
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 18/3/2004



BH TV 1 (19,00 hrs)

FED TV (19,30 hrs)

RT RS (19,30)

BiH Presidency’s session

BH Presidency session

Kosovo violence

HR and MoD on reforms

SDA on FBiH crises

Ashdown on Radovanovic

BH Presidency’s session

BiH Presidency’s session

Vrankic to Grahovac

Packe on MoD

OHR and MoD statements

Protests in Banja Luka

Hays on privatization

Opposition protests in B.L.

Law on Public Bcast

Issues on RS Judiciary



War criminals head police and judiciary?!; Petkovic and Praljak ready for the Hague; Relations between SDA and HDZ under tensions

Dnevni Avaz

Dismissal of soldiers starts in April; Europe is not Islam-phobic; Violence against Serbs and Albanians

Dnevni List

SDA diminishes evident crisis in partner relations; Ashdown: Minister Radovanovic has support of international community

Vecernji List

Cardinal Bozanic: We give support to Croats in BiH; Dead in Kosovo

Slobodna Dalmacija

45 percent of Catholics left BiH

Glas Srpske

Clashes between Serbs and Kosovo Albanians at Kosovo: Seven dead, 250 injured; Kosovo Polje: Hospital set afire

Nezavisne Novine

Clashes in Kosovo: Seven people murdered, 200 injured; Chief Auditor report on Srpske Poste: Profit bigger for BAM 5.8 million; Michael Humphreys:  RS authorities raise confusion about public procurement;  As of today in Nezavisne: Shorthand reports from hearings on “coup d’etat’


Kosovo about to explode: Seven dead in Kosovska Mitrovica, houses burned down in Caglavica; Dejan Miletic: Hague doesn’t trust evidences from RS


Defence and security

BH Presidency rejects OHR’s concerns over SBS Director Kovac





















RHB, BH Radio 1, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Reforms must not be delayed’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘OHRs objections against Relja Kovac’s appointment not grounded’, Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Presidency supported appointment of Kovac’, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Adoption of package of reform’s decisions next week’, Slobodna Dalmacija last pg ‘Slow preparations for Partnership for Peace’, Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Appointment of generals soon’ – BiH Presidency held a session on Wednesday and concluded that the OHR’s objection to the appointment of Relja Kovac as director of the State Border Service [SBS] was not acceptable and that the procedure for his appointment had been conducted in line with the current regulations. Presidency Chairman Sulejman Tihic said after the session that those regulations were also applied last year when SBS director Robert Peric, a representative of the Croat people was appointed, to which OHR did not object. According to the Presidency, the OHR’s objections to the procedure for Kovac’s appointment are unfounded: “We have not received a single serious objection from the institutions we consulted during the appointment procedure. Our legal service and the agency for the state service thought that other, formal objections, were unfounded.” OHR believes that a minimum of legal conditions has not been met in this case. There was no job advertisement, and the appointee does not have the rank of the chief inspector or at least 16 years of experience in the police work. The Presidency also discussed the views of the international officials in our country on the delay in meeting the conditions for BiH admission to PfP. The Presidency members asked the competent bodies to step up their activities and complete the defence reform. Tihic said: “We asked the Defence Minister and his deputies to prepare and table before the Presidency the decisions which the Presidency should adopt in the sphere of the Defence system reform, including the decision on the reorganization of the armed forces in BiH and the decision on the division of the posts of generals in the armed forces of BiH. They should also complete the procedure of the staff employment in the Defence Ministry.”

BHTV 1 – Presidency also demanded from the BiH ambassadors in the countries who are NATO member states to launch activities of diplomatic lobbying for BiH accession to PfP.

FTV – “We want completely, not only to have responsibility, but to take initiative and ask others to be responsible too”, said Sulejman Tihic. Civil Service Agency was asked to complete employment of staff members as soon as possible, and Council of Ministers and entities Government were urged to ensure means for normal work of BiH Ministry of Defence.

RTRS – “We have asked the Foreign Affairs Ministry to issue clear instructions and take additional efforts in lobbying and explaining our position in Ministries of countries, that are NATO member states,” said Sulejman Tihic.

