
Decision removing Mr. Dzevad Mlaco from his position as Delegate to the BiH House of Peoples and from his position in the Cantonal Assembly

To: Mr. Dzevad Mlaco Member of the House of People of Bosnia and Herzegovina Middle Bosnia Cantonal Delegate Sarajevo, November 29, 1999 Dear Mr. Mlaco, For reasons outlined in the attached Decision, we herewith notify you of the following: under the powers vested in the High Representative, you are removed from all public offices held with imm [...]

Decision removing Stipo Babic from his position as Minister of Justice of Canton 10

Stipo Babic Minister of Justice of Canton 10 Dear Sir, On repeated occasions, the Office of the High Representative, together with other international organizations, have expected your support in the implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement. The rule of law and an impartial and effective judiciary are keys to the implementation of the Dayton Ac [...]

Decision to lift the ban on Dragan Cavic’s activities

Mr. Dragan Cavic Vice-president, SDS Dear Mr. Cavic, With reference to my letter of 8 October 1998, I hereby notify you that I lift, with immediate effect, the ban I was compelled to impose on your activities as a member of the RS National Assembly and upon your holding of official positions in Bosnia and Herzegovina.