Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 17 February
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (12,00 hrs) | BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs) | RTRS (12,00 hrs) |
HRSchwarz-Schillig visits Mostar | Topcagic: const. changes not cond. | 200 dead in |
Cardinal Puljic received HR | No avian influenza in RS | Jovic on const. changes |
HDZ Bugojno on attacks on Croats | Regional News | US’ Rice on Kosovo and |
TV news broadcast on 16 February
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00 hrs) | TV PINK (18,00 hrs) | BHT 1 (19,00 hrs) |
Miner killed in Han Bila | Miletic on terrorist activities in BiH | EU resolution on BiH Constitution |
HDZ judges murder in Bugojno | 13 drug dealers sentenced | Talks on const. changes next week? |
Jovic sends request to BIH CC | Indictment against Jankovic raised | 13 drug dealers sentenced |
HR to meet HDZ officials | BiH CoM’s recent activities | Invest. on five terrorist suspects |
NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs) | FTV (19,30 hrs) | RTRS (19,30 hrs) |
Mine explosion in Han Bila | One miner died in explosion in Bila | EP adopts resolution on BIH |
Indictment against Jankovic raised | Indictment against Jankovic raised | 13 drug dealers sentenced |
BiH CoM’s recent activities | “Prlic and others” trial staring | Miner killed in Bila |
Stevovic on Karadzic’s supporters | 13 drug dealers sentenced | Twin girls buried |
Oslobodjenje | |
Dnevni Avaz | [EU Parliament] Ethnic divisions are not sustainable |
Dnevni List | Elektroprivreda and Telecom are returning money to citizens (wrong calculation of taxes) |
Vecernji List | Mad cow disease: Third test result awaited for (mad cow disease in |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Obradovic on list for |
Nezavisne Novine | Miner got killed, 18 were hurt [report on accident in a mine in Bila near Travnik] |
Glas Srpske | Lack of understanding for language |
EuroBlic | There is no money for registration of voters |
Vecernje novosti | Features Serbian related titles |
BiH official Topcagic:
| RTRS, BH Radio 1 – Director of BiH Direction for EU Integrations Osman Topcagic stated that negotiations and signing of Stabilization and Association Agreement are currently not conditioned by reaching of an agreement on the constitutional changes in BiH. Topcagic explained that resolution of EU Parliament refers to full membership, which comes in later phase, explaining that the constitutional changes would be obligatory for the full EU membership. |
Cardinal Puljic meets HR Schwarz-Schilling, discusses position of Croats in BiH | |
Constitutional changes | |
EU Parliament passes resolution which underlines necessity for constitutional changes: changes not crucial for
| BHT1– At the session held on Thursday in |
DA publishes main points of declaration: reforms in field of police, intelligence, defence, must continue; HR commended for intention to reduce | Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Ethnic divisions are not sustainable’, pg 2 ‘BiH should enter faze of creating the state’ not signed – The resolution adopted by the European Parliament urges all sides in BiH to continue discussion on constitutional changes, to simply state structures and avoid ethnical division. It also demands from EC and the EU to seriously engage in constitutional reform, which would result with functional BiH. Parliamentarians also urge BiH authorities to complete reforms in fields of public broadcasting, police, intelligence, defence, to ensure full cooperation with ICTY and self-sustainable returning process. Inset ‘Commends to intention of high representative’- Parliament also commends the intention of new HR Christian Schwarz-Schilling to reduce |
SBiH’s Silajdzic, SDA’s Tihic welcome Resolution
| Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘European parliamentarians against ethnic divisions’, mentioned on cover by A.O.– Member of BiH Presidency Sulejman Tihic welcomed adoption of the EU Parliament’s resolution, stressing that it is not directed only toward BiH authorities, but also toward the EC “which needs to understand that constitutional reforms are condition for BiH membership in EU’. Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘EU Parliament demands elimination of ethnic divisions’ by E.Sarac – Founder of SBiH Haris Silajdzic stated for DA that the resolution passed by Parliament was a good thing, since it reads that BiH needs a constitutional model that mirrors EU standards. Silajdzic, who recently was in |
Jovic: EU resolution would boost talks on constitutional changes
| BN TV current affair program ‘Puls’ by Suzana Radjen-Todoric – Referring to the passed EU Parliament’s resolution urging BiH authorities to continue constitutional reform, Chair of BiH Presidency Ivo Miro Jovic stated that it would only boost the negotiations on this issue since up to now they did not result in the desired way. “If anyone imposes the Constitution we will face the long-lasting crisis” explained Jovic adding BIH has this unique opportunity to change the Constitution and much time. Jovic stated that BIH has finally entered the |
BHT1: talk on const. changes might continue next week, but parties still have same stances
| BHT1– According to BHT1 information, the talks on constitutional changes in BiH might continue next week. Parties from FBiH claim that certain compromises have already been reached, and that the talks might bring some results. On the other side, RS parties are still sceptical. SDA leader Sulejman Tihic believes that the solution lies with more pressure from the side of international community over RS parties. “I believe that the EC should change its stance and say that the Stabilisation and Association Agreement can be signed only after completion of constitutional changes”, said Tihic. Momcilo Novakovic from |
Outgoing SDHR Ney: BiH Constitution should be consisted of individual, not national rights
| Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘BiH Constitution should be consisted of individual, not national rights’ by Aldijana Omeragic – In his farewell interview for Oslobodjenje, outgoing Senior Deputy High Representative Martin Ney said that OHR policy is not to interfere in talks on constitutional changes, denying that he spoke with PDP leader Mladen Ivanic on the subject. “Aim of the constitutional changes is moving towards EU integrations. If that can be done with present Constitution, than it should not be changed, but if not, the changes must take place. That decision is, though on BiH internal matter,” said Nay. He said his personal message is that constitutional changes do not only understand strengthening the state, which is the EU principle, but also to abstract ethnic elements from the Constitution, and that it should be concentrated onto individual rights. |
British Ambassador to BiH Rycroft: If politicians do not reach agreement on constitutional changes now then we should wait by 2010 | Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Rycroft: It is long to wait for 2010’ by Onasa carries British Ambassador to BiH Matthew Rycroft as saying that if BiH wants to approach Europe and make sure that its obligations in the area of human rights are met then politicians must reach an agreement on constitutional reforms. He added: “If we miss the deadline for reaching an agreement now, so that it is not possible to implement it by the October elections, the next period when it could be reached would be the next elections in 2010. This is a very long period of time for the country that aspires to become an EU member.” |
Head of EC delegation in BiH Humphreys: ‘Elections must not endanger reforms’ | Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Elections must not endanger reforms’ by S. Numanovic – Head of the EC delegation in BiH Micheal Humphreys stated: ‘The EC is aware of importance of the elections and it does not want to reduce their significance, however it expects that the reforms continue and that nothing disturbs the process of the negotiations on |
Chairman of BiH Election Comm. Petric: if the Constitution was changed in election year, then the elections should be postponed | EuroBlic cover pg splash ‘There is no money for registration of voters’ pg RS3 ‘Money for registration of voters lacks’ by Nedeljka Breberina – BiH Election Commission confirmed for EuroBlic that the next general elections in BiH should be signed out on April 4 and held on October 1. Inset ‘Petric: Even changes to the Constitution can postpone elections’ – Commission Chair Branko Petric said negotiations on constitutional changes, i.e. changes with regard to human rights and CoM, have no direct influence on the Election Law. He noted if the Constitution was changed in the election year and if new rules were introduced, then the elections should be postponed. |
Serbian President Tadic: borders should not be changed | Vecernje Novosti pg 4 ‘Dangerous games with borders’ not signed – Serbian President Boris Tadic, upon the question of a Bonn radio station whether it would be possible Serbs in BiH might ask for a change of borders in case Kosovo is granted an independence, has replied that every people might ask for equal rights other peoples have already exercised. He noted this does not limit only to Serbs in BiH, but also extends to Croats in BiH, Bosniaks in BiH, Albanians in |