OHR still concerned over SBS Director

FTV – The OHR has raised a number of points to the BiH Presidency regarding this appointment and remains concerned over the integrity of the process used in appointing Relja Kovac as Director of the BiH State Border Service, was announced by OHR.  OHR spokesman, Vedran Persic said that the Law on Police Officials is soon to be in force and will lead to a new selection process for the Director of the SBS. The BiH Presidency made this appointment and further questions should be directed to them, was announced.

Ashdown meets Radovanovic

BHTV 1, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Step towards real reforms’, pg 5 ‘Short deadline for PfP’, Dnevni List front pg, pg 3 ‘Ashdown: Minister Radovanovic has support of international community’, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Run for PfP starts’ – The High Representative Paddy Ashdown on Wednesday met with the first BiH Defence Minister Nikola Radovanovic. Ashdown  described the meeting as positive and added that he was impressed by the Minister’s ideas on ways to make progress. He told Radovanovic that he would have the support of the international community, but that it is also important that the Minister receives the support of BiH institutions, entities and the ruling coalition. Ashdown stressed that appointment of the Minister was a step towards the final goal of being admitted to PfP and EU structures. HR also stressed that difficult tasks are before Radovanovic. “We have two months to make necessary progress and three months before the NATO Summit in Istanbul. Strong co-ordination between BiH institutions and the international community will be required in order to reach that objective”, Radovanovic said after talks. They also discussed cooperation with the ICTY. The High Representative underlined that the arrest of indicted war criminals was a condition for accession to the PfP. This especially concerns the responsibility of RS authorities, stressed Ashdown. 

RTRS – “When we started the race we had so much time, that by now we could enter the be just before finish with average Golf [vehicle]. But the time was wasted and now it takes an exclusive Ferrari to enter the finish line and Minister Radovanovic is that person,” said HR Paddy Ashdown. 

FTV – “I feel as average citizen of BiH who is in position of doing serious and responsible job”, said Nikola Radovanovic. “First thing is to establish the defence system, Ministry of Defence as a unit capable to fulfil its duties, joint headquarters and command”, said Radovanovic about his goals.

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘International Community will assist Radovanovic’ – HR Ashdown also stressed that RSNA Speaker and SDS President Dragan Kalinic was responsible for the delays in defence reforms with his previous proposals for MoD.   

SFOR Commander welcomes Radovanovic’s appointment

BHTV 1, FTV – SFOR Commander in BiH, admiral Virgil Packett stated that the appointment of the Defence Minister was a clear message for the NATO’s summit to be held in Istanbul on BiH readiness and wish to be admitted to the PfP. Packett once more stressed that Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic have to be arrested and that there is no other option. Admiral Packett concluded that the next stop is going to be adoption of the new Laws and reforms in the defence field. Admiral denied claims about intention to connect BiH’s admission to PfP with Serbia and Montenegro. “It is completely clear from beginning that there is no connection with any other country regarding acceptance to euro-atlantics integrations,” said Packett. He added that he security in BiH is on the high level and that reductions of SFOR troops will not influence that. Admiral Packett added that he believed that US troops would stay in BiH.

US welcomes Radovanovic’s appointment

RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘US welcomed appointment’, Vecernji List pg 3 ‘USA offer help BiH in implementation of reforms’ – United Stated welcomed the appointment of Nikola Radovanovic as BiH first Defence Minister.  US State Department spokesman Adam Ereli said that this is a turning point in BiH transformation from a country with two armies into a sovereign democracy with a single defence system, said and added that the USA was willing to help Bosnia reform its defence system. Ereli urged Radovanovic to act fast in carrying out the reform criteria NATO set as imperative for BiH to join the Partnership for Peace program. He stressed the need to fully cooperate with the ICTY, notably in the extradition of the accused. Nothing would be more indicative of Bosnia’s willingness to join NATO than the arrest and surrender of Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, Ereli said.

