Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 10 May
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (12,00hrs) | BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs) | RTRS (12,00 hrs) |
Bijeljina Post Office robbed | Post Office robbery in Bijeljina | FBiH HoR extraordinary session |
SDS on police reform | FBiH HoR in session | Spiric on Tihic speech in Parliament |
Indictment be expanded for “Oluja” | Russia-EU | Croat Demo-Christians PR |
TV news broadcast on 9 May
RADIO HERCEG-BOSNA (18,00hrs) | TV PINK (18,00 hrs) | BHT 1 (19,00 hrs) |
Ante Jelavic released | World News | Marking the victory over fascism |
Jovic’s appointment confirmed | BiH HoP in session | Putin invited to visit BiH |
Plenary session in BIH Parliament | Victory over fascism marked in BL | Fascism, 60 years later |
Bukejlovic on Karadzic | Jovic’s appointment confirmed | |
NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs) | FTV (19,30 hrs) | RTRS (19,30 hrs) |
Drazo Mihajlovic decorated | Jovic new Presidency member | Jovic’s appointment confirmed |
World News | Jelavic released from custody | World news |
BiH HoP and BiH HoR in session | Marking the victory over fascism | Victory over fascism anniversary |
Reactions to Tihic’s speech in HoP | Tihic on fascism | Reactions to Tihic’s speech |
Oslobodjenje | World leaders pay respect to fight against fascism |
Dnevni Avaz | Terror of fascism repeated in BiH in 1992 |
Dnevni List | Jelavic at home |
Vecernji List | Jelavic at large |
Slobodna Dalmacija | Jelavic at large with bail amounting to 500 000 KM |
Nezavisne Novine | Day of Victory over Fascism celebrated |
Glas Srpske | Wounds hurt in Branjevo |
EuroBlic | Karadzic seen in |
Vecernje novosti | Features Serbian related topics |
Srpski Nacional | Features Serbian related topics |
SDS official Despotovic on police reform
| RTRS – Dragoja Despotovic, member of SDS Chair Board, stated at the press conference in Prijedor that SDS will not give up on RS Interior Ministry, Police Director and financing of RS MoI from RS budget even at the cost that IC declared RS obstructs integration processes. According to him, he and other two members of SDS Chair Board from Prijedor, Borislav Bojic and Aleksandar Bereta, will attend SDS Chair Board session in |
Tihic: SDA option is 5 regions | FENA – SDA President Sulejman Tihic stated in Gorazde on Monday: “Our option is 5 police regions with the seat in |
Trial of Dodik, Kondic continues
| BH Radio 1 – Trial of former RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik and former RS Finance Minister Novak Kondic continued in |
BiH Minister Dokic says Vc corridor a top priority | RTRS, BH Radio 1 – BiH Minister of Transport and Communications Branko Dokic says the construction of Corridor Vc is one of the top priorities in the |
Victory Day over fascism | |
World leaders mark Day of Victory over Fascism in
| PINK, BHT1, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 16-17 ‘World leaders pay respect to fight against fascism’, Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash, pgs 4 & 5 ‘Day of Victory over Fascism celebrated’ by Agencies, EuroBlic pgs 6-7 ‘Putin: Victory belongs to all of us’ by Lj.Milincic, Nacional pg 6 ‘Tribute to victims of fascism’ by G.B., Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Glory to winners!’, Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Paravac at celebration of 60th anniversary of victory over fascism’ by NINA – BiH Presidency Chair Borislav Paravac on Monday was member of the procession that entered Kremlin in Moscow at the central ceremony of marking the victory over fascism, together with over 50 world leaders and other senior officials. Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Paravac once again invited Putin’, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Paravac invited Putin to visit BiH’ – During the protocol ceremonies, Paravac met with the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and other members of the Russian administration, and once again presented Putin with an official invitation to visit BiH. |
Tihic’s speech on occasion of VE Day warns ‘some are trying to equalize anti-fascists and fascists’
