RS Still Not Doing Enough on ICTY – ICTY Monitoring Group Handed Over to Domestic Institutions


The High Representative today announced that the RS has repeatedly failed to answer numerous requests for access to key archives during the 1992-1995 conflict. The archives in question include documents used by Radovan Karazdic’s staff, and of minutes of the VRS Supreme Command. The ICTY has also asked for an explanation for the disappearance of the RS Presidency archive. None of these requests have been acted on.

The High Representative noted that considerable progress had been made by the RS Authorities in 2005, particularly after the establishment in February 2005 of the ICTY Monitoring Group under the co-chairmanship of the High Representative and PM Terzic. The Monitoring Group has successfully completed 10 of the 12 tasks set by the ICTY, including enhanced regional co-operation, public information campaigns and strengthened State legislation on confiscating PIFWIC assets.

The High Representative commented that, “the 2 outstanding tasks from the Monitoring Group – full transferal of all remaining indictees, and full disclosure and transfer of archives – are the responsibility of the RS Authorities. As a result, the ICTY Monitoring Group, which brings together a wide range of Bosnian and international actors, needs only to be used as and when necessary in order to improve internal co-operation. But the chief work-load in fulfilling the remaining tasks falls once again the RS.”

Prime Minister Terzic, accepting the chairmanship of the Monitoring Group, stated, “with the start of SAA negotiations  and the increasing lead being taken by the Bosnian Authorities for fulfilling international obligations, it is right that the CoM should now take over the lead for the IMG. I am pleased to accept the responsibility for the future running of the ICTY Monitoring Group.”

Carla del Ponte welcomed this transfer of responsibility, noting that the ICTY will stay in close contact with the PM. She confirmed that the ICTY Monitoring Group can and will be recalled if there are additional tasks it needs to perform, but emphasized it was now up to the RS to fulfill their obligations.

The High Representative regretted the continuing failure of the RS Authorities to fully co-operate with the ICTY. “ It is disgraceful that the 10th anniversaries of Srebrenica and Dayton have passed without the transferal of Radovan Karazdic and Ratko Mladic to The Hague. Neither Banka Luka nor Belgrade must be in any doubt that this job must be completed,” Ashdown said.