NATO official on BiH admission to PfP

RHB, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘Even after the NATO, there will be NATO’, Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Admission to Partnership for Peace’ – Officers of the NATO Public Relations Department Jean Arthur Cleff stated on Wednesday that in case of the decision to admit BiH to PfP in Istanbul summit BiH could expect assistance in military issues and could participate in the peacekeeping missions worldwide. He said that it is almost certain that the decision will be positive. He also announced the possibility that NATO Summit will see a decision on the shift between SFOR and EUFOR troops. Cleff addressed the participants of the round tbale on the “future engagement of NATO in the Balkans” organized by BiH Centre for Security Studies at the Sarajevo University.

Nikolic says dismissals in FBiH Army start in April

Dnevni Avaz cover splash, pg 2 ‘Dismissal of soldiers starts in April’ – FBiH Defence Minister Miroslav Nikolic said that the first group of soldiers of FBiH Army should be dismissed at the beginning of April [which is with two months of delay] with severance payment of 6000 KM. Nikolic claims that the delay was caused with the late decision by BiH Presidency, which arrived to the Ministry only last week. Total of 4900 soldiers will be dismissed from FBiH soldiers.


Political developments

SDA/HDZ crisis update





















Oslobodjenje cover, pg 5 ‘Relations between HDZ and SDA under tensions’ – According to the HDZ Spokesperson Pero Pavlovic, the crisis between SDA and HDZ was even further deteriorated after the meeting between the parties’ leaders Barisa Colak and Sulejman Tihic. HDZ believes that “SDA is not seriously interested in solving the issues it has with partners.” He added that the negotiations were in deep crisis. SDA sources claim that this party on Tuesday offered HDZ to continue the talks, but HDZ still did not respond. While SDA hopes to solve the crisis by Monday latest, HDZ claims that this crisis is not only about the issues within the FBiH Government, but within all levels of authorities. In separate inset, Oslobodjenje brings that Sulejman Tihci will negotiate personally with HDZ.

Dnevni List front pg splash, pg 5 ‘SDA diminishes evident crisis in partner relations’ – According to DL’s information, there are still no serious discussions between the SDA and HDZ, and what worries DL the most is the attitude of the SDA which “wants to diminish the more than obvious crisis in partner relations”. In that context, DL got a confirmation from “senior officials of HDZ” that, unless the SDA’s attitude radically changes, there could be deepening of crisis, which could lead to changes in the parliamentary majority or even lead to early elections.

RHB, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘New round of talks on return of HDZ to work of Federation Government’ – Vice President of SDA, Mirsad Kebo, stated to DL that serious talks with the HDZ about the crisis in the FBiH authorities are yet to start. The daily also reports that the Collegium of SDA held a session in Sarajevo on Wednesday, and carries Sefik Dzaferovic, Vice President of SDA, as saying that the SDA has reiterated its position relating to the crisis, in other words the SDA’s position is that the HDZ’s ministers should return to work in the FBiH Government. “We should avoid outvoting on national basis in the work of the FBiH Government, and there need to be great efforts to reach a high degree of agreement”, said Dzaferovic announcing that the SDA, HDZ and SBiH will be meeting in the next two days at the highest level.

Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Talks with HDZ continue’ – SDA Vice President Bakir Izetbegovic confirmed for DA that negotiations between parties would continue.

FTV – Central Bosnia Cantonal Board of HDZ informed their coalition partners that they postpone all negotiations started three days ago until further notice.

Vecernji List pg 6 ‘Anarchy rules in Central Bosnia’ – Carries a press release issued by the NHI Board of the Central Bosnia Canton reacting against the authority crises in this Canton that according to the NHI Cantonal Board emerged due to a political conflict between HDZ and SDA. The NHI Cantonal Board calls on all competent factors to oppose anarchy and alleged agreement between SDA and HHDZ on resolving of the authority crises.