| Dnevni Avaz cover splash ‘Terror of fascism repeated in BiH in 1992’, pg 2 ‘Evil that Europe won repeated in BiH in 1992’ by Fena, Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘Fascism and genocide committed in Srebrenica’, mentioned on cover, by Vedrana Zivak – The BiH Parliament held the session to mark the 60th anniversary of the Victory Day over fascism. Addressing the deputies, the member of the BiH Presidency, Sulejman Tihic, warned that “some people today are trying to equalize fascists and antifascists. They are trying to present the criminals as victims. We, who are nourishing the traditions of antifascism, must not permit this.”Tihic recalled that fascists had committed numerous crimes in BiH for which the most responsible were, along with the German occupying forces, the fascist Ustasha regime, chetniks movement and infamous Handzar division. He warned that despite its defeat in 1945, fascism emerged again in BiH in the 1992-95 period. “Prisons and concentration camps, 200,000 victims, thousands of raped women, more than 1,000 destroyed places of worship, the genocide in Srebrenica – all this bears evidence that fascism came to life again during the war in BiH,” Tihic said. He said that everything should be done to prevent such an evil from happening again and supported the adoption of a law banning fascist and pro-fascist organizations in the country. BiH House of Peoples on Monday also adopted the result on anti-fascism acknowledging their contribution to victory over fascism. RHB, PINK, FTV, Hayat, BHT1, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Fascism repeated in 1992, Untied Nations tolerated it’ by M.Cubro, EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘Ivanic: Tihic is not speaking on behalf of everyone’ by D. Stanisic – reported on the speech. |
Ivanic says Tihic’s speech SDA propaganda
| FTV, Hayat, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Ivanic criticized Tihic’s speech’, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Fascism repeated in 1992, Untied Nations tolerated it’ by M.Cubro, EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘Ivanic: Tihic is not speaking on behalf of everyone’ by D. Stanisic – BiH Foreign Affairs Minister, Mladen Ivanic, criticized Sulejman Tihic’s speech before the BiH Parliament noting that its aim was to promote SDA and used for political purposes. PINK – In addition to Tihic’s speech, Borislav Paravac’s attendance at the ceremonial marking of the VE anniversary caused numerous reactions in the BiH Parliament. “Mr Paravac is the chair of the BiH Presidency, and as such he was invited to the ceremony and I think that he was obliged to go. I think that it is a tragedy for such event, which presents unity mechanism all around the World, to promote disunity in BiH”, said Ivanic. |
Spiric, Gligoric, Siljegovic agree Tihic delivered speech on behalf of SDA
| Hayat, FTV, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Fascism repeated in 1992, Untied Nations tolerated it’ by M.Cubro, EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘Ivanic: Tihic is not speaking on behalf of everyone’ by D. Stanisic– Independent deputy at BiH HoR, Tihomir Gligoric stated he that Tihic misused his speech to promote SDA. Deputy Speaker of BiH House of Representatives, Nikola Spiric believes that Tihic’s speech is not appropriate for the 60th anniversary of the victory over fascism. RTRS – Bosko Siljegovic, member of BIH HoP, also shares others’ opinions that Tihic delivered the speech on behalf of SDA not the Presidency. Most RS representatives felt appearances like Tihic’s do not contribute to reconciliation process in BIH. |
Bukejlovic: ‘what happened in BiH was a civil war’
| FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘Tihic’s remarks inappropriate’, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Bukjelovic: it was a civil war’, EuroBlic RSpg 3, announced on cover ‘Bukejlovic: what happened in BiH was a civil war’ by R. R. – As a comment on Sulejman Tihic’s statement, RS PM Pero Bukejlovic has stated that what happened in BiH ‘was a civil war’ and added: ‘Tihic should have talked about victims in Jasenovic and Gradina too because victims are victims, they are all the same and cannot be seen in different ways’. |
US posthumously decorates WWII chetnik leader | BHT 1, Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘US presented a medal to Mihailovic’s daughter’, mentioned on cover, by M.K.S., Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘US veterans presented a medal to daughter of Draza Mihajlovic’, EuroBlic pg 3, announced on cover ‘Award was given to Draza’s daughter in secrecy’ by I. Cvetkovic, Nacional pg 3 ‘In the glory of Chetniks and their General’ by U.M., Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 9 ‘American award given to Draza Mihajlovic after all?’, by T. Klauski – On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the victory over fascism, a delegation of U.S. veterans on Monday in Belgrade presented the daughter of general Draza Mihailovic with the Legion of Honour for his role in rescuing US Air Force troops during the WWII. While Mihailovic, leader of chetnik movement in former |
Judicial issues | |
| PINK, FTV, RTRS, BHT1, Hayat, Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Jelavic released from detention’, mentioned on cover, Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Jelavic released from detention’, mentioned on cover, by A. Nezirovic, Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘12 ‘Jelavic released from detention on half of million KM bail’ by A. Malagic, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Jelavic released from detention on bail of BAM half a million’ by A. Durmo, EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘Jelavic was released on bail in the amount of 500,000 KM’ by D. S., Dnevni List cover pg splash ‘Jelavic at home’ and pgs 2 and 3 ‘Ante Jelavic released from detention’ by E. Mackic, Vecernji List cover pg splash and pgs 2 and 3 ‘Jelavic at large’ by D. Jazvic, Slobodna Dalmacija cover pg and pg 5 ‘Jelavic at large with bail amounting to 500 000 KM’ by Z. Tulic – The BiH State Court on Monday decided to release indictee Ante Jelavic, a former Croat member of BiH Presidency and former leader of the HDZ BiH,from detention after 500.000 KM bail was paid. Jelavic is charged with embezzling funds sent as assistance by RHB – BIH Prosecutor John McNair stated that he is pleased with the decision of |
HDZ, Colak, Covic welcome Jelavic’s release
| Oslobodjneje pg 3 ‘Orchestrated political process’, Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Welcome decision on release of Jelavic’, Dnevni List pg 2 ‘HDZ welcomed decision on abolishment of detention’ not signed, Slobodna Dalmacija last pg ‘Ante Jelavic’s release from detention welcomed’ by E. Karamatic – The HDZ Presidency welcomed the decision on Jelavic’s release from custody. They also believe that Jelavic was arrested illegally and that the claims about a staged political process against Jelavic would be confirmed by acquitting sentence at the end of the process. Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Colak: First step towards acquittal’ by Z.K. – On the same issue HDZ President Barisa Colak stated that he is convinced that this is the first step towards acquitting sentence for Jelavic. Removed Croat member of the BiH Presidency Dragan Covic stated that the question arises whether it had to take 16 months to start with consistent implementation of the BiH laws, no matter what they are like. |
Trials to Dodik and Kondic start in
| RHB, PINK, FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 10 ‘Defence to dispute evidences’ by O.Vukovic, Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Simic: Thic is political process’ by J.S., Glas Srpske pg 11 ‘Payments were in accordance with Government’s decisions’ by M.Dizdar, Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘The indictment does not contain elements of a crime’ by V.P., Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Trial against Milorad Dodik started’ by NINA,Vecernji List, pg 21 ‘Prosecutor claims he will prove indictment’, by bs– The trial of the former RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik, and of the former Finance Minister, Novak Kondic, has started before the Municipal Court in Banja Luka on Monday. They are suspected of committing the crime of abuse of office, causing losses to the budget of over 6 million KM. Hayat, RTRS – Their lawyers, Krstan Simic and Vukasin Boskovic, said that the evidence put forward by the prosecution was not consistent and that there were no elements showing that they committed the crime. The trial is to resume today when witnesses for the prosecution are to be heard. |
Objections in Covic and Lijanovics case rejected, trial at end of May
| Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Trial of Covic and the others to start at the end of May’ Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘Objections in Covic and Lijanovics case rejected’, by N. Bise – A BiH Court pre-trial judge, Steven Swonson, on Monday rejected as ungrounded additional objections to the indictment in so called Lijanovici case submitted by defense lawyers of former Croat members of the BiH Presidency Dragan Covic and the others involved in the case. The matter has now been forwarded to the competent Court Council of Judges, who are expected to schedule the start the trial for the end of May or beginning of June. |