NN op-ed: constitutional changes will not be result of politicians’ work, but result of IC pressures | Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘International constitution of BiH’ by Mirza Cubro – The author carries an overview of the negotiations on constitutional changes and says BiH constitution will, most probably, be changed in next month and a half. However, the author notes the changes would not be a result of the work of local officials and NGOs, but it will be a result of pressures of the international community. |
Other political issues | |
CoM establishes Comm. To revise citizenships, Inter-state Comm. for bilateral relations with
| FTV – During its session, BiH Council of Minister appointed the members of BiH Commission for revision of decisions on naturalized foreign citizens, under chair of Deputy BiH Security Minister, Vjekoslav Vukovic. Also, BiH CoM adopted the information on strengthening the system of coordination of the international aid, which should provide more efficient support to the implementation of reforms. BiH CoM also discussed the future work of BiH/Croatian inter-state commission, which will deal with bilateral issues, such as construction of Peljesac bridge, state border issues and property-legal issues. Head of this commission will be BiH Minister of Security Barisa Colak. BiH CoM discussed the granting of status of institution of state importance for six cultural institutions and decided that this status could be granted to |
BiH CoM Chair Terzic submits CoM report on his mtg with Croatian PM Sanader/ CoM supports proposal to form working group to resolve issues btw BiH/Croatia | Dnevni List pg 2 ‘To resolve all disputable issues by May’ by D. P. Mandic carries that CoM Chair Adnan Terzic submitted on Thursday to the CoM a report on his visit to Zagreb. Asked as to why the Inter-state working group is being formed when a working group in charge of drafting the Agreement on Property and Legal Relations already exists and when the Inter-State Council is competent for most of the disputable issues, Deputy BiH Minister of Foreign Affairs Anton Rill stated that the BiH-Croatia Inter-State Council met last time in 2004 and it its work was not efficient, therefore the issue will be raised to the highest possible level i.e. level of state ministers. |
Terzic believes that BiH-Cro Inter-State Commission is to be successful than Inter-State Council for Cooperation /Terzic plans to form same Commission with SciG
| Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘What I have agreed with Sanader I will try to achieve with Marovic as well’ by H. Orahovac carries Chairman of the BiH CoM Adnan Terzic as commenting on his meeting with Croatian PM Ivo Sanader. Asked whether the Inter-State Council for Cooperation between BiH and |
Chair of BiH Presidency Jovic to submit request to BiH CC to determine constitutionality of Law on PBS: Law is racist its deprives Croats of right to national identity
| |
Cardinal Puljic at reception for new representative of | Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘We only want what other peoples have’, by NINA, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 17 ‘Reception on occasion of arrival of nuncio to BiH’, by F, Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Puljic received nuncio’, by kta – During the reception which was organized in Sarajevo on Thursday on the occasion arrival of the new representative of the Holy Sea to BiH, msgr. Alessandro D’Ericco, Cardinal Vinko Puljic, stated, among other issues, that the Catholics in BiH only want what other two peoples in BiH already have, the equality at all levels that is. |
DL op-ed: Position of Croats in BiH is bad, getting worse all the time
| Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘What’s left, President?’, by Ivica Glibusic – the author is arguing that the position of Croats is bad and getting worse all the time, citing cases of outvoting of Croat representatives in the entity and state parliaments and governments. Glibusic does not spare the Croat representatives either, saying they have been incapable of solving the amassing problems, and in that context he commends the move of the Chairman of BiH Presidency, Ivo Miro Jovic, who on Thursday contested the constitutionality of the RTV system law with the |
SDA leader Tihic: HDZ leader Covic promised to support the Law on public revenues | Dnevni Avaz pg 4, mentioned on cover ‘Tihic: HDZ tricked us again’ by M.Kukan – Commenting Wednesday’s meeting of SDA leader Sulejman Tihic, SBiH leader Safet Halilovic and HDZ Vice President Niko Lozancic, Tihic said that HDZ showed no political will for supporting FBiH Law on public revenues, although HDZ leader Dragan Covic previously promised it. Tihic said that the problem occurred regarding location of newly formed FBiH Ministry of Tourism and Environment. |
