
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 25/10/2005


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 25 October


BH Radio 1(12,00 hrs)

RTRS (12,00 hrs)

BiH HoR in session today

Chief SAA negotiator debates

Cavic with Humphreys

FBiH HoR in session today

BiH, FBiH HoRs in sessions

RS 2006 Budget to amount KM 1bn

Parliament’s Comm. meets today

Regional news

Talks on Kosovo status

TV news broadcast on 24 October


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

Vehicle disinfection at BIH borders

CARDS projects for BiH institutions

Bird flue in Croatia

Regional news

60th anniversary of United Nations

Bird flue prevention in BiH

EU integration projects

CRA on CoM’s decision

International conference on bird flue

Donations in BIH

Problems on BHTV 1 and BH Radio 1

BiH Association of Prosecutors


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Fight against avian flu in BiH

No bird flue in BiH

Cavic on SAA team

Still no decision on Croatian poultry

Bird flue prevention in BiH

Bird flu prevention

Disinfection of vehicles from Croatia

Bird flue in Croatia

Regional news

Fight against avian flu in SCG

UN Security Council on Kosovo

Regional news



Dragan Cavic proposes negotiator (for SAA talks with EU) to be from SNSD

Dnevni Avaz

FBiH Minister Grahovac: Hadzipasic does not speak the truth (Energopetrol issue)

Dnevni List

Young Mostarians leaving for Foreign Legion

Vecernji List

Ashdown stopped law on police

Slobodna Dalmacija

Man from Sandzak with explosives released from custody by police

Glas Srpske

Without roof and hope (story on family of a fallen soldier near Foca)

Nezavisne Novine

Disinfection at border crossings (measures for prevention of avian flue)


Panic freezes sale of chicken in Srpska (avian flue)

Vecernje Novosti

Serbia related headlines



Cavic, Humphreys meeting; Cavic says Dodik still best candidate for negotiator with EU









BH Radio 1 Brana Markovic – Chief of EC delegation to BiH, Michael Humphreys, and the RS President, Dragan Cavic, met today and discuss the BiH activities following the recommendation to open the SAA talks. Cavic stated that SNSD leader, Milorad Dodik is still the best candidate for the position of the chief negotiator, underlying that there are two or three other young, competent and non-political RS representatives that should be in the team. He dismissed the possibility that the chief negotiator should not necessarily be from the RS. Humphreys and Cavic also agreed that the RS’ cooperation with the ICTY should continue as well as the activities on the implementation of the police reform.

RS Radio – Following the meeting, Humphreys stated that the BiH talks with EU on SAA will depend on the issue of arrest of Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic. Humphreys said: “We are not going to introduce a new condition related to ICTY cooperation for opening SAA negotiations. However, in the course of these negotiations, actions must continue. And it will be very difficult to complete negotiations if remaining indictees are not handed over. So, they must be handed over.”  Speaking of speculation that police reform may be implemented within three instead of planned five years, Humphreys said the sooner reform is implemented, the better. He also said that the European Union will not interfere in selection of the negotiating team of BiH on SAA talks, stressing that EU will negotiate with those BiH authorities appoint.

BiH HoR in session: CoM tasked to inform on transferring CRA ’ means to PBS


BH Radio 1 Mustafa Karahmet, RHB – BiH House of Representatives have commenced the session and adopted several conclusions and laws in the first reading. HoR representatives adopted the principles of the Law on indirect taxation procedure in the first reading, however postponed further discussion for the next HoR session due to large number of amendments proposed. HoR has also confirmed the amendments to the Election Law and adopted the conclusion proposed by the SDP delegate Zlatko Lagumzija tasking Council of Ministers to submit information on the transfer of CRA ’s means to the PBS.

FBiH HoR in session: 20 delegates sign initiative to schedule HoR session on Energopetrol 

BH Radio 1 Ljiljana Radl, RHB – FBiH House of Representatives has decided to postpone discussion on the three agenda items for today after the FBiH Government has failed to submit the information HoR requested. These include the information related to the situation in the FBiH Ministry of Defence and Agrokomerc company. Meanwhile, more than 20 delegates have signed BOSS initiative to schedule extraordinary session of the Parliament and discussion the issues related to the Energopetrol co-capitalization.