Political issues | |
BIH HoP confirm Ivo Miro Jovic to Presidency
| RHB, Hayat, FTV, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Ivo Miro Jovic’s appointment confirmed’, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Electiopn of Ivo Miro Jovic as BiH Presidency member verified’ by M.C., EuroBlic RSpg 2, announced on cover ‘Reforms and chairs are shaking up parties’ by Nedeljka Breberina, inset ‘Jovic officially member of BiH Presidency’ by D. S., Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Only one vote against Jovic’ by M. Zorlak, Vecernji List pg 4 ‘Jovic officially new member of BiH Presidency’ by E. Medunjanin, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 8 ‘Appointment of Ivo Miro Jovic confirmed’ by D. Pasic – The BiH House of Peoples on Monday confirmed the election of Ivo Miro Jovic as the new Croat member of the BiH Presidency. The decision was adopted by the Croat caucus with four of its members voting for Jovic while one deputy abstained. Ivo Miro Jovic will replace Dragan Covic, removed by the High Representative in late March. PINK – SDP representative, Tomislav Limov did not support Jovic: “I think that there were no reasons why I should support the candidacy, due to the fact that there was only one candidate, and that it passed the procedure, as well as fact that the candidate was not supported unanimously”, said Limov. BHT 1 – “I believe that Mr.Jovic, along with the other two Presidency members, will succesfully lead BiH”, said FBiH President Niko Lozancic. “I will be at people’s service, all for the sake of building the community of equal peoples and nations”, said Jovic. Oslobodjneje pg 2 ‘Ivo Miro Jovic new member of BiH Presidency’, mentioned on cover, by V. Zivak – Following the request by Velimir Jukic, HoP also discussed the removal of Dragan Covic. Jukic noted that it became a common practice for Presidency member not to stay in their positions until the end of their mandates. Hasan Cengic, accused by the BiH Prosecution for misuse of power, also commented saying that the “stance that one against whom indictment has been filed has to resign creates confusion. This leads to prosecutors creating personnel policy in the BiH institutions.” |
SD op-ed on election of Ivo Miro Jovic
| Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 18 ‘Croat political gastarbeiter in BiH’, by Petar Milos (gastarbeiter – German for foreign workers, commonly used word in BiH for BiH Diaspora in Germany) – Carries an op-ed in which the author comments on the election of Ivo Miro Jovic into the BiH Presidency and writing of the Sarajevo-based press in particular, who labeled Jovic as a rightist. In this context, Milos says it is irrelevant whether Jovic or Dragan Covic are rightists or not, it is important “how they play” i.e. how they do business to their personal benefit. When it comes to the Covic removal, Milos says the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, is now enjoying the result, he expelled Covic from the BiH Presidency under explanation that it was immoral to be in the Presidency with criminal indictment tagging along. |
FTV ’60 minutes’ comment on Jovic’s appointment to Presidency
| FTV ’60 minutes’ current affairs programme by Zvonimir Jukic– Referring to the appointment of Ivo Miro Jovic to the BiH Presidency, the magazine is critical of Jovic’s to date work describing his attitudes as hard-line rightists and underlying he is also strongly lobbying for increase of salaries for BiH parliamentarians. It also reminds that Jovic was elected owing to votes from SDA, and reporter says that his “secret” nomination was a “last drop” especially for Martin Raguz who for many months is an opposition within HDZ. Reported stressed that by refusing to vote for Jovic before the BiH House of Representatives, Raguz has stepped onto the no-return path and he now faces two ways – to either accomplish majority victory at the upcoming HDZ Congress or to be entirely defeated and expelled from HDZ. On the other side, as Reporter stressed, by nominating Jovic, Barisa Colak and Dragan Covic have slapped International Community in the face. |
DL on HDZ inter-party elections: British support Covic, Germans support Ljubic
| Dnevni List, pg 9 ‘Paddy Ashdown and British for Covic, Germans for Ljubic’, by Zvonimir Jukic – Talking about the issue of election of new HDZ president, the author learns from a “senior official of HDZ BiH” that the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, will do everything in his power to help Dragan Covic take over the party. DL also says that sources within the IC say that the British lobbyists and intelligence in BiH are interested in installing Covic because of his cooperativeness. On top of this DL reads that well informed people claim that Ashdown talked to the current HDZ president, Barisa Colak, a few weeks ago telling him that he personally believed that Covic would be the best choice. Unlike the British, says DL’s source, the German diplomacy would like to see Bozo Ljubic as the new president. In this context, DL reminds that Ljubic was supported by the Germans in 1998 when he ran for the same office, noting that Ljubic is the Croatian PM Ivo Sanader’s first choice. |
SD interview: Bozo Ljubic, candidate for HDZ president
| Slobodna Dalmacija, pgs 18 and 19 ‘Croats do not have a leader’, by Zoran Zekic – Carries an interview with professor Bozo Ljubic, who is one of three candidates to become a new HDZ president, which is dominated by him arguing why he is the best person for the office. Asked what he minds against the current HDZ leadership, Ljubic says it is evident that there is no leader in the party, not an outright leader that decides about everything, but a leader that can create a team that can achieve a result, which in turn resulted in good people not achieving their full potential. |
Rifts at political parties on the eve of inter-party elections
| EuroBlic RSpg 2, announced on cover ‘Reforms and chairs are shaking up parties’ by Nedeljka Breberina – Forthcoming congresses of parties are seriously disturbing relations within parties. Although parties claim there are no disputes, the fight for leading party positions is obvious. According to sociologist Slavo Kukic, HDZ represents the best example of a dispute within a party. He claims the party was seriously shaken up after the nomination of Ivo Miro Jovic for the position of the third BiH Presidency member. HDZ Spokesperson Pero Pavlovic, however, claims there is no dispute within the party. The article reiterates a statement of Lukavica Municipal Board of SDS and reminds of confusing statements of RS President Dragan Cavic with regard to the Vlasic talks, and it reads these events have been interpreted as the beginning of a dispute within SDS. SDS Spokesperson Stanko Pivasevic denies there is any dispute in this party. SDA also suffered certain difficulties, since party members have accused SDA President Sulejman Tihic of having violated party statute and misuse of party seal. However, analysts think the situation at SDA is less serious than in HDZ. |
NN op-ed on SDS rifts: Cavic is the weakest link at RS political scene
| Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘SDS cracking’ by Aleksandar Sekulic – The author is writing about alleged rift at SDS, noting that basic problem Dragan Cavic is facing is the fact he has firmly promised to international community SDS would support police reform, at the moment he is losing the soil under his feet. The author notes: “Hence, instead of being a reformer, Cavic has become another failed investment of international community, who has used definitely the weakest link in the chain at the political scene in RS.” |
Update to Stolac: Unveiling of monument to Bleiburg victims tomorrow
| Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Unveiling of monument to Bleiburg victims’ by Z. Peric carries that ceremonious unveiling of the monument erected in honour of Bleiburg victims (Croat victims from World War 2) has been announced fro Wednesday (tomorrow). Slobodna Dalmacija last pg ‘Destruction of national monuments is crime’ by F – The Commission for Protection of National Monuments stated at the press conference held on Monday that medieval tombstones in Radimlja were proclaimed a national monument by this Commission and for this reason all Federation of BiH bodies should involve in resolving of this case, which should be treated as a crime. Also, the Commission sent an official letter to competent bodies and the OHR urging them to take measures in order to stop the illegal construction and sanction responsible ones. Also covered by Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Works in Radimlja are crime’ by H.H. |
Police reform / defence issues/ SIPA | |
