Agreed Measures
At a session of the Federation Forum, held in Sarajevo February 3, 1997 under the co-chairmanship of John C. Kornblum, U.S Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs and Michael Steiner, Principal Deputy High Representative, the Federation Partners have agreed to the following measures intended to speed the strengthening of the governmental institutions of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.The Federation Partners welcome the progress made towards fulfillment of the obligations undertaken in the Agreed Measures of August 15, 1996 and October 25, 1996, and the Agreed Statement of December 14, 1996, and reaffirm their commitment to completely fulfill these obligations.
The Federation partners also welcome the agreement announced in Sarajevo January 29, 1997, on the organization of the Federation Ministry of Defense and the Joint Command.
The Federation Forum co-chairmen welcome the establishment of the EBRD commission on public enterprises, and urge the Federation Partners to pursue the resolution of the questions concerning public enterprises in the Federation with all due speed.
In addition, the co-chairmen of the Federation Forum welcome the Federation Partners’ agreement to elect the President and Vice President of the Federation at the next assembly of the Federation Assembly.
The Federation Partners have committed to immediately form a city council and city government in Sarajevo. The parties call on the Commission for the Implementation of the Sarajevo Protocol to submit proposals concerning the implementation of the Protocol (for constitutional amendments by February 12, 1997 and for composition of the city council by February 14, 1997). With this goal in mind, the Commission will meet again February 6, 1997. The Federation Partners will submit a proposal for an amendment to the Federation Constitution concerning Mostar by February 12, 1997.
The Federation Partners have also agreed to undertake urgent steps to resolve the housing and office needs of Federation Officials resident in Sarajevo and Mostar. In this respect the Government of the Federation shall present a complete program by February 10, 1997.
The Federation Partners have committed themselves to Freedom of Movement throughout Mostar, the cessation of expulsions and the return of expellees, and have therefore agreed to immediately ensure that all roads throughout the city will be open and free of barricades, and that all efforts will be undertaken to prevent violence against motorists and pedestrians throughout the city. In addition, the Federation Partners have agreed that the six municipalities of the City of Mostar will be constitued by February 14, 1997. The Federation Partners have agreed that payments systems in the Herzegovina – Neretva Canton will be immediately unified. The Federation Partners have also agreed that the Government of the Herzegovina – Neretva Canton will meet by Friday, February 7, 1997, and will immediately open a single cantonal budget account, and adopt provisional regulations on the financing of municipalities. The Federation Partners welcome the January 24, 1997 agreement on housing of Federation Ministries in Mostar. The Federation Partners agreed to finalize arrangements for city and cantonal administrative office space in the Kolodvorska Court Building, in accordance with the agreements made during the London Conference, by February 8,1997.
The Federation Partners agree that the question of municipalities requires urgent resolution, both for municipalities which were devided by the Inter-Entity Boundary Line as well as for calls for the establishment of new municipalities in the Federation. A draft law on new municipalities will be submitted to a legal procedure in the Government and Parliament on an urgent basis. The Ministry of Justice will seek the opinion of an Advisory Commission under the auspices of the Council of Europe and under the chairmanship of Mr. Jean-Claude Scholsem, Professor at the University of Liege, Belgium, and of the Ministry of Regional Planning. The Federation Partners have agreed to nominate six experts members, representative of the political spectrum in the Federation, to the Commission by February 10,1997. The Commission will give its opinion concerning this law within seven days. The procedures are to be completed by the end of February 1997.
The Federation Partners have agreed that the Sarajevo Cantonal Police will be constitued in an ethnically balanced manner, with the ethnic composition of the police to be 15% Croat, 70% Bosniak and 15% Others. The Federation Partners have further agreed with the IPTF that the Sarajevo Cantonal Police will be constitued on February 20, 1997. As of that date, the police force will wear its cantonal uniform.
The Federation Partners have also agreed that, immediately following the constitution of the Sarajevo Cantonal Police, and in consultation with IPTF, Cantonal Police Forces in the Herzegovina-Neretva and Middle Bosnia Cantons will be established by April 15, 1997.
The Federation Partners recognize the importance of quick passage of essential legislation to allow the Federation to function within a unique legal system. The Federation Partners have therefore committed to submit to the Federation Assembly draft laws on: Railroads, Roads, Post and Telecommunications, Agriculture, Forestry, Water Resources, Veterinary Services, Urban Planning and Environment, Construction, Housing, Pension Insurance, Labor Relations, and Employment. The aforementioned draft laws will be submitted to the Federation Government by March 5, 1997. The Federation Partners have committed to submit draft laws on Criminal Law and Civil Law by July 1,1997. In addition, the Ministry of Finance will propose a draft budget and draft Budget Law for 1997 by February 28,1997. All draft laws which are currently in parliamentary procedure should be put on the agenda for the next session of the Federation Assembly for expeditious passage. Finally, the Federation Partners commend the agreement reached between the Ministry and Deputy Minister of Education, in accordance with the Agreed measures, on the function of educational institutions in the Federation. The Federation Partners call on Cantonal Authorities to quickly pass legislation in keeping with this agreement by March 31, 1997.
The Federation Partners have agreed that the Federation Government will submit a proposal to establish the Federation Implementation Council to the Federation Assembly by February 20, 1997 for discussion at the next session of the Federation Assembly.
The Federation Partners refer to Annex I, section 14.3 of the August 15, 1996 Agreed Measures, and have committed to the immediate establishment of the Special Group to resolve questions on the status and organization of the broadcast media. The Special Group for media issues will consist of a representative of the Office of the High Representative, a representative of the U.S Embassy, three Bosniak representatives, and three Croat representatives. The Special Group will begin its work by February 10, 1997 and submit its findings by March 10, 1997. The Special Group will be co-chaired by representatives of the Office of the High Representative and the U.S Embassy. The Bosniak and Croat representatives to the Special Group will be jointly nominated by the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of the Federation.
Finally, the Federation Partners recognize the importance of moderating the tone of dialog in the public media. To that end, they have committed to restraint in the public discussion of issues, and to refrain from personalized attacks. The Federation Partners will undertake steps to support Freedom of Media and the free exchange of information.