The amendments to the FBiH Government’s proposed PBS Service Law that were adopted in the FBiH House of Representatives today are not fully harmonised with the BiH PBS System Law.
The FBiH Government introduced amendments today, which would not have undermined this legislation. Nevertheless several amendments were adopted in the FBiH HoR which will undermine the editorial independence and financial viability of the PBS in BiH. These are the key elements required by the EC if BiH is to complete the ongoing SAA negotiations.
However, the Parliamentary process is not over yet. The OHR looks to the FBiH House of Peoples to adopt the legislation in the form proposed by the FBiH Government and to open the road to a harmonisation process which would result in the FBiH Parliament adopting legislation harmonised with that of the State, and as required by the EC.
Tomorrow the BiH authorities will meet with a delegation of the EC to assess BiH’s progress on meeting requirements for the signing of an SAA agreement. Doubtless both sides will make cleare their positions on the legislation as adopted by the FBiH House of Representatives then.