RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs) | FED TV (19,30 hrs) | RT RS (19,30) |
Croatian language channel | Explosion in | Chinese-Bosnian marriages | Explosion in |
Candidature of Lajsic | | SFOR released Banduka | Released Rajko Banduka |
Banduka released | Algerian group | Explosion in | Initiative of Sulejman Tihic |
Sanctions for | Floods in | Internal debt in FBiH | Sanctions for |
Oslobodjenje | Payment of increased July pensions at the end of this week; Peugeout owned by Nebojsa Skrbo blown up |
Dnevni Avaz | Pensions increased for 4%; Another explosion in |
Dnevni List | July pensions in Federation increased |
Vecernji List | Term Bosniak to undergo constitutional checking |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Police reveals Travnik terrorists |
Glas Srpske | Explosive device planted under the vehicle of Nebojsa Skrba: The vehicle owned by BiH OSA destroyed; RS police reports on businessman from Prnjavor: Petar Dusanic suspected of tax evasion; Over hundreds of US agents active in BiH: CIA chasing Islamic terrorists |
Nezavisne Novine | “Daily Telegraph” claims Americans are searching for terrorists in BiH: Islamists targeted by CIA; Prnjavor: Denunciation against Dusanic |
Blic | CIA chasing mujahedeens in BiH; RS MP’s do not give up on hymn |
Political issues | |
Reactions to Tihic’s initiative
| RHB – At the session to be held in RTRS – Dragan Cavic, SDS and Republika Srpska President, says that Tihic’s political campaign is based on fight against Serbs as a nation and RS. ”I would be grateful if Mr. Tihic could explain what constitutionality of peoples in BiH that is. Is that yellow colour, blue colour or stars. I think we have agreed for RS political parities to give clear answer on this question. This is completely unacceptable initiative for us”, said Cavic. Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Tihic is directly violating Constitution’– Dragan Stojcic, RSNA Speaker, said there are cannot be BiH without RS. “We will be ready to use everything that is at our disposal in a legal and political way, including the possibility to announce the referendum where RS citizens would state their stand on something like that,” stated Dusan Stojcic. Ranko Savic, PDP MP at RS NA, yesterday called on Tihic to give up on his initiative, because otherwise, the request for assessment of the term Bosniak will be raised from RS side. Savicsaid that Tihic should be the most responsible leader of BiH, and not the nationalistic leader. Milanko Mihailica, president of SRS, expects from EuroBlic RSpgs 2-3 ‘Unified to preserve the hymn’ mentioned on cover ‘RS MP’s do not give up on hymn’ – Borislav Paravac, Serb member to BiH Presidency, reminds that RS is a constitutional category and that BiH cannot change without the change of constitutional framework. On this he adds: “High Representative to BiH, Paddy Ashdown, does not have the authority to change Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘To respond equally’; Vecernje Novosti pg 5 ‘To say “stop” to Tihic’ – Nebojsa Radmanovic, President of SNSD Executive Board, stressed it is not the first time that Tihic makes such public requests, which are against constitutional, and does not get penalised over making them. Nevenka Trifkovic, PDP MP at RS NA, said that Tihic is making it clear to everybody he does not see RS as the part of BiH. She noted: “In a response to his requests, the initiatives for disputing the name of the people of Bosniak, that used to be Muslim, are raised.” Vecernji List, front and pg 2 ‘Term Bosniak to undergo constitutional checking’, by Branka Stevandic, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘PDP against removing prefix Serb’’by Fena, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘We will ask consideration of name ‘Bosniaks’’ by Onasa, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Tihic should withdraw initiative’, pg 4 ‘Cavic: A trial to destroy Serb identity’ – also bring statements by Cavic, Mihajlica and Savic. |
Cavic on audit reports
| RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘SDS submitted the response to OHR’ by Fena, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Auditors erasing accusations’ – Dragan Cavic, RS President and SDS Acting President, at the press conference held in Banja Luka on Monday said that this party forwarded copies of documents to Audit Team in Sarajevo, which deny claims that the party was spending resources from the Budge tin contradiction with the Law provisions. He noted: “SDS Audit Team established that no financing of war crime suspects or supporting to people aiding them is provided through SDS funds.” He also called on Dragan Mikerevic, RS Premier, to appoint the new RS Interior Minister as soon as possible, noting that any delay in this appointment process might be counter-productive. |