Political Developments/Reforms

RS President Cavic proposes Dodik for chief negotiator







Oslobodjenje cover splash, pg 2 ‘Dragan Cavic suggests the chief negotiator to be from SNSD’ by A. Omeragic – RS President Dragan Cavic told on Monday that the chef BiH negotiator in SAA talks with EU should come from the SNSD. He announced he will hold consultative meetings with the PR Pero Bukejlovic, the RSNA Speaker Dusan Stojicic and leader of key political parties in the RS to discuss the most capable and expert human resources in the entity. Cavic also underlined that RS must reach a consensus on this issue, which he declared is not a subject of politics. At the same time, the Chair of the BiH CoM, Adnan Terzic, wants to see Mladen Ivanic as chief negotiator and claims Dodik doesn’t meet all conditions. SNSD delegated in the BiH Parliament, Milorad Zivkovic, says this is not true, and adds that Dodik has rejected the position that Cavic offered to him. Director of the Directorate for European Integrations, Osman Topcagic, says chief negotiator would be backed up by 50 – 100 people. BiH should propose the name of the chief negotiator by 12 December.

BHT, Hayat, RTRS, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Key lays in agreement’ by G.D. also carried Cavic’s statement.

Terzic: I will not interfere in nomination of chief negotiator with EU


Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘SNSD will propose chief negotiator’ by V.Popovic – Apart from carrying Cavic statement, daily also carries statement of Adnan Terzic, BiH CoM Chair, saying: “I expect from Cavic to propose a person, who will be prepared to lead SAA talks with EU and represent BiH in a proper manner. Decision on the name of the chief negotiator rests with the institutions and political parties from RS. I will not interfere in their choice. I absolutely agree with Cavic that chief negotiator should be from the strongest opposition party in RS and that this issue needs to be settled inside RS institutions.”

SNSD leader Dodik: Chief negotiator has to have everyone’s support


Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Dodik: everyone must support negotiator’ – SNSD leader, Milorad Dodik, told daily he is still not certain whether he will accept for SNSD to suggest him as the chief negotiator. “Person who goes to Brussels must have strong support of institutions, and not only of the Council of Ministers, but all. In this situation, with the CoM led by Terzic in which Ivanic resigned and where Terzic’s authority is being question, with Presidency which falls apart, the chief negotiator can only cry in Brussels. It will be Sizif’s job,” said Dodik.  

NN op-ed: Cavic taking advantage of Dodik again


Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘What is Dodik to Cavic?’ by Mirjana Kusmuk – Reminding of previous joint activities of Milorad Dodik and Dragan Cavic, author notes that Cavic has always been seen as winner, making good “score” in his interest. Commenting on nomination of BiH chief negotiator with EU on SAA talks and possible offer to Dodik, she notes that Cavic has no other choice but to collaborate with SNSD and try to win SNSD over to his side in de-powering RS Government. She notes that if Dodik chose to save the drowning person again, he will not gain anything, but instead results of the upcoming elections next year will show.

Oslobodjenje op-ed: BiH path to EU membership long and uncertain


Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Be realistic!’ op-ed by Mirko Sagolj – Following the EC recommendation to open SAA talks with BiH, the author says that after the initial euphoria caused but this news it is time now to be realistic. “Our path to the EU membership of democratic countries is very long and uncertain,” notes the author stating that the situation in the country must first be truly changed. “But, that is certainly not going to be a case. The disintegration forces are very dominant and they are ruling. And as long as that is the case, there will be no internal agreement on any of the fundamental questions on which European future of this country depends.” 

Oslobodjenje op-ed: It is politically mature for chief negotiator to be from RS, but there must not be trilateral negotiations


Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Negotiating with oneself’ op-ed by Zija Dizadrevic – Dizdarevic, generally skeptical about capabilities and interest of the ruling parties to successfully lead SAA talks, says that it was “politically healthy” to insist that the chief negotiator comes from the RS. He also notes, even though Milorad Dodik is in every way supporter of SCG and not BiH, he is a leader of the opposition thus it is normal that he leads the negotiators. However, he notes that one must not allow that negotiations become trilateral “EU – BiH – RS.”

