TV news broadcast on
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | TV PINK (18,00 hrs) | BHT 1 (19,00 hrs) |
V. List reporter threatened in BiH | Ivanic signed UN Convention | Update on BiH Serbs arrested in |
Capt. Dragan took part in war in BiH | US authorities on arrested Serbs | UN General Assembly session ended |
Glamoc Croats concerned over police | RS Government on gas debts | Ivanic signed UN declaration |
RS PM expects no sanctions | Business environment in BiH | Update to Olena Popik case |
NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs) | FTV (19,30 hrs) | RTRS (19,30 hrs) |
Ivanic signed UN declaration | Frauds in Bihac and Cazin | BiH signed anticorruption agreement |
Transcript of negotiations on police | Developments in “Elektrobosna” | RS pensioners still to protest |
Unofficial reactions on police reform | Success of shoe factory in Derventa | |
NATO promotion for schools | Bukejlovic on possible sanctions | RS Inmates ask for equality |
Oslobodjenje | Minister Mehmedagic: Natural restitution would cause social unrest |
Dnevni Avaz | Terzic preparing for IMF: We want to build part of highway on our own |
Dnevni List | Boy got killed whilst running across the road (traffic accident near Siroki Brijeg) |
Vecernji List | Features |
Nezavisne Novine | Milorad-Misa Pelemis, commander of RS Army’s 10th special forces squad: We were not mercenaries |
Reforms/Political Developments | |
Bukejlovic on police reform; transcripts from Bjelasnica, expects police talks to continue
| Hayat – Feature by ATV Banja Luka – RS Prime Minister Pero Bukejlovic stated that he doesn’t expect any sanctions against RS or SDS party because of the failure of police reform negotiations, adding that the transcripts of the talks would show what Chair of BiH Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic had suggested during the last session of negotiations in Banja Luka. ATV Banja Luka possesses transcripts of Bjelasnica session and published parts of it in Hayat News. According to these transcripts, Terzic had suggested that the agreement on police reform shouldn’t include many details, and this agreement should be presented to the public. At the same time, the directorate for police reform implementation should be given all details, which would be implemented step-by-step and presented to the public during the next year. In his statement for ATV, Terzic explained that this was not an immoral offer, but an attempt to find the best possible solution. As he said, the proposal of RS negotiation team has already been refused by the European Commission, and RS negotiation team had refused the proposal of BiH CoM. Terzic claims that the details that should be approved on Bjelasnica had already been agreed on Vlasic. According to transcripts, the negotiation teams had asked Bukejlovic to invite leaders of political parties to a special meeting in order to clear the situation and approve the proposal according to which the future police would be managed by a board of directors consisting of Heads of State Border Service, SIPA and local police regions in cooperation with BiH Ministry of Security. The transcript from Bjelasnica also proves that the public and RS National Assembly had been cheated about the defence reform. Namely, Terzic said that the details of defence reform had also not been published immediately. Reporter commented that all details of police reform have already been agreed. However, they would be published later. RHB, FTV, Oslobodjenje, pg 2 ‘Transcripts will show what Terzic had offered’, not signed – Bukejlovic reiterated that the government expects police talks to continue, stressing however that he did not intend to beg anyone for continuation of the talks, if they are to be based on the same ‘take it of leave it’ principle, applied so far. Bukejlovic also announced that report written in shorthand, due to be released soon, will show what was actually offered by Terzic, as a solution at the recent police talks in BHT – Bukejlovic doesn’t expect any sanctions from HR Paddy Ashdown against RS Government or SDS party. |
Ivanic announces meeting with EU ministers on police reform
| RHB, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz, pg 2 ‘Minister Ivanic expects compromise about police’, by VOA, Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Ivanic expects compromise on police reform’, by NINA – BiH Foreign Minister, Mladen Ivanic hopes to see a way out of the present crisis. In a statement for Voice of America Ivanic, who took a part the UN General Assembly session, announced a meeting with EU Ministers to talk about the police reform next Tuesday, hoping that a compromise still can be reached. |