FBiH President Lozancic: not informed that HDZ promised to support the Law on public revenues | Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘We demand new Ministry to be in Mostar’ by M.K. – FBiH President Niko Lozancic confirmed for DA that HDZ insist that newly formed FBiH Ministry of Tourism and Environment to be located in Mostar. Lozancic said that he was not informed that HDZ leader Dragan Covic allegedly promised SDA leader Sulejman Tihic to support the FBiH Law on public revenues. |
DL comment of HDZ contesting law on allocation of public revenues: IC wants new | Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘International community wants new authorities after elections?!’, mentioned on front ‘Foreigners want new authorities’, by Zvonimir Jukic – according to DL’s sources, the real reason why the FBiH House of Peoples did not adopt HDZ’s amendments regarding the proposal of law on allocation of public revenues (that envision distribution of budget money via cantons, not directly to municipalities as foreseen in the proposal) is the forthcoming elections and the IC’s desire to have new, |
FBiH PM Hadzipasic: Latest crisis was caused outside of this body
| Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Largest crisis of authority until now’ by M.K.– FBiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic stated for DA that current crisis in the FBiH Government was created outside this body, thus the Government cannot solve it. Seeing this as largest political crisis until now, Hadzipasic stated that he believes that, based on agreement of three party leaders [SDA, SBiH, HDZ], FBiH Parliament would pass amendments to the Law on public revenues and appoint two new ministers after which the Government would immediately hold a session and passed the budget proposal for 2006. However, Hadzipasic stated that if Law on Allocation of Public Revenues is not agreed on by then, FBiH would not have finances. |
Mustafa Effendi Ceric attends meeting on disputes over caricatures of Prophet Mohammed | BHT1– As presiding country of the EU, |
BiH Presidency received farewell visit of SDHR Ney | |
HR Schwarz-Schilling to meet HDZ officials | |
GS: Livno Canton authority interprets F BiH Law on Primary and Secondary Education to suit Croat majority | Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Lack of understanding for language’ by M. Mi. – GS claims Serb pupils in schools of Glamoc were prevented from studying on their mother tongue, Drvar citizens are dissatisfied with curriculum for history and geography, while Grahovo citizens say they have to use Croat language and Latin alphabet to fill official documents and forms. GS also claims Livno Canton authority is the main culprit since it rejected all appeals for introduction of Serb language to schools and since it interprets FBiH Law on Primary and Secondary Education (imposed by former HR Paddy Ashdown) in such way to suit Croat majority. |
Heads of IC: top priorities for 2006 is establishment of education agency at state-level | Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Worried about stoppage of reform on education’ not signed –z Heads of international organizations involved in education reform (OSCE, OHR, EC, Council of Europe and World Bank), Ambassadors of Great Britain, Austria and Finnland (presented by Germany) discussed the current situation and 2006 reform priorities in the BiH education sector. They agreed that the top priorities for 2006 should be the establishment of the education agency at state-level and the speedy adoption and implementation of pending education laws. |
BiH MoD’s Chief of Operations Hadziomerovic: BiH in PfP in 2006
| Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘In Partnership for Peace this year?’, not signed – During a round table entitled ‘When will BiH become NATO member?’ held in Sarajevo on Thursday, the Chief of Operations with the BiH Defence Ministry, Ahmet Hadziomerovic, stated one could expect BiH could join the Partnership for Peace program during 2006, whilst estimates say BiH could become a full NATO member in 2008. He also noted that NATO assessed back in 2004 that BiH had met all technical and political pre-requisites to join NATO, except the arrest of Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic. |
Security, investigations, war crimes | |
FBiH Police Admin detains five persons for terrorism, expects from BiH Prosecution to file indictments