Topcagic about future tasks of BiH on way to EU and BiH negotiator with EU


Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘BiH must be faster and more efficient in future’ by L. Sinanovic – Talking about the EC proposal to start negotiations on the SAA with BiH, Head of the BiH Direction for European Integration Osman Topcagic stated that so far BiH has presented itself as a serious partner to the EC, but he also warned that in the coming period the BiH system would have to be faster and more efficient when passing of decisions and regulations is in question. Talking about the capabilities that a future BiH negotiator for integration in the EU should have Topcagic reminded that the negotiator should be well familiar with the situation in BiH and with the European politics. Also, the BiH negotiator should have negotiating skills etc.  

EC CARDS-funded projects to strengthen BiH institutions launched


RHB, Pink, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘BiH needs stronger institutions to join EU’, Nezavisne Novine pg 11 ‘EURO 1.6 million for training of staff’ by M.Cubro  – Eight projects in BiH, worth approximately 1,6 million Euros, will be financed from the European Union CARDS funds; those projects are the part of “Twining Light Programme”, which is intended for improving the implementation of European standards and enhancing BiH institutional capacities. On this occasion, BiH Directorate for European Integration organized the first “Twining Light Forum” on Monday in Sarajevo. “We have conducted an investigation in order to find out if our institutions are prepared for all those things they would have to do during the stabilization and association process… We have established that it is necessary to enhance certain BiH institutional capacities, and so we created those eight projects in cooperation with European Commission”, said Director of BiH Directorate for European Integration Osman Topcagic. While opening the forum, Head of the EC Delegation to BiH Michael Humphreys reminded that BiH has to adopt dozens of European standards if it wants to become the member of the European Union.

Czech parliamentary delegation visits BiH


Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Without visas to Czech republic with official passport’, by Mensud Zorlak, Sarajevo dailies, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Czech cedes to BiH documentation for EU’ by M. C. – Czech Republic will offer to BiH to accept entire documentation it needs to harmonise with EU legislation in the process of admission to EU, as Pavel Svoboda, the Chairman of the Board for European Integrations of Czech Parliamentary Board of Representatives, stated on Monday. Svoboda met BiH parliamentarians and stated CzechRepublic supports admission of BiH to EU. Deputy Chairman of BiH Parliamentary Commission for European Integrations, Vinko Radovanovic, said Czech parliamentarians promised help to educate personnel from BiH.

BiH Presidency Chair Jovic presents Dayton Anniversary marking program to foreign ambassadors


RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Dayton in the eyes of politicians, scientists, artists’, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Jovic informed ambassadors on framework program’, Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘Scientific session be organised by three Academies of Science and Arts from BiH’ by M.C. – Ambassadors of countries who singed the Dayton and Paris Agreement as well as EU member countries representatives and OHR on Monday supported the program of marking the 10th anniversary of Dayton Agreement. They were briefed on the program by BIH Presidency Chairman Ivo Miro Jovic. The foreign diplomats also expressed satisfaction the Dayton anniversary marking will apart from the political side include scientists, artists and young people.

Jovic discusses Dayton anniversary with representatives of universities


RHB, Sarajevo dailies – BIH Presidency President Ivo Miro Jovic in the name of organisation board for marking 10thDayton anniversary held a working meeting with representatives of Academies of science and art and University chancellors in BIH. They planed joint activities and participation of science institutions in the program that will mark 10th anniversary of Dayton Agreement.

60th UN anniversary marked in Sarajevo


Pink, BHT, Hayat, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘60th UN anniversary marked’, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Firm support to BiH on its road to Europe’ – On the occasion of 60th anniversary of UN, UNDP mission in BiH presented video clips on millennium goals of UN in BiH.  Also, UN presented awards to winners of UN’s photo contest for students. Chair of BiH Presidency Ivo Miro Jovic organised a reception at “Konak” residency in Sarajevo to celebrate UN’s anniversary.