SDS nominates 3 candidates
| RTRS, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 10 ‘Candidates Lajsic, Ecimovic and Sarac’, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Auditors erasing accusations’, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Djordje Lajsic is a candidate for RS Minister of Economy’ – Dragan Cavic, RS President and SDS Acting President, at yesterday’s press conference in Banja Luka said that the SDS candidate for the position of the RS Minister of Economy would be Djordje Lajsic, holder of M.A. degree in economy. Cavic said that this nomination has been forwarded for further consideration to Dragan Mikerevic, RS Premier. Instead of the removed Momir Tosic, SDS proposed two candidates to Adnan Terzic, BiH COM Chair: Slobodan Ecimovic, economist from Sokolac, and Mirko Sarac from Sarajevo as possible candidates for the position of BiH Deputy Minister for economic relations with abroad. Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Djordje Lajsic was a Deputy Minister in Serbian Government’ by M. Vidovic – DA writes that Djordje Lajsic, born in |
Tihic: I will not withdraw initiative to change RS symbols
| Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘I will not withdraw the demand to change the coat of arms, flag and hymn of RS’ by Aj. Delic – Chairman of the BiH Presidency, Sulejman Tihic, says he would not withdraw his initiative filed with the |
Update to initiative aimed at establishment of Croat channel in BiH
| Dnevni List, pg 3 ‘Channel in Croatian language a dead letter!?’, by Miso Relota – The House of Representatives of the BiH Parliament should be holding its 42nd session in Sarajevo today and one of items on the agenda is the Law on PBS system of BiH. According to Filip Andric, an MP in the BiH HoR, the said law envisions the current situation, in other words it legalizes the situation as imposed by former High Representative for BiH, Wolfgang Petritsch. Andric goes on to say that he has submitted an amendment to the law, requesting that the current PBS system in BiH has broadcasts in the three official languages and three separate channels with programming that would suit the needs of the constituent peoples. According to Andric, he personally submitted the amendment, however it is a joint product prepared by the Croat Caucus in the BiH HoR. DL notes that the competent commission did not support the amendment, however, Andric says he will take the amendment to the HoR, and in case of another failure in the HoR, there are better chance for success in the BiH Parliament’s House of Peoples. Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘HDZ wants channel in Croatian language’, mentioned on front, by Zoran Kresic – Unlike Dnevni List, Vecernji List notes that the aforementioned commission adopted the amendment as prepared by the HDZ MPs, which foresees establishment of one PBS system with three channels in languages of the three constituent peoples. However, VL notes the chances are that the Bosniak MPs will not be supporting the HDZ’s amendments, and in case it takes place, the HDZ MPs says they could be invoking the vital national interest clause with the Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 13 ‘Croat TV channel will go ‘through’ for sure’, by Petar Milos – SD carries Filip Andric as confirming that the Parliamentary Commission for Traffic and Communications rejected his amendment, adding: “I think there was no support to the amendment because of constant pressures against some members by principals of the OHR. They even pressured the President of the HDZ BiH, although the request for Croat channel in Croat language is not only legitimate but also in conformity with the Constitution and European convention on human rights”. |
Mostar Mayor, Deputy on | Oslobodjenje pg 10 ‘The world-class event’, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Ceremony of the Old Bridge Opening was a world-class’ by F. Vele, Dnevni List, pg 11, ‘Old Bridge opening ceremony unified Mostarians’, by Sanja Bjelica and Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 6, ‘Most precious message: Mostar is safe city’, by M. Landeka – Mostar Mayor and Deputy Mayor, Hamdija Jahic and Ljubo Beslic, held a press conference in Mostar yesterday at which they summarised impressions of the Old Bridge opening ceremony. The city leaders noted the ceremony depicted Mostar and BiH at their best adding compliments came from most high-ranking officials who attended the ceremony. The two expressed joy over the fact that no incidents occurred during that period. EuroBlic RSpgs 2-3 ‘Unified to preserve the hymn’ mentioned on cover ‘RS MP’s do not give up on hymn’ – On Mostar Old Bridge opening, RS President Dragan Cavic said that the ceremony itself has disclosed the inside desires of Sulejman Tihic. According to him, the opening ceremony did not include a single segment showing 30 thousand Serbs lived in that city. |
