
Interview: Wolfgang Petritsch, the High Representative”All who have committed crimes shall be brought before the Court of Justice”

"All who have committed crimes shall be brought before the Court of Justice" 14 December 2000 "I am fascinated with the challenge to be able to participate in building a country", said Wolfgang Petritsch when the Heads of Governments and states of the European Union entrusted him with the mandate of the High Representative to BiH in June last year. [...]

Interview: Wolfgang Petritsch, the High Representative”Portrait Wolfgang Petritsch”

8 November 2000 Interviewer: Sabine Rumpf Ein typischer Tag beginnt bei mir in der Frühe. Da lese ich einmal die zwei großen Tageszeitungen, die es hier in Sarajevo gibt: Oslobodjenje und Dnevni Avaz. Schau mir an, was da drinnen steht, komm dann ins Büro, da gibt`s dann eine erste große Besprechung mit allen Abteilungsleitern und mit der Presse un [...]

Intervju: Wolfgang Petritsch, Visoki predstavnik”Nacionalisti ponovo podsticu strah”

NACIONALIST PONOVO PODSTICU STRAH 20. oktobar 2000.godine Ako ne zeli da ostane apsurdna, nazadna mala drzava, BiH mora da krene naprijed, kao Hrvatska i SRJ. Taj trend mora biti udaljavanje od nacionalizma i kretanje prema umerenoj politici i prosperitetu. Mislim da je gradjanima BiH, dakle i ukupnom birackom tijelu, dosta neproduktivnog, neodgovo [...]