Under the overall direction of the Head of the Department for Legal Affairs, Legal Officer is responsible for working as part of a small team of lawyers specializing in business law who together form the business law unit within the Department for Legal Affairs of the Office of the High Representative. Due to the fact that peace keeping issues often give rise to problems of a multi-disciplinary nature which may range over a number of areas, Legal Officer will be expected to work periodically as part of a larger Legal Department team with lawyers who formally comprise the civil and commercial or environmental units contained within the Department and to work in consultation with and in liaison with other departments and regional offices of the Office of the High Representative as required and appropriate. In general, Legal Officer will help the Department for Legal Affairs to play a key part in the provision of specialist legal services in all areas of law of major importance to the High Representative and the Departments of the Office of the High Representative.
Under the general supervision of the Head of Department for Legal Affairs and direct supervision of the Legal Officer of the Civil and Criminal Law Section, Legal Officer is expected to contribute to the development of legal positions concerning all matters within the responsibility of the OHR Department for Legal Affairs.
· Ensure proper follow-up of the commercial law reform both on the level of the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina and on the level of the Entities of BiH;
· Ensure proper implementation of already adopted laws related to the privatization of enterprises and banks;
· Follow-up and initiate legal amendments in commercial laws in order to have entities’ legislation in line with principles established on the State level;
· Ensure proper implementation of the reform, aimed to bring the commercial laws to a level close to the one existing in other European countries;
· Follow-up the implementation of Action Plan for the removal of administrative barriers to investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
· Issue advise, opinions and suggestions regarding the institutional organization in commercial matters;
· Prepare legal opinions;
· Cooperate with other international organizations, NGOs and local authorities responsible for the above-mentioned matters;
· Degree in Law;
· At least 5 years of relevant working experience;
· Good command of English – both spoken and written as a working language;
· Full computer literacy.
Any personnel with the above qualifications should provide (in English) a CV with a one-page cover letter and references to the following: