Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 25 May
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (12,00 hrs) | RTRS (12,00 hrs) |
NATO/EUFOR op at Pale | NATO searching the Karadzic’ house |
BiH CoM on SIPA director | Bukejlovic on police reform |
FBiH Govt on recruitment of soldiers | EC concerned over Vukovar inci. |
TV news broadcast on 24 May
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | TV PINK (18,00 hrs) | BHT 1 (19,00 hrs) |
Meeting of Croat political parties | RS parties meet in Prijedor | BiH flag burned down in Bijeljina |
Croatian delegation visits Napredak | Stojicic on police reform | SDS on police reform process |
Terzic presents 5C documentation | Terzic on SIPA Director nomination | Petritsch and NATO on BiH future |
Leakey on organised crime | OHR on HR’s work | Report on persons who help Mladic |
NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs) | FTV (19,30 hrs) | RTRS (19,30 hrs) |
Vc corridor documentation presented | Mercury discovered near Lukavac | Criminal reports in case Alijagic |
OHR on Manjaca/Bileca report | Hercegbosanske Sume case | 100 days of RS Government |
Roy Gutman awarded | Gathering of Energopetrol’s workers | HR marks anniversary |
| Leakey’s press conference | Cavic on police reform |
Oslobodjenje | Three routes through |
Dnevni Avaz | Chetnik’s orgies in Bijeljina |
Dnevni List | Convention every second year |
Vecernji List | Secret soundtracks of death penalty |
Slobodna Dalmacija | HVO members to lose pensions from |
Glas Srpske | Import to vacate stables? |
Nezavisne Novine | BAM 30 million collected in budget |
Blic | Salmonella for BAM 10 (pensioners from B.Luka food-poisoned in Teslic) |
Vecernje Novosti | Features |
Srpski Nacional | Features |
NATO forces search Karadzic’s family house
| RHB, RS Radio, SRNA, FENA – Since this morning, NATO forces have been conducting a search in the house of Radovan Karadzic’s wife Ljiljana Zelen-Karadzic in Pale. They are searching for information and evidence about Radovan Karadzic, other war crimes indictees and persons who are helping them, NATO spokesman Derek Chappell has said for SRNA. “The operation is based on very concrete information,” Chappell said. According to the NATO spokesman, there have been no incidents, they were allowed to enter the house without any resistance and people living in the house are at the moment being questioned. |
RS PM Bukejlovic on police reform: Both sides will have to abandon exclusive stances
| RS Radio – Pero Bukejlovic, RS PM, is of the view that during police reform talks, both sides will have to partially step away from currently exclusive stances. In a statement given to SRNA news agency, Bukejlovic said that the bigger problem regarding police organisation exists in F BiH, than in RS, noting that responsibility for bad functioning of police wants to be transferred onto RS. He said that all indications show that RS MoI has been achieving extremely good results in both, cooperation with the ICTY and fight against crime. He notes that dismissal of some police members would result in police pay increase, adding that police reform should cost BAM 140 million. |
Political Developments/Reforms | |
Cavic on police reform
| Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Cavic’s political blackmail’ by O.V., FENA – The President of RS and the Serb Democratic Party (SDS), Dragan Cavic, deems that the Entity Government in the first hundred days had encountered large political issues and that this is the angle for viewing the realized results. Cavic told the press on Tuesday that the current convocation of the Entity Government, which will mark the 100 working days on May 26, is relatively good, but noted that the political ambiance is poor and that the parliamentary majority is “very unstable”. He added that SDS bears great responsibility for this, emphasizing that the policy of this political party is not leading RS into isolation, as many claim. Cavic stated that all political parties in the RS have the possibility to form the new government and take responsibility for resolving great political issues. “I would say that nobody wishes to do so and this is the prism for viewing the position of the current government”, noted Cavic. The SDS Presidency on Tuesday debated police reform in BiH. BHT, RTRS,Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Cavic: SDS to leave authority if RS gets isolated’ by V.Popovic, Glas Srpskepg 5 ‘Parliament to decide’ by D.M. also carried the statement. |
DA: Cavic is lobbying for police reform with IEBL crossing
| Dnevni Avaz pg 13 ‘Dragan Cavic plays for all or nothing’ by E.Sarac-M.Zgonjanin – Daily learns from well-informed sources that Dragan Cavic will propose police reform proposal for 30th May session of RS NA according to principle “take it or leave it”. The proposal would include IEBL crossings at places experts find appropriate. Daily refers to its sources claiming that Cavic won Party election owing to assistance provided to him by Paddy Ashdown personally, who also allegedly rehabilitated some of “Cvic’s players” in secrecy. Accordingly, Cavic will try to present arguments for police reform with emphasis on the fact IEBL crossing is inevitable, which will have to be realized sooner or later. Daily notes Cavic is faced with the hardest task of all during his mandate, stressing he is now lobbying with position and opposition parties to accept police reform before RS NA session. |
