodan Cubrilo and Mirko Arsenic, suspected of having embezzled BAM 6.3 million at least while assuming duties at Banja Luka brewery “Banjalucka Pivara”. The RS Financial Police has filed a report with the Banja Luka PSC on 31 December 1998.

HT Mostar to pay 1st installment for GSM licence


Dnevni list, pg 2, ‘HT Mostar to fulfil its commitments from contract on licence today’, by Jurislav Petrovic Stipe Prlic, Director of Croat Telecom (HT) Mostar, has confirmed that, after the BiH Ministers of Communication and Treasury, Branko Dokic and Ljerka Maric, signed contract on granting the 3rd GSM licence to (HT) Mostar, this company is to fulfil its contractual commitments today. The Communication Regulatory Agency (RAK) has prepared invoices as per which HT Mostar is to make payments. It has been foreseen that the half of the first instalment of the price for GSM licence, i.e. 10.5 million KM, is paid by 30 September, while the remaining 10.5. million is to be paid by 30 October.

DL int with Gavranovic on HB, Eronet


Vecernji List pg 6 ‘Consortium is buying Hercegovacka Banka!’ by Z. Kresic carries an interview with Director of Hercegovina Osiguranja Robert Gavranovic. Asked about sale of Hercegovacka Banka to the Croatian Consortium, Gavranovic says that that Croatian company ‘Agrokor’ left the consortium, however, Gavranovic believes that the rest of the consortium is interested in purchase of the bank. Gavranovic also confirmed that the Eronet issue only hinders the sale of the Hercegovacka Bank’s package.

Workers of Eletroprivreda HB fear sale of hydro electric power plants on Neretva


Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Forced implementation of the action plan’ by Fena, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Fear from sale of hydro electric power plants on Neretva’ by N. Bise  – The Independent Trade Union of workers of Elektroprivreda Herceg Bosna stated on Sunday that certain “representatives of the international community and executive authorities in FBiH are trying to forcedly implement the action plan for restructuring and privatisation of the electricity sector in BiH, which was dismissed by FBiH Constitutional Court.”The forced implementation of the privatisation and corporation has an aim to create new monopolists in electricity sector, meaning that this was not about restructuring which would enable the liberasation and deregulation of the electricity market in entire BiH,… but to prepare and sell profitable companies which would mean reduction of working places and delivery of the electricity to citizens at who knows what price,” reads the press release.    

Oslobodjenje follow up on sale of BiH hospital in Cavtat

Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘The robbery of BiH property at the Adriatic coast prepared in a time of aggression’, mentioned on cover, by Azhar Kalamujic – Following the story published by the daily on sale of BiH-owned hospital in Cavtat [please see Weekend Media Brief Sept 25n26], Oslobodjenje today reports on the details of this case. Apparently, the hospital which was founded by the Sarajevo Clinical Center was stripped of the status of the founder in 1993 by the decision of the Higher Economic Court in Split . The legal representative of the Sarajevo Clinical Center claims that the decision is illegal, as brought in the period of war activities in BiH, whilst under the Croatian legislation all proceedings shall be frozen for the duration of war.

RHB – According to the RHB, the hospital in Cavtat is in very attractive location and it could be worth around 60 million euros.


War crimes

DA int with Florence Hartmann





Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Someone’s goal is to discourage witnesses’, pg 5 ‘Someone’s goal is to discourage witnesses coming to the Tribunal’ by Edina Sarac – In an interview to DA, the spokesperson for the ICTY Chief Prosecutor, Florence Hartmann defends the project it initiated together with the a Peruvian forensic expert, which some media called ‘monstrous’, which is a part of the crime investigation. Hartmann wonders what is the aim of such classification of the project, “to discourage the project?… to question results of the investigation in Srebrencia?” According to Hartmann, the project gathers bones samples needed for DNA identification. She stresses that those samples, which are taken out of BiH, are small enough not to disrupt the integrity of the body remains. 

Comments on set of laws re processing war crimes cases in BiH


Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘A slap upon urgent procedure’ by B. Stakic & J. Novkovic Tihimir Gligoric, delegate at the BiH House of Representatives, assessed that last week’s adoption of the set of Law, regarding processing of war crimes case before BiH Court, represents a slap to this legislative body. He explained that the BiH HoR delegates were well informed about the defects the proposed law included, but still passed it under the pressure of the international community. He stressed that the Law includes contradictory and non-compatible elements from Anglo-Saxon and continental legal systems, which will be almost impossible to implement in practise. Momcilo Novakovic, Head of SDS Caucus at BiH HoR, said that the set of Laws is not acceptable, and general session of the BiH Court assessed it as such.

BHT 1 on placing plaque for women victims of war crimes in Foca


BHT 1 by Mirela Cosic – The members of the Association ‘Women – victims of the war’ will place the commemorative plaque at the entrance to the sports Hall ‘Partizan’, where a number of women were tortured during the war. Foca municipality authorities have not approved the placement of the plaque and demanded the adoption of the legislation regarding the monuments at the state level.Meanwhile, the Association has been put on hold for past 10 months waiting for municipality to place the plaque. Head of Foca Municipality Nedeljko Pavlovic said that this issue was discussed in March and that there was no joint position by political parties on the solution, thus demanding the Law on the state level to regulate this issue.


Security issues

Andric claims information from OSA leaks to foreign embassies and IC


Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Information from OSA leak to foreign embassies’ by M. Cubro Filip Andric, member of the BiH Parliamentary Board for monitoring of OSA, claims that the representatives of the international community and foreign embassies get information from OSA, although those are not legitimate users of confidential intelligence data. He stressed: “There is far too many legal users of the intelligence information. However, it is a special issue as to how information from our intelligence agency lead to representatives of the international organisations and embassies. We have faced a case during investigation on coup d’etat affair that OHR received information on tapping of Munir Alibabic, although OHR is not a legitimate user of such information.” He is of the view the Law on protection of information needs to be urgently adopted. The Law should set mechanism of protection of confidential information.