Vrankic responds to accusations by Grahovac

RHB, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Strong statements distract from the problems’, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Politicised statements draw attention from issues in Govt’, Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Prepared scenario’, Dnevni List pg 5 ‘Wrong interpretation of Vrankic’s statements’, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 18 ‘Vrankic: Grahovac is serving creators of Government crisis’ – Deputy FBiH Prime Minister, and FBiH Finance Minister, Dragan Vrankic on Wednesday responded to the statement by Deputy FBiH Prime Minister and FBiH Minister of Culture and Sports, Gavrilo Grahovac by saying that those were only the failed attempt to draw attention away from the problems in FBiH Government. “Statements given to the dailies were wrong interpretation of my claims, on which grounds accusations were made and obviously they were prepared in advance to serve only those who are creators of the events in FBiH Government, and to whom Minister Grahovac contributes,” reads press release issued by Vrankic. On Tuesday, Grahovac accused Vrankic of chauvinism, and that he wished to live in ethnically cleansed BiH without Serbs and Bosniaks.

SNSD invites all citizens for protests in Banja Luka to demand early elections

RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Protests on 23 March’, Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘Over tens thousand citizens to come to protests’– The oppositions strongly claims that the situation in Republika Srpska reached that point when new elections could be the only way out. Demonstration will be held on 23 March in Banja Luka, and opposition believes that citizens from entire BiH, including members of different Unions, Veteran Associations and Killed Soldiers Associations should support them. President of SNSD Executive Board, Nebojsa Radmanovic said that they would undertake in all necessary measures for protests to be well organized and without any incidents. “I am using this opportunity to invite all those participating in BiH authorities to care less about their chairs [i.e. positions] and to check their ratings among citizens,” said Nebojsa Radmanovic.  He pointed that the early elections could be the only way out the crisis for the BiH. “Eventual walk out of the Party for BiH from the power, is the stalemate for with their coalitional partners in BiH Parliament and further clashes between SDA and HDZ mean that Government in BiH doesn’t exist,” concluded Radmanovic.

RTRS – Following the meeting with RS President, Dragan Cavic, the President of Association of families of killed soldiers, Radojka Boric said that this category of the population was embittered with their status in RS and therefore announced they would participate in protests in Banja Luka. Cavic’s Cabinet answered that RS President told Association not to allow to be manipulated by any of the parties.

BHTV 1 – “[Extraordinary elections] would be a waste of time, money and time, and even after [them] we would have to sit down and discuss what will affect process of changes”, commented Dusan Stojicic, SDS spokesperson, to SNSD demands for early elections. Interior Ministry already formed several locations from where they would provide security during the demonstrations, but some media reported that MoI would try to prevent protesters from gathering. MoI denies this.

BHTV 1 feature on upcoming local elections

BHTV 1 – Basic legal conditions for municipal elections to be held on 2 October still haven’t been created. Deadline for announcement of elections is 15 April, and amendments that would ensure direct election of municipal authorities are not being sent to the Parliamentary procedure. In addition, the majority of municipalities didn’t make payment for financing elections. It is still unknown what will be included in the Elections Law, however the Law was sent to the parliamentary procedure on Wednesday. The Law on Mayors’ Elections has still to be adopted. FBiH Government was unable to discuss this issue due to the crisis.

Bishops’ Conference of Croatia and BiH

RHB, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘About 45% of Catholics left BiH’, Vecernji List pg 5 ‘To preserve specifics of Croats in BiH’, Dnevni List front, pg 9 ‘Dangerous and unfair solutions to the detriment of weakest ones’, Slobodna Dalmacija front, pg 17 ‘45 percent of Catholics left BiH’ – The sixth regular session of the Bishops’ Conference of Croatia and BiH was held in Mostar, and on the the current situation of the Catholic Church in BiH it was concluded once again that there is a dramatic situation when the number of Catholics is in question since as many as 45 % of them left BiH due to wartime ethnic cleansing and post-war political engineering. Also, the Bishops stressed once again that the future of peoples and citizens can be realistic only through respecting of the basic principles of fairness and equal position of all 3 constituent peoples and for this reason the Bishops call on representatives of the International Community and domestic authority not to impose dangerous and unfair solutions, especially not to the detriment of the weakest ones. The Bishops also expressed willingness to encourage all structures of the public life in Croatia to help materially the survival of BiH Croats.