ICG on police reform
| RHB, Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Reform to BiH Constitution is necessary’, by NINA – Recent events in BiH indicated the need for changes, in terms of constitution and mechanisms that could prevent integration processes blocking, says the International Crisis Group. ICG Director for the Balkans region, Nicholas White, does not find position of |
Prominent BiH intellectuals on police reform
| Hayat – Nevzeta Skriljej – NTV Hayat asked BiH artists and intellectuals to comment the rejection of police reform by the RS National Assembly. Professor Zdravko Grebo commented that the politicians who had been elected by BiH citizens, and who obviously can’t agree on the most important requirement for BiH’s admission to EU, should resign and call for early elections. Writer Marko Vesovic harshly criticized the RS public, stating that RS politicians couldn’t accept the police reform, because in that case, RS citizens would have to wonder why they had been killing, demolishing and raping for 3,5 years. Actor Mladen Jelicic Troka stated that the politicians are making fools out of taxpayers and helping the criminals with their decisions. |
Croat parties, association worried over unprofessional conduct of police in Glamoc
| RHB, Oslobodjenje, pg 4 ‘Police in Glamoc place only Croats under suspicion’, not signed – Croats in Glamoc are concerned over unprofessional conduct of police in the Glamoc station. In a press release, HDZ, HKDU, Association of War Volunteers and Veterans, and Croatian cultural association Napredak, say this unprofessional conduct was particularly obvious in a recent incident when a Croat war veteran was detained after a shooting in the town centre, based only on a statement by an almost underage witness. The group have also expressed concern over very bad interpersonal and interethnic relations in the Glamoc police. |
Ivanic signs UN anti-corruption Convention
| RTRS, Pink, BHT, Hayat, FTV, Oslobodjenje, pg 5, mentioned on front ‘Mladen Ivanic signed anti-corruption Convention’, not signed, Dnevni Avaz, pg 2 ‘BiH signs UN Convention against corruption’, by Onasa, Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Ivanic signs Convention against corruption’, not signed, Nezavisne Novine, pg 3, mentioned on front ‘BiH signs Convention against corruption’, by D. Bojanic – By signing the anticorruption convention, BiH has joined a large number of other countries determined to cooperate on prevention and punishment of corruption. The convention was signed by BiH Minister of Foreign Affaires, Mladen Ivanic. In a statement from |
RTRS: President Mesic lobbies for revision of DPA
| RTRS – Croatian President, Stjepan Mesic, has been lobbying intensively for revision of the Dayton Peace Accord (DPA), which would mean abolishment of entities, reports a |
Ninkovic (SDS): It was not only Paravac that made payment to SDS Doboj
| Oslobodjenje, pg 6 ‘Paravac admits to violation of Ashdown’s decision’, by A. Omeragic – According to a member of the Presidency of SDS Doboj, Nikola Ninkovic, when it comes to the Serb member of BiH Presidency, Borislav Paravac, paying money to SDS Doboj’s account, it was not only Paravac that made a payment, there were some 15 other people that did the same. Ninkovic says he is not clear why High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, is raising the issue after one year, however Ninkovic reckons it is because of the police reform. He also added that the money was paid in prior to the 2004 local elections because the SDS needed the money for promotional materials. |
Oslobodjenje commentary criticizes HR Ashdown for abusing Paravac issue
| Oslobodjenje, pg 9 ‘As much as 2.100 KMs’, by Senka Kurtovic – Carries an op-ed in which the author heavily criticizes the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, over his behaviour regarding the failure of police reform talks and the author focuses on the letter that the HR sent to Borislav Paravac regarding the illegal payments to the SDS. “It is incredible how much Paddy Ashdown underestimated this people, when he thought that we would unleash our wrath on Paravac over 2.100 KMs because we will remain the black hole of the Balkans. Nevertheless, when you illegally transfer the state money onto a political party, that’s not good. However, I’m not clear how come Ashdown manages to speak about it only now”, says the author. |
