09/12/2002 OHR Sarajevo

OHR Opens All Advertised Positions to BiH Citizens


In line with the commitment made by the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, when he took up his duties in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the OHR is increasing the number of BiH citizens in its staff, including its senior staff. This policy reflects the International Community’s effort to streamline its operations and normalise the ratio of foreign and national staff in international organisations.

From now on, all advertised vacancies at the OHR will be open to BiH citizens. Where a BiH citizen and a foreign citizen applying for the same post are considered to be of equal merit, qualification and experience national applicants will be preferred.

OHR will continue to fill some positions through secondment from PIC governments, and the contracts of existing international staff will be renewed on the basis of continuing need for the specific expertise and experience of individual staff members.

BiH nationals will be contracted under the terms and conditions set out in the OHR Personnel Policies. Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina who are in possession of other nationalities shall be offered only national contracts.

The OHR Junior Professional Program will be increased to a maximum of 10 positions and budgeted for 2003, in an effort to encourage talented young people to return to BiH from abroad. Available positions, with the required educational qualifications, will be widely published through Bosnian Associations worldwide.