Oslobodjenje on situation in Mostar

Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘City Administration without Serbs’ by N. Bise – Two days after the decision of abolishing six municipalities in Mostar nothing “spectacular changed”, writes the author also noting that even the High Rep Paddy Ashdown warned that the results would not be visible at the same moment. Article further reads that judging from the atmosphere among representatives of the political parties in the city, the decision by High Rep yet left to be really tested. Author notes that opinions on it were very different. President of the HDZ Cantonal Board, Josip Merdzo, says he believes that the decision will be implemented entirely. President of SDP Cantonal Board believes that implementation will be progressing, but also expects some difficulties, and adds that out of 7 key people in City Council none is a Serb which has to be changed. As for SDA, the party claims that Ashdown’s decision is “weak and hard to implement”. Zijad Hadziomerovic, newly appointed President of SDA City Board, says that the situation in the city is confusing following the abolishment of the municipalities. He further adds that thanks to HR the powers in Mostar will be in hands of HDZ forever. “We see this decision ass the violence against democracy and human rights. Normally, we will try to change it in legal way and to adjust it to our interests. Citizens rejected Ashdown’s solution, and referendums confirmed this. HR is aware of this, and he eve said that this decision can be adjusted and corrected,” concludes Hadziomerovic. 

DA claims problems in Mostar already appeared

Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘First problems in functioning of the city appeared’ by F. Vele – DA claims that the problems with the decision abolishing six municipalities in Mostar already appeared. Apparently, the works in city administration are not familiar with their functions and what they should do within the new system of managing and offering services to citizens. However, Mostar Mayor Hamdija Jahic says that this was not a result of political obstruction, only a normal reaction to the new way of city’s functioning: “We will try to solve existing problems in the functioning of the administration in the next few days through contacts with former heads of municipalities. That will be hard, but we will try for citizens not to feel it.”  DA also brings separate article [‘Heads of municipalities became advisors’] which explains new structure of city administration.

DL on Mostar single administration

Dnevni List pg 2 ‘How will ‘single Mostar’ function?’ by Arijana Beus – The author argues that nobody is happy with the new situation in Mostar because many problems will rise in Mostar following the High Representative’s decision and March 15, which marked the abolishment of municipalities. According to the author, despite the HR’s efforts, the situation is not simple at all because many people will stay jobless, and on the other hand, many institutions, which were funded by former municipalities, are on ice, since it is not known whether the City administration will be able to afford funding of these institutions, such as soup kitchen, senior citizens’ home etc.

Oslobodjenje op-ed on Mostar

Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Mostar sevdah’ op-ed by Gojko Beric – “The effort paid off, regardless who participate din it. Now, it is up to people of Mostar whether they… continue to live in two ethnic ghettos or they will start to come out of them,” reads the introduction to the editorial that refers to the unification of Mostar city. “How come there were no celebrations on the occasion of Mostar unification? Wasn’t it possible to organize some kind of, even modest, public celebration, including symbolic fireworks, on that day? Wasn’t there anybody in Mostar on that day happy to see bringing down of [Mostar’s] phantom wall of ethnic divisions? Is it possible that only Paddy Ashdown was happy in Mostar on that day? Unfortunately, it looks like it.” Author further concludes that it this is understandable as Mostar is “material, economic, social, spiritual and mental image of fifteen years old reign of the [nationalistic politics], intimidating sample of hatred and chauvinistic violence.”

SBiH and SDU discuss cooperation possibilities

Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘SBiH and SDU will demand early elections’ – Representatives of the Party for BiH and SDU met on Wed to discuss possible cooperation in future. Neither of the party leaders, Miro Lazovic nor Safet Halilovic, wanted to comment whether this was a beginning of the new coalition, but only stressed that their parties had many identical goals.

Humphreys on reforms in BiH

Dnevni Avaz cover, pg 5 ‘Europe is not Islam-phobic’ by Sead Numanovic – In an interview to DA, Michael Humphreys, Head of European Commission delegation to BiH, denied that Europe was discriminatory towards Islam. Asked to comment whether European ‘YES’ turns into ‘NO’, Humphreys answered: “No, it doesn’t. Avis of the EC to the BiH’s aspirations to join EU should be clear. In order to achieve that, it is needed to implement certain reforms. They are being implemented and it is only a matter to what extent each of us is satisfied with the pace. What the results will be in June, I don’t know. That primarily depends on your authorities… Personally, I was very satisfied with the pace of reforms in November and December last year. Than, there was January, a dead month, and in February the speed was a little bit, but not enough, accelerated.”