Economy/Social Issues | |
RS Government says BiH debt to
| RTRS, Pink, BHT, FTV, Hayat, Oslobodjenje, pg 2, mentioned on front ‘Obligations for delivered gas are not state debt’, by Fena – RS Government has informed BiH institutions that it will not accept that obligations, which BiH companies incurred on the account of delivered gas from Russia, in period from 1991 to 1995, are treated as external or internal debt. RS Government considers this to be a commercial debt of companies which have incurred it. RS Government demands from the Council of Ministers to establish a commission, which will establish the real debt for the provided gas. At the same time RS Government demands that BiH claims from Dnevni Avaz, pg 10, mentioned on front ‘RS Government would like someone else to pay for gas they were consuming’, by Aj. Delic – The director of ‘BH Gas’, Almir Becarevic, insists that people and companies from Eastern Sarajevo and Zvornik were using the gas from Russia during the war too. He notes that are written evidences that could prove it. |
Terzic: BiH wants to go alone in construction of Corridor Vc
| Dnevni Avaz, front pg splash ‘Terzic preparing for IMF: We want to build part of highway on our own’ and pg 2 ‘Even Swedish ‘Volvo’ wants to be part of corridor Vc’, by L. Sinanovic – In an interview for Avaz, the Chairman of BiH CoM, Adnan Terzic, revealed that the Swedish ‘Volvo’ is interested in taking part in construction of the Corridor Vc by means of providing machinery. Furthermore, Terzic notes that irrespective of all offers, BiH is still thinking about constructing the Vc, or at least a part of it, with its own means. Terzic announces he will be talking to representatives of the International Monetary Fund and ask for their permission for BiH to borrow money for the project. |
Hayat: BiH not using its advantages to attract foreign investors
| Hayat – By Dragica Tojagic– Recently published research of the World Bank showed that on the list of most attractive business countries, BiH has taken 87th place out of 155 in total, where only |
Employment Bureaus: Unemployment rate in BiH at 44,5%
| Hayat – By Ljubisa Davidovic– According to data of Entities’ Employment Bureaus and Brcko District Employment Office, BiH has 640 thousands of employed and 503 thousands of unemployed people. When compared to total number of working people, unemployment rate in BiH is about 44. 5%, which is the highest rate marked in any of European countries since the World War II. Professor of Faculty of Economics in Banja Luka, Borislav Bijelic stressed that these data are even worse, being that mentioned numbers aren’t made on the structure of employed, explaining that certain areas have large number of employed citizens in administrative and state institutions and that some companies which still haven’t been privatized, have high number of surplus workers, who will be unemployed after the privatization. Bijelic stressed that there are many reasons for this kind of situation, stressing that we can start with unsuitable ownership structure in companies, being that state is majority owner in many of them. Bijelic stressed that there are solutions for this as immediate creation of more favourable business environment and acceleration of privatization process. |
RS Ministry of Labour says protests of pensioners are unfair
| Pink, FTV, RTRS, Nezvisne Novine, pg 3 ‘Announcement of protest of pensioners an unfair act’, by D. B. – RS Ministry of Labour and Veterans has issued a statement regarding the announced protests of pensioner for September 26th when pensioners will ask for increase of pensions, in which the Ministry says that this announcement is incorrect and unnecessary in time of hardest political decisions that the Government is faced with. Ministry stated that they are aware that pensioners, as well as all RS citizens, are living hard, but the Ministry stresses that in last year pensions were increased by 14%. BHT – RS Government stated that the protests of pensioners are illegal and incorrect. |
BHT feature story on Bosanski Brod Oil Refinery’s problems