DA on police reforms’ costs and savings


Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘How much police reform is going to cost’ by E. Sarac – DA says that none has ever mentioned as to how much the police reform would cost BiH and according to DA information the Direction for implementation of the police restructuring (that should be established by the end of the year) would submit a bill with these costs to the BiH authorities. OHR spokesperson Mario Brkic stated: ‘According to some estimations after the police reform implementation 140 millions KM would be saved every year. However, during the first phase of the implementation BiH will have to finance single costs that refer on the reduction of the number of policemen and other costs referring to establishment of the unified structure. This is one of the reasons because of which a longer period of implementation ahs been envisaged in the Agreement.’

SDA’s Palavric, BiH Democrats’ Avdic, SNSD’s Spiric, HDZ’s Zoric on possibility to shorten deadline for police reform implementation


Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Spric disappointed since initiative did not come from BiH but from Brussels’ by A.M. – Commenting on the announcement that the EC would send a request to the BiH authorities to shorten a deadline for the police reform from 5 to 3 years, representative in the BiH Parliament Seada Palavric stated that such demand has been expected and she believes that all BiH politicians will have understanding for this demand. President of BiH Democrats Sead Avdic stated that the Police Reform Commission also envisaged the 3 years deadline and according to Avdic this is a maximal period of time within which the police reform should be implemented. Member of the Main SNSD Board Nikola Spiric said that he absolutely supports shortening of the deadline and he added that everything could be done if there was the political will for it. DA inset ‘Sooner the better’ carries Vinko Zoric from HDZ who says that if all options agree that the deadline should be shortened, HDZ would support such stand.

VL: OHR suspends voting on Book of Rules on police ranks


Vecernji List, front pg splash ‘Ashdown stopped law on police’ and pg 5 ‘Caterers and carpenters will not get senior ranks’, by Dejan Jazvic – VL learns that the OHR has suspended the adoption of the Book of Rules on police ranks, which was to be voted on by the BiH Council of Ministers last week. According to VL, the OHR was very surprised when it learned that the BiH CoM had been presented with a proposal of the Book of Rules, which was completely different from the one agreed in the competent commission. According to the ‘forged’ proposal, even candidates who do not have the necessary police experience would be entitled to senior police ranks. An OHR spokesman, Mario Brkic, confirmed that the OHR stopped the adoption of the Book of Rules because it was in collision with the state law on police officials. VL points the finger at former senior security-police officials, who do not meet the criteria to become senior police officials.

VL, SD: BiH delegation travels to US to talk about proposal of constitutional changes; more powers to be given to state authorities


Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘Council of Ministers a ‘normal government’’, by Dejan Jazvic – VL reports that representatives of leading BiH parties will next week be presented a proposal of constitutional changes, majority of which dealing with creation of a more influential and functional state administration. According to available information, the Americans will come up with a proposal that is a result of months long negotiations, on basis of which constitutional principles will be made, which should be eventually signed by the members of BiH Presidency on the 10th anniversary of the DPA. According to the proposal, there should be one BiH President, who would be elected in the BiH Parliament, however it is yet unclear whether the President would have one or two deputies or none whatsoever. The State Parliament would have a more important role, namely the House of Representatives, whilst competencies of the House of Peoples would decrease, especially with regards to invocation of the vital national clause. The BiH CoM would become the BiH Government with more power and more ministries (resources, healthcare, trade, agriculture), whilst the chairman of the future Government would have a similar position/status of any EU prime minister.

Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 19 ‘Parties ‘tailoring’ constitution in America’, by Zlatko Tulic – Notes that representatives of 8 parties left for Washington on Sunday to talk about the enactment of a new BiH Constitution. Representatives include Mirsad Ceman (SDA), Beriz Belkic (SBiH), Jozo Krizanovic (SDP), Mate Bandur (HNZ), Zeljko Mirjanic (SNSD), Slobodan Nagradic (PDP), Mile Lasic (HDZ) and Mladen Bosic (SDS). Krizanovic believes that the talks will result in constitutional changes that will ensure a bigger and more efficient BiH Parliament comes to be, a stronger state level government and different type of BiH Presidency. Bandur reckons that statements of political parties made in Sarajevo do not count, because it will be a different story in Washington . SD concludes it means that the negotiators are in for some pressure and ‘twisting of arms’ if necessary.