EuroBlic on RS political leaders meeting on police in Prijedor
| EuroBlic RSpg 2, announced on cover ‘Secretly to reach decision’ by Rajna Radosavljevic – Daily notes, referring to its sources, Prijedor meeting of political leaders on police reform did not reach any sort of conclusion, but instead was just an informal meeting. Petar Djokic, SPRS, Milanko Mihajlica, SRS, Marko Pavic, DNS, briefly stated meetings of this sort will be taking place on a regular basis in order to explore possible harmonisation of stances. Pink, Hayat also reported on the meeting without presenting any particular details. |
Headquarters for Protection of RS representatives to attend RSNA session on police reform | Glas Srpskepg 2 ‘On police – separately’ by G.K. – Slavko Jovicic, Spokesperson of the Headquarters for protection of the RS constitutional position within BiH, announced that 6-member delegation of this association would attend Monday session of the RS NA on police reform, adding: “We will be attending the session in the capacity of observers. We will – through authorised delegates – demand that each delegate separately gives view on police reform.” |
NR claims no European state allows non-harmonisation in AOR’s of police and District Courts
| Novi Reporter pgs 14, 16, 18 & 20 “Konak crowns the deed’, announced on cover ‘Serb gladly joins police force’ by Igor Gajic/Veljko Zeljkovic – The author notes that Paddy Ashdown found any other proposal on police reform, bar Martens’ proposal, unacceptable, although he himself is well-aware of the fact that PRC proposal is a model SDA proposed two years ago. Authors stress that fear from change of RS Constitution is justified, since in any European state, the territorial responsibility of police coincides with the AOR of district courts – and Ashdown did not respect this fact at all. Weekly further brings statement of Dragan Mikerevic, who denies media claims he had signed a document on police reform, stressing he would not have resigned if he had managed to adhere to his principles on police reform. Weekly’s source from |
NR criticises IC officials over police reform
| Novi Reporter pgs 12-13 ‘Between Schladming and Cyprus’ by Sasa Bizic – Referring to statements Paddy Ashdown, Douglas McElchany and Mathew Rycroft gave regarding police reform (and isolation of RS), the author ironically notes that RS should actually be flattered when compared with Northern Cyprus, since this creation ahs been existing since mid 70’s. The author cynically stresses no difference will be observed, since the situation itself is bad even now and nothing has changed for years. The author also – with sarcasm – refers to Richard Holbrooke and his promise there will be |
OHR Director of Communications Guzelova on police reform: EU will not change its principles
| Novi Reporter pg 15 ‘The chance has been lost’ by I.G. – This is a page interview with |
President of BiH Croat Block Vasilj on police reform: The entire process is not in line with Constitution
| Novi Reporter pg 17 ‘The entire process is not in line with Constitution’ by V.Z. – In a page-long interview, Mario Vasilj, President of the BiH Croat Block, says that the suspension on police reform talks could have been expected since it was illogical to announce constitutional changes, and to implement police reform parallel with that. He notes it raises concern and astonishment that the manner in which messages (aimed at convincing the public a completely unconstitutional proposal is democratic course) is obvious. He does not expect any sort of sanctions against RS. He fears that the final aim of police reform proposal regarding regionalisation is unitary BiH. He concludes that any solution, with which at least one people of BiH disagrees, is untenable and could cause destabilisation in the region. |
Kunic: RS will not be abolished
| Novi Reporter pg 19 ‘Republika Srpska is not corpus separatum’ byu I.G. – In a page interview, Petar Kunic, says police reform talks will resume, noting that the public should have been informed of the content of police restructuring report, which, in his view, undermines the internal political structure of BiH. On possible measures against RS, he says that RS will not be abolished, neither will sanctions be imposed. On referendum, he gives his view that prosperous political and intellectual forces in BiH do not even think about it – “it is unrealistic, since we live in the state of BiH. RS is not a corpus separatum, it wants to stay within BiH.” |
Party for BiH’s Belkic: RS leaders are aware of EU standards
