
Odluke Visokog predstavnika o imovinskim zakonima

Visoki predstavnik Carlos Westendorp je i dalje veoma zabrinut zbog nepravilnosti u zakonima i administrativnim postupcima Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, koje se tiču prava izbjeglica i raseljenih lica na povratak u svoje domove. Procedure uspostavljene u aprilu 1998. za povrat privatne imovine i imovine u društvenom vlasništvu ne funkcionišu efe [...]

OHR-pohvaljuje aktivnosti tužioca u slučajevima carinskih prevara

U srijedu, 4. novembra, Viši Zamjenik Visokog Predstavnika, Hanns Schumacher i predstavnici Ureda za Carinske i Fiskalne Poslove (CAFAO), finansiranog od strane Evropske Komisije, sastali su se sa Federalnim tužiocem, Suljom Babićem i tužiocem Republike Srpske, Vojislavom Dimitrijevićem da bi razgovarali o nedavno otkrivenim slučajevima carinskih p [...]

Pregled udžbenika u Sarajevo

Ko-predsjedavajući Sarajevske radne grupe za obrazovanje, Ian Martin, Zamjenik Visokog predstavnika za ljudska prava, i Gabriele Mazza, Šef odjela za obrazovanje Vijeća Evrope, su veoma zabrinuti nedavnim izvještajima u štampi o pregledu udžbenika koji se vrši na osnovu Sarajevske deklaracije.

Brcko Supervisor Robert W. Farrand issued two Supervisory Orders

Yesterday, 3rd November 1998, Brcko Supervisor Robert W. Farrand issued two Supervisory Orders. The first of these Orders deals with the return of non-Serb members of the Municipal Assembly, Administration, Police, Judiciary and others to their pre-war homes of origin in Brcko. The second Order deals with the outstanding cases of article 17 of the [...]

Sarajevska deklaracija

Visoki predstavnik, Carlos Westendorp, je i dalje razočaran do sada postignutim napretkom u implementaciji Sarajevske deklaracije. Jasno je da se ove godine u grad neće vratiti planiranih 20.000 pripadnika manjinskih naroda.

Agreement with the Paris Club Signed

Sarajevo, 28 October 1998 The High Representative, Carlos Westendorp, welcomes the agreement signed today in Paris between the Paris Club creditor countries and Bosnia and Herzegovina.He considers the agreement an outstanding achievement, which takes into account Bosnia and Herzegovina's specific difficulties as well as the efforts of the country's [...]

High Representative removes SDS vice-Chairman Cavic from Office

Sarajevo, 8 October 1998 The High Representative has written this morning to Dragan Cavic, Vice-Chairman of the SDS, notifying him of his decision to remove him from office in the newly elected Republika Srpska Assembly, using the authority vested in him by the Bonn Peace Implementation Council.

Joint Press Release

The Office of the High Representative, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe express serious concerns as to the fairness of the trial and the judgement issued on 6 October 1998 by the Sarajevo Cantonal Court in the case of Ibrahim Djedovic. In spite of partial [...]

Privatisation and Soldiers Claims

Sarajevo, 7 October 1998 The Deputy High Representative for Economic Matters acknowledges the October 6 letter from Minister Jelavic and Deputy Minister Mahmuljin concerning the decision on soldiers' claims taken by the Government of the Federation. The OHR notes that the Government of the Federation took a decision to reduce to 7 billion DEM, the [...]