SD reveals HSP’s proposal of constitutional changes: Provinces instead of entities


Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 10 ‘Croats to have majority in two provinces’, by Jasna Babic – SD reveals a proposal of constitutional changes for BiH, which was prepared by the Croatian HSP. The proposal foresees the abolishment of entities and establishment of eight cantons/provinces, which would have broad authorities/self-government. SD notes that the RS would be divided into at least two, even three provinces, whilst Croats would form majority in at least two provinces. Military, police, economy, judiciary, finances would be state-governed, whilst the future provinces would be in charge of education, media, culture etc.

DL op-ed on constitutional changes: Leaders of SDA, HDZ, SDS yet to meet


Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Constitutional changes’, by Ivica Glibusic – Carries an op-ed in which the author comments on the announced constitutional changes in BiH. Glibusic reckons that the preparations have been taking too long for the ordinary people to take the changes seriously, noticing that the three leading national parties’ leaders, namely Sulejman Tihic, Dragan Covic and Dragan Cavic are yet to meet and discuss the issue. As for the role of the Croat parties in the whole scheme, Glibusic reiterates that there is no consensus among them, whilst the HDZ is burdened with internal conflicts, which in turn cannot bring anything good for the BiH Croats.

VL op-ed on constitutional changes: Politicians are not keen to introduce EU standards


Vecernji List, pg 4 ‘Why do we need EU?’, by Radoslav Dodig – Talking about BiH’s aspirations to join the Euro-Atlantic integration, the EU in particular, Dodig reckons that politicians in BiH are not particularly keen on joining the EU, because membership in the EU, among other issues, means that certain rules will have to be upheld and implemented, such as rules that speak that all citizens are equal under the law and that high officials cannot use state cars and mobile phones “to phone the mother-in-law or mistress”.

GS on constitutional changes


Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Constitution is not for chitchat’ by Z.Markovic – Commenting on issue of change of BiH Constitution and talks on this issue led by Donald Hays, daily notes that it contains many elements showing talks are too far away from seriousness, criticizing the fact that only one of three representatives from RS (Mladen Bosic, Zeljko Mirjanic and Slobodan Nagradic), namely Mirjanic,is the expert in the field. Daily carries comments of Petar Kunic, Krstan Simic, Momcilo Novakovic and Gavrilo Antonic sharing the view that Hays’ group is not writing a new Constitution, but just collecting views of political parties and discussing possible solutions. Furthermore, Haya’ group has no powers to change Constitution. They all agree experts from the field should be appointed by authority, not parties.

PDP leader Ivanic on change of BiH Constitution


Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘BiH constitution needs to be changed’ by N. N. – Minister of Foreign Affairs and PDP leader Mladen Ivanic has stated that BiH Constitution should be changed in part regarding the election of Presidency and number of delegates at BiH Parliament. He also stated there is no consent in BiH with regard to dilemma on whether the institution of president should be introduced or not.

SRS Mihajlica opposing changes of BiH Constitution


Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Public needs to know’ by D.Mo., Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘Proposals on President and BiH Government are unacceptable’ by SrnaSRS Chairman Milanko Mihajlica on Monday assessed the statements on establishing the institution of president and Government of BiH through constitutional changes were unacceptable and he noted this would lead to uniting of BiH. He also said there is no need to abolish BiH Presidency, as well as that the excuse on non-functioning of the current composition of CoM cannot be used as a reason to transform it to a government of BiH. He criticized SDS, PDP and SNSD for entering talks on constitutional changes without having had prior consultations with legal experts or people.

SCG Vukicevic comments on Terzic’ statement in Geneva – Advisor Filipovic explains Terzic’ statement


Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Vukicevic surprised with Terzic’s statements’ by Srna, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Strange stances’, EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘Fear from radicals, not Serbia’ by SRNA – SiCG Ambassador to BiH Stanimir Vukicevic has stated he was surprised with the statement of CoM Chairman Adnan Terzic, who said ‘BiH is facing a danger from Serbia’. Vukicevic said that progress achieved so far in bilateral cooperation proves the opposite and he said such a claim is not justified. Terzic’s Advisor Bojan Zec Filipovic has stated that Terzic did not want to say that BiH is facing a danger from Serbia but ‘he pointed on the fact that 1,3 million people in that country voted for the party of Hague indictee Vojislav Seselj at the last elections’. Dnevni Avaz pg 4 also carried Zec Filipovic’s statement.

Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Strange stances’ by Srna, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 also carried Vukicevic’s statement.

RS Democratic Party criticizes Terzic’ statement re. Serbia in Geneva


Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Time for him to be removed’ by Ml. S. – RS Democratic Party on Monday stated it was astonished with the statement of CoM Chairman Adnan Terzic and demands from CoM to say whether this statement was agreed upon. DS stated if this statement had been agreed upon, then it would demand from Serb members of CoM to resign immediately. ‘If Terzic had presented such stances by his own will, without a consent of Ministers, then we demand from BiH Parliament to include this issue in its agenda and vote no confidence in him’, the party stated.


Economic/Social Issues/Education

Energopetrol re-capitalization affair: political parties request parliamentary debate



















Dnevni Avaz cover pg splash ‘Hadzipasic does not speak the truth’, pg 2 ‘As if Premier suffered from amnesia!’ by M.Kukan – In a response to accusations Ahmet Hadizpasic, F BiH Premier, presented in interview he had recently gave to daily  (when he said that Gavrilo Grahovac, F BiH Vice Premier, had seven months to offer a concept of restoration of “Energopetrol” company), Grahovac says: “First of all, Premier does not speak the truth or as if he suddenly suffered amnesia. In an interview to your paper, he said I had had seven months to offer concept of restoration, and I failed to do that. It is not true. I had much more months at disposal, but he and other members of the Government also had it together with me.” Reminding that F BiH Government in January 2004 accepted programme of restoration of “Energopetrol” and acted in line with this commitment until January this year, when issue of restoration was set aside and issue of election of strategic partner surfaced. He is also convinced that an extraordinary session of F BiH Parliament would convene to discuss this issue. He underlines he had proposed to Government six or seven months ago to urgently replace management and director of the firm, which was the only way to restoration. He accuses the F BiH Ministry of Finance of having obstructed the programme of restoration. According to inset ‘Political or personal interests’, Grahovac does not believe decision of F BiH Government on “Energopetrol” was grounded on personal, but instead of political interests or political bargains on the issue.

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘A joint management for Terminals and “Energopetrol” demanded’ – Mirnes Ajanovic, BOSS President and F BiH MP, has handed a brief analysis on the situation within oil economy in BiH and measures aimed at restoring “Energopetrol” company, including immediate termination of further activities related to re-capitalisation of “Energopetrol”.

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Government passes suspicious privatisation decisions instead of audits’ – Miro Lazovic, SDU BiH Vice President and HoP’ delegate, has addressed a demand to HoP’ Chairperson Slavko Matic demanding inclusion of discussion on “Energopetrol” into agenda of the 28th October session of this House.

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘SDP calls on judiciary to conduct investigation and decide on destiny of those responsible at Government’, Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘’Energopetrol’ case in the Federation Parliament?’, by De. L. SDP of BiH released a press statement, demanding from F BiH Parliament to order F BiH Government to suspend further activities related to privatisation of “Energopetrol” until it is fully restored, financial investigation on debts is conducted and activities aimed at resolving the status of the property of this firm in Croatia are carried out.

Not a single case of avian flu has been recorded in BiH so far


Pink Ljubisa Davidovic – After avian flu cases have been discovered in neighbouring Croatia , experts claim that it is just a matter of days when this mysterious disease will be discovered in BiH. State Veterinary Office confirmed on Monday that until now not a single case of avian flu has been recorded in BiH. The import of birds, poultry eggs and meat from Croatia has been prohibited, and the measures for preventing avian flu in BiH include the obligatory disinfections at all border crossings with Croatia.

RHB, BHT, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Sarajevo dailies, Dnevni List pg 4, mentioned on cover ‘Veterinarians work as if bird flu appeared’ by A. Vrebac and pg 5 ‘Disinfections of cars coming from Republic of Croatia’ not signed, Vecernji List pg 6 ‘Drama at border crossing’ mentioned on cover ‘Nasice new focus of infection, panic at BiH border’ by F. Matic, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 19 ‘16000 vaccines ‘snapped up’ ‘ by F. Mioc, pg 22 ‘Cautiousness is necessary but not sensation’ by I. Dzajic, last pg Sarajevo: Not a single case of bird flue has been recorded in BiH’ by F also covered the issue.

SD on supervision of banks


Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 16, mentioned on front ‘Central bank cannot get through in RS’, by Emir Felic – Regarding the opposition of the RS Government to transfer the issue of supervision of banks to the state level, under the supervision of the BiH Central Bank, the daily notes that the opposition comes despite the fact that the BiH Development Strategy, which was signed by the entity governments, foresees that the supervision of banks is to be transferred onto the BiH Central Bank. President of Steering Board of Association of BiH Banks, Mirsad Letic, notes that many elements argue that the supervision should be done at the state level.

Municipalities in FBiH fear of introduction of VAT


Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Teachers in schools to be left without salaries?’, by Dario Pusic – According to DL, municipalities in the FBiH fear that they could be losing many public revenues when the VAT comes into force on January 1, 2006. Namely, since there is no law on allocation of public revenues, municipalities fear they could lose a big part of the current revenues i.e. that a great deal of revenues would end up at more senior levels of authority, which could have a bad effect on beneficiaries of municipal budgets.

Bukejlovic visits Eastern Sarajevo, meets with heads of RS universities


RTRS Branka Kusmuk – RS PM Pero Bukejlovic visited Eastern Sarajevo on Monday. He and RS Education Minister Milovan Pecelj met on Monday night with chancellors of Banja Luka and Eastern Sarajevo University. Reporter comments that one of the topics will surely be dismissal of Radomir Lukic, dean of Law Faculty.  Bukejlovic also met with members of local communities in Eastern Sarajevo. He stressed that RS Government will pay 800 000 KM to housing cooperative Soko so it can finally finish the apartments intended for veterans and families of killed soldiers. Bukejlovic also visited hospital in Eastern Sarajevo and officially opened student home in Lukavica.

Croat children began to attend classes in Zepce


Dnevni List pg 7 ‘Croat children began to attend classes in Zepce’ by I. Rozic – Croat pupils in primary and secondary schools in the Zepce Municipality returned to their classes on Monday after a two-week boycott. DL reminds that parents of the Croat children decided on the boycott of the classes since the 9-year primary school education has been postponed in all schools with the Croat curriculum apart from those in Zepce.

BiH Education Ministers meet at Siroki Brijeg, no RS representative attended


Dnevni List, pg 9 ‘Republika Srpska against education reform!?’, by Lj. Vidacak – The fourth meeting of coordination of BiH education ministers took place at Siroki Brijeg on Monday, however the meeting was not attended by the RS Education Minister, Milovan Pecelj. Ministers discussed many issues, including Proposal of law on education agency, and they all agreed that the Law on elementary and secondary education has to be implemented everywhere. The meeting also discussed problems related to opening of colleges from Serbia and Montenegro in BiH, since they do not have the necessary permit from the BiH Ministry of Civil Affairs. Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘New breed of college undermine reputation of diplomas’, by D. Ivankovic also report on the meeting.



Low percentage of those paying RTV fee reason for public broadcasters’ debt – management



BHT, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Trade unions’ demand unacceptable’, Dnevni Avaz pg 10 – Public Broadcasting Service and FBiH Radio-Television General Directors Drago Maric and Jasmin Durakovic addressed public on Monday: they both confirmed that debt of the broadcasters exists, but stressed that the main reason for this debt is the fact that only about 53 percent of BiH citizens pay RTV fee. Maric and Durakovic hope that there will be no strike, because broadcasting of the programme must not be interrupted. Maric assessed the PBS trade union demand for payment of three backlog salaries by November 15 this year as unrealistic and unacceptable.