Expert police commission holds first meeting
| Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Maps to be proposed by Friday?’ – The expert commission for drawing up maps of police regions in BiH agreed at its session in BHT1, FTV, PINK, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Proposals on police maps by the end of this week’ by M.Cubro, EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘Brewing until May 12’ by Dusanka Stanisic, Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Possible new proposals of organization of police’, by D. Kozina, Vecernji List, pg 5 ‘Disagreements and differences among members of expert group’, by ra– Hadzic believes that this expert Commission will not be able to reach an agreement, which is why the political parties will have to finish this job at the continuation of Vlasic meeting. Matijasevic said that it was agreed for the Commission to continue the work on Thursday, on May 12. RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘New meeting on 12 may’ by E. Sarac – Following the meeting, RS Interior Minister Darko Matijasevic stated that RS, FBIH and BIH constitutions are not obstacles to reach final optimal solution for the security sector in BIH. Hayat – Matijasevic also once again pointed out that RS Interior Ministry will survive: “We are ready to negotiate all issues based on constitutional-legal authorities that the entities have as well as on BiH Constitution”, said Matijasevic. “During the session, several basic elements have been agreed on, and these elements will be tried to be implemented on Thursday”, said Hadzic not disclosing what are those agreed things about, adding that the Commission still has not elected the Chair. |
11 SDS Boards not to support police reform
| RTRS, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Vlasic descending’ by S.S. – Session of SDS Main Board is scheduled for Tuesday. City Board of SDS Eastern Sarajevo denies allegations that separate announcements regarding police reform in BiH of SDS Lukavica municipality and town board point towards the party rifts. SDS Eastern Sarajevo expects that their positions will be supported at the session of SDS Main Board. Radmilo Golijanin Chair of SDS Eastern Sarajevo stated that rumours of party dispute are untrue. Golijanin says that they support their colleagues from SDS Lukavica. SDS Eastern Sarajevo stresses that only RS citizens can decide on the change of RS and BIH Constitution and add that police forces in BIH need to be reformed within Dayton Agreement. Nezavisne Novine pg 6, announced on cover ‘SDS delegates from east informed Cavic they would vote against police reform’ by V.Popovic – NN source at SDS confirmed that SDS Boards from the region of Sarajevo-Romanija confirmed that already 15 MP’s have signed petition against police reform. |
RS Veterans Association on Vlasic talks: Protest on 17 May
| RTRS, Glas Srpske pg 5, announced on cover ‘They extinguish Constitution, and start the fire’ by G.Klepic – NGO’s gathered around Front for survival of RS institutions want to send a strong message to RS authorities and international community that RS and BIH Constitution must be protected. Chairman of RS Veterans Organisation Savo Cvjetinovic stated that it raises concern that the statements RS representatives gave following Vlasic negotiations on police reform differ from the conclusions of RS National Assembly. He adds that if RS NA votes for transfer of RS MoI authorities to the state level they will demand RS NA be disbanded and extraordinary elections convened. They announced a protest meeting for 17th of May, expecting 50 000 people would attend. |
RS NGO collects 20,000 signatories for RS secession from BiH, opposes police reform
| Oslobodjenje pg 7 ’20,000 signatures collected for RS secession from BiH’, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘ |
RTRS ‘Pecat’ comment on police reform/police commission
| RTRS ‘Pecat’ current affairs programme by Biljana Knezevic – ‘Pecat’ brings the comment on the activities under the police reform objecting that the RS officials have kept silent since the beginning of the negotiations in Vlasic whereas it is only to be speculated what they would agree on now. The reporter says that it seems that the RS officials now agree with plans which used to be unacceptable for them, and it looks like the police reform is going the same way as the defence system reform. RTRS says that so far only relevant information to public came from |