| PINK– Director of the FBiH Police Administration, Zlatko Miletic, told press conference on Thursday that the FBiH police has filed reports against 16 persons for suspicion of the terrorism in the last year, adding he expects the BiH Prosecution to raise indictments against five of them, out of which two are foreigners. Miletic said that these persons have been in been put in detention, following their arrest thanks to the information gathered by the BiH Intelligence Agency (OSA). “I believe that we have provided enough evidences and I hope that the BiH Prosecution will file indictments against these persons”, said Miletic. Miletic also said that in comparison to 2005, the rate of criminal activities is in decrease, while the number of solved cases is getting higher, as well as that the rate of traffic accidents is also in decrease. Hayat– Two of the suspects are foreigners Swedish citizen Mirsad Begtasevic and Turkish citizen Cesur Abdulkadir, who have been arrested last October. BHT1, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Enough evidences to accuse five people for terrorists ’ by E. Sarac, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘5 bills of indictment for terrorism in BiH’ by V.R., Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Bill of indictment against 5 persons suspected of terrorism’ by E. Mackic , EuroBlic pg RS10, announced on cover ‘Enough evidence for ten indictments’ by D. Stanisic, Nezavisne Novine pg 5, announced on cover ‘Enough evidence against five suspected terrorists’ by D. Muminovic, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘There are enough of evidence’ by Srna – carried similar reports. |
SD: BiH Parliament prevented transformation of OSA into illegal agency, raises issue of responsibility of OSA principals
| Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 12, mentioned on front ‘OSA will not become UDBA’, by Zlatko Tulic – commenting on the decision of BiH Parliament’s commission to prevent adoption of changes to law on OSA (BiH intelligence agency), which would enable OSA to arrest people without arrest warrants, the author says the decision in reality prevented the transformation of OSA into the UDBA (infamous Yugoslav intelligence/security agency). In light of that, Tulic wonders whether OSA principals, its Director Almir Dzuvo, his deputy Risto Zaric, and Chief Inspector, Ivan Cosic, for whom SD believes they were the ones who were pushing for the changes, should remain in the office. SD also carries a comment by Tomislav Limov ( |
NGOs to organize peaceful rallies to support the BiH’s lawsuit against
| BHT1– Twelve BiH NGO’s are going to organise peaceful rallies in support of the BiH lawsuit against |
RS citizens protested against killing of civilians in EUFOR actions
| BHT1, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Raising voice against killing and beating’ by V. Duka, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘We are not wildlife for hunting’ by S. Aleksic – About 1.500 citizens of Bileca protested on Thursday against killing of civilians during EUFOR’s arrestment actions. They demanded from RS, BiH and international authorities to bring those responsible for killing of Serb civilians before justice. RTRS– also reported. |
SDHR Nay on SIPA’s investigation in
| Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘BiH Constitution should be consisted of individual, not national rights’ by Aldijana Omeragic, Inset ‘Investigation, with respect to independency of |
ICTY: Trial against ‘Prlic and others’ begins on April 25
| Dnevni List pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘Trial against Prlic and others begin on April 25’ by I. Glibusic, Vecernji List pg 2, mentioned on cover ‘Trial against Herceg Bosna begins on April 25’ by Z. Kresic, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 2 ‘Trial against Jadranko Prlic and 5 Croats as of April 25’ by H, Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Trial against Jadranko Prlic and others to start on April 25’ by Sense – The beginning of the trials before the ICTY against Jadranko Prlic, Bruno Stojic, Valentin Coric, Slobodan Praljak, Milivoj Petkovic and Berislav Pusic has been scheduled for April 25. The former Herceg Bosna leaders are charged with war crimes committed over Bosniaks in area of |
SD retells Avaz’s article on Chief ICTY Prosecutor del Ponte bringing new indictments to BiH | Slobodna Dalmacija, front pg splash and pgs 12 – 13 ‘Obradovic on list for The Hague?’, by Dinko Pasic – The article retells ‘Dnevni Avaz’s’ piece from the other day, which published a list of people, who are allegedly charged with war crimes and whose cases were transferred onto the BiH judiciary by the Chief ICTY Prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte. One of the persons in question is a former commander of an HVO brigade, Nedjeljko Obradovic. |