CRA: CoM decision on transferring CRA funds to PBS account untenable and illegal


Pink – On the October 21st, BiH Council of Ministers decided to transfer one million and 156 thousand KM of Communications Regulatory Agency surplus income to the BiH Public Broadcasting Service account; this money is intended for financing BH TV 1 and BH Radio 1 satellite programme. But, as CRA source confirmed for TV Pink, this CoM’s decision is untenable, and BiH Minister of Communications and Transport Branko Dokic is responsible for this “illegal transfer”. Decision was made without CRA concord, and at the time when CoM should discuss the CRA request to use that money for purchasing equipment necessary for media monitoring, CRA Director Kemal Huseinovic confirmed.

BiH Minister Dodkic denies CRA claims


BHT, Pink, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Decision was passed by Council of Ministers’, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Ignorance behind accusations’ by N.Zelenovic – BiH Minister for Transport and Telecommunications Branko Dokic negatively criticized the state+-ment of CRA Director Kemal Huseinovic, who accused Dokic of being responsible for transfer of 1 million KM from CRA’s bank account to accounts of BHT1 and BH Radio. As Dokic explained, BiH Council of Ministers can decide how to use the surplus money without prior approval of CRA.

CRA decided to fine four media including RTV BN from Bijeljina for violating CRA regulations


Hayat Elma Kazagic – Communications Regulatory Agency General Director Kemal Huseinovic decided to fine four media, including RTV BN from Bijeljina, for violating CRA regulations. BN Television would have to pay 5,000 KM for violating the codex on editing the radio and television programme; NTV Hayat reporter speculates that the punishment should have been more severe, because a lot of falsehood has been told in the controversial show Puls, including the lie that BiH is a gathering point for Islamic terrorists. In addition to that, CRA Broadcasting Sector Director Dunja Mijatovic confirmed for NTV Hayat that numerous and “unprecedented” pressures were exerted upon the workers of CRA after opening this case. In the same time, BiH Minister of Communications and Transport Branko Dokic has no words of support for CRA; instead, he is deciding what should be done with CRA money. On the October 21st, BiH Council of Ministers decided to transfer one million and 156 thousand KM of Communications Regulatory Agency surplus income to the BiH Public Broadcasting Service account. Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Penalties began to fly’ also covered the issue.



SDS improves internal organization to eliminate HR suspicions they are funding war crime indictees


Hayat, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘OHR expected to re-consider their decisions’, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘SDS asks from OHR to de-block accounts’, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Money under control’ by D.M.SDSannounced on Monday that it has carried out certain changes in its internal organization to eliminate High Representative Paddy Ashdown’s suspicions that its funds are used for financing persons indicted for war crimes. SDS hopes that now OHR would reassess its earlier decisions and allow this party to gain an equitable legal and financial status as all the other political parties in RS and BiH, is said in the SDS statement.

Update to SDS Doboj account


Vecernje Novosti pg 17 ‘Secretaries paid the bill’ by Lj. Djuric – Refers to Doboj SDS, reminds of two burglaries that have happened in past several months in Doboj SDS offices, after which illegal financial transactions of this party were discovered. At the end, according to the author of the article, two secretaries of Doboj SDS have lost their jobs and. Concluding the article, the author says it is difficult to estimate to which extent these two secretaries were responsible for holding money paid to the party by members and robberies, but in any case they turned to be the most culpable persons for everything at the end.

SD: BiH/ SCG citizen suspected of planning terrorist attack released from custody


Slobodna Dalmacija, front pg splash and pg 18 ‘Man from Sandzak with explosives released from custody by police’, by Zlatko Tulic – With regards to the arrest of three people suspected of preparing a terrorist attack in Sarajevo, SD reports that one of the suspects, a BiH citizen with origins from Sandzak, has been released from custody. SD reminds that the media reported that explosives, arms and other military gear was found in possession of a Serbia-Montenegro citizen, arguing it is him who has been set free. Edita Pejovic, a spokeswoman of BiH Court , confirmed the release had taken place. SD also reports that some Swedish papers (other two suspects are citizens of Sweden and Turkey ) reported that police in BiH were looking for three more people. BiH/FBiH authorities could not make any comments for SD.