PDHR Hays visits
| Dnevni list, pg 2, ‘Citizens pay too much but are not offered enough’, by Erna Mackic, Oslobodjenje pg 12 ‘Municipalities have to spend less money’ by A. Ibisevic – During his visit to Novo Sarajevo Municipality on Monday, Principal Deputy High Representative Donald Hays was briefed by the Head of Municipality, Krunoslav Raspudic, on the activities undertaken so far and those that are yet to be undertaken as a part of preparations for the local elections. It was noted that Law on Local Self-Government should be passed as soon as possible and that a line should be drawn between municipal, cantonal and city competences. “Bearing in mind the way the country is structured by the |
Bott on BiH and SAA
| FTV, Nezvaisne Novine pg 2 ‘It is possible BiH might sign Association Agreement with EU in six months’ – Bernard Bott, the Dutch Foreign Minister, stated at yesterday’s meeting of the EU Foreign Ministers’ meeting in Brussels that BiH might sign the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with EU by the end of this year, meaning during the mandate of the Netherlands as the EU chair state. He said that reforms and promises, put in writing, should now be implemented. |
Solana, Scheffer on BIH and reforms
| Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘BiH authorities carried out a series of impressive economic reforms’ by Onasa – NATO Secretary General and EU High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and Javier Solana respectively, stated on Monday that both NATO and EU concluded that almost all important steps for transfering SFOR mandate to EU in BiH have been compelted. They also said that their last week’s visit to BiH was “strong political message” of support for domestic authorities and population in order to continue implementing reforms leading towards the Euro-Atlantic integrations. Solana added that BiH authorities also undertook a series of impressive economic reforms that further bring BiH closer to beginning of the negotiations on Stabilisation and Accession Agreement. |
Police, security and legal issues | |
Another explosion in
| RHB, BHTV 1, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 29 ‘A bomb planted under a vehicle owned by intelligence officer from RS activated’, mentioned on cover ‘Another explosion in Sarajevo’ by E. Ha., Oslobodjenje pg 37 ‘Peugeot owned by police officer Nebojsa Srkba exploded’, mentioned on cover, by D. Pavlovic, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘A car of OSA employee was destroyed’ mentioned on cover ‘A car of an employee of the BiH Intelligence Agency was destroyed’ by D. Muminovic – A bomb planted under a vehicle parked in Sarajevo’s settlement of Dobrinja 4 exploded early Monday morning. No casualties were reported in the incident. The vehicle was owned by Nebojsa Skrba, an employee of the former RS Intelligence-Security Service [OBS] and now a member of the BiH Intelligence Agency [OSA]. In addition to his car, the explosion also caused damage to three vehicles parked nearby and two business premises. The investigation is on-going. |
Update to
| BHTV 1 – The police is still searching for Muhamed Ali Gasi who has been suspected to be connected to the explosion in the FTV – According to FTV, Sarajevo Cantonal Interior Ministry said that Amir Pasic presented some lies and statements in public. He said on Sunday evening that police and Prosecutor did not consider his statements on the recent events, however the police statement says that Pasic failed to show up at the scheduled interview in police station after receiving a threat. Dnevni Avaz pg 31 ‘Police searched house and vehicle of Muhamed Ali Gasi’, mentioned on cover ‘Gasi’s house and Ferrari searched’, by E. Halac – DA writes about police search of Muhamed Ali Gasi’s house and vehicle. Apparently, police found 197 pistol bullets, and some cold weapons. |
SFOR raids VGT insurance society in Visoko
| Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘SFOR soldiers control business facilities’, by ZEDA – SFOR troops, comprising of the Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Premises of Persian-Bosnian college searched’ by Aj. Delic, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘VGT insurance’s building searched’ by S. Subotic – also covered the issue. |
Miletic says fight against crime continues