| BHT – Zoran Sarenac – Because of devastating financial problems, RS Government is seeking for a new strategic partner for Oil Refinery in Bosanski Brod. According to unofficial sources, the new partner might be “MOL” company. RS Minister for Economy Miladin Gligoric stated that the Government has been negotiating with many companies. Economic experts and workers of the Oil Refinery believe that the currently valid contract with “VITOL” is harmful for the refinery. This contract was signed by former RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic. Mikerevic admitted that the contract is harmful for the Oil Refinery, but he also claims that the contract is bad for “VITOL” too. Because of this contract, Oil Refinery is paying off the mortgage of almost 17 million KM. |
FTV feature story on problems in ‘Elektrobosna’ of Jajce
| FTV – By Nadja Ridzic– Employees of “Elektrobosna” from Jajce, are still warning about frauds in this company, continuing their strike even though 15 members of their |
Minister Mehmedagic on issue of nationalized apartment
| Oslobodjenje, front pg splash and pgs 4-5 ‘Natural restitution would cause social unrest’, by Sanita Secercehajic – carries an interview with the FBIH Minister for Physical Planning, Ramiz Mehmedagic, in which he focuses on the issue of future of nationalized apartments. The minister hopes that a (future) state law would regulate the issue in both entities the same way, however he is not optimistic that the law in question will be adopted very soon, given that BiH is entering an election year. Throughout the interview, Minister Mehmedagic advocates that holders of tenancy rights over nationalized apartments should be able to privatize them. |
War Crimes | |
Deputy prosecutor of
| Pink, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz, pg 9 ‘All arrested Serbs were in Srebrenica during genocide in Srebrenica’, by A. Hadzic, Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘Arrested Serbs were in army during Srebrenica massacre’, by NINA, Nezavisne Novine, pg 3 ‘They belonged to RS Army’ brigades stationed at Srebrenica’, by A. S. – Deputy to District Prosecutor of State Arizona, Andrew Pacheco stated that 20 Serbs who were arrested this week were members of RS Army, but he added that authorities do not claim that they have committed war crimes. Pachenko also stated that information on their whereabouts was provided by the ICTY and that they were members of the RS Army during the July of 1995, when massacre over Bosniaks was committed in Srebrenica. It was stated that thirteen of them will face federal charges, while other seven will face interrogations on deportation. BHT – Members of Association “Mothers of Srebrenica and Zepa Enclave” claim that the names of the arrested persons are well known to them, adding that most of them were soldiers of Drina Corps of RS Army. Zumra Sehomerovic said that the arrested persons may not be war criminals, but they surely can provide valuable information on war crimes committed in Srebrenica. Reporter commented that there are many similar cases in the |
NN: Testimony by former commander of RS Army’s special unit about events in Srebrenica
| Nezavisne Novine, front pg splash ‘We were not mercenaries’ and pgs 8-11 ‘We were professionals, not mercenaries’, by Dragan Risojevic – Carries an interview with former commander of RS Army’s 10Th special forces squad, lieutenant Milorad-Misa Pelemis, in which he talks about his unit’s engagement in Srebrenica and accusations against him and the unit regarding involvement in war crimes. Pelemis denies that he ordered killings, saying he ordered his unit not to kill POWs and civilians. Furthermore, he says that he wanted to shed a light on events from Srebrenica, however he was told by someone in senior structures in the RS military to stay silent. Pelemis notes he is willing to reveal details to ICTY investigators. |
Judicial Affairs | |
Sentences in Popik case passed, NGOs warn of mild sentences
| BHT – Mirela Cosic – After death of prostitute Olena Popik, four persons had been accused of trafficking of girls from |
Update to lawsuit against RS Chief Auditor Ceko | BHT – Boris Gagic – “Elektroprivreda RS” raised lawsuit against RS Chief Auditor Bosko Ceko, demanding compensation in amount of 1 million KM for damaging the reputation of the company. EPRS decided to raise the lawsuit after publishing of audit report, which found out that, due to bad management, EPRS failed to make a profit of up to 226 million KM. EP is also upset over Ceko’s claims that he could have got bags full of cash if he had changed the audit report. Ceko stated that the audit report has obviously caused strong reactions, but he is convinced that the report is correct. EP claims that the data showed in the report is mistake caused by weak knowledge of auditors on accounting system of the company. OHR Spokesperson |