06/03/1998 OHR Brcko

The Supervisor of Brcko hosted a meeting of the RS and Federation Commissions on Brcko


The Supervisor of Brcko hosted a meeting of the RS and Federation Commissions on Brcko, Tuesday, June 2, 1998. Republika Srpska Prime Minister Milorad Dodik and President of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Ejup Ganic were present as the heads of their respective commissions.

RS Deputy Prime Minister for Administration Kremenovic, Agriculture Minister Savic and Minister for Sport Karalic and Brcko Mayor Reljic accompanied Prime Minister Dodik. Federation Refugee Minister Kadic and Minister for Urban Planning Morankic were among the commission members with President Ganic.

Commission members discussed a wide range of issues concerning the Dayton Peace Accords, including most prominently the returns process and Brcko’s multi-ethnic administration.

The meeting was held in a constructive atmosphere with a positive exchange of ideas and agreement by all parties to continue the peace implementation process in accordance with the Supplemental Award on Brcko of March 15, 1998.

3 June 1998

OHR North Public Affairs