| Novi Reporter pg 20 ‘We are not trusted’ by V.Z. – Page-long interview with Beriz Belkic on police reform reads that police reform will resume. Belkic notes that political leaders of RS are aware of the EU standards, which must be implemented if we want to go to |
EUFOR Commander Leakey says state-level BiH police of crucial importance in fighting organized crime
| RHB, Pink, BHT, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Cooperation with the customs administration ensures tax income’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Police are not sufficiently unified to efficiently fight crime,” Dnevni List pg 2, mentioned on cover ‘BiH is Columbia in Balkans’ by M. Zorlak, Vecernji List pg 4, mentioned on cover ‘Police powerless against organized crime’ by E. Medunjanin, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 17, mentioned on cover ‘Leaky: BiH should arrest Karadzic and Mladic’ by F, Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash, pg 3 ‘BAM 30 million collected in budget’ by A.Sisic, Glas Srpskepg 3 ‘Army chasing poachers’, ONASA – BiH needs a police with the coordinated structure at the state level which will be able to efficiently fight against organized crime and because of that, restructuring of the police is needed, EUFOR Commander David Leakey said on Tuesday. “The BiH police are effective at dealing with local crime but are not structured to handle the countrywide crime and networks in a coordinated way like the Indirect Taxation Administration (ITA), the State Border Service (SBS) and State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA). It is one of the reasons why restructuring of the police is critical,” Leakey told a press conference. According to Leakey, organized crime is a serious problem in BiH, it operates within a framework of parallel structures which cheats the government out of big sums of revenue, revenue which is much needed for investment in education, health, pensions and economic regeneration. “Moreover, some of these crime networks are the same organizations siphoning funds to support and protect indicted war criminals,” he said. Leakey added that one of the EUFOR’s tasks in BiH is to coordinate activities of the BiH law enforcement agencies and to support all efforts aimed at the destruction of crime and corruption, which are the obstacles for the BiH’s progress towards European integration. |
OHR on the HR Ashdown’s three years in office:HR primary aim was to putBiH irreversibly on the road to European Union
| RHB, Pink, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 2, mentioned on cover ‘BiH irreversibly on the road to European Union’, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘In 3 years of mandate Ashdown leads BiH towards European integration’ by De.L., Glas Srpskepg 3 ‘Agreement for Europe’ – On Friday May 27 it will be exactly 3 years since Paddy Ashdown took the position of the High Representative. On his first day as High Representative Paddy Ashdown identified his primary aim as putting BiH irreversibly on the path to statehood and on the road to Europe, OHR Spokesman |
BL University Professor Kunic on Contact Group/HR activities
| Glas Srpske pg 5, announced on cover ‘Stew from Sarajevo kitchen’ by Z. Markovic – The article refers to the statement of HR Paddy Ashdown and Contact Group on police reform and reads that two out of three EC principles on police reform (legislation and budget at BiH level and crossing of inter-entity boundary lines) actually represent changing of the Dayton Agreement. The article carries a comment of a professor at Banja Luka Faculty of Laws, Petar Kunic, who has assessed the statement of the Contact Group as strange and he claims the process of transferring of authorities to BiH level exists ever since the Dayton Agreement was signed. ‘A great part of jurisdiction has been transferred to a joint level, so now BiH has all characteristics of a federation. It is time to stop this, because this will surely lead to abolishment of RS’, Kunic said. He added that a change of Constitution was not set as a pre-requisite to any country to start ASA – such a demand was set only in the case of BiH. He emphasizes that the “reform stew” is being cooked in |
Vecernje Novosti poll on HR powers
| Vecernje Novosti pg 2 ‘Puls’ – carries answers of several public persons on question: ‘Professor at Banja Luka Faculty of Laws Vitomir Popovic has assessed in an interview to out paper that a mass refusal to sign his disputable decisions is the only possibility for Paddy Ashdown to return in frame of “the Dayton” (Agreement). Is this the right path? What would RS get by this?’. Drago Vukovic (Advisor to Serb member of BiH Presidency) says, considering the current situation, people in RS would be the first to show disobedience. He also says RS must define a stance beyond which it would not go. ‘We are witnesses to imposing of a project that has been developed outside our region, however it was well “wrapped up” with Bosniak politicians. BiH can face neither happiness nor future without agreement between all three peoples’, Vukovic said. Slavko Jovicic Slavuj (Deputy Chairman of RS Association of POWs) says BiH will not be a sovereign and democratic country as long as Paddy Ashdown runs it. ‘He is the greatest misfortune that could have happened to this country and, as long as he is here, there would be neither reconciliation nor progress in BiH’, Jovicic said. |
