10/22/2007 OHR Sarajevo

PDHR met with the World Congress of BiH Diaspora

Principal Deputy High Representative, Raffi Gregorian, met today with the representatives of the World Congress of BiH Diaspora headed by the President, Senada Softic Telalovic. During the meeting representatives of BiH Diaspora briefed the PDHR on obstacles they have when intending to stay engaged in BiH society by bringing investments, best practices and knowledge gained in the countries where they live now.

Ms. Senada Softic Telalovic briefed the PDHR on the idea to form a Committee of the BiH Diaspora Council under the auspices of the Council of Ministers.

“Diaspora of all constituent people and others wishes to do more for their homeland, however political obstacles are in their way of achieving that. They are saying – we want to help, we want to come back, but BH authorities have to do something to help them do that” said Principal Deputy High Representative Gregorian.

The question of dual citizenship was also addressed. PDHR Gregorian pointed to the High Representative’s Decision issued five years ago by which time for resolving of the issue of dual citizenship is extended until 2013. “I hope that the BiH authorities will consider a much more fundamental reform of dual-citizenship provisions, in order to bring BiH into line with increasingly common international practice. This issue affects BiH’s human capital, as many of BiH citizens who live abroad are well educated, have valuable skills and investment potentials. This is an important resource for the future development of the country” concluded PDHR Gregorian.