11/14/2001 OHR Brcko

Opening Remarks by Henry L. Clarke, Brcko District Supervisor, at press conference in OHR Brcko

Last week the Brcko Assembly took a unanimous decision which, in essence, calls for filling the seats of SDS councilors who walked out in early October. I welcome this decision and will do my part to fill the three remaining positions. As you may know, two of the councilors have returned. Positions in the Assembly, like positions in the Government, are held by individuals, not parties. While the Assembly can certainly work in the absence of three councilors, and has been doing so, I understand the concern of the Assembly that the Serb population of the District is not fully represented.

In a meeting with heads of Brcko political parties yesterday, I explained that since the circumstances of these vacancies are different from the vacancies in September, I believe that there should be an opportunity for new candidates, whether from the parties or independent persons. We will, however, also consider all applications received in September. My understanding is that some parties will provide new candidates and some will rely on their previous candidates. All new applications should follow the format used in September, and we will provide a new press release on that. Applications must be received by 10 a.m. Monday morning, November 19, 2001. Any of the remaining SDS councilors who wish to return must do so before that time – that is, they must give written notice to the President of the Assembly and me, or their seat will be filled.

Yesterday there was another successful international meeting in Brcko, here in OHR, regarding the Sava River basin. The Stability Pact invited the participants from four countries – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, and Yugoslavia – and chaired the meeting. The participants are working on two matters: a Treaty governing navigation on the Sava River, and on the projects for actually restoring navigation that were presented to the Stability Pact meeting in Bucharest a few weeks ago. The next meeting on these matters will be held at the level of Ministers in Sarajevo later this month.

I would also like to mention that the Brcko District Government has announced a tender for banks to compete for providing account services to the District. Further information can be obtained from the Brcko District Revenue Agency.