SD criticizes BiH media for irresponsibly publishing people allegedly charged with war crimes
| Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 13, mentioned on front ‘Tsunami by Carla del Ponte’, by Veso Vagar – the author is criticizing the practice of media in BiH, which according to Vegar, are irresponsible when it comes to publishing names of alleged war crimes suspects. Speaking from personal experience (his friend got fired from a foreign organization after his name was published in a newspapers 2004 as a war crime suspect, yet nothing has happened until now), Vegar argues the media should be more responsible in publishing such stories, and should not be abusing the issue for political and similar confrontations and interests. |
| |
PDP Djurkovic says
| EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘When ministers leave, |
SNSD expects
| Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘SNSD called on |
| EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘When ministers leave, |
| EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘When ministers leave, |
SB: Dodik has to take control over finances in RS if wants to win 2006 elections
| Slobodna Bosna pgs 4-5 ‘Why did Milorad Dodik overthrown RS Government and placed himself as the head of the new one?’ op-ed by Senad Avdic – Wondering why the SNSD leader Milorad Dodik risked and overthrown the RS Government only six months before the elections, which he would most probably win, author comments that Dodik is not new to politics, as for the last 15 years he has been in authorities in some form. Avdic reminds that during his previous mandate as the RS Prime Minister from 1998 to 2000, Dodik managed to ‘clear’ many issues in the RS, however he faced the problem at the end of the mandate as the budget was empty, since all public companies – which were the only enterprises with regular profit and incomes – were under direct control of the |
Oslobodjenje op-ed: RS is in the gap between Euro-Atlantic option and obsession with Great Serbia | Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘Neurosis in RS’ op-ed by Zija Dizdarevic – Commenting recent political turbulences in the RS, editorial reads that there are several causes for special political neurosis in the RS: removal of authority half a year before the elections, strong pressure from the International Community regarding constitutional changes, talks on Kosovo status. Author comments that RS is in the gap between Euro-Atlantic option and an obsession with Great Serbia. |
Economic issues | |
Head of FBiH VAT Monitoring Team Tirak: BiH Telekom, Elektroprivreda charged citizens more than 17%
| Dnevni List cover splash, pg 6 ‘Elektroprivreda and Telecom are returning money to citizens’, by Mensud Zorlak – the article is related to press conference of ITA and entity VAT price monitoring teams (covered by OHR BiH Media Round-up, Feb 16), during which the Head of FBiH monitoring team, Ibrahim Tirak, raised the issue of BiH Telekom and Eletroprivreda issuing inappropriate bills to its customers, which charged them more than 17%, which is the standard VAT rate. Tirak noted that the extra money should be returned to the citizens. |
Oslobodjenje: Bosniaks from RS against medical treatments in
| Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘Belgrade ‘closer’ for medical treatment than Tuzla’ by Edina Kamenica – The Head of the Bosniak caucus at the RS Council of Peoples Ramiz Salkic issued an open letter to the |
DA int with EBRD Director: Bank’s investing in BiH to increase, to include private sector as well
| Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘We want to invest in building of Corridor Vc’, mentioned on cover, by Sead Numanovic – In interview to DA, Director of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Aygen Yayikoglu stated that EBRD has invested about billion KM in BiH further planning to increase the amount over the following years. Yayikoglu stated that EBRD is investing into state and private projects, with interest rates of 3, 5 to 4%. Speaking about Corridor Vc, Yayikoglu said that it is the high priority for EU, and that they are ready to invest in the future phases of the project. |
RS Government approved 61 concessions for construction of hydro power-plants in only one day | Nezavisne Novine pg 3, announced on cover ‘They approved 61 concessions in one day’ by D. Risojevic – On January 19, only several days before casting vote of non-confidence in RS Government, the Cabinet of outgoing RS PM Pero Bukejlovic approved concessions for the construction of 61 hydro power-plants, upon a public tender published in August last year. One of the firms that have been approved a concession (“Premar services” from |