VN interview with Stephen Mayer: SiCG to get east part of RS as compensation for Kosovo
| Vecernje Novosti pg 2, announced on cover ‘Serbia to Brcko’ by Dubravka Savic – Former Chief CIA Analyst for the Balkans, currently a professor at Washington National Defense University, Stephen Mayer, thinks BiH and Kosovo are two significant failures of the Western political engineering. He also thinks there is no reason why borders in the Balkans shouldn’t change, if people want this to happen. ‘Why shouldn’t it be proposed that a part of Kosovo northern from Ibar and Mitrovica, including mines, be given to Serbs and the rest to be given to an independent Kosovo. In exchange for loss of Kosovo, Serbia might get eastern RS’, Mayer said and warned if the politics of “frozen” borders is maintained nothing will be resolved – tensions will exist, while there would be no economic progress. |
Nedeljni Telegraf: Kosovo in an exchange for RS
| Nedeljni Telegraf pg 19 ‘Kosovo in exchange for Republika Srpska’ by D. S. – Maksim Jusin, editor-in-chief of Moscow daily “Izvestija”, says that, on the occasion of reaching a decision of future of Kosovo, Russia would act in accordance with demands of Serbia. He expressed his opinion that |
Update to election of SIPA Director: Thursday session of BiH COM to see appointment
| Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Selection of SIPA Director on Thursday agenda‘ by Az.K. – Adnan Terzic, BiH COM Chair, on Tuesday met with Barisa Colak, BiH Security Minister, and Mladen Ivanic, BiH Froeign Minister. The meeting discussed the issue on appointment of SIPA Director and concluded that the voting for this selection will be repeated at Thursday session of BiH COM. Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘SIPA will get a Director tomorrow?’ by E. Sarac – DA learns from sources close to BiH COM that SIPA might get a Director at Thursday session of BiH CoM. Daily notes agreement was reached at Tuesday meeting between Terzic, Colak and Ivanic (see above), referring to Terzic’s statement, who did not want to speak of any name Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘SIPA Director will be Croat’ by M.C. – Regarding Tuesday meeting (between Terzic, Colak and Ivanic), daily reports Terzic announced Thursday session of the BiH COM would see the appointment of SIPA Director, adding that it was agreed SIPA Director would be of Croat nationality, while his Deputy would be of Bosniak nationality and Assistant to Director would be of Serb nationality. Pink, BHT, FTV also addressed the issue. |
BiH Croat political representatives discuss constitutional reforms
| RHB, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘BiH needs constitutional changes’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Full equality of all three peoples should be ensured in BiH’, Dnevni List pg 5, mentioned on cover ‘Cardinal Puljic reconciled opposing parties’ by M. Zorlak – DL says that all relevant Croat political parties including HDZ attended the meeting which was held in Sarajevo last night during which they talked about constitutional changes. DL says that the Croat parties agreed that constitutional re-organization of BiH should take place since the current constitutional one does not suit BiH as a state and the Croat people, who hah an unequal position in BiH. HDZ President Barisa Colak stated that BiH must have a democratic system, which would guarantee rights to all peoples. DL inset under headline ‘Puljic: Croats must find their place in BiH’ carries Cardinal Vinko Puljic, who also attended the meeting as saying that Croats must find their place in BiH. |
HDZ Convention to be held on June 4, new statute and programme to be verified on Friday
| Dnevni List cover pg splash and pg 4 ‘Convention every second year’ by I. Glibusic – At the session of the HDZ Presidency held on Monday evening it has been decided to verify a proposal of the HDZ Statute and programme at the next HDZ Presidency session that is to take place on Friday, May 27. DL explains that the boards in charge of drafting the HDZ Statue and programme made proposals of these documents on the ground of proposals coming from lower-ranked HDZ organizations. Among the other things, HDZ Boards proposed that the HDZ Convention takes place every second and not every 4th year. The article says that most HDZ members believe that the reason for organizing the HDZ Convention every second year is the fact that this party goes through turbulent times and that the HDZ Convention should take place more often. The next HDZ Convention will take place on June 4. Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Stress on protection of national identity’ by Z. Kresic carries a similar report. |
Jerko Ivankovic Lijanovic supports Covic as next HDZ President