NN editorial on political situation in BiH

Nezavisne Novine pg 7 ‘Ready for elections’ by Nihada Jablic – The author is writing about the current situation in BiH, saying that over the past 17 months on power, the nationalistic parties have demonstrated their readiness for only one thing: to take care of their own interests and appointments of their supporters at institutions, from which major financial resources could be taken away. She also says that as the elections approach, the masks fall down and disclose the real faces of the political parties. All nationalistic parties have now turned to allegedly fight for the interests of Serbs, Bosniaks and Croats.

DA editorial on Federation of BiH

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Ten years of FBiH’ op-ed by Mirela Kukan – On the occasion of the 10 anniversary of the Washington agreement on establishment of FBiH, author notes that despite years that passed the situation in FBiH is such that “FBiH authorities, which regularly go into crisis and where every now and than someone wants to dismiss the Prime Minister, is the best proof that there is still no enough of competence to implement Washington agreement.” Beside a number of social issues, author concludes also that the “many institutions have no yet overcome parallelism, unfortunately, and that the best example of that is Defence Ministry, which – despite denials – shows that Federation is still divided into two parts: Bosniak and Croat.”


War crimes

ICTY indictments against Praljak, Petkovic







BHTV 1, FTV, Oslobodjenje cover, pg 3 ‘Petkovic and Praljak ready for the Hague’

 – According to Zagreb media, ICTY has issued new indictments against two Bosnian Croat generals, Slobodan Praljak and Milivoj Petkovic. They were reported by NOVA TV to have spoken with the Croatian justice minister Vesna Skare-Ozbolt on Wednesday night and offered to surrender. Zagreb daily Novi List says the indictments are expected to arrive within days. The generals commanded Croat Defence Council [HVO] in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  Media reports have linked Petkovic to the massacre of Muslims in Stupni Dol in 1993, while Praljak is reported to have ordered the destruction of the Old Bridge in Mostar.  

RTRS – According to reports, former President of so called Herceg Bosna, Jadranko Prlic could also be indicted. According to the speculations, indictments against Petkovic and Praljak would be first sent to the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown who will then deliver them to Croatia’s Justice Ministry.

Praljak on indictment media reports

Slobodna Dalmacija pg 14 ‘Am I at fault for not being God?’ by Zoran Sagolj – SD carries Praljak as admitting to meeting the Croatian Justice Minister whom she had met without general Milivoj Petkovic, as many media have reported. Praljak notes that he could not either get a confirmation or denial from Minister Skare-Ozbolt that the indictment against him indeed arrived, however, Praljak reckons that the indictment did indeed arrive. He reiterated that he would go to The Hague if indicted.

Jutarnji List pg 6 ‘Government will ensure surrender of Praljak and Petkovic to The Hague’ by B. Vlasic, A. Plisic – Carries Praljak as commenting on meeting with Minister Skare-Ozbolt: “I talked to the Minister, she told me she assumed the indictments could be arriving (…) I do not know what I could be charged with, but I am calm”.

DA claims 6 new indictments to arrive to Zagreb on Monday

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Indictments against Petkovic, Prlic, Praljak, Sotjic, Coric and Rajic arriving on Monday?’ – DA claims that indictments against 6 persons, related to the conflict between BiH Army and HVO, will arrive to Zagreb on Monday. According to the source from Croatian Government, the indictments will be issued against Jadranko Prlic, Slobodan Praljak, Milivoj Petkovic, former Herceg Bosna defence minister Bruno Stojic and former head of Herceg Bosna Interior Ministry Valentin Coric.

