
OBN News Review, 26 November 2000

Headlines Serious earthquake in Azerbaijan Parliamentary Elections in Romania took place Danger of cow disease increases World At least 23 people died in an earthquake in Azerbaijan last night. About 33 were injured. Clashes in the Middle East spread to the area of Lebanon. Deadline for completion of hand recount of ballots after the US President [...]

OHR RTRS News Summary, 25 November 2000

RT RS News Headlines: Son of folk singer Lepa Brena and Slobodan Zivojinovic kidnapped in Belgrade; Kidnapers demand ransom of DM 2.5 million SPS holds party convention in Belgrade; newly re-elected SPS President Slobodan Milosevic says members of incumbent Yugoslav authority are western spies and traitors BiH Presidency Chairman Zivko Radisic hol [...]

OHR BiH TV News Summary, 25 November 2000

25 November 2000, 19:30 TV BiH News Headlines: BiH Presidency members meet with Dutch Premier Wim Kok in Sarajevo on Saturday; they discuss mutual co-operation; Radisic, on behalf of BiH, thanks Holland for all it did to help BiH people Radisic assesses that Zagreb EU-Balkans Summit fulfilled expectations of BiH, as well as sending strong message [...]

OBN News Review, 25 November 2000

Headlines The B&H National Day was celebrated today The Dutch Prime Minister visited Sarajevo The US Supreme Court sustained George Bush's appeal Bosniac refugees visited Foca for the first time Guest in TV INFO: the B&H Metropolitan Top Model, Amra Silajdzic, proclaimed by media as "the most beautiful face" of the competition in Beijing [...]

OBN News Review, 24 November 2000

Headlines A Declaration for regional trust and co-operation between countries of the Balkans was adopted in the Zagreb Summit Protests of RS pensioners continue Final B&H election results will be announced on Monday OSCE removed two HDZ candidates and one SDA candidate from election lists Zagreb The Summit for countries of the Balkans started [...]

OBN News Review, 23 November 2000

Headlines OSCE announced final election results: the new RS President will be Mirko Sarovic, and Vice-President will be Dragan Cavic from SDS The EU Summit starts tomorrow in Zagreb Trial of five Croats, indicted war criminals started in Mostar The US election drama continues Protests of RS pensioners continue; blocked roads in Banja Luka were blo [...]

OHR RTRS News Summary, 23 November 2000

RT RS News Headlines: Election results for RS National Assembly announced by OSCE: SDS - 31 seats, PDP -12, SNSD - 11, SDA - 5, SPRS - 4, DSP - 4, SDP BiH - 4, Party for BiH - 4, DNS - 3, SNS - 2, DS RS - 1, NHI - 1, RS Pensioners Party - 1; BiH House of Representatives (members from RS): SDS - 6 seats, PDP - 2, SNSD/DSP - 1, SPRS - 1, SNS - 1 PDP [...]

OHR BiH TV News Summary, 23 November 2000

23 November 2000, 19:30 TV BiH News Headlines: OSCE Mission to BiH spokesman Luke Zahner announces on Thursday that SDS candidates Mirko Sarovic and Dragan Cavic won election race for RS President and Vice President with 50.1% of the vote All preparations completed for EU-Western Balkan Summit scheduled for Friday in Zagreb; Summit to open at 10:0 [...]

OBN News Review, 22 November 2000

Headlines Diplomatic relations between B&H and Yugoslavia will be established in 10-15 days The B&H Council of Ministers adopted the proposed platform for presentation of B&H delegation in the EU Summit in Zagreb The RS Government adopted a budget for 2001 Three policemen were killed in clashes between the Serbian police and Albanians [...]

OBN News Review, 21 November 2000

Headlines Final preliminary election results in B&H were announced Guest of TV INFO: the OSCE Spokesman, Luke Zahner No ruling of the Florida Supreme Court on the new US President Students of the Catholic School Centre were attacked in Stup Sarajevo OSCE announced final election results today.