| Slobodna Dalmacija pg 14 ‘Lijanovic lobbies for Covic’ by D. Ivankovic carries a short interview with Jerko Ivankovic Lijanovic from People’s Party Working for Prosperity who talks about the future HDZ President. Lijanovic said: ‘By the election of Dragan Covic local hooligans such as Head of the Siroki Brijeg Municipality Miro Kraljevic could not behave the way they do, since due to their behaviour they damage their party the most. HDZ needs a firm hand and that is Dragan Covic and not Barisa Colak or Franjo Ljubic.’ |
SDA to hold convention on Thursday, Tihic and Jahic running for the Presidency
| Dnevni Avaz, pg 8 ‘More than 100 journalists accredited’, by A. M. – The daily announces that the 4th convention of SDA will be held at the ‘Zetra’ Olympic hall in Dnevni Avaz, pg 8 ‘We want to distance ourselves from nationalistic parties’, mentioned on front ‘I did not mind having more counter-candidates’, by A. Malagic – Carries an interview with the current and candidate for the new SDA president, Sulejman Tihic, prior to the SDA convention. Asked as to what would be his priorities if he were to be re-elected, Tihic says: “That’s foremost the already started works on the police and military reform. There’s also work on the changes of the BiH Constitution that is waiting for us at the end of the year, support to the BiH lawsuit against SCG, next elections…We must make sure that the issue of regional stability, in other words the status of Kosovo and SCG, does not reflect on the territorial integrity of BiH in way”. Dnevni Avaz, pg 9 ‘One person should not be leading state and strongest party’, by A. M. – Carries an interview with the only other candidate for SDA president, Elmir Jahic, in which he notes that he respects Tihic for what’s he has done for the party, however Jahic says Tihic is too stretched being in the same time both the party president and member of BiH Presidency, believing that either the party or the state is suffering because of that. |
Avaz: President of SDA Mostar Hadziomerovic submits resignation; what are reasons behind the move
| Dnevni Avaz, pg 9 ‘Hadziomerovic submits resignation because of filed criminal report?’, by F. V. – Avaz learns that the newly elected president of SDA Mostar, Zijad Hadziomerovic, submitted the SDA president, Sulejman Tihic, his resignation. In a statement for Avaz, Hadziomerovic says he has submitted the resignation because of the political climate and alleged political games targeted against him. “Officially, I’m charged with anti-Dayton activities, including disobeying of decisions of the IC. The ‘disobeying’ surfaced because of the fact that I have been made the president of SDA City Board in Mostar, because I’m obviously a nuisance there”, says Hadziomerovic. However, Avaz also learns that one of motives behind his resignation could be the knowledge that the Cantonal Prosecution received a criminal report against Hadziomerovic, who is charged with abuse of office/authority. Namely, tenants of the ‘Gavrina kuca’ building on the Hasan Zahirovic Laca Street 71 filed the report “because of suspicion that he got into possession of a 140 square meters apartment by committing a felony together with Hamdija Jahic”. (former Mayor and president of SDA Mostar). The Prosecution confirmed the report has indeed been submitted and sent into further procedure. |
SDA’s Sadovic says RS Government has no idea, vision
| Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘SDA disappointed with RS Government’s work’, ONASA – Head of the SDA caucus in the Republika Srpska National Assembly Tarik Sadovic said on Tuesday that his party was disappointed with the results of the Republika Srpska Government in the first 100 days of its work, adding that he hoped that this government would soon be replaced. “The biggest success of this government is for it to have lasted 100 days. I have been a parliamentary delegate for a long time and I can say that there hasn’t been a worse government in a long time. This government has no idea, no vision, that is a government that has no confidence. I have not heard a single serious, mature initiative from this government,” Sadovic told Onasa. |
Comments on first 100 days of Bukejlovic’ Cabinet performance
| Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘The greatest success is to have seen 100 days of mandate’ by D.Risojevic – The daily brings comments on the first 100 days of work of Pero Bukejlovic’s Cabinet. The majority of local economists (Borislav Bijelic, Damir Miljevic, Dusan Jaksic and Mladen Micic) and politicians (bar SDS) share the view that RS Government has failed to fulfil promises on consolidation of institutions and revival of the fallen economy. Economists agree that privatization and economy have been neglected . Nebojsa Radmanovic from SNSD, Nevenka Trifkovic from PDP, Tarik Sadovic from SDA, and Stanko Pivasevic commented on the work. RTRS also carried the comments. Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘100 days pass by’ by Dragan Risojevic – The author is critical of the work and performance of the RS Government, especially in regard to economy which he had promised to revive. The author also notes that nobody is consulting Pero Bukejlovic on police reform, owing to limited political capacity of his political impact, and that Bukejlovic is aware of this. Hence, he should have dedicated to settling problems in the field of economy, author concludes. |