Oslobodjenje: A number of possible war crimes suspects work in RS high ranking positions

Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4&5 ‘War crimes suspects rule over police and judiciary?’ by Azhar Kalamujic – According to the daily, more than 20 perosns that domestic courts could accuse of war crimes, based on the estimate from ICTY, currently perform notable positions in RS police, security, judiciary, some ministries and municipalities. Oslobodjenje further claims that OHR, SCE, EUPM and other IC representatives and local security service are aware of the details information on the officials that could be indicted for war crimes. Daily further gives a number of names of officials in RS structures against who there are accusations for war crimes.

Miletic claims ICTY doesn’t trust RS evidences on war crimes

Blic front pg, pgs 12 & 13 ‘The Hague doesn’t trust evidences from RS’ – Head of RS Secretariat for Relations with the Hague Tribunal, Dejan Miletic, claims that there are few Croats and Bosniaks indicted for crimes against Serbs. Miletic says that The Hague is ignoring the evidence material on the war crimes committed by Bosniaks and Croats provided by the RS. He adds that the main problem is that the Hague communicates with the Federation BiH on regular basis, asking for information on cases in process, while it doesn’t communicate with the RS in the same way. “How can we then not expect that the Prosecution will be selective in processing war crimes? It looks as if the Bosniaks and the Croats are only victims, and that they did nothing wrong during the war,” says Miletic.



Hays visits Zvornik, Bratunac












RHB, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘BiH needs single economic space’, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Companies Vocar and Birac are examples of successful business’ – Principal Deputy High Representative Donald Hays said during talks with Bratunac local authorities on Wednesday that the situation in this municipality, just like in many other, is generally difficult and that international assistance and greater de-centralization of authority are needed to improve economic situation. “A little attention and assistance for those who want changes are needed here, and citizens currently have little power to resolve problems because all the money is concentrated in entity governments”, Hays said. By visiting municipalities Ambassador Hays wished to get informed about local initiatives that drew foreign investment and created new jobs in local communities. “Hays’ visit to Bratunac is recognition of what we have done and continue to do”, Bratunac Municipal Council Chair Refik Bogic said.

BHTV 1 – Hays was satisfied with attempts of returnees to create conditions for self-sustainable return and especially with their union “Vocar”.

RTRS – Hays, accompanied by RS Minister of Economy Milan Bogicevic, also visited a factory of aluminium-oxide “Birac” in Zvornik. Ambassador Hays said that opportunities in this area were numerous, but the way must be find to enable Banks to participate more in this process in sense of sponsoring small and medium companies. He also said that ways must be found to enable privatisation of all companies and that plan must be drafted for development of main industrial branches. Ambassador Hays has also pointed the necessity to create a single economic space in BiH. Minister Bogicevic said that this Factory is one of the examples of successful privatisation.

Humphreys on Public Procurement Law

Nezavisne Novine cover, pg 10 ‘RS authorities deliberately raise confusion about public procurement’ – In an interview to NN, Michael Humphreys, Head of European Commission delegation to BiH, says that the adoption of the Law on public procurement is a key element in prevention of corruption within this field. He stresses that some people from Republika Srpska authority deliberately raise confusion on this issue, because it is in their interest. He says he maintains contact with RS Prime Minister, Dragan Mikerevic. EC Head also expressed hope that an agreement will be reached regarding the adoption of this law.

Dnevni Avaz cover, pg 5 ‘Europe is not Islam-phobic’ by Sead Numanovic – In interview with DA, Humphreys delivered same message as above.

Radivojac: RS will not adopt Public Procurement Law unless it changed

Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Constitutional framework violated’ – Goran Radivojac, Spokesperson of the Republika Srpska Prime Minister, told GS that the Republika Srpska Government will not accept the proposed draft law on public procurement, unless second instance body to settling of appeals is Supreme Court. Namely, the draft law says that second instance body is Board for Appeals, instead of Supreme Court of Republika Srpska as stipulated by Republika Srpska Constitution.