| Slobodna Dalmacija, front and pg 12 ‘Police reveals Travnik terrorists’, by Zoran Zekic – According to the Director of Police Administration of the FBiH MoI, Zlatko Miletic, the successful operation of Police forces in Mostar during the opening ceremony for the Old Bridge will continue in order to deal with criminal structures. Miletic says that the case of Ante Valjan, a Croat Police officer who was shot dead in Travnik, and other terrorist acts, could be soon resolved. When it comes to the Valjan case, Miletic says there are two concrete witnesses and 12 persons who could also be witnesses. Apparently, the Police has identified two suspects. |
Telegraph on search for Islamic terrorists in BIH
| Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘US intelligence in a ‘witch hunt’’ by S.N., Glas Srpske cover page story ‘Islamists targeted by CIA’; Nezavisne Novine cover and pg 3 ‘CIA is chasing Islamic terrorists in BiH’– Media published the article that appeared in UK based newspapers Telegraph titled ‘US hunts Islamic militants in Bosnia’. According to the article, the American military intelligence and the CIA have deployed hundreds of officers in |
BiH authorities visiting Algerian group
| BHTV 1, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘The first contact with members of so called Algerian group’, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Representatives of the BiH Justice Ministry visiting Guatanamo’ by F.C. – According to the FTV broadcast, the two representatives of the Department for international legal aid within the BiH Justice Ministry on Monday left for two days visit to US Guatanamo base in Cuba. The purpose is to visit 4 out of 6 Algerians [members of so called Algerian group detained in BiH and transferred to the base] who have BiH citizens. This is the first visit of BiH authorities to the group. |
BiH Prosecutor brings charges in ‘acetic acid’ affair | BHTV 1, FTV – BiH Prosecutor’s office brought charges against Rajo Krsmanovic, owner of company “Airways” from Bijeljina. Krsmanovic was accused together with Bogdan Vasic from |
Economic and social issues | |
FBiH pensions for July increased for 4%
| FTV, Dnevni Avaz cover page, pg 2 ‘Pensions increased for 4%’ by A. Basic. Oslobodjenje cover page, pgs 4-5 ‘Payment of increased July pensions at the end of this week’ by A. Ahmetasevic, Dnevni List, front and pg 3 ‘July pensions in Federation increased’, by Ivica Glibusic, Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘Pensions to increase by 4 percent’, by F, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Increased July and half of outstanding pension be paid out this week’ – The FBiH Pensions-Disability Insurance Fund held a press conference on Monday to inform that they have decided to increase pensions for 4%, thus set a coefficient for July pensions to be 1,10. The Fund concluded that revenues during this month are enough to increase the coefficient from 1,06 to 1,10, Fund spokesperson Zarif Safic stated. He expressed confidence that the Fund will be able to maintain this level of payments by the end of the year. Following this increase the lowest pension in the FBiH will be 154 KM, average 206 KM and the highest 696 KM. Safic confirmed that the payment of regular pensions would start late this or early next week. Fund also used an opportunity to warn once again of the possible catastrophic consequences singing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Pensions could have. According to Safic, is this agreement is signed with the World Bank, there would be additional 15.000 beneficiaries of the FBiH PIO. As for a half of the outstanding pension from 2000, Safic confirmed its payment would start during this week. |
FBiH HoR to discuss internal debt
| FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Hadzipasic and Hays warned about consequences of the failure to adopt’ by Az. B. – FBIH House of Representatives will hold an extraordinary session today in order to discuss the Law on internal debt of FBiH which also address the issue of old currency savings. However, DA says it is still not certain whether the Law will be endorsed. The proposal of the Law failed to win the majority of the votes in FBiH HoR last week, and upon request by FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic the proposal was withdrawn from the agenda of the FBIH House of Peoples’ session, which allowed it to be back in the procedure this week. Representatives of the FBiH Government, OHR and both FBiH Houses held a meeting on Monday, also attended by Hadzipasic and the Principal Deputy High Representative Donald Hays. Irfan Ajanovic, chairman of the SDA caucus in HoR, says for DA that no agreement has been reached. Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Invitation of representatives to reject the law on internal debt’ by Fena – The BiH Association of Savers urged representatives in the FBiH Parliament to reject the proposal of the law on internal debt it is again put on the agenda this week. The Association stated on Monday that a solution should not be rushed because of international pressure, but that matters should be put on hold and an acceptable solution found by September. The Association requests that this issue be resolved at the state level. The Association blamed FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic and Principle Deputy High Representative Donald Hays for trying to force through this piece of legislation. FTV – “They [Hadzipasic and Hays] are trying to postpone the existing problem because their own inactivity. To postpone it for some other times” commented Amila Softic, Representative of the Association. |
On military apartments in FBiH
| RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Waiting decision by the BiH Constitutional Court’ by Onasa, Dnevni List, pg 17 ‘Awaiting decision of Constitutional Court of BiH’, not signed, Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘Military pensioners waiting for decision of BiH Constitutional Court’, by ac – retired military personnel from the Republika Srpska are waiting for the BiH Constitutional Court’s declaration on constitutionality of the Law on abandoned apartments in FBiH, namely the article 3a of the law, which prevents former JNA officers that did not serve in the BiH Army or HVO to claim their apartments in the FBiH back. Representative of RS Association of retired military personnel, Jovan Vukobrad, says the article 3a is discriminatory and against the Dayton Peace Accord. “If the Constitutional Court does not abolish the disputable article 3a of the law, it will show it is not a legal but political institution, because of which we will address the International Court in Strasbourg”, says Vukobrad. |
Croatian Minister Hebrang on purchase of medical equipment for hospitals in BiH
| Dnevni List, pg 21 ‘Minister Hebrang: I did not influence tenders on equipping of hospitals in BiH’, mentioned on front, not signed, Vecernji List, pg 4 ‘Donations from Republic of Croatia used to favour suppliers?’, by Meri Musa, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 2 ‘Hebrang: I did not influence tenders’, mention on front, by N. S. – the Republic of Croatia’s Healthcare Minister, Andrija Hebrang, rejected claims of the Siemens’ office in BiH that he influenced the purchase of medical equipment for hospitals in Livno, Orasje, Zepce and Mostar, so a Japanese ‘Shimadzu’ Company gets the job. Minister Hebrang notes that the Croatian Government has allocated 13 million Croatian Kunas (around 4,25 million KMs) to help the healthcare in BiH in 2004, however Minister Hebrang says it is directors of the hospitals that are in charge of the purchases. The OHR has been informed about the whole issue, however the OHR notes the purchase of medical equipment is not within the OHR’s competence, but a matter for Croatian and BiH institutions. |
BiH HoR to appoint BiH General Auditor
| RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Discussing information on security in BiH in 2003’, Oslobodjenje pg 10 ‘Appointment of BiH General Auditor’ – BiH House of Representatives on Thursday is expected to discuss the the appointment of the BiH General Auditor. Milenko Sego has been nominated for that position after Ivan Miletic resigned earlier. |
On sale of BH Steel
| Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘The contract on the sale of BH Steel harmonized’ by Az.B. – FBiH Minister of Energy, Industry and Mining, Izet Zigic, has confirmed to DA that the purchasing contract on sale of Zenica’s company BH Steel to British-Indian LNM has been harmonized. “The entire contract has been harmonized, especially he part which refers to the obligation of the future strategic partner and those of FBIH government towards the partner. The Government has endorsed the contract. The only thing disputable that is left to be considered is the way in which BH Steel’s obligations towards the State would be treated,” said Zigic adding that these obligations are outstanding payments of pensions and health insurance. Zigic explains that even OHR joined to assist in solving, and adds that this week FBiH Govt is expected to reach a stand on this issue. |
NN op-ed by Hays | Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Public companies did business unfairly’ by Donald Hays – In the op-ed, Donald Hays, PDHR, notes that the RS NA will today hold discussion on the Law on public companies and Law on investment of public resources. He stresses the importance of the crucial term in both laws, which is “public”. According to him, the goal of these laws is to protect public interest and to protect the money belonging to the public. He further reminded on placement of public money as deposit at Nova Banjalucka Banka at minimal interest rates in 2002, which damaged the RS budget for BAM 304 thousand. He calls on RS citizens to closely follow up on discussion on these laws, whose adoption is of extreme importance for public money and interests. |
War crimes | |
SFOR releases former Mladic’s personal assistant
| RHB, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Banduka released from detention’ by Fena, Nezavisne Novine, pg. 4 ‘Former Mladic’s secretary was released after interrogation’ by N. N., Glas Srpske, pg. 2 ‘Banduka was released’ by N. Z. – SFOR released retired RS Army ensign Rajko Banduka, who performed duties of a secretary of former commander of RS Army Headquarters Ratko Mladic during the war,on Sunday evening. SFOR arrested Banduka on July 23 in his apartment in Bijeljina to interrogate him in relation to his duty of the secretary as well as to investigate claims he had been performing anti – |
Krajisnik trial resumed
| BHTV 1, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Massacre of Bosniaks near Kriva Cesta also attended by Nedeljko Rasula’ – The trial of Momcilo Krajisnik, former leader of Bosnians Serbs indicted for war crimes and genocide during the war in BIH, has resumed after the 3 months of break. |
| Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Tribunal’s agents for two years have been gathering information on war crimes at large’, Oslobodjenje pg 10 ‘Karadzic visits villages, Mladic attends the games’ – DA brings the text published by the New York Times, written by Marlise Simons, which claims that the Hague Tribunal “has no assault troops or police commandos at its service. But it does have detectives armed with cameras, the undercover agents and their network of informants have snooped around streets in |
Hartmann on Karadzic, Mladic
| Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘It is unacceptable that Tribunal still awaits the arrest of Karadzic and Mladic’ by Onasa, Oslobodjenje pg 10 ‘It is unacceptable to wait for Karadzic and Mladic’ – “It is unacceptable that the Hague Tribunal even after nine years waits to the arrest of former Bosnian Serb leaders Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, who indictments contain some of the most horrible crimes committed in the European territory,” stated spokeswoman for the Chief ICTY Prosecutor, Florence Hartmann. In an interview for Voice of America, Hartmann said that Karadzic spend most of his time hiding in RS, occasionally crossing the border with SCG, while Karadzic is mostly in Serbia. |
Serbian President Tadic proposes simultaneous withdrawal of charges
| Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Simultaneous withdrawal by Belgrade, Sarajevo and Zagreb’ by B.Boskov, Vecernji List, pg 12 ‘Boris Tadic in favour of withdrawal of Croatian charges against Serbia and Montenegro’, by H, Dnevni List, pg 23 ‘Tadic in favour of simultaneous withdrawal of charges before international court’, not signed – The Serbian President, Boris Tadic, stated that Serbia and Montenegro should drop the charges against NATO before the International Court of Justice in The Hague, whilst in the same time Croatia and BiH should drop the charges against Serbia and Montenegro. “I think all the charges should ‘be dropped’ in the same time, in order to create a new political climate in the region, new investment climate, new security climate in the region, because we have to think about the stability of the country, about new jobs”, stated President Tadic in an interview for the Serbian state TV. |
SBS denies DA source who claims SBS in Zvornik assists Mladic
| Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Imagination is crossing Drina’ – The head of the BIH State Border Service (SBS), Radisa Samardzija, yesterday rejected a report in Dnevni avaz newspaper, which – quoting anonymous sources in the Serbian Interior Ministry – says that “General Ratko Mladic has a strong base in the BiH SBS and especially in the unit controlling the Zvornik-Bajina Basta section of the border between Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia-Montenegro” “Samardzija told SRNA news agency that “the fact that this paper has been using unnamed sources indicates a degree of bias and a lack of evidence for its claims about Mladic’s allegedly frequently crossings the BiH border.” |
FTV feature on BiH Special Department for War Crimes | FTV by Ziljko Tica – An expert team completed the draft of legal solutions to establish the Special Department for War Crimes operating within the |