Economic/Social Issues | |
Initial documentation for 5c corridor construction presented in
| RHB, Pink, BHT, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje cover page, pgs 4-5 ‘Three routes through Herzegovina on the table’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘5c corridor route through BiH will be known by July’, Dnevni List pg 2, mentioned on cover ‘3 routes of highway through BiH proposed’ by HINA, Vecernji List pg 5, mentioned on cover ‘3 routes proposed through Herzegovina’ by D. Jazvic, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 10, mentioned on cover ‘Nevertheless, highway through Herzegovina?’ by Z. Rerig, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Highway route to be known by June’ by D.Muminovic, EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘Experts drew routes’ by D.S.– CoM Chairman Adnan Terzic presented the first phase of project documentation for the construction of highway on corridor 5C. CoM should make a decision on the choice of the route in June. Terzic stated that around 400 experts from BIH, |
On status of Croat war victims who receive pensions from
| Slobodna Dalmacija cover pg splash and pg 15 ‘HVO members to lose pensions from Croatia?’ by Z. Zekic says that according to the current situation HVO members who receive pensions from Croatia would be receiving them by the end of this year only. SD explains that according to the new Croatian law, a term HVO defender was left out from the law and the only way for HVO defenders to continue to receive these pensions is making of an inter-state agreement between |
GS on import of livestock from | Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Import to vacate stables?’ by E.G.S. – The daily writes about most recent demand of RS Minister of Agriculture, Goran Perkovic, regarding import of livestock (for fattening) from South American states. |
Incidents/Legal Proceedings | |
BiH flag set on fire before a soccer match in Bijeljina
| BHT, Hayat, Dnevni Avaz cover page, pg 3 ‘Chetnik’s orgies in Bijeljina’, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘BiH flag set on fire in Bijeljina’ not signed – The local supporters of Serbia-Montenegro (SCG) youth football national team burned down the BiH flag in the very center of Bijeljina on Tuesday. The flag was burned down before the beginning of a friendly match between BiH and SCG youth national team. |
BiH Presidency fails to hand report on Bileca/Manjaca swearing-in incidents to OHR
| Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘BiH Presidency does not give a hang about OHR deadline’ by A.P. – BiH Presidency on Tuesday failed to hand any sort of report to OHR, regarding activities undertaken following Manjaca and Bileca swearing-in ceremonies. The international organizations set 24 May as deadline by which Presidency was to hand in Report on penalties undertaken against those responsible for the incident. Hayat also covered the issue. |
Update to HB/Jelavic trial
| Dnevni List pg 6 ‘Jelavic could grant loan whoever he wanted’ by E. Mackic, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 17 ‘Jelavic approved 4 loans’ by Z. Tulic – The trial against former HDZ President Ante Jelavic for the Hercegovacka Banka case continued on Tuesday with hearing of the defence witness and former member of the Commission in charge of granting housing loans, Ante Colak. Colak stated that according to the Book of Rules (of the Federation of BiH Ministry of Defence) for granting the housing loans Jelavic as the Minister at that time was entitled to grant the loan to the persons who were not selected by a competent Commission. Colak added that Jelavic used this right for 5 persons at the most. |
War Crimes/Terrorism | |
ND on Mladic whereabouts
| Nedeljni Telegraf pg 2, announced on cover ‘Mladic in the Hague by the end of June’ by M. A. – A source close to SiCG Ministry of Defense claims Brussels (NATO) is willing to accept any evidence that would prove that Mladic is not in Serbia, i.e. that he is somewhere else. The source also claims the Brussels ‘is not taking for granted claims of Carla del Ponte that Mladic had been seen in Serbia, because neither she nor her investigators have offered any reliable evidence to substantiate this claim’. The source says he had got an impression that someone from |
NN interview with Dragomir Andan: I apologise to citizens if I have disturbed them with statement on terrorism’
| Nezavisne Novine pg 6, announced on cover ‘I apologise to citizens if I have disturbed them with statement on terrorism’ by Dragan Jerinic – In a page-long interview to NN, Dragomir Andan, RS Police Director, apologises to citizens if he had disturbed them with the statements on terrorism. Explaining his statement (that |