RTRS feature says Tihic’s remarks on Manjaca/Bileca report inapporopriate
| RTRS report by Radoslav Banovic – Political analysts feel that the statements by the member of BIH Presidency Sulejman Tihic regarding the RS Defence Ministry’s report on events in Bileca and Manjaca are illegal and scandalous. Tihic stated for FBIH media recently that the report on events in Bileca and Manjaca is a shameful as it does not punish those most responsible. Ostoja Barasanin, military analyst, states that Tihic takes the authority of BIH Presidency upon himself. Tihic stated that those who were most responsible should suffer the consequences and added that the punishment to [now] former RS MoD spokesman Branko Trkulja is ridiculous. BIH Presidency President Borislav Paravac stated that both him and Tihic met with BIH Defence Minister Nikola Radovanovic who briefed them about report. Paravac added that the report should be discussed at the regular session of BIH Presidency. Barasanin states that BIH Defence Minister and RS Army HQ commander should offer their resignations as a sign of responsibility. Reporter comments that the public expects international community to react to Tihic public appearances. |
Manjaca, Bileca incidents: OHR, NATO preparing new measures
| Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘OHR preparing new measures’, Nezavisne Novine pg 8, announced on cover ‘NATO believes the presented punishments are not enough’ by A. Sisic – The OHR and the NATO Headquarters in Sarajevo are preparing measures as a response to the recently presented report on the investigation into the incidents occurred in the course of the oath-taking ceremonies in the RS Army facilities in Bileca and Manjaca. Their representatives however did not want to make any comment on the issue on Monday. |
OHR disputed candidature of Lisak for SIPA Deputy Director
| Nezavisne Novine pg 3, announced on cover ‘Sead Lisak under investigation for war crimes in Visoko’ by A.S. – Daily reports that Sead Lisak, the candidate for the SIPA Deputy Director, did not pass vetting procedure at OHR, and the main reason for this is his possible involvement in war crimes committed in the territory of Visoko municipality. A letter, which HR Paddy Ashdown addressed to Barisa Colak, BiH Security Minister, warns that if investigation which East Sarajevo Prosecutor’s Office is running against Lisak results with indictment, Lisak should tender resignation or be suspended. East Sarajevo PO could not give any comment on this issue, while RS PoWs Association notes Lisak war time engagement may be obstruction to this appointment at SIPA. Also NN reports in inset “Candidature of Dragomir Jovicic rejected’ that Ashdown informed in a letter addressed to Colak that candidature of Dragomir Jovicic, former RS MoI, for one of the highest positions at SIPA had to be rejected. |
War crimes issues | |
Guardian says Karadzic seen in public
| Hayat, Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Karadzic seen with brother, and wife’, mentioned on cover, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Radovan Karadzic seen in Belgrade and Southeast BiH’, Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover ‘Karadzic seen in April in BiH and SiCG’, EuroBlic cover pg splash “Karadzic seen in Belgrade and Bosnia’ and pg 4 ‘Karadzic at lunch in Belgrade?’, Nacional pg 5 ‘Radovan caught at lunch’ by V.Dj., Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Karadzic – the uncaughtable’, Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘Karadzic seen in public’, by NINA, Vecernji List, pg 19 ‘Karadzic allegedly seen in Belgrade’, by zb, Slobodna Dalmacija, back pg ‘Karadzic seen twice prior to death of mother Jovanka’, by Z. Sa.– The British daily “Guardian” has learnt from the ICTY that Serbian authorities have been subject to extreme pressures to apprehend Radovan Karadzic, since it was reported twice over the past few months Karadzic was allegedly spotted. The sources claim that Karadzic was observed during separate walks with his spouse and his brother prior to funeral of his mother. |
RS and SCG officials claim they have no information on Karadzic whereabouts
| RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘RS Government did not receive information’, Oslobodjneje pg 6 ‘If Karadzic was in RS he would be arrested!’ – RS Prime Minister Pero Bukejlovic has said that the RS government did not receive any information from the ICTY Chief Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte or the Serbian government about Radovan Karadzic‘s whereabouts, which were written about in The Guardian. “Had we received any information about Karadzic from Carla Del Ponte, rest assured that we would have acted upon information and within the legislative framework,” Bukejlovic told journalists. Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘RS authorities have no information on resident of Karadzic in BiH’ – Carries statement by Radovan Pejkic, Spokesperson of the RS Police Director, saying they hold no information Karadzic was in BiH. EuroBlic on pg 4 carries four insets with statements of Luka Karadzic, Pero Bukejlovic, Prvoslav Davinic, SiCG Defence Minister, and Zoran Stojkovic, SiCG Minister of Justice, all denying any knowledge of Radovan Karadzic’s whereabouts. |
Dnevni Avaz: Karadzic attended burial of his mother in Niksic
| Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Karadzic nevertheless attended the burial in Niksic’ – A BiH intelligence officer confirmed in a statement for the daily that the most wanted ICTY indictee Radovan Karadzic had actually attended the funeral of his mother in Niksic during the past weekend. “He was all the time in the St Peter’s Church where the access was allowed only for the Serb Orthodox Church representatives and the closest relatives,” said the officer, who has been for years now engaged with the foreign intelligence agencies interested in locating and apprehending Karadzic. |
Oslobodjenje: OHR will not publicly announce who financed war criminals | Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘OHR will not publicly announce who financed war criminals’ – OHR Spokesperson |
Economic issues | |
Energopetrol update: OMV, MOL and INA will reply to Hadzipasic today
| Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘OMV, MOL and INA will reply to Hadzipasic today’ by M. Kukan – Federation of BiH Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic stated that he expects that companies OMV and INA-MOL will reply today (on Tuesday) to his proposal to make the bid for their joint co-capitalization of Energopterol. Oslobodjenje pg 8, mentioned on cover ‘Nevertheless, OMV gets Energopetrol?’ by A. Avdic carries that the utter goal of the aforementioned Hadizpasic’s proposal is annulment of the tender and his statement that in case that his proposal is refused everything is possible including the annulment of the tender proves it. Osl. also says that the annulment of the tender is the only way for Ministers from the line of SDA and SBiH to meet requirements of transporters’ lobbies and bring OMV in Energopetrol. Osl. also quotes Director of INA BiH Franjo Bozic as saying that they have not passed a final decision yet and he added: ‘Although we have not received the proposal in a written form, we shall inform the FBiH Government on our decision in a written form.’ On the same issue Dnevni List pg 5 ‘INA without proposal of Prime Minister Hadzipasic’ by HINA carries on the same issue that INA stressed on Monday they hey have not received any official proposal from FBiH Prime Minister or OMV. |
FTV ’60 minutes’ on ‘games’ in FBiH authorities over Enegropetrol privatization
| FTV ’60 minutes’ current affairs programme by Arijana Saracevic-Helac– Referring to possible sale of 67% of the Energopetrol’s shares to the Consortium of Croatian INA, Hungarian MOL and Austrian OMV, FTV says that BiH will lose yet another company turning it into hands of foreigners and losing revenues for the state budget. ’60 minutes’ also claim that INA owes over 22 million KM of tax money to BiH commenting “only in |
Osl.: There is no money for commission in charge of restitution?! | Oslobodjenje pg 7, mentioned on cover ‘No money no restitution’ by A. Omeragic – The state commission for restitution will soon propose extension of the deadline for drafting the BiH law on restitution for 6 months. Daily says that although the Commission was to propose the law to the BiH CoM by June 1, all that the Commission (which has been waiting for the money for its work from the state budget for 3 months) can do is to postpone drafting. Chairman Mustafa Begic stated that they cannot finish the work without the. Advisor to the Chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers Orhan Pasalic stated that the experts from the BiH CoM are looking for the way to transfer money from the accounts of the entities and the state at the Commission and that the decision on transferring of money should be passed soon. |