Mikerevic, Biber on privatisation process

Nezavisne Novine, pg. 2, ‘Privatisation has become a privilege of brokers’ – Following the recent statement by PDHR, Donald Hays, who said that a theft is another word for the privatisation in BiH, RS Prime Minister, Dragan Mikerevic also blamed international community for the slowness in the implementation of privatisation process on Wednesday. He said: “Key obstacle to speeding up the process of privatisation are enormous debts of firms. Clear legal norms must be defined to resolve these issues.” According to Ethem Biber, President of the Alliance of independent Unions of BiH, “the principles of theft, corruption and immoral are present in privatisation process of BiH.”


Public Broadcasting

Ashdown, Humphreys urges adoption of adequate PB system Law 


FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Agreement signed by three prime ministers not respected’, Dnevni List pg 8 ‘Harmonize draft law with agreement of Prime Ministers’, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 8 ‘Harmonize draft law with agreement of Prime Ministers’, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘First changes, then support’ – The draft PBS Law prepared by BiH Minister for Transport and Communications Branko Dokic will not satisfy the criteria laid out in the European Commission’s Feasibility Study, the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, and the Head of the EC Delegation in BiH, Michael Humphreys, told BiH ministers on Wednesday at the meeting held at the Joint Institutions Building. Meeting was attended by the CoM Chairman Adnan Terzic, BiH Communications Minister Branko Dokic, and Entity Communications Ministers, Dragan Solaja and Nedzad Brankovic. Ashdown called on Prime Minister Terzic to make sure that the PBS law, amended in order to meet the required standards, is put on the CoM agenda for consideration before the end of next week.

FENA – “The draft legislation submitted by Minister Dokic does not respect the Agreement signed by the three Prime Ministers on 6 November 2003… The EC has made clear that this draft legislation must fully respect the Prime Ministers’ Agreement if it is to have their support. Our recommendation is simple:  amend this legislation to bring it fully into line with the Prime Ministers’ Agreement if you do not want to put this country’s European future at risk,” said Ashdown. Ambassador Humphreys reminded the meeting that PBS reform is one of the 16 specific priorities for action in the Feasibility Study.

Dnevni Avaz cover, pg 5 ‘Europe is not Islam-phobic’ – In interview to DA, Hymphreys delivered same message related to public broadcasting as above.



RS Public Prosecutor says RS judiciary faces blockades










RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Sale of Kristal Banka is priority of RS Prosecutor’s Office’, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Prosecutor’s evaluating audit’ – During a meeting with RS National Assembly Speaker, Dragan Kalinic, the RS Public Prosecutor, Amor Bukic, and Chairman of RS Supreme Court Zelimir Baric said that if the problems in RS judiciary are not soon solved the reforms in this field would fail.  Prosecutor Bukic said that RS judiciary faces blockade, as their debts have compiled, they have no adequate offices and they are working without phone lines and some basic working conditions. He said that those problems would only further increase, as now there is certain number of newly appointed Judges and Prosecutors. Krstan Simic, Chairman of RSNA Judiciary Board, said that main issue was whether Government would provide with the basic working conditions to enable continuation and finalisation of the reforms. Bukic explained that reform of RS judiciary will be over by 29 March. He also pointed that in RS Prosecution works on establishment of special team to fight organized crime. They also met with RS Prime Minister, Dragan Mikerevic who pointed to the importance of this team.

RTRS – PDP issued a statement in which they express their dissatisfaction with current process of appointing judges and prosecutors in BiH, adding that the process is not transparent. PDP says that appointments were made according to the criteria not publicly published, and invited the International Community to make them public, as well as the reasons for decertifying some officials. 

Oslobodjenje on accusations against Mostar officials

Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Charges against Jahic, Orucevic, Tomic, Brajkovic, Rajic, …’ by V. Zivak – Daily claims it learned that Prosecutor of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton received material from Mostar City Administration that accuses former and current leaders of Mostar for different crimes. Source close to Prosecutor said that accusations were made against Ivan Prskalo, Safet Orucevic, Neven Tomic, Mijo Brajkovic, Fatima Lego and Bozo Rajic, former HDZ leader in the region. Same source claims that nobody is aware of who compiled material, except that it come from city administration, and confirmed that prosecution will investigate claims. Allegedly, accusations also include obstruction of city’s unification.